Chilton Academy (Spanking Sto...

By AddictingFanFiction

2.1M 23.8K 6K

This is a Jonas Brothers (Non famous) sister spanking fanfiction. This was originally written as a 3-shot en... More

Chilton Academy
Less Than Mediocre
Does He Like Me, or LIKE me Like me...
Peanutbutter and Cooties
If it's Not Broken
Keeping it Appropriate
The Paper
Unicorns and Peanut Butter!!
Peanut Butter Conversion
The Same Paper
Are You A Virgin?
Are you...did you...
Things you didn't know about me...
Date Do-Over
Late Night Highs and Sunday Prayers
I Hate You
A Place to Think...and Scream
Two Birds...One Stone
They will Know Soon Enough
Time Outs Are STUPID
Penance for Volunteering His Time
I Blame my Damn Alarm Clock
Series of Unfortunate Events
You Don't Care
Lots of Crap
A date with Your Girlfriend
Ok, Maybe I am sick
Burnin up
Hanging Up
Saturday Night with Romeo
Remind Me
Special Hug
A Not So Romeo
Seeing Jesus and Missing Matt
New Kid
The Spanking Debate
Beautiful Friendship
The Attitude Needs to Change
Chipper Mornings
Rumor has it
I think they are wrong
Was it Worth it?
Intimidating Jonai
What is your Deal?
Come Undone
When Sugar Goes Bad
Different Normal
Welcome Home
Candy Bolus
Swearing Off Boys
Would I Lie
Training Wheels
Fish Stories
My Stuff
Putting on a Show
Courtyard Confessions
MY Diabetes
Trying Patience
Blood Battles and Big Secrets
It's Ok not to be Ok
A Parent's Love (A Mother's Day Special Upload)
Time Out
Inability to Follow Instruction
Early Morning
Calling Shots
Boys are stupid
THAT boy
Two Against One
Kiss and Tell and Rooms of No Consequence
We Are FRIENDS...With Benefits
Study Session
Pool House
We Need to Talk
Walking Out
Compared to teenagers, babies are cake
5 Stages of a Spanking
Spontaneous Flames and Stolen Waffles
Everything Happens For a Reason Bullshit
Fake Crying and Alpha Dog Lectures
Sure, Why Not?
Embracing the Suck
Drunk People are Heavy

Parent Teacher Conference

25.1K 255 24
By AddictingFanFiction

-CeCe's POV-

I'm not a fan of Monday mornings. In fact, I'm not a fan of anything involving me being awake before the hour of 10am but Monday mornings always seem to be the worst. This morning however, was different. Even though I was still grounded and I was getting ready for another long week of school, I couldn't wipe the smile from my face for the following reasons:

1) After my talk with Nick I actually was able to grab the first good night's sleep in months

2) I get to see Matt

3) That bitch Samantha Chase was getting her come uppins today

I bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Joe and Nick, like most mornings, grabbing breakfast before school.

"Good morning!" I said in a singsong voice rearing up on my toes to give Nick a kiss on the cheek before rounding the island to give Joe the same treatment.

Joe smiled as I kissed his cheek. "Morning baby girl, you are chipper this morning."

"I slept sooooo good last night," I said grabbing my notebook off the counter and shoving it into my backpack. "See you at school."

"Not so fast," Nick said stopping me mid way out of the kitchen. "Eat something for breakfast."

I groaned but decided not to argue "Ok" I said grabbing the jar of peanut butter from the cabinet.

Nick sighed, "I said breakfast."

"No, you said eat SOMETHING for breakfast," I corrected. "You didn't say I had to eat breakfast food, besides its protein!" In my opinion breakfast foods were better enjoyed at night, for it being deemed the most important meal of the day the food sure was unsatisfying. I'd much rather eat pizza for breakfast and save the cereal for night. Cereal has got to be the most useless breakfast food there is, it is converted in your body to 100% sugar. It satisfies you for a short period of time and gives you a sugar induced burst of energy but without protein those effects won't last long, you crash and before you know it you are a hungry slug. Thanks to Nick I'm now a friggin food to sugar conversion guru...eff diabetes.

Nick shook his head and smirked, "You need a peanut butter intervention."

I giggled and grabbed a spoon dipping it into the jar. "I could have worse addictions," I said spooning a glob of peanut butter into my mouth.


"You taste like peanut butter," Matt said with a smirk pulling out of our morning lip lock against my locker.

"I will take that as a compliment seeing as how it is the best food on the planet," I said with a smile.

Matt shook his head and chuckled. "You and your peanut butter," he said before lifting my chin and bringing his lips back to mine.

"You know, if a professor sees you two mauling each other in the hallway like that you are going to get demerits for 6-inch rule violation," Morgan said as she walked up to my locker cocking her brow. "Unless of course said professor is one of your brothers, then you are just screwed." She made a valid point. I broke the kiss and smiled at Morgan. "You are in a good mood for a Monday morning, I take it you and Nick worked things out last night?" she said observing my chipper demeanor.

I nodded. "Worked things out with Nick, got an amazing night's sleep, had peanut butter for breakfast, AND as we speak the boys are in a meeting with Samantha's parents," I said with a smirk.

"You didn't tell me that," Matt said cocking a brow.

"Well, maybe if you two perhaps spoke in the morning before violating each other," Morgan said playfully pushing Matt aside so she could open her locker. "I figured she would get suspension for stealing your paper."

"Joe may have scheduled the meeting because of her stealing my paper but he and Nick are now both confronting her parents about her bullying me," I said grabbing my books from my locker.

"It's about friggin time," said Morgan grabbing her books from her locker and slamming it shut. "Well, I'm glad to hear that you worked things out with Nick, I barely heard you at church so when Nick asked me I just winged it and was like...she was at my house till about 2am, and then when they called later and said you had run off and that you were all upset I thought for sure I had botched it."

"Wait, you ran off?" Matt said finding himself thoroughly confused.

Morgan rolled her eyes. "Do you two talk at all?" she teased. "I have to go; I'm meeting with Professor Miller before class to talk to him about my paper. I'll see you at lunch."

Morgan walked off down the hall and Matt turned his attentions back to me. "You ran off? What happened yesterday?" he questioned.

I shrugged. "It's just been kinda hard for me to deal lately. Sometimes it gets to me...them not being here," I said being vague and hoping he caught on. Matt nodded understanding. "I mouthed off to Nick and he got upset and I dunno I just couldn't be there anymore so I ran off."

"Where did you go?" Matt asked seeming genuinely concerned.

"There is this the cemetery," I started.

"The one with the huge sprawling branches?" Matt questioned knowingly.

I smiled. "Yea, it's kind of my spot."

"Your spot for what?" He questioned.

I shrugged, "To be alone...or throw rocks and scream at people and tell them I hate them without repercussions," I said remembering my recent trip to my tree.

Matt cocked a brow, "Things are better now then?"

I nodded. "Yea, I had a talk with Morgan's Dad...he is the only one who knows about my spot...well, until just now," I said with a smirk. "He took me home and I had a long talk with Nick and we worked things out."

"Good," Matt said grabbing my backpack and slinging it over his shoulder, "ready?"

I nodded. "Yep," I said shutting my locker and turning to walk down the hall toward class.

-Joe's POV-

Sometimes it can be hard finding a balance between being a professor at Chilton and being a guardian/big brother of a student. As professors, Kevin, Nick and I have to maintain a level playing field for all the students, we can't play favorites. As big brothers however, it took everything in our power not to rush the dean and demand immediate expulsion for Miss Samantha Chase. This bullying was going to stop, right here, right now.

"Two weeks suspension?" Doctor Chase asked appalled.

"And a month of Saturday school," added Kevin. "Samantha will be joining her fellow classmates that chose to drink at the party for the next four Saturday's."

"First of all, the drinking did not take place on campus, I hardly find it to be any of your business how she is dealt with on that matter," retorted Doctor Chase. "Secondly, don't you think two weeks suspension is a little harsh for her supposedly plagiarizing your sister's paper? Samantha maintains that it was CeCelia that stole her paper and if I am not mistaken she has already received punishment for it."

"There is a code of conduct that all students sign upon enrollment to Chilton," Nick said handing Mr. and Mrs. Chase a sheet of paper. "I took the liberty of making a copy of Samantha's signed conduct code from her file, as you can see both of you signed this as well. The first point under behavior reads 'Students are to be aware that they serve as a representation of Chilton Academy. While enrolled at Chilton, students are to uphold the appearance and behavior desirable of the academy both on and off campus (i.e. Smoking, swearing, drinking, dressing or acting in a provocative manner etc. are strictly prohibited.)' it does not matter if the drinking was done off campus, it is still a violation of the conduct code."

"As far as the suspension goes, Chilton takes theft very seriously, plagiarism is a very serious offense," I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"I understand that, but what purpose would it serve for Samantha to copy CeCelia's paper?" said Dr. Chase her tone condescending. "I'm sure that Samantha's grades are better than CeCelia's. How are you certain that it wasn't in fact CeCe who stole the paper?"

I cocked a brow at Dr. Chase's assumption. "CeCelia's grades are fantastic, quite a bit higher than Samantha's actually," I countered. There was no way she was getting away with the Holier than thou bullshit with me.

"Well, of course she is getting fantastic grades," Dr. Chase scoffed.

"Just what are you insinuating Dr. Chase?" asked Nick folding his arms across his chest.

"I'm not insinuating anything Nicholas," retorted Dr. Chase.

"Professor Jonas," Nick corrected.

"I just want to make sure that you are handling this matter impartially. My daughter shouldn't be automatically the one blamed simply because the other student in question happens to be the sister of the professor," Dr. Chase spat.

"We found the zip drive that the paper was printed from, it is in fact CeCelia's, she was also able to provide rough drafts and notes for the paper in question. I can assure you that CeCelia receives no special treatment from us here at school," I said directing the comment to Mr. Chase who had sat practically mute the entire meeting. He acknowledged me with a nod.

"I guess we have no choice than to believe you, although it makes no sense, there was no need for Samantha to steal a paper when she already had one written. This is her first offense; don't you think two weeks out of school is a bit harsh considering she was already given punishment for it in class?" Dr. Chase argued.

"I believe she stole her paper as a way to bully her," I said. "It seems that she has made quite a sport of bullying CeCelia over the past few years, something that will also not be tolerated which is why she received the second week of suspension."

"Bullying?" Dr. Chase questioned with a scoff. "Please Professor, its high school, girls are caddy, they can be mean and spiteful and stab you in the back, that's just how it is."

"Not here it's not, and I find it disturbing that you simply dismiss your daughter's unacceptable behavior," Nick retorted. "Take note, Dr. Chase, we are well aware of the bullying that your daughter has been doing and we will be keeping an eye on her for future offenses, if this continues to be an issue Samantha will be expelled."

"Expelled?" Dr. Chase gasped, her smug look wiped from her face. "You can't be serious!"

"Oh, I assure you, we are very serious," I said my tone sharp.

"I will be meeting with the dean about this," Dr. Chase said standing from her seat and grabbing her purse.

"I guarantee that as well," I said, "He is aware of the situation and is the one who decided to terminate Samantha's enrollment here if the behavior continues."

"What about Cecelia breaking Samantha's nose? Is she being punished for that as well? Is she being threatened with expulsion?" Dr Chase questioned now irritated.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Nick said a smirk on his face, "CeCelia didn't lay a hand on Samantha."

"She most certainly did! She came home from that party with a black eye, busted lip and a broken nose, she said CeCelia attacked her," Dr. Chase spat.

"Well then, I guess it is Samantha's word against CeCelia's," Nick said, "but considering her recent transgressions, I'm fairly certain you will find it a hard sell to the Dean."

Dr. Chase's face distorted in frustration. "Unbelievable! Come on Jerry, let's go," she said motioning for Mr. Chase to follow as she stormed out the door.

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