The Green Girl ✓

By CatMint5

2.1M 36.5K 3.8K

It all started like a teenager's movie: I, Alissa Green, moved to a new town and a new school. There I met wi... More

The Green Girl
Wakey wakey
It's time to wake up
A week later
At Cillian's
You are my new pet
I want to sleep with Asher
You're kind of a phenomenon
What are you doing in my room
The diner
Phone calls
I got a stalker
The Miller twins
It's personal
The festivities
Revelations and realizations
And I really wanted to make you happy
What's your next move
How are we going to do it
The birthday girl
What would you have me do
A damsel in distress
Questions without answers
A kitten, a diary and a dream
Making decisions
A lovely start to my day
A new set of rules
Meeting Rachel
Broken rules and Oscars
The Green women's legacy
The Inquisition
Standing my ground
Dinner with the Peacock
Heart-to-heart PART ONE
Heart-to-heart PART TWO
Some changes
The wedding higgledy-piggledy
Thanks to my delinquent friends
The foreigner
The smallest thing
Another Last A/N to The Green Girl
The Green Girl sequel is here!

Last A/N to The Green Girl

19.9K 509 101
By CatMint5

It is over.

I don’t know if I should be happy, because I finally finished it or if I should be sad, because… Well, because it’s over; no more Alice and Caden.

For now.

As some of you already know, I’m thinking about writing some shorts (or even a whole book!) on what happens with the characters after “The Green Girl”, delve more into their childhood and perhaps add a few scenes that didn’t make it into this story. Now, I’m not saying that I’d get right on with it; I want to be inspired about it, so that the stories will turn out better. It is an idea on my “To Write” list. Once I start writing and uploading it (or any other book for that matter), I’d sent a message to my followers, so if you check your newsfeed, you’d know about it.

In the mean time, feel free to read/vote/comment on my other story – "Here We Go Again"! I won’t be updating it for a couple of weeks. That’s right: I’m taking a couple of weeks off writing so I can clear my head of Alice and Caden and concentrate on Tyson and Alex. But even though I won’t be uploading, I’ll still be writing and logging in on wattpad and reading.

Okay, maybe I’ll upload during those two weeks off, but only if I get crazily inspired and creative.

Now for the fun part: the thank you!

Yes, that’s for you, all of you, my fans and followers, who made my day with your support! I really don’t have the words to describe how grateful I am (some writer, huh?), so I’ll just keep repeating thank you, thank you, thank you, till you get fed up with me.

I appreciate each and every one of you, but there are some I have to name (in no particular order):

@nathymoore – for the first review to my story;

@NurFiqahZid – for the cover to the book, @Sherayrayy – for the picture in the chapter “Some changes” and @JaneAlexander123 - for the picture in the chapter “Waiting”;

@EatingAndSleeping, @GabbyJaz, @dreamingthought - for some constructive criticism;

@KeithOvelton – for inspiring me not once, but several times, mostly about the Keegan-related chapters, as well as giving me some tips about my writing;

@tresha1104 – for being amongst the first people to suggest that I should add a cast. Although I decided not to go through with it (due to people already having an image in their mind and not wanting to spoil that), I appreciate the idea. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, some of them were spot on;

@bitten17, @that_is_mahogany_, @flyingpenguins, @IsntThisAwkward, @LoveLigaya, @ALe4ah, @purplelilies, @Just_Hannalee, @amylovesbooks14, @RoyalBumbleBee, @Ebbzys, @xxWeirdGirlxx – just for being awesome fans and making me smile with your comments!

I’m pretty sure I must’ve missed someone; there are just so many people I’d like to thank…




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