Brutus's Diary

By radiane

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Brutus's Diary
Not All Trips are The Same
Dirty Dog
Just Stuff
Nacho Cheese
This 'n' That
Riding in the Car
The Hike
Long Weekend

Do You Hear What I Hear?

17 0 0
By radiane

It seems like I am driving Mom nuts.  I am getting bigger and stronger every day.

Yesterday we went on a very long walk and I mean very long.  Dad was leading the way.  He rules so I had to follow.  Mom was behind me and it was hard to keep an eye on both of them.  Whenever Mom was too far away, I had to sit and wait for her to catch up.  She is lame.

One time she did catch up and walked in front of Dad!!!  Doesn't she know she is not supposed to do that!!!  I had to stop her from getting too far ahead of the pack so I nipped her leg.  She finally got it and slowed down.  Wow.  She could be dense some times.

The walk was fun but very exhausting.  I was a pooped pup.

Dad is happy that my ears are finally starting to stand up.  I think he was worried.  One ear is still down and Dad told Mom that he hoped it comes up soon or I would look daft.  I don't know what daft means but I don't think it is a good thing.

I am learning more words every day but NO seems to be the word of choice in the house.  They never say NO to the dog/cat thing.  I still hate her.  I try to trap her under me like a baby and she wiggles and squirms and screeches.  Mom and Dad get angry when I do that and they make me stop.  The dog/cat thing lives on the top of the sofa back.  I think she is afraid to come down to the floor because she knows I will get her!

I meet new people every day and the other day I met a girl dog who was born on the same day as me.  She was dumb.  I barked at her and she tried to lick me!  Yuk!! Girls are yucky and I think they have cooties.  I didn't want cooties so I barked at her again.  Barf.  I hate girls.  Mom said she was a doberman and she was really pretty.  I didn't think she was pretty.  I thought she looked stupid.  Both her ears are still down.  I'm a German Shepherd and one of my ears is up.   I rule the world!  No doberman is ever going to be the ruler!

Today I went swimming for the first time.  It was fun.  Dad took me to his friend's house.  His friend had a dog.  I think it is a King Charles something or other.  She swam in the water and ignored me.  I did not want to be ignored so I chased her in the water.  It was nice and cool.  It was very hot today.

Mom is complaining I get up too early in the morning.  I don't think 6 is too early!!

Oh well.  Tomorrow is another day full of eating, pooping and running.  I have to get my rest!

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