Brutus's Diary

By radiane

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Brutus's Diary
Dirty Dog
Just Stuff
Nacho Cheese
This 'n' That
Riding in the Car
The Hike
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Long Weekend

Not All Trips are The Same

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By radiane

Today I went on a trip!!!

Yup Dad took put me in a big blue truck.  It had lots of room. The wind was great.  I love Dad.

This trip was better than the last trip.  I've only been on 2 trips so far and this one was the best.  The first trip was not as far and not much fun.

For starters they brought me into a small building which had a very nice lady at the desk.  She gave me a treat and told me I was a good boy.  I liked her.  There was another dog there but it was old and just laying around.  So I did the same.  Yup, I can lay around too.  I'm really good at that.  We waited until the desk lady told Mom & Dad to "Go right in."

I love adventures!!

This adventure started when Dad picked me up and put me on a cold table high above the floor.  There were 2 other ladies in there besides Mom and one of them had on a white coat with a rubber necklace.  I wanted to bite it but I had a feeling it was not a toy.  Mom and Dad and the white coat lady were talking about me but since I don't understand too many words I don't know what they were saying.

The 2 ladies were very nice and were talking sweet talk to me and at the same time put a stick in the place where other dogs sniff.  Oops!  I didn't know what to do so I stayed very still.  It didn't last long and when they took the stick out they seemed very pleased.  So was I!!!  If this is the way people say hello I want no part of it.  Mom & Dad and the ladies talked about numbers and said I was perfect.

The white coat lady said everything was going fine and even gave me a bunch of tiny treats to eat.  Aside from the stick thing, this place is fun. The treats were yummy. While I was eating Dad decided he couldn't stay in the room and left.  Mom and the ladies giggled and said how men don't have strong stomachs.  I think Dad's stomach is very strong.  Maybe he wanted my treats? I didn't offer any so maybe he left because he got hungry. All of a sudden, I felt this pinch in my side but it was no big deal.  The snacks were where it was at for me.

Dad stuck his head back in the room and asked if it was safe.  Huh?  Safe.  Sure its safe.  The table is cold but I'm not scared.  The treats were very good.  Mom laughed and said that it was and that I was a trooper.  Didn't even peep.  I have no idea what they were talking about.  People make no sense.  I was just happy eating.

When it was time to go home the ladies all said goodbye and gave me a hug.  I was very tired and wanted to nap.

I think I am going back again for more treats, I'm not sure but I did hear the desk lady say, "Bye Brutus, see you soon!"

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