Brutus's Diary

By radiane

324 2 0


Not All Trips are The Same
Dirty Dog
Just Stuff
Nacho Cheese
This 'n' That
Riding in the Car
The Hike
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Long Weekend

Brutus's Diary

105 1 0
By radiane

When we brought home our German Shepherd puppy, he got into EVERYTHING.  I thought it would be fun to write a diary from what I imagine to be his perspective.  Hope you enjoy.

Chew Toys

I have been in my new home for a week now.  That is 7 days in people time and an eternity in mine.  I don't really know how much time that is in dog years because I can’t count.

Mom is pretty cool and I like playing with her.  I especially like biting on her toes.  I don't know why she gets mad when I walk right in front of her.  The other day she almost fell over me.  I thought she knew I was standing right behind her and she did this weird hop over my head.  It was so funny but I could tell by the tone of her voice she wasn't in a playful mood.

I love to chew stuff and I think Mom gets it because she keeps bringing me home new rubber things to play with.  I kinda like them but they all taste the same.  I don't know what the big deal is.  She didn't have to spend the money but I don’t think she likes the way the chair leg is looking these days.   Personally I prefer chewing on the other thing in the house.  I think it’s a dog.  I'm not sure.  I'm only 7 weeks old but this thing is less than half my size and I KNOW she is old.  Don't have to know how to count to know that.  She's a weird animal and she doesn't like playing with me very much.  I don't know why.  My brother and I would roll around the floor all the time before I got ripped from my family and this thing won't even let me near her.  She screeches like a cat.  Maybe she is a cat.  I haven't seen one yet but I heard they are annoying. She also spends most of her time on the top of the sofa back.  I think it’s because she is a cat.  So I'm deciding to call her the dog/cat.

She is cute, if you like that sort of look, which I don't and she is not very tasty.  This morning when I woke up in Mom & Dad's bed I found the dog/cat sleeping there too.  It was early but I wanted to play and I pounced her and pretended to bite her ear.  She screeched again.  Sheesh she is annoying and Mom jumped up and yelled "NO!!" 

"Yeah Mom!!  You tell it to stop screeching!!"  Then all of a sudden Mom screamed "No" again and nudged me out of the way.  NO???  No what?  I hear the word a lot.  I hear Brutus a lot and I am beginning to get it.  My name is No Brutus Stop.  It’s pretty long but Mom says it kinda fast.  The stupid dog/cat scurried under the covers. Maybe it’s a mouse???  Haven't seen one of those either.

Mom’s tone was very unhappy.  After saying she's had enough, she informed Dad that today we were getting me a crate and she didn't care whether he thought it was like jail or not.  Dad tried to say no, but Mom said she wasn't dealing with this anymore or I would be spoiled.  I'm not spoiled.  All I want is a chew toy that won't screech!

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