The Dream: Improvements

By brittanyy25

5.5K 165 9

Book 3 of The Dream Brittany's journey through her career continues. But of course... She can't keep some pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not an update... Sorry
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Im dumb.
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Not an update
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Not an update
Not an update
Chapter 25

Chapter 23

143 6 0
By brittanyy25

Annddddd here's more!!****

"God... I can't believe we're here!!" I said sitting on a couch in our hotel room in Europe. "Is it safe to say..... We made it!" Kenny said sitting beside me. "Shall we pop this bottle to celebrate?" Matt asked holding up a bottle. "Well hell yea!" Charlie said pulling it from him opening it. Matt got glasses. Charlie poured some for each of us. "To our first Europe tour!" I said holding up my glass. "To Europe!" They yelled as we clinked glasses. "May us all have a kick ass time!!" Charlie said before drinking.

After we finished that bottle... Charlie pulled out a bottle of something else...
Which we soo finished as well.
"Why are we celebrating by are self?!" "Ya! Where is everyone else!!?" "What? Can't we just chill just us?" "Yea... But." "But what?!" I asked. "Y'all can get boring!!!!" "Wheres Justin?" Charlie asked.
I thought.... "Shit. I really don't know. After we got off the plane and took separate cars... I haven't talked to him. In fact. Wheres my phone.." I got up and started searching. Finally finding it. "Shit... It's 2 am!" "No way!!" "Yes way!!! What time did we get here?" "7 I think.."
"Any word from Justin?"
I scrolled through. Nothing from Justin. But texts from John, my sisters, Vic, and Kellin.
"No... Actually."

"Well we got our first show tomorrow so I'm gonna go to bed!" "Night!!" They yelled as I ventured off to my room. I plugged up my phone and changed into my pjs.

I laid in bed. Closing my eyes.
My phone starts to ring. I rolled over to it.

I smiled and answered.
"I was wondering when you'd call."
Muffling came through the phone. "Justin?.."

I heard him talking to someone. "Justin?!" I asked louder. Nothing. This idiot probably butt dialed me.
I shook my head.
"What about brittany?" I heard the other voice say. It sounds like a female. Or it's just Kellin.

"What about her?" Justin said to her. "Aren't you too dating? Aren't you.. In love with her?" "I was in love with you first." "I know... I've missed you though." "You're the one that moved Linsey." "I'm sorry I wanted to adventure new things... I'm moving back."
"What?" "Next month. I'm moving back to Texas." "Why?" "Cause I miss it.... And you.."

It got quiet....
Linsey? Who they heck is....
Hes ex Linsey who moved to... Yupp her.

I heard what sounded like kissing. He's not...

They continued..

I can't..
I hung up.
"What?..." I whispered to myself. Please tell me what I just heard was a lie.... Please no.

Before I knew it, a water fall of tears.
Why can't any relationship last?
Every single one... Ends with me crushed

Next morning.

"Britt!!! WAKE UPPPP!!!" Kenny yelled from my door.
I blinked wake. "Whattttt?" "Time to get up and get ready! Bus will be here in an hour!" I groaned and rolled over.
I checked my phone.
I went through my calls.

Please let last night be a lie.

Sure enough. There it was.

Incoming call Justin

I threw my phone down and forces myself up out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and showered.
I found myself spending extra time in there just crying.

I got out dressed and got my stuff together. I closed the suit case and started to zip it closed.
"Bus is here." Kenny said at the door. "K." I said. The zipper got stuck. I tried fixing it. "Need help?" I tired harder. "Brit stop! I'll do it!"
I pulled harder. "Brit!!"

Tears started to stream down my face. "Brit?!" Kenny now at my side. He grabbed my hands. "What are you do- what's wrong?"
I looked to him. Balling now. "Hey.." He pulled me into a tight hug.

"What is it?" I tired finding the words to tell him. But what do I say?

"Justin...." "Justin! What about him? Do you need him? Hes down stairs I'll call him-". "No! No! Don't." I looked up at Kenny confused. "Last night... He called me.." I started to calm down. "Okay. What'd he say?" "I don't think he meant to call me.." "What makes you say that?"

"I heard him..." God this is harder to say then I thought.. "He was what?!" "Cheating on me... I heard everything..." I looked down. Trying to fight the new wave of tears. "He what?!" Matt asked at the door. I looked up to see him and Charlie listening.

"That mother fucker!" Charlie turned and headed out. "Char! No!!!" I ran after him knowing what he's thinking. "What! You think I'm gonna let him do that?! Hurt you?! Hell no! You've been hurt too many tines. I'm teaching this one a lesson!" "Charlie! Please don't! As of now. He doesn't know he called me..." "And?! That's even more of an asshole!" "Just don't! Please. I don't want to deal with it.. Can we just get in the bus and head to the show?" He sighed.

"Only cause you asked. And cause I love you. But I swear to god. He pulls something with you again..." "I get it. Can we please.." "I'll get your bag." Ken said. "No. I'll get it." I walked back to my room and pulled my suit case off the bed.

I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my pocket. I walked out to the door. Matt opened the door. We all walked out. We got to the elevator. "Okay I know they're in the lobby eating. Vic told me they were eating breakfast. I'll stall them. Char make sure Justin doesn't get to her just walk straight to the bus." Ken instructed as I looked blankly at the floor. We reached the lobby. The doors opened. "Go time."

Charlie led me passed the dinning area where I heard Kenny greet them loud. We made it outside and straight to our bus. We got on. "I'm gonna put are big bags in the storage compartment." I nodded as I walked to the bunks and climbed to the top one. I plugged in my headphones to my phone and et the music blare as I cried.

I felt the bus move. Then later it came to a stop.
Someone tapped my shoulder. I rolled over. Ken. I pulled out a head phone. "Were here. Sound check is in a hour." I nodded. "I'm gonna get ready." I said pulling out my other headphone. I got out of the bunk grabbing my make up bag. I heard familiar laughing come from the back room. "Who's here ken?" "Go see." I walked back. I opened the curtain. "Ayeeee there she is!!!" Long arms pulled me into them. "Slim?" "Hell yea!!" I smiled. And hugged back. "I'm here too! If anyone cares.." I heard Ks voice say. I pulled away and looked at him. Hes smile quickly faded as he saw my face. God knows what I look like... "I'm gonna freshen up real quick..." I turned and made a dash to the bathroom. "Wait Brit!" I heard K yell after me. I got to the bathroom and quickly tried to close the door before K could catch me.
Hey!" He stopped the door. Damn. "Ya?" "You okay. Open up. What's wrong?" "I'm fine. I'll be out soon." "Brit. That's bullshit! Believe it or not but I know you. And judging by your puffy eyes and messy hair.. You're not fine."
I sighed. "K please... I'll be our in a little bit. I'll tell you everything." "Promise?" "Ya. Promise."
He moved his foot out of the way.

I closed and locked the door. I turned to the mirror. Gosh... No wonder he ran after me...

30 minutes later.

I opened the bathroom door and put my make up bag away. I then made my way to the back room.

K stood up right away and hugged me...
First time I've been this close to him in years...

I sighed. "You know you could hug back.." K said after my sigh. I slowly lifted my arms up and wrapped them around him...

He pulled away looking down at me. "What happened?" I moved from his grip and say down. He followed siting right next to me.

"Well to sum it up... Justin cheated on me last night with his ex girlfriend and he butt dialed me so I heard the whole thing... Oh and he doesn't know I know." I said bluntly.
K and slim looked at me shocked. "Really?.." Slim asked in disbelief. I nodded. "Yup.." "But... I've watched your guys interviews and backstage video.. You two seem... Perfect.." K said.. Which surprised me. "Ya... Well that all went to shit.... Like every other relationship I've had.."

We sat there in silence for a while.
"Well damn... That sucks.. I'm sorry Brit." Slim said rubbing my leg. I nodded.

"Will this make you feel better?" Slim asked as he pulled something out of his pocket. "You can smoke? Right?" He opened his hand to me. A perfectly rolled blunt. I quickly grabbed it putting it to my lips. "Lighter?" I asked. They started at me shocked. K pulled out a lighter and lit it.

After the blunt, we chilled in the back room cracking jokes and laughing our asses off! Which I really needed.

"Hey," Kenny said poppin his head in the room. We all looked at him. "Justin's here.." I froze. "Let him in.." "You sure?" I nodded. Kenny left. "What are you gonna do?" Slim asked. "I shrugged and sat up.

The door soon opened. I looked away from his gaze. "Babe? I've been texting you all morning... Hey guys." "Sorry I didn't have my phone on me." "It's right there on the table.." "Is it... Whoops." "You guys smoking?" "Why do you care?" "Brit? Is something wrong?" He took a step towards me. "Don't.. Come near me." "Babe?"

"How can you stand there and act normal!?" I asked finally looking at him. He has no idea. "What are you talking about?!" I stood up and walked towards him, looking him in the eye. "Get out.." "What? Babe? What is going on?! Why are they even here?" "They are friends and now leave!" I said a bit louder. He started backing away from me. "I can't believe you Justin. After all we've been through! After all those times... You.." I felt the tears form. "Babe... What are you-". "Don't fucking act like you don't know what I'm talking about!" I yelled. He shut up. "You think I don't know about last night?" Hes eyes shot up at me. "You and Lindsey... Ring any bells?"

Hes face dropped. "How do you know-" "you accidentally called me! I heard the whole thing..."
"I-". "Get out!! JUST GET OUT!" I started walking towards him forcing him to step back. We reached the bunks. "TAKE THIS STUPID STIFF ANIMAL AND THESE DUMB ASS THINGS AND LEAVE." I grabbed the things hes giving me and threw them at him. Kenny opened the door. "Wait baby... Please" "get the hell out of my face Justin.." He turned and walked out as I kicked the things out the door.
"Brittany.." "Fuck off!" Kenny closed the door.

I let out a deep breath. "For a sec. I thought you were gonna hit him.." "I was tempted."

K was at my side. "You good?"
I looked up at him. The tears began to fall. I shook my head. His arms soon around me leading me to the back room. He sat down and let me cry as I sat in his lap.

Backstage before the set.

"You see how many times Justin looked at you?" "What are you talkin about his eyes never left her!" "Yea well hes so tore up about it now right?" Matt said referring to Lindsey here backstage with Justin. I rolled my eyes. "Hey... Don't worry about it..." K said to me. I looked at him. "I'm right here. And I'll be here when you get off stage. Now go kill it!"

I took a deep breath as the sound guy retrieved us. Jimmy handed me my mic. "Show time!!!!!" We did our pre show retrial and went out.

Half way through are set. It was time for acoustic part of the show.
I sat in a stool with ken next to me with a guitar. We started to play the usual for the show.

After that song I stopped ken as he played the next.
"I thought we'd change it up a bit... Instead of singing the same song how bout we sing something else huh?" They crowd cheered. I laughed in the mic. "This next ones is one of our first I wrote.. It's called broken." I looked to Kenny who nodded and started strumming.

Half way through the song I felt warm tears slowly fall..

"Thank you." I said as the song ended. I quickly turned away from the audience to whip the tears. The stage lights went dark. "You okay?" Kenny asked in my ear. I nodded. Jimmy handed me my guitar as we got ready for the next song. The lights came up.

"Thank you guys so much!!! Good night!!" I said into the mic before leaving the stage. I handed the mic to jimmy and rushed to the bus before fans caught me.

I sat on the couch. "You did good! I'm proud." Ms. Myra said to me. "Thanks.." "After we load everything and fans clear out we'll leave." I nodded.

"Brit! Come back here!" Slim yelled from the back room. I got up and went. All the guys now here. "Aren't you guys on tour too?" "Yea.." "Well don't you have your own tour bus?" "It's across the street. We'll be gone before you leave." K said patting the seat next to him. "Great performance out there! It almost look like you were crying.." Rook said, slim quickly hit him. "Ow.." "They were.. I wrote that song about Austin.. Who knew it would fit this one.." "With great pain comes great songs.. Welcome to the writing industry." K said. I shrugged and sat.

The fans started to leave. Soon they're were just a few. "Brit? Wanna go out?" I nodded and stood. "Want me to come?" "No offense but they still think im with Justin. So.." "Got it.." He sat back down.
I grabbed my coat and followed ken out. We snuck around the bus behind the fans, who were too busy to notice us. We got closer.

Justin and Kellin stood in the center of the fans. I stopped in my tracks. "Hey... Do it for the fans." I nodded and continued.

We walked up to them 'blending in'. Which worked. They're too excited about Kellin and Justin. Matt walked in the center. "Oh my god Kellin can I get a pic!!! Or here autograph my chest!" He said pulling up his shirt.
They realized.

Some fans noticed me and Kenny. They then swarmed us for pictures. "Wait! Can I get with the perfect couple?" A fan asked looking at me and Justin. "Uhh.." I started to say. "Ya! Of course!" Justin said. The fan smiled.
Justin stood beside me,the fan came between us. Thank god...
I put my arm around the fan trying to avoid Justin. Fail...
I managed to deal with it long enough for the picture.
Right after I left his reach.

After we met the last fan we returned to the bus.


Oh wait

What's that???


That's just



I had to

Tell me what you think?!!!


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