RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader C...

By hhysteriia

257K 3.6K 4.6K


Sequence I, Chapter 1: Weiss - Breakup
Sequence I, Chapter 2: Weiss - New Students
Sequence I, Chapter 3: Weiss - CRDL
Sequence I, Chapter 4: Weiss - Confession
Sequence I, Chapter 5: Weiss - End
Sequence II, Chapter 1 : Ruby - Ruby Rose
Sequence II, Chapter 2 : Ruby - Beacon
Sequence II, Chapter 3: Ruby - Awakening
Sequence II, Chapter 4: Ruby - New Friend
Sequence II, Chapter 5: Ruby - Conclusion
Sequence III, Chapter 1: Yang - A Vacation?
Sequence III, Chapter 2: Yang - Attacked
Sequence III, Chapter 3: Yang - Preperation
Sequence III, Chapter 5: Yang - All roads lead to...
Sequence IV, Chapter 1: Blake - Y/N, Edward.
Sequence IV, Chapter 2: Blake - A demon, unleashed.
Sequence IV, Chapter 3: Blake - The End?
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Blake - Date
Sequence IV, Chapter 5: Blake - Because of you.
Sequence V, Chapter 1: Neo - Betrayed
Sequence V, Chapter 2: Neo - Mind Link
Sequence V, Chapter 3: Neo - Host
Sequence V, Chapter 4: Neo - A Healing Promise
Sequence V, Chapter 5: Neo - Retribution
Sequence VI, Chapter 1: Velvet - Discrimination
Sequence VI, Chapter 2: Velvet - Creatures of the Crimson
Sequence VI, Chapter 3: Velvet - The Transformation
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Velvet - The Traveller, and the Bad Wolf.
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part I)
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part II)

Sequence III, Chapter 4: Yang - A Twist of Fate

5.6K 100 36
By hhysteriia

Slowly, your eyes opened and you blinked a few times to adjust to the sun. You sat up, stretched and had a quick shower before equipping your robe. You fastened your hidden blades and sheathed your saber to your side before looking out the window and heading off.

You ran to the direction of Isola Tiberina, jumping from building to building, killing suspicious guard on the rooftops and finally you reached your destination. You were about to tap on the door but was interrupted by a pickpocket. Simply, you whistled and gave a gesture before one of your recruits came soaring down to him, killing him and returning your pouch.

"Grazie." You said as he nodded and went his way.

You went in to the hideout and saw that everyone already has assembled and you sensed tension in the air, as if an argument had occurred, but was abruptly stopped.

You looked around and saw that Machiavelli had a look on his face, you recognised it as he does that when he disagrees with Ezio's methods of doing something.

"Something the matter?"

"Bartolomeo suggested we infiltrate a camp the Borgia had set up, his mercenaries say that there is valuable information there, but we don't know what kind of information or if it even is there for sure." Machiavelli responded.

"Really? Where did your soldiers learn this information?" You asked, facing Bartolomeo."

"One of them said he overheard a conversation between two guards. He said something about Project: [L/N]"

Your eyes widened as you heard this. Last you heard that was years ago, your father wanted to upgrade your arsenal into something more.. Dangerous.

"Alright, I'll check the camp. Meanwhile, the few of you train. We have a long month ahead of us."

"You sure about this? It might be a trap."

"Probably, Machiavelli. But that project. [L/N] is my last name. My father wanted to do some changes to me. I thought it was long gone, but there might still he hope." You replied. This news shocking everyone around you, especially Yang.

"I understand." Machiavelli complied and went his way. You were about to walk out the door when someone grabbed your arm. It was Yang.

"Be careful."

"Don't worry. I shall." You replied and went to where Bartolomeo said the camp was. You whistled for a horse and it came, galloping. Mounting the black horse, you galloped towards the camp.

-At Isola Tiberina with the group.-

Claudia came bursting through the doors, which frightened everyone. She had a look of terror on her face.

"What is it, Claudia?" Machiavelli asked.

"Where is Y/N?"

"He left not too long ago. Bartolomeo gave him information about this..... Project: [L/N]."

"Oh no... We have to stop him. It's a trap. The courtesans told me that they were planning to trap and kill Y/N as he posed to much of a threat."

Everyone gasped and Yang quickly ran out to go to where you were headed. Her team following close to her.

-Normal POV-

You dismounted your horse as you climbed up a house and looked around the camp. It was surrounded by wooden pikes and was hard to infiltrate. You decided to kill the two guards guarding the front gate. Slowly, you snuck up next to them and stabbed one with your saber, and jumping on the other, sinking your hidden blade in the guard's neck. You took your sabre and flicked the blood off and sheathed it.

You heard footsteps and immediately ran towards a bush nearby. You were shocked to see Rodrigo Borgia with kicking the bodies and looking around.

"I know you're here, Assassino. Impressive how you killed these two without alerting anyone." He chuckled as you maintained your position.

You then felt arms grabbing you as you struggled to get free from the grasp. You saw Rodrigo Borgia walking towards you and he laughed.

"Y/N? The son of the legendary [Father'sName]. Yes.. I remember. I also remember how he died. It was by my blade. Hahahaha. It really was amusing to see his head being cut off." He mocked, chuckling.

You remained silent as you tried to control your ever growing anger inside you. You didn't want to kill Rodrigo Borgia yet. He then proceeded to knee your stomach, causing you to lose breath and cough for oxygen.

"What brings you here, Y/N? Was it about a project someone said. They do not lie, your father made such a good array of weapons just for you. But unfortunately, you shall die by his doing." Rodrigo said as he slowly unsheathed a katana from his hilt. You recognised the Assassin symbol on it. The Katana also had slots for what seemed like dust, similar to one of your hidden blades.

"It really is a good piece... to use against the Assassino." He muttered as he swung the katana, cutting you in the stomach. You groaned in pain and bit your tongue, trying to lessen the pain.

He then thrust the Katana in your chest, causing you to cough blood and choke on the pain. Rodrigo was about to deepen the Katana when a blur of yellow appeared and knocked Rodrigo through the camp, quite literally.

The pain was starting to get excruciating but you tried to stay conscious. Your vision was getting blurry, and you had to shake your head to focus back into reality. The two guards who were holding you were disoriented, and you easily broke free and stumbled on the ground, clutching your stomach.

It was then Yang's team killed the guards in front of you. You gave a thumbs up before slumping on the floor, blood oozing onto the floor. Ruby, Weiss and Blake quickly rushed over to you, and flipped you over to see if they could heal your wounds. You managed to slowly cough out these last words.

"Tell Yang... I love her, and I'm sorry.

Yang, in tears. Came crying over to you, shaking you to see if you were okay, but when she noticed the teary faced teammates of hers. She stopped and tears poured out of her eyes.

You had died.

Yang hugged you and spilled her heart out, while the rest just sat there. Crying. It was then they heard gallops of horses and saw that it was Ezio, with a couple of more Assassins from other continents.

Ezio quickly dismounted and rushed over to you. When he noticed your lifeless body and Yang crying. He stopped dead in his tracks. Edward pulled up next to him, realising only that you were dead when they were crying and that Ezio had a solemn look on it face.

"Peace be on the lad." Edward muttered.

Ezio walked over and Yang laid you on the floor. Ezio then closed your eyes and muttered:

"Requiescat in Pace, my friend."

He then carried you and put you on his horse before mounting it and heading back to Isola Tiberina.

RWBY ran back there, instead of horses.


Ezio set your body in the middle of the room, where everyone stood around you, sobbing.

"Y/N was no doubt a man capable of great things. And that he died, chasing one of those 'great things'. But little did he know, he alone was enough to help us. With one crucial Assassin down, standing against the Borgia will no doubt prove a little more challenging. And that is why, we need to steel ourselves. We shall not forget everything he's done for us." Ezio said, tears falling.

"He was always willing to say whatever was on his mind, regardless the consequences." Machiavelli continued.

It was then Ruby spoke.

"His last words were.. Yang. I love you. And I'm sorry."

This made Yang tear up even more and ran out of the hideout. Ruby wanted to go after her, but Weiss grabbed her hand and shook her head. Yang needed time to grieve.

It was then a person, knocked on the door and laid down several things. It was Project: [L/N]. It included a robe which would blend into any surrounding. The Katana which had dust compartments. The other gauntlet which was a Hookblade, bearing the [L/N] symbol. Also, a piece of Eden.

When he saw it, Ezio was surprised. As you were going to be buried with a piece of Eden, but it was probably for the best. And a good safekeeping for a piece of Eden.

The person then bowed and left.

"This is the things Y/N will be buried with.. His belongings." Ezio stated.

He then proceeded to carry your things and signalled Yang to carry your lifeless body. She nodded and slowly lifted your body. She looked at your face and started tearing up. She just couldn't bear with the fact that you were. . . . gone.

"I.. I love you too, Y/N." She muttered before following Ezio to your grave. On the way there, Yang attracted many stares but when they saw you and her teary face, they sympathised and soon after, they had reached the grave. Slowly, they lowered you and your things into the grave and sealed it.

"Requiescat in Pace." Everyone said in unison, before they turned back and left. The only one there was Yang, who were crouched and sobbing uncontrollably.

"I was too late.. I'm so sorry!"

It started to rain and and Yang screamed at the sky. The sound of rain masking all sound created by the blonde. Her teardrops blending in to the rain as it fell on the floor.

"Wait for me, Y/N."

With that, Yang ran back toward Villa Beacon, she slammed the door and locked it. She wanted to be left alone for now.


It has been a week since your passing, your death hit like a stone wall, but fortunately they climbed the wall and moved on. Everyone except for Yang, that is. She had for the room and that she only came out to eat, before locking herself back in. Attempts to comfort her were futile as she ignored, and occasionally snapped back at them. Ultimately, they left Yang alone and went to train.

[Your POV]

You were drifting in a black vacuum before you felt you were dropping and landed on your feet. You looked around in shock and suddenly a hologram of a female appeared directly in front of you.

"I am Minerva, of the First Civilisation. Y/N, my child. It is not your time yet. You shall soon live as you did, when the time is right."

"What? Where am I? Who- No. What are you?"

Your questions seemed to have fallen on deaf ears as she slowly disappeared and the world of black was soon replaced with the world you once remembered. You saw a gravestone with your name embedded on it and realised that you had passed on.. but you were still here.

Many questions raced through your mind, maybe more then answers but you pushed it all aside. You needed to see Yang again. You whistled for a horse but nothing came, and you realised your hands were translucent, similar to Minerva.

You then realised that you were still dead, but had the luxury of walking Earth once more. So, you proceeded to climb a house and free run towards Villa Beacon.

As soon as you reached, you climbed the Villa and went to the only window that was open and entered it. You didn't recognise this room and went to the hallway, trying to remember which room RWBY picked.

You then passed by a door with the word RWBY stickered on the door. You were about to knock when your hand passed through the door and you walked in.

'How did I go through that door when I could climb houses just before? Peculiar.'

You saw Yang, slumped on her bed. Her condition was worse than you thought it would be. Her eyes were red from excessive crying and she looked like she hadn't eaten much. It hurt you to see Yang in that state, even so that it was caused by your death. You wanted to do something, you really did, but you knew your actions would be in vain so you just stood there, watching.

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