Lucky Lady [Lee Jong Suk Fanf...

By SugaSweetie

55.1K 1.4K 372

Minah is forced into an arranged marriage to a seemingly perfect rich man. Behind the dollar bills and high s... More

The Marriage of the Century
Less than Perfect Matrimony
The Wedding and the Realization
The Honeymoon Home
Three Sides Three lives
We should...
What is happening to Me?
Minah's Night
The Caller


4.4K 129 42
By SugaSweetie

I don't remember ever climbing into bed next to him. Maybe I was stuck in my thoughts as I drifted into a semi-peaceful sleep. All i remember is waking up to the scent of fresh green tea next to my bed and the sweet smell of a homemade breakfast drifting from the kitchen.

I didn't even have time to sip my tea because my brain was focused on the movement coming from the kitchen. Slipping into my slippers was a challenge as I navigated my way out of the blankets I had wrapped myself in. I scurried down to the kitchen where my nose met its maker.

Jong Suk stood in a crisp pair of sweatpants and a white shirt. Despite my overwhelming distrust in that man, i let myself fall into a deep trace at the beautiful sight. The floor slightly squeaked which gave away my presence.

"Goodmorning" Jong Suk sounded cheering. It was a very foreign sound to me.

"Yeah too" I managed to give him the best smile I could muster. "Breakfast will be ready in a minute. You can go set up the table for us." He said with his back still turned to me. I nodded and grabbed our utensils and napkins to quickly set the glass table. I hadn't noticed the table since I had been there. It was glimmering in morning light right next to a very large window. It looked fancier than any other glass table that I had seen before (which sounded weird...).

I sat quietly and waited as Jong Suk brought me a large plate of Bacon, Pancakes, and a sunny-side-up egg. "American style" Jong Suk gave me a small smile and sat across from me at the table. He had made himself the same thing, plus a small cup if tea.

"Cheers" he suddenly offered his cup in the air. I stared at him in confusion. "Oh come on, just humor me" he teased. I tapped my cup against his. "Cheers to trying." He smiled.

We had decided the night before to try to get along as husband and wife from that point on. I hadn't expected the change in atmosphere to occur so suddenly. I took it with a smile though.

"Jong Suk" I began, "what do you want to do today?"

He was taken aback by my friendly tone. It was the first time he had heard it.

"Oh umm..." He froze then turned to check his phone. He scrolled through something then turned to me with an sheepish smile. "I didn't plan anything. The only thing i thought about was cooking"

"We don't have to do anything today. We don't have to start trying so suddenly." I said.

"No no" he stopped me, "We said we would try and I refuse to go back on my word. We will try no matter what."

"What is up with the sudden change in personality?" I asked. It came across in a rude tone which i quickly apologized before.

"Don't worry. I'm actually pretty nice." He said. The light in his face dimmed a little.

"How about....we go to the zoo? Couples usually do zoo dates." I suggested. I saw something flash in his eyes but it was too quick to decipher.

"Sure" he smiled warmly.


We changed into our zoo date clothes as soon as breakfast had ended. Jong Suk pre ordered the tickets online and printed them while I got ready. I put on a mid-thigh length white dress that had long lacy sleeves. I paired that with tan sandals and a jean jacket. I studied myself in the mirror.

Compared to Jong Suk, I was a simple person. Despite my status, I didn't feel as wealthy as him. He was the rich guy every girl and her mother wanted as a husband. I couldn't tell if I was lucky to be with him yet.

When I ran to the door meet Jong Suk, who was holding my baby blue bag, I giggled at the sight of him. Somehow we had managed to wear very similar styles. He wore a white Long sleeve with ripped jeans and tan shoes. He too wore a jean jacket.

"Accidental couples clothes?" I giggled while taking my bag from his grasp.

"I guess so" he teased.

We drove to the Zoo in less that half an hour. The entire ride was done is silence but it wasn't too uncomfortable.

Luckily the zoo wasn't very busy so the crowd was in no way suffocating. Not even when the occasional group of people gathered to look at the handsome Jong Suk and his new wife.

"Woah that must be her"

"Lucky girl"

"Im so jealous. He must treat her well"

The whispers turned into accidental shouts as we walked from animal exhibit to animal exhibit.

Finally we got to the petting zoo side. The staff had thankfully closed the area off so that only we would be in to petting zoo. We had been limited to 30 minutes in the small area.

I squealed instantly and jogged towards the goats and sheep that innocently grazed in the hay feeders. They nibbled in my fingers and pushed their bodies close to get my attention.

"So cute!" I squeaked and poked at the goats' horns and the sheeps' wooly body.

"Yeah..." Jong Suk said from the side of the fence where the animals could not go. He kept a safe distance from then as they passed by the section of fence.

"Why are you back there?" I called.

"I'm not a big animal person." He called back.

"What?" I jogged back towards him with a few sheep and goats following behind me. They tried to nibble and my legs as a bribe so I would give them the bag of feed I held.

"They are..."

"Scary?" I finished his sentence, "don't worry. Give me your hand"

When he didn't move I grasped his hand firmly and placed a small amount of feed in his palm. He tried to pull away as the sheep and goats came closer but i managed to hold him steady.

He winced when the first sheep nibbled on his palm. The sheep was joined by a small herd of sheep and goats, all fighting for access to his hand. I laughed guided his other hand to the head and a larger sheep. The sheep made pleased noises then turned away and joined other sheep by the hay feeder.

"See? Not so bad"

Jong Suk pulled his hand away quickly then ran to the hand washing station and scrubbed his hands completely.

"Was that really that bad?" I laughed at his panic.

"Less bad then I originally thought. They have sticky spit" he looked visibly disgusted which only made me laugh more.

Suddenly I got brave and took his hand in mine. Specifically the one the animals had eaten from.

"Is this worse then the goat spit?" I teased bravely.

He smiled and squeezed my petite hand. "Yep. But I can't pull away." He teased. I elbowed him playfully.

The day went on like that. He would complain about the "gross animals" just to tease me and I would do something cute for him to claim disgusting. It was an odd way we had decided to show our fondness of each other.

"I'll be back" he whispered to me and asked me to wait on a bench by the panda exhibit. He disappeared into the gift shop.

Not even five minutes later, i felt a hand tap my shoulder. I looked up to see Soo Hyun looking at me from behind his large sunglasses.

"Hey there" he grinned, "can I join you?"

I just stared at him without a word. He had crushed my heart in an instant with the appearance of his girlfriend.

"I'll take that as a no..." He leaned against the wall next to the bench I was on and sighed. "Where did you go off to yesterday? When we got off the ferris wheel we couldn't find you."

"I was feeling sick" I lied.

"Really? Then why are you here? You should be in bed" he reached for my hand to pull me away.

"Hey" Jong Suk's familiar harsh voice caused my body to tense, "why are you here?" He directed the harsh tone towards Soo Hyun. Despite the obvious threat in his voice, Soo Hyun did not show any stress.

"I came here with my girlfriend." He answered without any emotion.

"Where is she then?" Jong Suk hissed.

"Restroom. Anyway, Minah said she was sick yesterday. Why did you bring her here?" Soo Hyun asked.

Luckily Jong Suk played along with my lie like a master.

"It turned out to just be allergies. She is fine this morning. She took medicine." Jong Suk lied.

"Oh" Soo Hyun nodded. He obviously didn't care to be in Jong Suk's presence.

I intervened quickly, "i'm really fine now Soo Hyun. Jong Suk took care of me."

"That is my job Minah. You call me next time you feel sick" Soo Hyun smiled warmly at me.

"I'm her husband. That is my job now."

I watched the tension build. It was obvious one of the boys was going to say something they would regret soon enough.

"Lets go home-" I began

"Great idea Min-"

"Jong Suk" I interrupted Soo Hyun. Soo Hyun froze and watch my hands make their way around Jong Suk's arm. Jong Suk nodded and led me away from Soo Hyun who watched with solemn eyes.


"Sorry..." Jong Suk sighed when we finally got to the car.

"It's fine"

"But we only made it halfway through the zoo.."

"That doesn't matter" I assured him. "I was just happy the spend some normal time with you. We didn't fight  at all." Jong Suk smiled and nodded.

Suddenly he pulled out a small bag he had tucked away in his back pocket. He took my hands and placed the small bag in my hands.

"Open it" he gently commanded.

I pulled out a small necklace with a little goat at the end. I giggled and studied the small charm.

"This is adorable" I laughed put the necklace on.

"I figured it was a good first date novelty" he laughed.

"I couldn't agree more"

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