RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader C...

By hhysteriia

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Sequence I, Chapter 1: Weiss - Breakup
Sequence I, Chapter 2: Weiss - New Students
Sequence I, Chapter 3: Weiss - CRDL
Sequence I, Chapter 4: Weiss - Confession
Sequence I, Chapter 5: Weiss - End
Sequence II, Chapter 1 : Ruby - Ruby Rose
Sequence II, Chapter 2 : Ruby - Beacon
Sequence II, Chapter 3: Ruby - Awakening
Sequence II, Chapter 4: Ruby - New Friend
Sequence II, Chapter 5: Ruby - Conclusion
Sequence III, Chapter 1: Yang - A Vacation?
Sequence III, Chapter 2: Yang - Attacked
Sequence III, Chapter 4: Yang - A Twist of Fate
Sequence III, Chapter 5: Yang - All roads lead to...
Sequence IV, Chapter 1: Blake - Y/N, Edward.
Sequence IV, Chapter 2: Blake - A demon, unleashed.
Sequence IV, Chapter 3: Blake - The End?
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Blake - Date
Sequence IV, Chapter 5: Blake - Because of you.
Sequence V, Chapter 1: Neo - Betrayed
Sequence V, Chapter 2: Neo - Mind Link
Sequence V, Chapter 3: Neo - Host
Sequence V, Chapter 4: Neo - A Healing Promise
Sequence V, Chapter 5: Neo - Retribution
Sequence VI, Chapter 1: Velvet - Discrimination
Sequence VI, Chapter 2: Velvet - Creatures of the Crimson
Sequence VI, Chapter 3: Velvet - The Transformation
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Velvet - The Traveller, and the Bad Wolf.
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part I)
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part II)

Sequence III, Chapter 3: Yang - Preperation

7.3K 99 109
By hhysteriia

You didn't reach Monteriggioni until the day after. Yang fell asleep on your back, and you had to fix your belt to her to prevent her from falling. From time to time, you glanced at her sleeping face. She was by far, one of the most attractive woman you had seen, aside from Caterina Sforza.

Once you reached, however. You slowly awoke the sleeping Blonde by nudging her. You attempts were in vain however all she did was move and fell on your lap. Ruby, Blake and Weiss walked towards you.

"Y/N. Remove your hood and whisper in her ear something seductive. She'll be fully awake." Weiss suggested. Causing Blake and Ruby to giggle. You sighed and did exactly that. However, you were more... buff than they expected as your features were really defined and your H/C hair swaying with the wind.

"Yang that lucky..." Weiss, Blake and Ruby muttered.

You then leaned in and whispered at her ear.

"I'll make love to you, babe."

This got a reaction as Yang quickly sat up, blushing and falling from the horse, but your belt saved her from actually hitting the ground.

"Wh-What was- Who was-"

"It was me, Yang." You chuckled as you pulled her up and set her on the ground properly.

"B-But.. What!? You-" Yang was flabbergasted.

"It was a means to wake you up." You said as you dismounted your horse. She noticed your hood was off and her blush deepened.

"W-Wow... He's cute."

"Thanks, Yang. You are as well."

"Wh-What? I didn't mean to say that out load." She said as she covered her mouth and blushing even more.

"Come on, let's not keep Ezio waiting." You said as you entered Monteriggioni. As you walked, you explained the origins behind Monteriggioni, fascinating the girls.

"We once got attacked by the Borgia. It was back when Ezio had supposedly killed the 'spaniard' and we got came back here, celebrating. However, we were attacked the day after and this place was a mess. Fortunately, it was soon rebuilt and here we are. Also, Ezio's family owns this place."

"Really? Wow."

You nodded and saw a building you recognised so much. It was your home when your were still in training.

Yang noticed you staring at the building.

"Y/N? You okay?"

"Hmm? Yes. This.... Used to be my home when I was still training under Ezio's wing."

"Ooh! Can we see?" Ruby asked.

"I suppose."

You slowly pushed open the door. The smell sent waves of nostalgia coursing through you. You remembered the first time that you had to air assassinate. It was on a straw dummy and you kept failing. But Ezio's encouragements kept you going and your father's as well. That was what made you land your first ever air assassination attempt.

The flashbacks stopped and you saw an armour stand. It still had your assassin armour on it, but it was small as you had grown muscles in the journey. You then saw a table with a note package on it. Your eyes widened as you realised what it was. The night before the Borgia attack, your father gave you a package, but you were asleep and didn't see the package until the attack.

Your father and Mario was killed in the attack.

And you didn't remember the package until years later.. Which is now. You walked to the package and opened it. To reveal a onyx coloured Saber and a peculiar looking hidden blade. Upon further inspection, it had slots for what seemed like powder. It then hit you.. You father had returned from Vale a few nights earlier. Dust.

Noticing a pouch. You opened it to see dust and you poured some into the blade. The Assassin symbol glowed and the blade became engulfed in flames. But you didn't feel heat.

"That looks really cool." Yang said.

You sheathed the hidden blade and attached the saber on your hilt.

"Thank you, father." You muttered. And walked out the door. Yang couldn't help but look at you in admiration. You had everything she looked for in a guy. Ruby caught her staring and went to her side.

"Hey Yang... Why don't you just confess your undying love to Y/N."

"Wh-What? No! I'm afraid he'll...."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, sis. I'm sure he feels the same way... I guess."

"Gee, thanks Rubes. I'll keep that in mind." Yang replies sarcastically.

"No problem-o"

Unfortunately, you heard all of that. And fortunately, you could confirm that the Blonde has feelings for you.

'Time for a surprise.. Yang.'

Soon, the five of you reached Villa Auditore, and were climbing the steps.

"Salve! Messere Y/N." A farmer said.


"What are you saying."

"Oh. It's.. Hello in your tongue."

"Stai datazione questa bionda signora?"

"Uh.. Si."

He then spoke english.

"Lady, you are lucky to be dating this fine gentleman."

Yang blushed a deep shade of red and she looked at you. You returned the gesture with a wink and she nodded.

"Yes.. Thank you."


"Shut it, three of you."

The farmer laughed and went his way. Once he did, however. Yang clung on your arm, making you stiffen up and blush as you felt the sensation of her........breasts on your right hand.

"Y/N? You okay?" Yang asked, concern in her voice.

"Y-Yeah. I-I'm fine." You stuttered and walked up the steps leading to Villa Auditore. Yang just stared at you in confusion, but went with it. Ruby, Weiss and Blake looked around the place, following you. When you reached the courtyard, you were met with Ezio's sister, Claudia. 

"Salve, Messere. I see you have a lady friend. My, she's cute.' Claudia greeted.

"T-Thank you." Yang blushed.

"Where's Ezio?" You asked.

"He's inside, with a guest."

"Grazie. Claudia, could you help Yang and her friends introduced to this place."

"Si, Of course, Y/N."

"Go with Claudia, Yang. I'll be back." You said and she nodded.

You walked into the Villa to see a Ezio pacing left and right, while Ozpin just stared at him.

"Might I ask whats wrong?" You asked.

"The Borgia. They have to pay for those innocent people's death. I will have Cesare's head." Ezio said.

"But we cannot act on impulse. Does La Volpe know his whereabouts?"

"Si. But he is away. He doesn't return until next month."

"Then, should we start training, first? I still have to recruit Assassins, and they have White Fang with them. So we should learn their way in combat. When I was fighting them earlier. They clearly overpowered me with their 'Semblance' or 'Aura' I've read so much about." You said, looking at Ozpin.

"Good point. Ozpin. Might we ask for you assistance in training us?"

"Yes. Absolutely. As long as those people pay for my student's deaths."

"So, it's settled then. We shall move out of here to Isola Tiberina, where we can train and discuss matters in secret. Machiavelli should already be there." Ezio said as he went out the door.

"Machiavelli?" Ozpin asked.

"A friend." 

"Oh. Shall we go then?"


You and Ozpin walked out the villa, and saw that everyone had gathered and were waiting. Yang was looking at you with a blush on her face. Ezio then ran towards the stables, and everyone followed. Ruby had the most advantage, but was clumsy and fell countless times. Once you were at the stables. You mounted a horse, Yang with you and followed Ezio to Tiber Island, or Isola Tiberina


Once you were there, you assembled at the meeting room, along with the visitors from Vale, Machiavelli, Claudia, Bartolomeo and several Assassin Apprentices.

"Listen up, we have a month until La Volpe returns from his mission. Until then, we have to strengthen ourselves, as they have abilities we do not possess, yet. Ozpin here shall train us to use said abilities. We will liberate Roma from the Borgia." Ezio said.

"Y/N here, will recruit more apprentices for the Brotherhood. I will approach Edward Kenway, Aveline, Altaïr for assistance, so I will be gone for a while, but will return in a week or so. The Brotherhood is built to last, with, or without me." 

You nodded and walked out of the building and put your hood on. You climbed the nearest tower and looked around for rebels. As soon as you spotted one, you jump unto the nearest haystack and rushed towards the rebel before he was killed. You climbed the house behind him and assassinated two of the guards, killing them. It was then you unsheathed your sword and parried an attack before stabbing him in the neck. The last guard was killed by the person and he knelt before you.

You held out your hand.

"The liberation of Roma has begun, if you choose to flee, do so now. But if you choose to fight. Stand with me against the Borgia."

"I am tired of hiding in the shadows, I will join you."

"Then seek Niccolò Machiavelli on Isola Tiberina and we will make you one of us. Their lies will no longer mask your truth." With that, he grabbed your hand and went to where he was instructed.

You were about to find another until a voice disrupted you.

"Wow, you're a pro." 

"Yang? Why are you here?"

"Ezio told me to accompany you."

You sighed as you climbed the building. Yang had it easy as she could jump the height easily. As you were leaping from rooftop to rooftop, searching for a rebel. Yang decided to strike up conversation.

"So.. Y/N. We're.... a couple now right?" 

This question caused you to stumble on a ledge and fall, but your reflexes caught a ledge and you climbed back up. Yang giggled at your actions.

"I guess, so. Yeah."

Yang blushed, but you saw someone holding a guard captive and other guards surrounding him.

"Let's go to that man." You said.

You went to the roof nearest to them and assassinated two of them, and Yang following up by punching the rest, breaking their bones. The man knelt and you repeated your words from earlier, but his accent was not recognizable.

"Messere, you aren't from here, are you?"

"Not that I remember. My parents were executed with a rope and I had to life alone since young. Until now." The man said, venom in his voice.

"What is your name?" You asked.

"It's... Xenori."

"Xenori. You have family now. Us. The Assassins. Now go, I shall be looking forward to your establishment into the Brotherhood a year from now." 

"Thank you, Messere." With that, he left.

"He led a tough life." Yang stated.

"No doubt. I can see it in his face. He wants to avenge his parents. I don't blame him. Come on, let's go."

Yang just nodded and followed you. Together, the both of you managed to recruit six Apprentices that hour. Exhausted, the two of you headed back to Isola Tiberina and rested.

You saw Ozpin doing something to your apprentices, he placed his palm on their chests, and they glowed a certain color.

"What are you doing?" 

"Unlocking their aura."

"You can unlock it? Just like that."

"Yes, but it takes quite a toll on both persons."

"I see."

You just watched as Ozpin unlocked Xenori's aura. He radiated a deep shade of red, similar to Ruby's scythe. Xenori then bowed and left the building.

"Well thats about everyone here. I'll do Ezio when the times comes."

"Si, you should rest. Tomorrow is going to be long day. Machiavelli will train you in our ways."

"Yes, thank you."

"What about Y/N's aura?" Yang asked.

'He already has his unlocked."

"I do?"

"I can see and feel it. It's black, is it not?"

You then recalled your hands glowing black when you were close to death that day. 


"Just channel it. It's easy."

You willed yourself and you were radiating the same black that you did that day.

Yang gasped.

"Yes.. that's right."

"I see, Grazie Ozpin."

"It's no problem, now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading back."

"Yang, you should rest as well."

"Alright. See you tomorrow." Yang said as she kissed your cheek and walking out with Ozpin.

You sighed as you walked out as well. It was then you saw Xenori following someone from the rooftops. Seeing as you still had time, you followed Xenori to check what was happening. You followed him for a bit until he suddenly assassinate a guard. You rushed over to see that the guard actually had Ruby tied up and was about to have his way with her in a alley.

"T-Thanks..Hey you have the same kind of armor as Y/N. Are you one of his Apprentices?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, thanks to him. I am able to feel a sense of belonging for the first time. I am grateful that he found me."

Xenori then proceeded to climb away and Ruby just stared at him with a blush on her face.

"Wow..wait crap I forgot to ask for his name. Never mind. I'll ask Y/N tomorrow."

You chuckled at Ruby and went to your home. Once you did, you removed your armor and placed it on a armor rack before laying on your bed. It felt really good to know that someone is grateful for their belonging.

Your eyelids started to get heavy and you fell into slumber.

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