Jeweled dolls of Durin

Door lunawolf8074

34.8K 1K 247

Bofur meets a young dwarf girl who will not only change his life but the line of Durin permanently ..for good... Meer

prelude or authors note
trouble with dwarflings [G]
aprentice / only time [ pg]
revelations and beginnings [pg]
the ring [pg]
love { pg-13}
Healing of the heart [ mature]
wedding [mature]
Broken promises (pg)
quest and discoveries [ pg ]
trolls and rivendell [pg ]
goblins [ pg-13]
beorn / spiders [pg-13]
elves/barrel [pg-13]
lake-town [pg-13]
dreams and pleas [mature]
Death comes this way
my love is strong (mature content/language)
Is there honor within you
of orcs and thieves
The battle within
To war!
Battle at Ravenhill
when bofur ran
the price of arrogance
Tears of goodbye
Back to the beginning
Old & New Friends
Home is where the heart is
Coming home

New Generation

502 18 2
Door lunawolf8074

Snow fell softly onto the ground, aiding to the poignant silence gripping the home of the Ur family...inside the dwelling, several men were pacing back and forth with heavy hearts. Bofur held onto one of his daughters as he walked around..his distress evident in his steps...every now and again his eyes would stray to the door that stayed firmly shut between him and his failing wife, Tia. His eyes moved over to where his other daughter laid..slumbering peacefully in Tohlms arms as he paced alongside of Bofur. Off to the side along a wall sat his father, Rawfur, who was holding a dark haired little boy of maybe 1 years old...comforting the child who was sniffling in Rawfurs arms. Against another wall sat his friend Laicee and her wolf partner Mischa, who were entertaining his son, Kennan...trying to distract the child from his fathers mental anguish. Bofur decided he needed  to distract himself soon or he would worry himself sick as they all waited for any word on Tia.

"So...Da? Uhhmm...when did mum and yeh have a baby? I hadn't heard anything from Bombur or when?" Rawfur looked up from the child in his arms to give his son a grin.

"Well, there's a funny thing about that son....yeh see...he's not ours...he's yers." Bofur was once again speechless as he stood there staring in bafflement at his fathers words. He couldn't form any words at all, even though his mouth kept moving...trying to speak....Rawfur began to laugh at his son. "Tia found this little aingeal (angel), abandoned some months ago and decided that she wanted now here's yer son, Griegur." he watched Bofur breathing heavy as he processed all this new information...head hung low as he gently stroked his daughters back who began to squirm a bit. Rawfur was afraid that Bofur was going to faint any moment, but was surprised as Bofur lifted his head ...his signature goofy smile on his lips and a twinkle in his hazel eyes.

"Yer right da...that is funny. Well I got one fer yeh also. " he looked over to Laicee and with his eyes indicated for her to bring Kennan over." Meet yer grandson, me son Kennan." the look on Rawfurs face was priceless as he gazed back and forth between his son and grandson...his surprise very clear. "I saved him in Dale and since he had no one and I love him..i took him as me own." Rawfur grinned wide as he held out a hand to the little boy who was watching him intently..a bit of uncertainty in the lads green eyes.

"Hello Kennan. I'm Rawfur, yer grandpa." slowly the child placed his small hand into the large one before him... a tiny smile upon his mouth. Suddenly there was a flurry of greeting...Griegur..Kennan..Uncle Tohlm..Grandpa Rawfur..Da Bofur..the still unnamed girls.. and Bofurs close friends Laicee and Mischa. The introductions were what they all needed to ease the tension enough, so they could keep waiting for any sound..any word on the woman who laid possibly dying in the next room. With what seemed like an eternity passing...the door finally opened as an exhausted Dis and Beryl came out...both with blood on their clothes...looking wrung out and both wore a smile upon their faces as they walked over to the awaiting group.

"Momma? Dis?" Bofurs voice was strained from his worry..afraid to hear the news about his wife, but hopeful they bore some good news since they were smiling. Beryl came over to place her hand on his face...peering into his anxiety filled eyes her smile became bigger.

"She's fine and resting comfortably now. She's ask..inn...." her voice trailed off as Bofur rushed past her into the room to see with his own eyes...shaking her head she headed over to her husband to lay her weary head against his ..seeking comfort of her own.


Bofur cautiously entered the bedroom...afraid to see his beloved sitting at deaths door still...what greeted him let loose a relieved sigh...those green eyes he had missed all these months peering at him , barely open , but very much aware...and alive. Slowly he made his way over to her, carrying their still sleeping daughter in his arms and gently sat down on the edge of the bed...his eyes drinking in her resting form. He saw a paleness still there to her, but her cheeks had a rosy tinge coming back to them..her jade green eyes were accentuated by the dark circles of exhaustion but becoming clear once again. Bofur reached out his hand that shook towards her to lightly stroke her cheek lovingly...his breath catching as he felt the warmth that he had missed so much all these many months, under his fingers and tears began to fall from his eyes. Tias sweet rosy lips parted in a soft smile as she took in the sight of her husband there with love.

"Hi." that one word wrapped around his heart and caressed his soul...mending all the cracks and breaks this journey had created within him and making it whole once again.

Hello yerself. Yeh had me scared love. I..I..I thought I had ..." his voice cracked and he couldn't speak as his head bowed down and he cried. Tia let him for a few moments then reached up to cup his cheek, using her thumb to wipe the watery trail away as she cooed up to him.

"I'm here amralime (my love).. rasup  fos ha'ar (i am still here). You wont lose me." her words ..her voice...her very touch all reached through his painful fear that was gripping his heart and he was able to collect himself once again. Bofur wiped his eyes as he gazed with love at the woman who held his soul, seeing how even more beautiful she had become to him. As their eyes stared into one another their love, the missing of each other, the joy of their family...everything flowed unspoken between them there. It was a tiny mew in Bofurs arms that broke the moment..looking down at the small bundle in his arms he understood how blessed he truly was. Here he was with the most perfect wife..two lovely sons..and now 2 perfect little daughters in his life...truly Mahal had blessed him. Tenderly Bofur moved his hand over to gently caress the velvety smooth cheek of his tiny daughter...his eyes taking in the precious life in his arms. She had a dark wealth of curls framing her sweet face...delicate rose cheeks..her perfect bow mouth pouted out in a coo..those newborn blue eyes that were staring up at him as she wrapped her tiny little fingers around one of his calloused digits. The sight and feel of this tiny little miracle in his arms made his breath hitch in an overwhelming of emotions and tears began to fall from his hazel eyes...out of the corner of his watery vision he saw Tohlm placing his other daughter into Tias arms. 

"Va...Vass deimz tnamz (what is their names) men furkhel (my life of lives-endearment)?" he gazed down in wonderment at his treasures there.

" I was thinking...Talilynn and Ravilynn...after my mother and your grandmother Lynnae." Tia had a blissful smile upon her face.

"That's perfect men kurdel (my heart of hearts)" he looked at his two daughters and crooned softly at them. "Men tua beag gehyez (my two little doves)" they stayed there , basking in the glow of their family...until two little voices echoed into the room.

"Momma" " Dada" both little boys toddled into the room..trying to get to their parents. Tia sat in a bit of shock at the sight of the other boy, who seemed a bit older than Griegur, and his calling out to Bofur...her eyes watched Bofur who reached down with his free arm to help both boys up to carefully settle upon the bed as they tried to gaze at their new sisters.

"Uhmm..Bofur, love? Who is...?" her eyes peered at the toddler snuggling into Bofurs side with ease...Bofur chuckled over at her expression as his rich lilting voice washed over her.

"Well, me love, this is Kennan...our son." she furrowed her brow in slight confusion, which made him softly laughed. "I adopted him, when in Dale and I guess he adopted me back. I...I shoulda made sure it was fine with yeh, but..." Tias eyes softened at the look of nervousness  upon her beloved face and she quickly sought to ease his mind.

" Its wonderful. I too seemed to have adopted us a you can see here." she gestured to the little boy tucked into her side..he smiled fondly down at the child. "His name is Griegur..after my master and you. I found him abandoned, almost 5 months ago outside my shop. His mother was an elvish tavern wench and his father was a client according to the note she left behind with him. We looked for his parents but no one stepped up to claim I took him as our son." Bofur noticed Tia's eyes began to droop in exhaustion and he knew she was in need of rest after all she had endured. He eased Kennan to the floor so he could get his mother in to help with the other two..she quickly gathered Griegur up..calming him as he whimpered for a moment about having to leave his mothers side, and then held out her other hand to Kennan.

"Go on son..yer da will be there in a moment." he saw Kennan give him a worried look but when Beryl leaned down mentioning cookies, he smiled big and went with her willingly. Bofur leaned down and kissed Tia upon her lips before he gently nudged her forehead  with his own as he looked into her green eyes. "Go teh sleep me Rose. I'll be here when yeh wake up..I've got our daughters now...rasup ha'ar  kurdunuh (I am here my heart) and yer not goin teh have teh do this alone anymore amralime (my love)." she made a pleased noise in her throat..allowing him to share in the burden. With one last kiss, he gently scooped up his other sleeping daughter and left Tia to heal like she needed..knowing her family was complete once more. She not knowing of the news Bofur carried inside that was about to be revealed all to soon.

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