How To Fix A Broken Hearted G...

By ChanSoo4Life

11.8K 285 96

Yoona and Sehun were lovers for the past 2 years. But Yoona's rival Tiffany wanted to have Sehun for herself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Alternate version of this story

Chapter 2

1.3K 24 8
By ChanSoo4Life

Yuri's POV

I was in the house blushing like a red tomato. If only you could see my face now, it was red! But anyways, Lay was so sweet to help me up from me trying to chase Yoona, which failed miserably.

He's such a gentleman.


It's true about what Yoona said, I do have feelings for him. What's not to like about him? He's caring, sensitive, selfless, and very odd at times, but who cares! He makes my heart melt every time I see him. His smile, his left dimple is everything!

Ahem, I'm getting carried away.

I went to get my things and come back outside to hear,


My heartbeat slowed down as my smile fade. I then heard how quiet it was, I guess they saw me.

I had to act normal, "What's going on?"

That's when I saw Lay turn around quickly, "Oh, nothing. It's just we're about to leave. Come on, let's get in the van."

He took my hand and led me to the van. I would melt right now but I'm somewhat..crushed?

He doesn't have feelings for me? I should've not been very delusional about us happening. Seems like a fairytale now when you think about it.

I sat down by the window seat and looked out the window as I was still disappointed in myself.

Soon the van pulled off into the streets.

Sehun's POV

I always knew Lay when he was lying. The eye shifting, the hands shaking, this guy was a terrible liar. I felt bad for him when we somewhat teased him. Okay, not really, it was hilarious! I did feel bad for Yuri, she did feel some type of way when she heard Lay. Yeah, I saw the sad look on her face, poor Yul.

Honestly, they'll both make a couple. Both very attractive people, dancing machines, and have their weird sides and other stuff. Speaking of dancing, you know who else would make a good couple?

Kai and Hyoyeon.

Kai has had a crush on her for a VERY long time.


Author's Flashback

Kai was on the bleachers by the basketball court as him and the basketball players were taking a break. He was watching Hyoyeon as she was doing a routine with the other cheerleaders.

She's so good as doing this, Kai thought.

"Yo, Kai!"

He turned around to see Chanyeol, Sehun, Lay behind him.

"What's up?" Kai asked.

"Wanna go out to get food? We'll buy fried chicken, your favorite!"Chanyeol said.

"And get bubble tea." Sehun added.

Kai turned his attention back to the cheerleaders, "You guys go ahead, I'll stay here..". Sehun looked at Chanyeol and Lay and raised an eyebrow.

"But the practice is almost over in about two minutes." Sehun said.

"Yeah, but um, I'm gonna ask Jimin if he wants to stay overtime and practice."

Chanyeol poked his lips out and nods knowing his friend was lying.

"You sure?"

Kai nodded, as Lay smirked as he caught on.

"You wanna stay to practice, or you just want to ask Hyoyeon out?"

This made Kai turn around shushing him, "Don't be so loud!"

Sehun, Lay, and Chanyeol laughed.

"So it is true?" Sehun said as he was still laughing.

Shit, Kai thought.

"No, andwae! What, makes you think that." He laughed it off.

Lay crossed his arms, "Yeah, let's ignore the fact that you tried to shush me."

"Or the fact you turned down fried chicken. Which is crazy because you never reject chicken." Chanyeol added to the argument.

"Admit it, hyung. You love her~" Sehun teased as he made a goofy smile.

Kai groaned, "Okay. So what if I have feelings for her? She's gonna reject me."

"Did you try talking to her?" Lay asked.

"No." Kai said.

Chanyeol sat beside him and threw his arm around him.

"Don't worry Kai, I've been there before and now I found the woman of my dreams, Sooyoung!"

Chanyeol looked across the gym to see the cheerleaders are now on break. He spotted his girlfriend eating potato chips. She saw him and gave him a wink.

"Okay, this has nothing to do with me." Kai pointed out and Chanyeol nodded, "Yeah, you're right."

Kai rolled his eyes, "What to do?"

"Ask her out." Lay said as he sat on the other side of Kai.

"Yeah, but how??" Kai sighed.

"Take her to the movies." Lay responded.

"Nah, that's cliché, I say go get bubble tea." Sehun said.

"Sehun you always want bubble tea." Chanyeol said.


"You drink more of that stuff, it'll go straight to your thighs."

"Are you calling me fa-"

"Ugh, you guys are no help!" Kai got up and went to the locker room leaving the three people looking dumbfounded.

"Are we still going out?" Chanyeol asked.

End of Flashback

Sehun's POV

Yeah, that did not turn out well. I looked over to see Yoona looking at me. "What's up?" I asked.

"You're still going to my party Saturday right?" She looks at me with pleading eyes, ugh why does she gotta be so cute.

I give her smile, "Why wouldn't I? Of course I am!"

She gave me a smile and kissed my cheek which made me blush.

"Ewww, get a room." Baekhyun said childishly. "Jelly, because you don't have a girlfriend?" Luhan snickered.

Baekhyun gave a glare towards him, "I can say the same thing about you. I'm still waiting on you to ask Seohyun out, chicken!"

Luhan sat quietly and look at the floor.

Suho speaks "Guys chill, so what if Luhan can't ask a girl out?". All the boys except Kris, look at him including me with a glare. "What?"Suho asked.

"You should talk Suho, you can't ask a girl out, heck you can't even ask Tiffany out!" Luhan said.

I felt Yoona shivered after hearing that name.

Soon the limo was full of arguments between Grandpa and The Deer, how stupid but yet entertaining.

Soon the limo pulled up to the school, Lay gets out and so did everyone else.

Yoona steps out of the limo and I help her. Soon I saw Chanyeol get tackled by Sooyoung hugging him, hehe poor guy. I turned my attention to Yoona who was talking to Yuri about something.

Yoona's POV

Soon we pulled up in front of the school, Sehun helped me out once again he's a gentleman.

I saw Sooyoung running towards Chanyeol giving him a hug, some BFF she is.

Anyways I saw Yuri walking towards the building. I stopped her "Yuri!". She turns around and heads towards me. "What's up?" she asked.

"You ok? You look kinda down.."I had my sentence cut off by Yuri. "I'm fine Yoong!"She snapped quickly. I'm pretty sure she's lying. I grabbed her arm taking her to a tree and I motioned her to sit down with me.

"What's wrong?"I asked her with a concerned look. Yuri sighed, "I gave my hopes up, Yoong."

"How come?" I asked.

"Look, I'm not up for a therapy session but, you heard Lay. He's not into me, so why should I hold on to false hope. I'm gonna move on." She said, and before I could say something, she left.

If only she knew.


Lunch Period

I went in line to get me a hot dog and french fries. Yes, this school has diversity which I live for. I'm not a picky eater so I try everything I never had before, but today I was craving this instead.

I went to find a table until someone or I could say some bitch, knocked me over and I've fallen on the floor. I looked up to see my rival standing in front of me with a smirk.

"Well look who it is, my rival. What are you doing on the floor? Kissing it?"

I looked up to see no other than Tiffany. I got up and dust myself off, "Oh, I'm sorry, did you want a turn to kiss the floor? It's all you're good for, collecting dust." I clapped back.

Tiffany laughed, "Tuh as if it's true."

I crossed my arms, "But isn't it true though, due to the fact I beat you in everything."

Tiffany's smile fade, "You're not better than me, Lim Yoona."

I giggled, "Tiff, Tiff, Tiff, you'll never accept fate as it is. Now if you excuse me, I have to get more lunch." I waved and walked away.

After I've gotten my lunch I was trying to find a seat. "Yoona over here!"I turned to see Sooyoung waving at me. I smiled and walk towards the table she was sitting at.

"Hey," She said as we hugged. "Hi" I replied before sitting down with her.

"What took you so long?"Sooyoung asked as she took a bite of her burger.

I rolled my eyes "Tiffany". Sooyoung stopped eating and look at me "Let me guess she tripped you".

"Yes.."I said before eating some of my fries. Suddenly I couldn't see as if someone covered my eyes. "Guess who"I heard a male voice said.

"Yoona who is that my eyes are covered," Sooyoung said.

Then I heard two males chuckling, I then noticed and smiled "Sehun and Chanyeol?"I asked.

"Nae," The two guys said and now I can see and Sooyoung can too. "What do you guys want?"I said.

Sehun wraps his arms around me "Relax Yoong, can we see our girlfriends?" he smiled. I turned my neck and say "Of course"I pecked his lips for a second then stopped.

Normal POV

Chanyeol was watching them his eyes trailed to the table "Ooh Cupcakes!"His eyes glowed, he reaches out for one but Sooyoung smacked his hand.

"Yah! What was that for?" he whined. Sooyoung grabs the box securing it to herself "Go get your own!"Sooyoung said.

Chanyeol pouted "There isn't any more". Sooyoung sighed she looks at her cupcakes then back at Chanyeol then back at the cupcakes then at Chanyeol.

She takes a chocolate cupcake removing part of the wrapper "Open up"She smiled.

Chanyeol opens his mouth as he took a bite, he licks his lips in delight.

"Mmmm". Sooyoung giggles as she feeds him more.

Sehun stands up and grabbed Yoona's hand, "Follow me?" he whispered. Yoona looks at the other two who weren't paying attention, then turned away grabbing Sehun's hand.


Yuri was walking on the track chatting with her friend Seohyun.

"then he fell on his butt with ants crawling on him"Seohyun finished telling Yuri her story about Luhan in science class. The girls burst out laughing so hard.

"Hey, Yuri, Seohyun" Lay said as he races to the two girls.

"Hi Lay!"Seohyun greeted, as Yuri was quiet.

"Seohyun-ah, can I speak to Yuri in private please?"

Seohyun nods, "Sure, I'll talk to you later Yuri."

She jogged away leaving the two alone.

Yuri didn't say a word but started walking and Lay followed.

"So how's your day so far?" Lay started off the conversation, but Yuri didn't answer.

Lay frowned looking at the ground, "I see that you're upset, did I do anything wrong?"

No answer still. Lay sighed. "Yuri I need to tell you something, I-" his sentence was cut off from Yuri yelling. "What could you possibly want Lay?!"

Lay stood quiet as he knew he did something wrong. Yuri chuckled as she let her anger get the best of her.

"You know what, forget it. How could I be so dumb?"

"What do you mean? You're never dumb Yuri." Lay said.

"Apparently I am, for the past four years, I've been having a crush on YOU! And you know what's crazy? You don't even like me back! I mean now looking at it, those sparks were nothing but friendly gestures!" Yuri started ranting which made Lay stare in shock.


"No, let me finish. I think we should not be friends for right now. I need to get over you, which I will. And-"

Lay leaned in and kissed her lips which shocked her. She closed her eyes and kissed back.

Lay pulled away and gave his smile as Yuri smiled too.

"Sorry, it was a way to stop you." Lay chuckled.

Yuri spoke, "No, I'm sorry. I should've let you speak as well."

Lay crossed his arms, "This morning everyone was teasing me about me and you. Which is true, I do have feelings for you, Yuri. I just wanted them to stop. I liked you for four years as well. Those sparks were actual sparks. If I knew you'd have a crush on me, I would've confessed my feelings for you a long time ago."

Yuri couldn't help but smile.

Lay spoke, "Let me make it up to you."

Yuri nod, "Of course, let's meet up at Starbucks tonight."

Lay spoke, "Seven?"

Yuri nods, "Mhm."

Lay spoke, "I know this is early but, can I kiss you again?"

Yuri giggled, "Mhm, but we can't get caught."

Lay laughed, "I'll take that risk."

He pulled her close and kissed again.


Yoona and Sehun were walking on the school rooftop holding hands. "What did you want to show me?"Yoona asked.

Sehun looks at Yoona and smiles. He gets on one knee pulling something out his jacket.

"Oh my god are you proposing!"Yoona squealed. Sehun raised an eyebrow "Uh no.", Yoona stops and plays with her hair.

Sehun chuckles "I love you, do you love me?". Yoona embraced his face with both of her hands and stroked them softly. "Of course who else would I love?" she said.

Sehun blushed but clears his throat "Well Yoona since we both love each other. We should take the next step in this stage of our relationship."He opens a small box revealing a beautiful necklace.

Yoona gasps and squeals "Sehun it's beautiful!!". "Lim Yoona will you be my girl forever?" He asked.

"Yes!"Yoona smiles.

Sehun stands up and puts the necklace on her.

"It's beautiful,"Yoona said. "I know, just like you." Sehun said before kissing Yoona deeply.

They did not notice that somebody was watching them.

"Ugh, since Yoona took away my Sehun. I will take him back from her"The person smiled evilly before walking down the steps chuckling evilly.

Revised 07/15/20

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