Chapter 2

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Yuri's POV

I was in the house blushing like a red tomato. If only you could see my face now, it was red! But anyways, Lay was so sweet to help me up from me trying to chase Yoona, which failed miserably.

He's such a gentleman.


It's true about what Yoona said, I do have feelings for him. What's not to like about him? He's caring, sensitive, selfless, and very odd at times, but who cares! He makes my heart melt every time I see him. His smile, his left dimple is everything!

Ahem, I'm getting carried away.

I went to get my things and come back outside to hear,


My heartbeat slowed down as my smile fade. I then heard how quiet it was, I guess they saw me.

I had to act normal, "What's going on?"

That's when I saw Lay turn around quickly, "Oh, nothing. It's just we're about to leave. Come on, let's get in the van."

He took my hand and led me to the van. I would melt right now but I'm somewhat..crushed?

He doesn't have feelings for me? I should've not been very delusional about us happening. Seems like a fairytale now when you think about it.

I sat down by the window seat and looked out the window as I was still disappointed in myself.

Soon the van pulled off into the streets.

Sehun's POV

I always knew Lay when he was lying. The eye shifting, the hands shaking, this guy was a terrible liar. I felt bad for him when we somewhat teased him. Okay, not really, it was hilarious! I did feel bad for Yuri, she did feel some type of way when she heard Lay. Yeah, I saw the sad look on her face, poor Yul.

Honestly, they'll both make a couple. Both very attractive people, dancing machines, and have their weird sides and other stuff. Speaking of dancing, you know who else would make a good couple?

Kai and Hyoyeon.

Kai has had a crush on her for a VERY long time.


Author's Flashback

Kai was on the bleachers by the basketball court as him and the basketball players were taking a break. He was watching Hyoyeon as she was doing a routine with the other cheerleaders.

She's so good as doing this, Kai thought.

"Yo, Kai!"

He turned around to see Chanyeol, Sehun, Lay behind him.

"What's up?" Kai asked.

"Wanna go out to get food? We'll buy fried chicken, your favorite!"Chanyeol said.

"And get bubble tea." Sehun added.

Kai turned his attention back to the cheerleaders, "You guys go ahead, I'll stay here..". Sehun looked at Chanyeol and Lay and raised an eyebrow.

"But the practice is almost over in about two minutes." Sehun said.

"Yeah, but um, I'm gonna ask Jimin if he wants to stay overtime and practice."

Chanyeol poked his lips out and nods knowing his friend was lying.

"You sure?"

Kai nodded, as Lay smirked as he caught on.

How To Fix A Broken Hearted Girl {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now