Lipstick [Narry-EDITING]

By NarryPerfection

299K 20.9K 11.4K

"What kind of lipstick are you wearing?" "Who? Me?" "Yes, you sweetheart." "I'm not- these are their natural... More

PART 1: ~45~
PART 2:~45~


9.2K 459 45
By NarryPerfection

Changing Harry was a bit of a difficult task. Niall wasn't a pervert but it was still awkward. But he couldn't let Harry sleep in wet, cold clothes. He would get sick and Niall would definitely blame himself for that. 

Carefully, he changed Harry into something more warmer, his eyes looking everywhere but Harry's body. He didn't want to look at Harry without his permission, he couldn't. Harry was the kind of person you would want to treasure and not damage.

After changing Harry, Niall tucked him in. He covered up the brunet with warm, white sheets and gently pushed the hair away from his beautiful face. 

Niall leaned down slowly, giving Harry's forehead a light kiss. 

He was still wondering what Harry was doing at the park in such thin clothes at such a late hour of the night. But he decided to figure that out later since they both needed rest.

Niall silently walked out of his room and went straight to the guest room. 


The following morning, Harry woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. 

He would have panicked not knowing where he was but the memories from hours ago were still fresh in his mind. By the time he called Niall, he had sober up a bit. The last thing he remembers doing is throwing up and falling back onto the cold, wet ground. 

Sliding out of the warm bed, Harry realizes he is in different clothes that aren't his. Trying not to blush at the possible fact that Niall most likely changed him, Harry looked around for his own clothes, finding them in a chair near the window. 

He looks through his pants, searching for his phone. The clothes are still cold and damp, most likely needing a good wash to clean and dry them up. 

When Harry finds his phone - the device feeling like a piece of  ice in his hands - he looks through his notifications. There are a ridiculously amount of missed calls from Liam and a few from Lacey. Harry makes his way back to the bed and sits on the edge of it.

He presses Liam's contact and puts the phone towards his ear, flinching at how cold the phone felt when it touched his ear. 

"Harry? What the hell mate? Where are you?" Liam answers. "Where did you go yesterday? Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah I'm fine," Harry pushes his hair away from his face. "I'm at, uh, a friend's house. I had a little bit too much to drink."

"Well, at least you're okay," He hears Liam sigh. "Just come back home soon, okay?"

"I will. Sorry about not calling you yesterday."

"It's alright. Take care of yourself."

"Yeah. Thanks. You too. Bye," Harry hangs up and rubs his sleepy eyes. He feels terrible. His body is still not functionally properly and his brain is still half-asleep, not to also mention the pounding headache he was experiencing. 

There was a sudden knock on the door that made Harry's body become stiff. He beckoned them to come in even though he was feeling rather nervous at the moment that he could possibly throw up again. 

Niall walked inside making Harry relax a little. Niall gave him a friendly smile as he shut the door behind him. Harry pushed his strands of hair that were threatening to fall to the front of his face away while he returned the smile. 

Niall was in front of Harry went he put a hand on Harry's knee and got down on one knee, his blue eyes meeting Harry's green ones. They were such a nice blue in the morning. 

"How are you feeling?" Niall asked, his hand going up to Harry's warm forehead. Harry shrugged. He only felt tired and the headache could be easily relieved of. He wondered if he was lucky enough not to get sick or if it the sickness will hit him soon, just not now. 

"I'm fine," Harry said softly, looking down to his lap. He felt like the first time he encountered Niall, shy. It was weird waking up in such a nice room with Niall included.

Niall used his index finger and thumb to lift Harry's chin up. He seemed calm on the outside but in reality, in the inside he was trying to keep himself steady.  He was trying to get rid of the thoughts running through his head rapidly. 

Here he was, with Harry sitting right on his bed, the both of them alone in the apartment. Having Harry in his presence wearing his clothes, looking cute and cuddly as ever, his lips plump and colored with a attractive shade of pink. Harry was probably cold at the moment and even though there were other ways to warm him up, Niall could only think of a few cute and very wrong ones. 

"I need you to tell me what happened yesterday," Niall spoke in a gentle tone. "I was so worried."

"I don't even know what happened myself," Harry partially lied. He knew what happened in events but he didn't know why exactly it happened. He was too drunk to remember what was going through his head.

"Don't ever do that again," Niall mumbled, putting his hands up to Harry's cheek. Harry blushed at how much they were touching each other, not that he minded. He just can't keep the thought of Niall's girlfriend out of his mind.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, it must have been-"

"What are you talking about? Harry you weren't a bother, I was worried," Niall shook his head. "I'm glad you called me."

Harry bit his lip and leaned forward, throwing his hands around Niall and giving him a hug. Niall smiled, wrapping his arms around Harry. 

"Thank you so much," Harry squeezed gently. 

And during that moment, Niall wished they could could have stayed like that forever. 


A bit of a short chapter, hopefully the next one will be longer. x

2K votes! Oh my god thank you so much! 

I love you all!


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