Coming Face to Face.

By RickyandRocky

1.4K 92 30

Meet Aden Gerdaw, a random as hell, very loving, too caring, majorly attractive, not very smart, mama's boy... More

Coming Face To Face. •Introduction•
Coming Face To Face. •1•
Coming Face To Face. •2•
Coming Face To Face. •3•
Coming Face To Face. •4•
Coming Face To Face. •5•
Coming Face To Face. •6•
Coming Face To Face. •7•
Coming Face To Face. •8•
Coming Face To Face. •10•
Coming Face To Face. •11•
Coming Face To Face. •12•
Coming Face To Face. •13•
Coming Face To Face. •14•
Coming Face To Face. •15•
Coming Face To Face. •16•
Coming Face To Face. •17•
Coming Face To Face. •18•
Coming Face To Face. •19•
Coming Face To Face. •20•

Coming Face To Face. •9•

54 4 0
By RickyandRocky

Baylor seems... Nervous... I'm not sure why, but it's like he thinks I'm going to randomly attack him and throw him in a tree.

Wait... That seems fun as hell. But I wouldn't do that to Bay.

Now, Trevor, on the other hand, I would like to punch in the face until he bleeds rainbows. That might take a while, so that's good for me.

"Aden?" Baylor questioned, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at him.

"You gotta stop zoning out on me. I just spoke like a whole paragraph and you heard absolutely none of it." Baylor pouted.

"I'm sorry Bay. What were you saying? Oh, and why did you come over?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

He sighed. "Mom and dad keep fighting... A lot. I don't know why, but it's been getting to me and Darcie. I really don't want to see my mom unhappy again... And... Nevermind." He looked away from me.

"Baylor?" I pushed. "What else?"

"N-nothing. There's nothing else..."

"Baylor, tell me." I said sternly.

"You don't want me to tell you..." He said. He still hasn't made eye contact with me. Whatever it is, it must be bad.

"Yes I do. Now spill it."

Sighing, "Fine!" He threw his hands up.

• • •

Baylor's P.O.V.

Oh my god... I need to tell him I went through his messages. I need to tell him. Now. Baylor do it. I don't wanna...

I took a breath before speaking. "Mom and dad keep fighting... A lot. I don't know why, but it's been getting to me and Darcie. I really don't want to see my mom unhappy again... And... Aden?" I questioned, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked at me.

"You gotta stop zoning out on me. I just spoke like a whole paragraph and you heard absolutely none of it." I pouted.

"I'm sorry Bay. What were you saying? Oh, and why did you come over?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

I sighed. Now I have to repeat it. "Mom and dad keep fighting... A lot. I don't know why, but it's been getting to me and Darcie. I really don't want to see my mom unhappy again... And... Nevermind." I looked away from him.

"Baylor?" He pushed. "What else?"

"N-nothing. There's nothing else..."

"Baylor, tell me." He demanded.

"You don't want me to tell you..." I said. I still haven't made eye contact with him. It's that bad.

"Yes I do. Now spill it."

Sighing, "Fine!" I yelled and threw my hands up.

"I came over because mom and dad were fighting. And... I heard your phone buzz so I looked at it and there was an unknown number. So I checked it. Turns out to be Conner... I... Mayormaynothavetextedhimandtoldhimtofuckoff..." I rushed. And I may or may not like Conner and you...

"What? You may or may not have what?" Aden question.

I sighed, "I may or may not have... Texted him... And told him to... Fuck off... And I may or may not... Have caught... Feelingsforyouandhim..." I rushed out.

"You did what?! BAYLOR! SERIOUSLY?! Now I have to tell him it wasn't me. Oh god. He's gonna hate me..." Aden started pacing. I guess he didn't hear that last part...? Should I tell him?

"Aden... Did you hear that last part...?" I questioned.

He stopped packing and looked at me. "What else did you say?"


"Uhm... Well... I might like you and Conner..." I said and looked away from him.

He just stared at me.

• • •

Aden's P.O.V.

"Aden? Did you hear that last part...?" Baylor asked me.

I stopped pacing and looked at him. "What else did you say?" I swear...

"Uhm... Well... I might like you and Conner." He said and looked away from me.

I stared at him.

I didn't know he was into guys. Last time I checked he 'didn't roll that way'. When did that change? Doesn't matter. He trusted me enough to tell him. Now I have to be there for him so he knows he has me.

"Baylor that's okay. When did you realize this?" I asked, pulling myself out of the daze I was in.

He sighed. "I don't know. A few weeks ago? All I know is that I might like the guy who I don't trust around my best friend and I might like my best friend who has always been there for me. I don't know what to do." He put his head in his hands.

I blew out a breath.

"Well, what do you think you want to do? Do you want to act on said feelings towards me or do you want to just forget about them?" I asked.

"I- I don't know. Don't you think it'd be awkward if we dated? I mean, we're best friends. Wouldn't dating screw that up? Like what if we break up and it turned out really bad? I don't wanna lose you as a friend. But I don't wanna lose you to Conner..." Baylor said.

"Do you wanna try?" I offered. "The worst that happens is that we break up and we don't talk for a few days. We will still be best friends, I promise."

"I guess... I just... Don't think I don't want to date you because I do. I just don't want to mess up our friendship in the process. But let's do it. We can try." Baylor told me.

"Alright." I said and nodded. "Let's do it."

He nodded and sighed.

"Do you want a few days to think about it?" I asked.

He shook his head no, "I wanna do this."

"Okay... Well... Baylor, do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked. I could feel my face burning like it was in the fiery pits of hell.

He blushed, grinned, then nodded, "Yes."

I smiled.

Who knew I'd be dating my best friend?

Shit, Conner. I kissed him earlier... Fuck.

• • •

Conner's P.O.V.

What Aden doesn't know won't kill him...

I'm currently laying on the ground up beside Aden's house, looking into the basement window.

I know, hashtag 'peeping tom'. Yea yea.

Ugh Baylor move over, I can't see Aden's beautiful lips.

Oh fuck it. I groaned and flopped my head down onto my arms.

I lifted it back up a second later and continued my stalking.


He's not your man yet. You haven't popped the q.

Yea yea, shut up.

Aden is smiling. Why is he smiling? I SHOULD BE THE ONE TO MAKE HIM SMILE!

I really need to go home...

I need answers first.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Aden.

Conner: Hey, you promised we would talk about it...

I watched as it sent and then directed my attention to Aden pulling out his phone.

I could see his face drop and figured Baylor was asking him questions about who it was based on how he was sitting.

Aden: Now's not a good time. Can we talk tomorrow? Or later tonight after Bay goes to bed? Please?

He stated at his phone until I answered him.

His eyes shot up to the window and I ducked.

Aden: Get out of my yard.

Conner: What are you talking about? I'm not in your yard ?

I sent the text as I backed up from the window and quickly walked away, towards home.

Aden: Yes you were. I saw you.

Conner: It must've been somebody else. I'm seriously not in your yard. I promise.

Aden: Okay... We'll talk later, I promise. Bye.

I didn't bother replying, he's too busy with his new 'boy toy'. I'll just find one of my own, I guess.

I promised myself I would change.

I guess that's not gonna happen.

Back to the old Conner ways it is.

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