Putting You First (OJ X Marsh)

By TheObjectShowFan

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Orange Juice and Marshmallow shipping. The (humanized) Inanimate Insanity group is going on their annual cam... More

The Camping Trip
The "Accident"
I Can't Go
An Unexpected Surprise
Pizza Problems and Attack On Objects Marathon
Where's My OJ?!
Well, That Wasn't Supposed to Happen...
Grocery Store Madness Part 1
I Confess! I Lied!
Where are the Chapters?
Who's Taking Care of Who?
Additional Info About The Hiatus
Thunderstorms: Good or Bad?

Grocery Store Madness Part 2

554 13 21
By TheObjectShowFan

A/N: Hai there! Who likes the new cover? It was made by Iarepegasister! Anywho, who's surprised to see a new chapter so soon? XD

Marsh's POV:
"H-hey!! Let me go!" I exclaimed angrily. I tried to hit him with one of my crutches, and I did, but it wasn't very successful. GC chuckled quietly. I tried to escape his grip, but he was too strong. My attempts of escape just caused GC to snicker.

"Yep... You ain't going anywhere my darling. I've been working out for years now. Ha," he told me, pulling me even closer to him, close enough so that I was right against him. Lightly caressing my right cheek with his left hand, he brought his head down next to mine. His warm breath was tickling my left ear as he was breathing.

"L-let... M-me... G-g-go..." I nervously squeaked. OJ... Where are you...? Graham Cracker then lowered his voice,

"And you... You, my sweet, are just so... Weak... Innocent... Fragile..."

"I..." I gasped, scared beyond my imagination. His voice suddenly became a whisper,

"And I'll never let you get away... Ever... Again..."

Being so scared, I actually became filled with determination (A/N: #ReferenceTime). I wasn't gonna be so petrified that I couldn't do anything. Not again...

Flashback to when Marshmallow and Graham Cracker were dating...

"GC... I'm not sure this is working out..." I told GC. GC's eyes narrowed.

"What're you talking about...?"

"Us... I don't think this is working... I think... We should see other people..." I explained.

"Really... That's what you think... Is it?" he asked. I slowly nodded, hoping he wouldn't go ballistic. He signed. "I see..." I sighed, then started to turn to walk away.

"A-anyway... Um... I should really get going no-" I started to say, when he suddenly grabbed my arm.

"Marsh... Baby... Sweetheart... Why would you... Want to leave someone like me...?" he asked.

"It's just... I... I don't think we're that compatible...?" I tried to come up with an excuse that wasn't, "You're a freaking douche and you freak me out." I would've said that if he weren't able to snap me in half like a twig. He glared at me.

"Marsh, you are not leaving me. You are staying right here. That's an order," he said. Enraged, I said,

"Who am I, your dog?!"

"In a way... Yes... The female kind..." he said flatly. I gasped.

"Okay, that is it!! We are through!! This is exactly why I'm breaking up with you! You're cruel, you don't care about me, and you're just using me! Do you think I'm stupid?! I've seen you make out with other girls! That night you said you were at the movies with your friends, I know that you were really at the club, getting drunk and making out with dozens of girls! I've seen your stupid texts saying how you're gonna get me drunk and 'make love' with me! You don't love me for who I am... You just wanted to use me... I've had enough! WE. ARE. DONE. I never want to see you again!" I yanked my arm out of his grip and stormed off. Well, I didn't get too far...

"Why you little..." he growled, grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling it towards him.

"Y-you're... Ch-choking... M-me...!" I attempted to exclaim.

"You... Are... Mine... I own you..." he hissed, choking me further.

"H-help... M-m-me..." I could barely whimper, gasping for breath. Petrified and weak, I couldn't fight back. If a policeman hadn't walked by, I would've been dead. Or stuck with GC forever. The policeman arrested Graham Cracker, and I never thought that I would have to see him again.

"I'll be back... You'll see..."

End of flashback...

My eyes narrowed in annoyance. Even though I wasn't strong, and I have a sprained ankle, there's one thing I still have.

My voice.

Sure, it may not seem like it will do much, but at least I won't be here, petrified and unable to do anything.

"OJ!!! OJ, HELP!!!"

As I walked back inside, I heard screaming. It sounded kinda like... My name?

"OJ!!! OJ, HELP!!!"


Screams could be heard.

"MARSH?!" I ran towards the sound of the screams, and indeed, it was coming from Marsh. Wait, who's that behind her.... Wait, no... It can't be...

"OJ!" Marsh happily exclaimed when she saw me.

"Oh my gosh, Marsh," I started to say, then looked at the sandy-haired, dark brown-eyed boy. My eyes narrowed.

"Graham Cracker... Let her go... Now..." I demanded sternly, tapping my foot on the ground. I knew who he was. I've hated him ever since he and Marsh were dating. When they broke up, I was ecstatic. I mean, I suppose I shouldn't be so happy about that, but I kinda was.

"Ha, as if I would," was his only response. I glanced down at where his right hand was, wrapped around Marsh's waist. I then saw how his left hand was on Marsh's right cheek.

"Dude, this is your final warning. Let go of her... Right... Now..." I said, my voice deepening with sincere sternness.

"Ha, and what are you gonna do if I don't?" he asked, clearly showing no signs of releasing her. If anything, he looked like he was holding her even tighter than before.


I quickly ran up to the two of them, quickly and artfully grabbing GC's right wrist with my left hand, and grabbing his left wrist with my right hand. I'm so glad I took those karate lessons... I never would've attempted that if I hadn't. I didn't want to hurt Marsh. Once I quickly spun behind Marsh and GC, Marsh was just about out of his grip. Twisting GC's arms behind his back, I quickly swept his legs, causing him to hit the ground. Hard.

"Ahh... Geez... How is that even possible...?" GC questioned, a look of confusion and pain on his face.

"I took karate..." I simply stated.

"But... I'm stronger than you... I'm way tougher than you, and stronger! How's this even possible?!"

"It's not about strength... It's about technique." I said. "C'mon Marsh, let's go find the manager..." I then told Marsh. She nodded, then stuck her tongue out at GC. I lightly laughed, despite the fact that my left shoulder hurt really badly from doing that. 

"I hope I never see him again... Again..." Marsh then said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Um... Never mind..." she replied quietly.

"Okay... Um, let's find the manager..." I said once again, walking alongside Marsh as we went to the manager's office.

After a short talk with the manager, GC was arrested. Apparently he had been stealing money from the store.

"Well, I figured he would end up getting arrested sometime in his life," I stated.

"Heh, um, y-yeah... S-same..." Marsh kinda stuttered. I gave a look of confusion, but all she responded with was nervous laughter. I thought about when Marsh told me that she and GC broke up.


"Marsh! There you are! What took so long? I was getting worried..." I asked worriedly as Marsh came through the front door of the hotel.

"Oh... Um, I had some... Business to take care of," she stated.

"What do you mean, 'business'?" I asked.

"Uh... GC and I... We broke up," she simply said.

"Really?! Uh, I mean, oh, you did?" I asked, a little too excitedly at first. Crap, I hope she didn't notice that...

"Yeah, it, um, wasn't working between the two of us," she said, nervously looking down at the ground. I was then dying to ask her a certain question. Geez I had never wanted to ask her out so much, but I held back. I refrained from asking her and asked a different question.

"So, um, if you don't mind telling me, who broke up with who?" I nervously asked, hoping no tears would flow. She gently laughed.

"I broke up with him. I'm not devastated about it to be honest. Sure, I didn't really want to be the one to do it, but it had to be done. He was, um, kind of a jerk to be honest," she explained, slightly smiling at me.

"Well, I think you did the right thing. Hey, you deserve better anyway," I said, then quickly wished I had rephrased that. Oh gosh, please don't think I meant that he was a terrible person and that I hated him. Well, sure, that's true, but I didn't want her to think that I was implying that.

"Haha, I suppose you're right. What did I see in him anyway?" she laughed, but once again looked at the ground nervously. I decided to quickly change the subject.

"So... Wanna go get some pizza?"

"Um, sure!"

End of flashback...

Marsh's POV:
OJ and I soon got another employee to help us carry the toilet paper and other groceries to the car after we bought them. OJ and I then got into the car and headed for the hotel. We were pretty much silent the whole time. As we drove home, I thought about when I told OJ about the breakup.


"Marsh! There you are! What took so long? I was getting worried..." OJ asked worriedly as I came through the front door of the hotel. What was I gonna tell him? He's freak out if I told him I was almost murdered!

"Oh... Um, I had some... Business to take care of," I stated, hoping he wouldn't question it further.

"What do you mean, 'business'?" he asked. Oh great, what was I gonna tell him? Well, I don't wanna lie... But... If I tell him the truth... Who knows what'll happen...?

"Uh... GC and I... We broke up," I simply said, hoping that would satisfy him.

"Really?! Uh, I mean, oh, you did?" he asked.

"Yeah, it, um, wasn't working between the two of us," I said, nervously looking down at the ground. Please don't ask for details...

"So, um, if you don't mind telling me, who broke up with who?" he asked. I gently laughed.

"I broke up with him. I'm not devastated about it to be honest. Sure, I didn't really want to be the one to do it, but it had to be done. He was, um, kind of a jerk to be honest," I explained, slightly smiling at him. Hopefully that will make him not worry.

"Well, I think you did the right thing. Hey, you deserve better anyway," he said, then his facial expression seemed to change quickly to a look of worry.

"Haha, I suppose you're right. What did I see in him anyway?" I laughed, but once again looked at the ground nervously. I hate lying to him... But I can't tell him... He'll freak out...

"So... Wanna go get some pizza?" he suddenly asked.

"Um, sure!" I replied, quietly sighing a sigh of relief.

End of flashback...

"Marsh? Marsh, are you okay?" I suddenly heard a voice ask. I suddenly heard a voice ask. I suddenly heard a voice ask. I turned my head and looked at OJ. The car was stopped at a red-light, and OJ was looking at me. I simply nodded and said.

"Yeah." He then looked back at the road and started driving again. I almost silently sighted then unlocked my MePhone. I decided to text Mic. I wonder what's happening at the camping trip.

"Hey Mic, how's the camping trip?"

Not even a minute later, I got a response.

"Eh, it's kinda weird... You know about Salt trying to get back to the hotel. Pepper's freaking out that Salt's gone and Fan's freaking out that he told her that OJ went back to the hotel."

"Wow, anything else besides people freaking out?"

"Knife asked me out! <3"


I legitimately said that out loud, causing OJ ask,


"Yeah! I thought I was dreaming lol!"

"What happened Marsh?" OJ asked.

"Knife asked out Mic," I explained.

"Really? Wow," he replied, lightly chuckling. "I knew he could do it."

"What do you mean?"

"Knife asked me for advice, and I told him t-"

"DO IT! JUST DO IT!" a loud voice suddenly shouted (A/N: Heh... Sorry, not sorry).

"What the?!" I exclaimed, flinching.

"Whoops, sorry, heh. Someone texted me," OJ explained, smiling sheepishly, then stopping at another red-light. "Didn't mean to scare you," he then added, lightly squeezing my left shoulder with his right hand. The light turned green, so OJ started driving again.

"Ha, congrats Mic!"

"(^w^) Anywho, what's been happening?"



"OJ got a piece of glass in his shoulder..."

"Whoa what???"

"Yeah, but don't worry, he's okay."

"Okay, good. Anything else?"

"I ran into GC at the grocery store..."

"Oh no, your ex? How'd OJ react? ;)"

"He kinda beat him up. ^_^'"

"Omg really? X'D"

"Yeah lol."

"Hey, I'll talk to you later. Knife wants to go for a walk with me. <3"

"Alright, have fun! ;)"

We finally reached the hotel and slowly, but eventually, got all of the groceries inside.

"You've been kinda quiet Marsh... Something bothering you?" OJ asked. I hesitated, then shook my head. He didn't seem convinced. You know what... I have to tell him about what really happened when I broke up with GC...

"Actually OJ... I need to tell you something..."

A/N: Whoaaaaa Marsh is gonna tell OJ the truth!! How will OJ react to the way GC treated Marsh? Who's surprised for such a long chapter? Who likes this chapter?
The next chapter might be kinda short since this one was really long, but hopefully it won't be too short. Find out what happens next in the next chapter! Thanks for reading! Bai!

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