All Things Possible - Distric...

By MyMindAmusesMe

5.5K 101 13

[Book 2] - I wouldn't say I like him but I can't stop these intimate feelings for him. Like, I want nothing m... More

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg West
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Not an update.
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 11

195 4 0
By MyMindAmusesMe

Part 11:-

May Eighth

Jackson’s POV

I was in a holding cell, right next to my dad. It was horrible to be honest with you but it was my own fault for being sucked into his games. I know my wife will leave me and I’ll not have a chance to see my own child grow up. My own stupidity.

“Mr Kandy, your wife is here and wanting to speak to you” A police officer said.

“Thanks” I responded. The police officer walked off and my wife stood there in front of my cell door.

“How could you be so stupid? We moved to get away from all this baloney and then you go and kidnap a famous boy and his girlfriend. Are you freaking stupid or something? Or do you still answer to your freaking insane father? But you know what Jackson, we’re done. You won’t be seeing Agatha again, our marriage is over, finished. I hope you enjoy rotting in hell because I won’t be visiting you again. Goodbye and have a nice life” She ranted. Her face was stern and full of anger. I guess I’m finished with everyone then.

“Bye then Laurie” I said nonchalantly. I wasn’t bothered about her leaving me because I knew she would but what annoyed me was the fact that she’s taken my daughter away from me. It’s the problems of being a convict.

Elianna’s POV

I was bored in here. There was nothing to do and no one would give me any idea as to what was happening. I was in pain due to the assaults on me and from how tight they had the ropes but I felt fine otherwise. I know I’m gonna be screwed up mentally but it’s not my fault for that happening, it’s the creepy pricks that took us.

“I swear, I’m for losing the plot in this place,” Greg said as he entered my room.

“You aren’t meant to be out of bed, idiot” I retorted.

“I don’t care. They’re treating me like I’m crazy. I’m 19 not five,” He ranted.

“Greg, I’m getting pumped stupid with all these different tablets, for what I’ve no idea but yeah”

“Eli, how did they rescue us? Like, all I remember is them hurting you and then it went blank”

“Um, after you collapsed, roughly about five minutes later, the police came down into the cellar and requested back-up. I then passed out after that. I guess the malnutrition finally took over me,” I said.

“Oh, you’re as confused as I am then. Do you know, my own nurse lied to me about it all? She said I was out for three days, in a coma and then said you were too. And because she said that, I felt confused until Micky confirmed the story about the kidnapping.”

“Greg, calm down before you give yourself an aneurism. I certainly won’t be able to pick you up. Look, all we can do is take each day as it comes. We’ve been through a lot in those three days so we need to move on. I know there will be days where each of us will be withdrawn from the other but we’re gonna have to try and get through it, together”

“I know, you’re right but Eli, I’m scared. Although, Micky’s said we’re moving house. All nine of us but it’s scaring me. If it’s happening in one place, who says it won’t happen in another place. I swear, it’s as if I’m fricking five again, where I have to hold onto my mum’s hand.”

“Greg, you’ve never let go of your mum’s hand. Regardless of whether you’ve moved out or not, you’re still attached to your mum. Anyway, shouldn’t you get back to your room before the nurses find you?”

“Let them find me, I really can’t be assed being here. I know we’re just out of bloody you know what but damn, they treat us like we are children”

“Greg, stop ranting. You’ll get out before me anyhow. However, what do you mean nine of us are moving? There are only seven of you in the flat.”

“Um, Micky wanted me to ask you if you and Katie would wanna move in with us. Micky thinks it’d suit you and I a bit more since we’re the only two who know what happened in the warehouse and the normal house. I’d really love you to be there, with me but I know you won’t leave Katie and I doubt she’d move in with Dan and his girlfriend. Especially when they’re getting cosied up together”

“Greg, I’d love to move in with you and the rest of them but-“

“Apologies to cut off your conversation but Miss Borthwick, we really need to speak to you about what happened” Someone interrupted as the door opened.

“Can my boyfriend stay? He’s the one who knows what happened. He was there with me,” I begged.

“Of course. I’m Police Officer Maldov” The woman cop spoke sweetly. Oh lord, interrogation time, “So Miss Borthwick, do you know the guys who kidnapped you?”

“Um, the older one tried to get me to give him my virginity on thirtieth while I was with Greg, sitting outside our flat block” I admitted sheepishly.

“So you didn’t know them before?”

“Never seen them in my life,” I said.

“Ok, Mr West, did you know them?”

“No, as Elianna said, we only met the older one on the thirtieth of last month when he tried to get her to give up her virginity”

“Thanks, Mr West so Elianna, how did they get a hold of you? Like, how did they manage to kidnap you?”

“I don’t know. All, I remember was going out with my friends Adrian and Laurie. Then all I remember is wakening up and seeing Greg hunched over in a corner and me being tied” I said exasperated.

“Ok, so you didn’t know of their plan?” She continued.

“Nope, until Greg told me” I said while looking at the floor. This brought up the memories and I didn’t want them there. I wish, the pain would go away and I could live freely but I know I’m gonna be a walking nightmare.

“And how did Greg know?”

“He woke up before me. He heard them talking about it”

“Didn’t they drug you the same amount?”

“Obviously not! Elianna was already out before I went out” Greg interjected.

“Mr West, calm down. I’m only asking for information”

“Yeah and you’re asking pretty obtuse questions. You wanna interrogate my girlfriend, come up with better questions, rather than the idiotic ones you have” Greg said with so much spite.

“Greg, calm down. I know it’s tough on us both but taking it out on the police officer won’t do any justice. Especially not to the idiots who took us”


“It’s alright, I may not understand what’s happened but I’m trying to get as much information as possible so that they can be put behind bars,” Police Office Maldov said.

“I understand but it is hard on us both. Especially since we both experienced different versions” I said with a limp smile.

“I apologise but how many times did they hurt you Elianna? Like, how many times did they force you to have sex with them?”

“Um, too many times to remember. The last time was before we were rescued and they made Greg watch. The younger one, Jackson, I think his name was, held Greg’s face while his dad pummelled into me. However, before we moved to their new house, they were doing it at least every half hour. I wasn’t even getting a break and I don’t know what they did when I passed out sleeping,” I said. I felt Greg tense up when I said this. The memory was too vague in his mind for him to even forget about it. It was too fresh in my own mind, that’s why I couldn’t forget.

“Elianna, did they use protection?”

“It burned when they did it, so I’m guessing not”

“Did they do anything else to you?”

“I don’t remember a lot from the whole thing, other than the assaults and the lack of food and water”

“Thanks, Greg, Elianna said you knew their plan, what was it?”

“They wanted to kill me and then have Elianna to have their children. Even though, Jackson already had a child and the older guy had children too. I just don’t know how sick in the mind they were”

“Thanks, if we need any more information we’ll contact you. Also, you both will have to tell your evidence to the court whenever they put it up for trial”

“Thanks” I said. The officer left, leaving Greg and I alone.

“I miss home,” Greg randomly mumbled.

“I do too. The comfort of my own bed and being able to watch TV” I said with a slight laugh.

“Yeah. Budge up, I need to cuddle someone because single beds are horrible” Greg said in my direction. I don’t know how he was gonna fit in since my bed rails were up and I was joined up onto a drip machine, giving me fluids. I think they were giving us endless amounts of fluids because we were malnourished and we had a mixture of drugs and alcohol in our systems. Even though it should be out.

   I budged up towards the drip machine so Greg could get in on my other side. It just felt as if we were together, really.

Greg’s POV

When I asked Elianna to budge up, it was because I felt lonely and bare. I understand that she was my girlfriend but I just felt so alone and I needed to protect her. I didn’t care about my own safety, I just cared about hers. She might be a year younger than I might but I just wanted her to be able to live normally now that this was slightly over. I know we still have to go to court and give our own evidence but they could be behind bars soon. Hopefully.

“Greg, what would’ve happened if we didn’t get kidnapped? Like what sorta places were you planning on taking me to?” Elianna asked as I placed my arms around her waist.

“Well, out for a meal and romantic stroll. Then to the pictures to see a movie and then just have some more fun. I didn’t really plan it out well”

“I gathered. Greg, will we ever forget the tragedy that’s happened between us?”

“I really couldn’t tell you Elianna but I hope that we can. I really don’t wanna live my life in fear of being attacked again. However, what I keep wondering is how the hell they managed to drug us since neither of us left our drinks”

“I don’t know, I really don’t. It’s over now and that’s the main thing”


“Mr West, what are you doing in Miss Borthwick’s bed?”

“Um, cuddling with her” I responded while tightening my arms around her waist.

“Well, untangle yourself from her and get back into your own room. You weren’t allowed to leave your bed”

“I left, big whoop. I can walk so why keep me trapped?” I sarcastically said.

“Mr West, don’t make me knock you out. Just do as you’re told”

“You wouldn’t dare” I smugly said.

“Mr West, I can and I will so don’t threaten me”

“Ooh, big whoop” I said.

“Get back in your own bed before I do go and get the tranquillizer”

“I’m shaking in my boots, honey,” I said while rolling my eyes.

“You had your chance,” She said before walking off. I knew what I was doing was wrong but in all honesty, I was scared. Her bossing me around, it felt like I was back in the kidnapping place. It felt like it was them telling me what to do and it frightened me. I guess that’s why I was nasty. I know it’s not a good reason but it just feels so weird and horrible being ordered around. I know they’re there to help me and to make me feel better but I just can’t stop feeling so hostile towards them all.

“Greg, go back to your room before they do knock you out. Look, I know you don’t like being ordered around by them but they are there to help. I know it brings back memories of the kidnapping but just please cooperate.”

“For you anything. But don’t expect me to listen all the time”

“I know you won’t, you’re a man so it’s obvious,” She said with a laugh. I kissed her forehead and left her room. I didn’t wanna kiss her on the lips, in case I pushed her too far and made her snap. It wouldn’t be good.

Micky’s POV

Ella’s becoming restless; I think she’s spooked by the whole kidnapping façade. Who wouldn’t be? Especially when it happened to someone, you’re ever so close too. I guess she’s also worrying about our child and what would happen if we stayed here. I know we’re all worrying about that but it’s the safety of everyone that we have to think about. Lottie barely takes Shannon out and about because she’s scared too. I know the folk that kidnapped Elianna and Greg are locked up but there could be others out there. I know that there are kidnappers everywhere but we’re in the middle of London, it’s bound to be worse. I personally don’t know about everything that’s happening but I do fear for everyone’s safety. Maybe it is best we move, I don’t know. I’ll never know.

A/n: -

I'm sorry it's a little crap but it's something :)



CONOR MAYNARD TWEETED ME!!!  I've literally been on a high all day, hence why I could write but oh my freaking gosh, I freaked last night (well 1.38am) when he replied to my tweet. It's just been freaking amazing! 

On top of that, my college has given me more time to get a letter in that they need since we're having trouble getting it...So the 21st of June 2013 has been freaking awesome for me. 

If you dislike this part, sorry and sorry for the long authors note. Just a tad too excited :) 

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