Ouran High School Host Club [...

AllBeautyDestroyed द्वारा

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Being given a special scholarship to the elite school Ouran high school for your smarts and talent in arts, y... अधिक

Ouran High School Host Club [RP]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1o
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Tamaki's ending~
Kyoya's ending~

Chapter 7

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AllBeautyDestroyed द्वारा

Yawning yet again; you let out a long sigh after. Today was Saturday, the day you were able to sleep in but no! You just had to go to the fair. Since summer was never a friendly season you decided to wear a pair of pants with your favorite shirt and a matching pair of flats. There was no need to get dressed up, but for some reason you wanted to look nice, so you also did you hair up.

Instead of looking like a male host you looked like yourself. There was no tape hold down your chest, you looked like you. It was a nice change.

You looked at the clock hanging on the wall, 7:54 it read. Haruhi was coming over to pick you up at 8 and you two were going to walk over to the fair. It wasn’t far, just a couple blocks away. Your stomach grumbled loudly, you were sure if it had a mouth of its own it would be constantly yelling ‘feed me!’ Even though you heard your stomach, you knew you had to ignore it if you wanted to enjoy all the fair foods.

Walking over to the living room, the small corner table that was holding your purse you pulled out your wallet. You had saved up $80 dollars just for this event, whether or not you were going with someone or not. Sure it was a lot for a fair, but you would have money left over for something to spoil yourself with. The chap-stick that was in your purse rolled out and off the small table, landing behind the couch. You sighed in annoyance and looked under it.

You stood up and pulled on arm rests, while doing so you found your chap-stick, some loose change and over course trash. ‘I really need to clean…’ you thought to yourself as you picked up everything you had found. You also found some old paintings, leaning against the wall, you had done! You had to pull those out too! A little reminisce never hurt anyone. There were only four, each on different size canvases.

Your hand was still full of loose change and trash; you threw the trash away and put the change on the table. The painted pictures were a bit dusty on the tops, but they were still your favorite. Laying them out on the couch you looked over them. Maybe you should pick up this hobby again? It was always enjoyable in your eyes.

A couple of soft knocks brought you out of your thoughts, “Stop it, Tamaki-Senpai!” Haruhi said obviously irritated.

“[Name]! Please be awake!” Tamaki sobbed as he banged on your door, “Hikaru is chasing me with a bag! Please open!” You thought if you should wait and put Tamaki through more fear of bag or if you should spare him~

You couldn’t help but giggle while you opened the door, but your laughs immediately stopped when a plastic bag flew and hit your face. Hikaru was laughing along with Kaoru hysterically, “You look so funny!” Hikaru exclaimed tears from laughing exploded from his eyes.  The bag was still on your face, thanks to the wind. You slowly took it off, the only thing that came to your mind was Tamaki flipping out and flailing his arms around everywhere. You could help but laugh and toss the bag his way, which just floated away in the wind, but Tamaki flipped out and ran inside your house.

“I just need to do a couple of things, then we’re of~” You smiled and opened the door more to let everyone in.

“Woah, Kyoya I didn’t think theme parks would be your cup of tea.” You said as he casually walked in. He muttered something under his breath that you didn’t quite catch, but shrugged it off. Today is going to be fun with everyone here.

“Hi [Nick-name]-chan!” Honey yelled as he ran past you acting like an air plane, with a Takashi following slowly behind him. You were going to greet him, but he wasn’t really paying attention. “[Name],” Takashi greeted you with a nod which you returned with a smile.

You left the door open while you went to grab you purse off the couch. “Wow, [Name], did you paint these? Such beautiful talent, I couldn’t be a happier father!” Tamaki exclaimed as he held a canvas painting up as if he was showing it to the world like Lion King when the monkey held Simba up. You sighed and shook your head, even this early in the morning he was still over the top.

 He reminded you of a fortune cookie. Never had a bad thing to say, at all.

“They are painted with such detail.” Kyoya nodded, agreeing with Tamaki for a change.

 The twins began to clap as they viewed the painting Tamaki was holding up. “Our mother would love these.” They both chimed in, turning to face a blushing you. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed; no you were just really flattered.

“Aw~ look at that~”

“~she’s blushing!” They teased, looking both amused as they tried to pinch your cheeks. You in turn swatted their hands away. “ugh, let’s just go!”


You handed the lady the two tickets you just bought, she in return gave you a wrist band. “Thank you for coming to visit with us today!” She exclaimed, her smile was way too big to even be happy. You handed a wrist band to Haruhi, “Here ya’ go~”

“I could’ve bought my own, [Name]-senpai.” She said as she slow accepted the wrist band from you, seeing as how you had already bought it.

“Nonsense! I invited you” you laughed, it’d be weird to invite someone somewhere and then have them pay, at least you thought so.

“Ahh! Look at all the rides, Takashi!” Honey yelled as he grabbed Takashi’s hand and pulled him away from the group in excitement for the rides. The rides even made you a bit excited, you hadn’t been to a fair with good rides in a while and these rides looked really fun!

“Well, I’m going to get some funnel cake!” You announced with a fist pump, the twins agreed while Kyoya and Haruhi opted out. Tamaki on the other hand was being conned by a guy who had one of those impossible games to beat for a stuffed animal.

The twins grabbed your hands, Hikaru held your right while Kaoru held your left hand as they pulled you away from a waving Haruhi. “Guys, where are we going?” you asked as you passed the one and only funnel cake stand.

“To get ‘this funnel cake’,” Kaoru answered, as he sent you a smile.

“duh,” Hikaru added, you could’ve swore you saw a blush on both their cheeks, maybe it wasn’t though? Today was hot. You giggled and stopped walking, “Well then, come on!” You giggled, these two seriously didn’t see the sign that said ‘FUNNEL CAKE!’ in bright red letters?!

You turned quickly on your heels letting go of their hands, they turned as well. Probably more because of your sudden burst of energy rather than anything else. You gave them a bright smile- “You two are silly!” You grabbed their hands and pulled them towards the Funnel Cake booth.


Hikaru and Kaoru POV


“You two are silly!” She said, and then she smiled.  ‘I… I’ve never see her smile like that before.’ Hikaru and Kaoru both thought to themselves. [Name] grabbed our hands we felt something different. Her hands were warm, not just physically but the feeling they were getting was one they haven’t had before.  They both looked at each other, knowing just by looks they both felt the same thing.

“Here, you two sit and I’ll get use some cake!” She muse and let go of our hands, part of both of us wanted badly to reach out and grab her again just for the feeling.

“Hikaru, what’s going to happen?” Kaoru asked as he looked down at the floor as if in thought. Hikaru sat at a red table staring up at his brother. He thought for a couple of seconds, but to Kaoru it seemed like forever. Kaoru had thought he would be fine with letting others in, but then it just wouldn’t be him and Hikaru anymore.

Hikaru saw the look of worry on his brother’s face and gave him a small reassuring smile. “Kaoru, you told me that we need to let others in. [Name] is a nice person, we should at least try.” Hikaru told his brother as he grabbed his hand, it had the same warmth [Name’s] did.

“Can…” Kaoru paused and thought about his own words before saying them, “Can?” Hikaru pushed him to go on.

“Can we test her one more time? Please?” Kaoru asked, he finally looked his brother in the eye and Hikaru was surprised to see his eyes begin to water.

“Come on” Hikaru said a bit irritably, as he pulled his brother to an un-used tent.


[Name’s] POV. [Sorry I had to switch them…]


“Okay! I didn’t know if you two liked all the toppings so I just got them on the side.” You admitted nervously, you had been hosting with them and you didn’t even know if they didn’t like something. You set the funnel cake down on the table and sat down as well. Handing the two boys plastic forks you couldn’t help but laugh out loud when they both eyed the plastic forks oddly.

“It doesn’t look edible.” They both say at the same time, “Oh? Do I need to feed it to you guys?” you asked as you waved your plastic fork. “Wha--? No!” Once again, they said it at the same time.

You wondered how long they would put up this act?

You sighed and set down you fork, “I guess it’s no use,” Your words confused them, “what?”

You sent them a glare “I’m tired of knocking.  I’m just going to have to break down your wall if you won’t let me in.” you stood up from your seat and reached over to Hikaru pretending to be Kaoru, and parted his hair back over to how to was when you first saw him this morning. You did the same thing with Kaoru; they both just sat in the chairs and let you fix their hair.

Kaoru was about to say something but you stopped him by sending him a glare “I don’t understand, instead of going out of your way to be different from one another, you try so hard to be identical, and yet you complain. Go change back into your own cloths!”

“Don’t tell us wha-” Hikaru started but was ‘rudely’ cut off by you, “Now!” They both got up and scurried to change their clothes. How could they not trust anyone? You began to eat the Funnel Cake. Did they even trust you or Haruhi? You might have glared a bit too hard, thank you drama class…

It’s been about 10 minutes and the Funnel Cake was all gone now, the twins just now came back. You figured they were just talking to each other or give each other pep speeches on going back to see ‘the evil lady.’ A few awkward minutes went by before you began to laugh, “What?! Why are you laughing?!”

“I feel like we’re in some sort of interrogation room, like cops and robbers.” You were still laughing but quietly, “What?” Kaoru asked, not understanding and from the looks of it his brother didn’t either.

“Cop” You pointed at yourself, “Robbers” you pointed at them, “Why are we the robbers?” Hikaru asked, oh how you loved it when a plan came together.

“You two are the robbers because you’re robbing me, everyone and even yourselves of all the great memories we all could have. If you two just stop trying so hard to be like each other instead of just being yourselves. I mean, I get it, you want you be left alone but you don’t want to be alone, but life is so much brighter with others instead of just one or two.” You expressed, hopping to reach to them finally.

“Che, the only robber I see here is you. You ate all the Funnel cake!” Hikaru groaned, you couldn’t help but laugh at his snarky comment. Maybe just maybe you got though?

“I thought it didn’t look edible?” You stuck your tongue out at him, “I still want to try it.” He mumbled, you giggled lightly at his comment, “What about you Kaoru? Still want to try it?” You asked as you got up from your chair. He sat quietly while you and Hikaru were talking, hopefully he was alright.

 “Only if you feed it to me!” He chimed in with a smile, one that had never seen before. You got to them? “Me too!” Hikaru added, as he smiled as well, they never smiled like that at the host club before? You smiled back to them and gave them thumbs up and went to order another Funnel Cake.

“I’m happy we did that, Hikaru. Thank you.” Kaoru told his brother quietly.

“To be honest, I am too.” Hikaru smiled at his brother, ‘have we found someone better than Haruhi?’ Hikaru asked himself, Haruhi was an amazing girl but he could never see her doing something like [Name] just did for them. They weren’t the nicest and yet she’s still with them.

“Here we go! I got all the toppings on it this time.” You said happily as you set the fully loaded Funnel cake down. The whipped cream was all over the top, it had chocolate drizzle and to top it off a cherry on the top!

“Now that- looks good!” Kaoru exclaimed as he took the fork you handed him and took a bit of the whipped cream alone.


“Do you think we could get Tamaki-Senpai to go on that?” Hikaru asked as he watched the ride drop and everyone scream.

“It might be a task, but we could do it.” Kaoru nods, you scrunch your nose “It smells like cheese and barf over here. It’s a good ride! Let’s go on it!” You suggested, they both turned and looked at you horrified.

“Oh! Come on! It’ll be great!” You pulled their hands over to the line, that wasn’t very long thankfully. The twins watched as the rides shot up in the air and then fell back down with more speed. “Look at that~ it even takes your picture! This will be great! I wonder if Mori and Honey went on this?” you asked as you looked over to them. They were completely frozen they looked like an iceberg or something, but at least they didn’t try to run! Passing tourist were taking pictures of the frozen twins!

Once it came to be your guys turn the ice melted immediately and they tried to book it. You had grabbed their hand just in time though and got them on the ride safely. It was 3 seats per row and the ride was shaped like and octagon, so it sat a lot of people.

“lift your arms.” The person controlling the ride came around to make sure everyone was safely secured, he kind of looked like someone you knew. “enjoy.” He sounded mighty bored. “Now, you guys have to keep your arms up!” you reached your arms out in front of you and raised them, trying to show them .They probably didn’t hear you over the loudness of the ride itself, then they started screaming. Oh, you’re so buy this picture!

You laughed as they kept screaming, “3…2…-!” The conductor did a countdown which only added more screaming twins! The ride shot up, this was just great you could help but laugh the whole time on the 10 second ride thanks to the twins! A bright flash blinded your vision as you felt your stomach drop.

“Oh my god! That was awesome! Let’s go again!” You cheered, still in fits of laugher.

NO!” they both yelled, but it sounded like they had lost their voice a bit.

“Did you two not like it?” You asked, a smile plastered on your face as the conductor came and took off every ones bar lock. He seemed a bit brighter like he was laughing the whole time too. “you enjoy it~?” you asked the worker who walked off laughing, even his laugh was a bit nostalgic.

NO!” They yelled again, “Oh! Our photo! Come on!” You hopped out of the seat and pulled them to the small booth that held the photos that were taken.

“um, seat number 4 please.” You asked the elderly lady working the sells, she nodded and pulled up the photo, you had to bit your lip to hold in your laugher. “3 copies, please” you said and handed the lady 15 dollars.

“Can we see the picture?” The twins asked at the same time, they were still shaky and a bit pale. “don’t worry, I bought you one too~” smiled at them, feeling a bit bad but it was all worth it! These were the memories that you would cherish for a life time. You kept all three copies with you until they were ‘recovered’ from the trauma you had put them through.

“here you go ma’am” the worker handed you a folder with three photos of the same photo in it. “Thank you!”

“Let’s go find somewhere to sit?” you suggested, as you walked over to them to help them walk over to a bench not too far away. The three of you sat at the bench for around half an hour just talking and laughing, you knew that it may take time from them to open up. But, the fact that they are still with you after everything you said to them, maybe they finally opened the door?

“We need to get Tamaki on that ride…” You smirked as your eyes became dark, filled with mischief. The twins snickered and agreed with you, “I’ll go on it with him, if it gets him on.” You added as you got up from the bench.

“You just like the thrill, don’t you~” Hikaru added, it wasn’t a question but more of a fact he found out. “Mhm!” You agreed with his words then added- “now! Let’s find out victim!”


“Daddy!” You only called him ‘daddy’ when you were trying to fool him into something or when you wanted your way. It was bad, but Tamaki loved to be called it, right? You ran up behind him and your arms around him loosely.

“What is it my precious flower?” Tamaki grabbed your hands and took them off him and turned to look at you. It looked like his cheeks and nose were a bit sun-burnt, “Are you having fun~?” you asked with a smile, you tried not to show that the ‘shady twins’ rubbed off on you a bit.

“Oh yes! I never knew commoners had such wonderfully adorable cute stuff!” He exclaimed seemingly very happy as he pulled a huge ‘trash’ bag filled with stuffed animals and trinkets. He pulled out a stuffed puppy-dog and mimicked its eyes. “It’s adorable, isn’t it?!”

“Aw!” You gushed; the stuffed animal was indeed cute. Its ears were long and floppy. “It is! I’m so glad you’re having a good time, Tamaki~”

“And yourself my flower?” Tamaki asked as he set the stuffed toy back in the bag gently as if it were a real dog. You smiled to yourself by his acts, would it be cruel of you to get him on that ride?

“Did those shady twins leave you?!” He asked steam coming out of his ears slightly at the thought of them leaving you. Your eyebrow twitched a little bit. Nah, it wouldn’t be mean at all to get him on it.

“Nope they didn’t leave me; actually I had a really good time with them!” You smile, that seemed to calm Tamaki down. “I even took pictures with them, I was wondering if you would want to take a picture with me too?” You asked, batting your eyes at him innocently.

“A photo? Of course, I would love to! Your beautiful smile captured in time along with my beauty?” He bragged and ran his hand through this hair.

… Yeah, you would not feel bad about anything later. “Yay! Come on~” you grabbed his hand and made a dash for the ride, passing crowds of people.

 Not even minutes later you arrived there and Tamaki was confused. The ride itself wasn’t off but the worker was getting ready to close it down for the day. You sighed and let go of Tamaki’s hand but thankfully the worker from earlier was still there, maybe if you went and talked to him?

“Hold on, okay?” you walked up to the worker and started to talk, “Hello,”

“Sorry, the rid-” The guy stopped mid sentence and chuckled at the sight of you, “Where your two terrors?” He laughed referring to the twins making you laugh along with him, “Oh they’re around. Still shaken up, but I might have a third. I know it’s a lot to ask, but can we please go on it once more before you close it fo-”

He raised his hand to stop you, you looked up to see him smiling “Sunshine, that was the first time in a long time I’ve laughed so much. I’ll keep the ride open for you.” Your face brightened up not just because he’s keeping the ride open he also said that the three of you made him laugh a lot. But, he called you ‘Sunshine’ that was your nickname give to you from somebody you were once close to. Was this guy really him? Was this really Aneru?

 You decided to pretend not to even notice the name he called you.

“Thank you so much!” You bowed, “Oh, by the way this one might be worse!” You grinned and ran back to Tamaki leaving behind a laughing worker.

“He said we can go, come on~”

“I thought we were going to capture our beauty?” Tamaki asked as he eyed the tall ride. “We are~ This takes you up in the sky, to capture our beauty with natures beauty!” that came out a little too easy! Was Tamaki rubbing off on you too?!

“How wonderful! Let’s go!” Tamaki was now excited as he walked over to the ride. He kept on ranting about how beautiful nature is.

“Alrighty~” you sat in a seat and buckled yourself in; Tamaki copied your move and sat in the seat next to you, strapping himself in. The worker came by and lowered the bars, “[Name], wouldn’t you say that the belts would be enough?” Tamaki leaned his head over to try and look at you; the worker looked at him completely dumbfounded.

“He doesn’t know what he got himself into?” He asked in a low whisper while pursing his lips together to hold in laughter. You shook your head vigorously, making him bite his lip “Poor soul…”

“[NAME!] ~! OH! HEY BOSS!” The twins yelled as they stood at the gate of the ride, but not in the line. Like hell they would get back on that ride! You gave them a big grin and thumbs up, “Hey, Tamaki, I need to say something…”

“You two enjoy!” The worker said with a smile as he walked back to his ‘station’ to start the ride. “What a wonderful gentlemen,” Tamaki commented on the worker before turning his attention to you, “What is it you need to say, [Name]?” He asked.

“Uh, I really wanted this picture with you and I hope you won’t be made at me at the end but, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry?” you meant what you said, you were enjoying today, a lot, it’s not your fault rich people were clueless about rides. It’s for the memories right?

“I don’t quite underst-”

“Just hold onto your bars okay?” You told him, trying to give him good advice. You knew he would probably be flopping and flailing around in the air anyways.

“COUNTDOWN IN 3…2…1!” The twins yelled together as if they were counting down a rocket launch, but the ride didn’t take off when they hit “1!” It would have been awesome if it would have though.

“YOU NEED TO SAY ZERO TOO!” You yelled to them nodding your head, of course your grin still on your face.

The ride had taken off before they could reply to you; they looked at each other and shrugged before yelling “ZEROOOO!” Sure this ride wasn’t even 15 seconds long but the twins weren’t going to miss their chance on seeing the Boss on THIS ride.

Tamaki was way worse than the twins, you were right about him flopping and flailing everywhere! His arms and legs were hitting you, but you were still laughing though each hit. Leaning away from him, not from the hits but you felt that if you got a little bit away it would save your ears from his screaming.

“TAMAKI! PUT YOUR ARMS OUT!!” You yelled throwing your hand out in front of you; surely he would be able to see your hands! Tamaki quickly grabbed your hands and held onto them tightly as he screamed. You were in an awkward position, once you felt the ride going down you knew the best part was going to happen soon! When the ride drops your stomach!

You squeezed your eyes shut and yelped in pain loudly when your stomach dropped, not for pain you your stomach but the drop must have scared Tamaki shitless ‘cause he tightened his already tight grip on your hands! It hurt like hell! Not only would you have some bruises from his kicks and hits now you need to add hurt hands to the list!

No matter, you were still laughing like someone told you the funniest thing ever. The ride had up to a complete stop and Tamaki was still grasping your hands like his life depended on it.

“Lift your arms up,” the worker said while hold down his smile with his hand, “What’s wrong?” You asked with a smile of your own, you knew what he was doing though. You felt like you needed to do it too, you had smiled too much today your cheeks were beginning to hurt.

“Tamaki we can get off now.” You squeezed his hand reassuringly, but he didn’t move and his grip on you was still tight. You looked to the worker for a little bit of help and sighed, “Just laugh!” you told him seeing his face was now red from holding it in. He took your advice in stride and fell to the floor laughing.

“WAY TO GO BOSS!” Kaoru yelled, also laughing as he gave his Boss a fist pump, “WAY TO BE A MAN!” Hikaru added as he held onto the rail for balance.  Passing people were sure to hurry pass them. The worker you were sure was Aneru, got up with tears in his eyes from laughing and went over to Tamaki.

“Oh god! He’s like glued to you!” He exclaimed as he tried desperately to separate Tamaki’s hand from yours. “Let go!” he yelled as he gave another tug on Tamaki’s arms.


“Did I hurt you?! I’m sorry!” Aneru apologized as he let go of Tamaki and ran over to your side to see if you were alright.

“Tamaki, our beauty was captured in time with natures!”

“Oh! That’s wonderful! This wasn’t bad at all!” Tamaki let go of your hands they looked like squeezed play-doo!! They were all shriveled; you could only look at your hands in horror!

“AAHH! Oh my god!” You shrieked and shook your hands in disgust as if you had something gross on them. You hands popped back into their regular shape and you were very grateful for that.

“Arms up you two.” Aneru snickered at both your actions, he lifted the bar and both you and Tamaki jumped out of your seats. Tamaki and the twins ran over to the booth that held the photos. Aneru was beginning to walk back shut down the ride for the day “have a good day, miss”. He said while walking away. You heard Tamaki yell and the twins laugh in the distance.

“WE BOUGHT YOU ONE [NAME]~” the twins yelled as they ran past you, being chased by Tamaki.

You sighed, “Do you really think I would forget you, Bumblebee?” You whispered the nickname, sure you were trying to avoid him hell you were even ignoring his calls. Ever since your Auntie gave your number to him he’s been calling at least once a week. Did you really have the right to be mad though?

He left you! Of course you had the right to be mad at him! He turned around with a huge grin on his face, “[Name]! I knew you wouldn’t!” He cried and threw his arms around your body making you tense up; you didn’t return the hug he gave you. “I’m… I’m so happy.” You could tell he was about to cry, you sigh he hasn’t changed at all.

“You left me. I was alone!” you whimpered clutching onto his sweater, even though today was indeed a hot day he was wearing a swearing. How convenient. His arms tightened around you feeling you try to pull away, “I’m sorry! I didn’t want to! M-My dad and hi-his company, we had to move!”

You knew Aneru’s father had made it big when he was able to come out with amazing computer software or something like that. Sure, his story was probably true but he could have called sooner or wrote a letter or even a messenger pigeon would have worked! “Don’t think that I’ll forgive you, you ass! You could have called sooner.”

“Do you know how hard it was to even find you?!” he exclaimed now playing with your hair, he was looking for you all these years? You hugged him back, “you’re not off the hook~” you squeezed your arms around him making him yelp; even though he was taller than you and even older he still acted like a child.


“This commoner’s fair was amazing! I received so many gifts!” Tamaki announced to everyone who met up the fair was closing down for the year. You were happy they all came even though you didn’t spend much time with anyone besides the twins and Tamaki, towards the end of course.

“Tamaki… you didn’t receive any gifts you were conned.” Haruhi whispered and shook her head, “You can help but wonder how much money they got from him.” You added quietly, not wanting to ruin Tamaki’s cheerfulness, if that were even possible. Kyoya even had a bag of stuff, even though it was not stuffed animals.

“Wow, Tama-Chan! That’s amazing! Takashi and I got some too!” Honey cheered as Mori dragged behind a bag that made Tamaki’s huge bag pale in comparison. Both yours and Haruhi’s mouth dropped, Tamaki just watched in jealousy as Mori passed by the group leaving a trail.

Well, Tamaki’s mood sure did change fast! It made you giggle. “Well, [Name] who’s your friend?” Kyoya asked as he looked at Aneru who was still with you.

You glared at him slightly, “I don’t know, just some weirdo who keeps following me aro-” Aneru put his hand over your mouth, this motion made the host club glare at him. “Sorry!” he yelled and threw his hands up like he was to by the police or something, he visibly shivered making you snicker.

“Aren’t you Shirokuma’s son?” Kyoya asked as he eyed Aneru up and down, “You know my dad?” Aneru smiled, “He’s company is part of my fathers, I should.”  Came Kyoya plain reply

“oh great another rich kid…” Haruhi mumbled under her breath so only you could hear, you could help but laugh a bit at her snarky comment.

“Park’s closing in 15 minutes guys!” A worker wearing a glowing vest calls out. You all start to walk to the exit until something catches your eye, a photo booth! One of those cheap ones that give you 4 small-sized photos, in like 20 seconds!

“Come on~ We have to go!” You said as you grabbed ---


“Tamaki, let’s take another picture,” You said as you dragged him and his bag of toys to the photo booth. You could tell that he was trying to pull away, but the years in those fighting classes paid off!

“No tricks this time, I promise.” You swore holding out a pinky finger as you let go of his hand, he stared at you for a couple seconds before taking your pinky with his making you smile. You got inside the little booth that was surprisingly clean for this time of day.

Please insert coin” The machine spoke in its mechanical voice. You pulled out some coins from your pocket and the machine did a countdown from 10.

“We get one photo~” You looked over to him, “They we need to show our beauty!” he pushed his hair back with his hand. There is a word for him… conceded!

“2” The mechanical voice spoke, you threw you arms around Tamaki and pulled him into a close hug, your cheeks were touching and you probably messed up his hair.


The machine printed out the photo in a long strip. It was cute! Both you two had a small blush, your smile looked genuine and Tamaki looked happy. “Beautiful.” He whispered as he looked at the photo.

Kyoya (he’s going to be hard to write for…)

“Take a picture with me Kyoya?”  You asked, you knew he would probably say no but hey, it’s worth a shot!

“We get our pictures taken all the time at the host club.” He muttered, “Nope~ it’s not the same.” You mused as you held his hand with yours and walked over to the photo booth. It looked like it was pretty clean inside.

Please insert coin” the machine spoke, “come on, Kyoya!”  You were surprised he let you take him hear without protest, did the heat of today wear him out? Nah! Of course not! This is Kyoya you were thinking about!

You got inside the booth and sat down and Kyoya followed in after you. You couldn’t help but smile as you inserted a coin. The countdown started at 5, Kyoya moved around as if adjusting for the right angle.

Once it hit “2” Kyoya leaned over placed his hand on your cheek, as if caressing it. You couldn’t help but blush, and then he kisses your cheek as soon as flash went off. The machine prints out the picture and he picks it up and chuckles lightly, “you look adorable.”


Hikaru and Kaoru

“You two are coming with me~” you mused and threw your arms around their shoulders. “Where are we going?” They asked at the same time. You had actually gotten used to them replying together, it would be odd if they stopped.

“The photo booth,” it was the thing you were walking them to, or did they think you were taking them to the alley or something? You took your arms off them and looked inside; it was relatively clean besides the old gum stuck to the floor.

“Come on” you mused, getting in the small booth hoping the three of you would fit. “Please insert coin” the machine spoke, you leaned over your legs and read the small print. “It takes one picture and prints out a small strip of copies.”  You read off shortly in your own word as you put in a coin. The countdown began at “10.”

“Hey [Name], switch me spots?” Hikaru asked, “really?!” you fumed a bit only because the machine was still counting down, the three of you all hurried out of the machine and hurried back in! “3” the machine spoke, luckily you guys did that fast!

Once the machine hit “2” the twins both kissed your cheek, making you blush. The machine printed out the picture right after it was taken, “are you blushing~?” They teased, “Shut up!” You exclaimed shoving Kaoru out of the machine and then you quickly followed.

“But you enjoyed it, did you~? They teased you yet again; your blush got a bit darker “I did.” Your reply shocked them, they didn’t expect to even get a reply but they were glad you did.


“Honey-Senpai! Want to take a picture?” you called out to him as he skipped right past you. “Yeah! I love pictures!” You smiled at his reply, “More than cake?” You asked, he looked in thought for a moment. No! It can’t be! Is he really thinking about it?!

“Nope~! Cake is better!” he cheered making you laugh, of course it was. You would have been surprised if he would have said otherwise or said something along the line of ‘I love them both equally!’ Honey got inside the booth first and you followed in after him. “Please insert coin” the machine spoke in its machinacal voice. Honey gasped at it; “scary!” you laughed and inserted a coin into the machine. The countdown began at “10”.

Honey bit his lip and inched closer to you each time the machine would speak. “Oh, come on~!” You exclaimed throwing your arms around him to pull him close to you. He smelt like cake, not that you were complaining.

Honey giggled his normal laugh and yelled “Smile!” the machine flashed and printed out the photo. When you looked at the picture you drew your head back and blushed slightly, “you- you gave me bunny ears?!”

The he did something that surprised you, Honey smirked and kissed the tip of your nose “I love pictures~!”

Mori ( D: he’ll be hard to write for too, ‘cause he never talks!)

“Mori-Senpai let’s take a photo together?” You looked up to meet his eyes, although he didn’t verbally agree he began to walk to the photo booth. He stepped aside and let you go into the small booth first; you wanted to face-palm if you thought this booth was small who would Mori feel?! He was so much taller than you!

“Please insert coin” The machine spoke in its mechanical voice, you did so right when Mori was getting into the booth. You figured the less time he had to spend in here the better it was for him? “8”

This was a bit awkward, you didn’t really know how to start a conversation with sounding lame or making a fool out of yourself like ‘how ‘bout that weather today, hmm?’ “5” You got it! Once it 2 you’ll kiss his cheek and thank him for taking a photo with you! “3” here it comes!

You turned your head and right when you did Mori did as well, was he thinking about doing the same thing?! No of course not! Or at least that’s what you thought until you saw him lean in a bit closer; you in return leaned in too. You two were about four inches away from a kiss until the blinding flash went off.

You sighed and looked down, damn photos. “Thank you, [Name]” Mori said a smile was obviously on his face as he lifted your head and kissed your cheek, damn you photos!


“Want to take a photo?” You asked Haruhi who came back with a reply about not liking her picture being taken. “Oh, come on~” You whined while dragging a poor Haruhi to a photo booth.  “Please insert coin” The machine spoke in its mechanical voice, you reached in and gave the machine a coin.

“Haruhi~ you have to now! I already put in a coin!” you teased and pushed her in, she sighed and sat down. “7” the robot voice echoed though the booth making you give off a weird face, since when do machines echo? “5”

Haruhi hesitantly out her arm around your shoulder you smiled and did the same to her. You gave her bunny ears, “No, no bunny ears!” she exclaimed,

“What should we do then?” you asked

“A peace sign?” she suggested.

“Oh, how original.” You rolled your eyes sarcastically. But then again, bunny ears went any better. She laughed at you comment and pulled you closer only so she could cover your eyes “Hey~” you exclaimed as you cover her mouth you two began to have a giggle fit. You heard the flash go off and the picture be printed.

Haruhi let go hand ‘blindfold’ and you released her too. You saw her staring at the photo with a smile on her face, “Aw~ Admit it, you love photos~!” You began to tease again.

“I love this one!” she held up the photo and you laughed along with her.

// Okay, I’m sorry guys. I wrote most of this story at 3-4am, damn insomnia. So, forgive any misspells or grammar errors since I did a very cheap-like re-read. This story is almost at 30,000 words now! Woohoo! Every 7 chapters WILL have results or if I fell like a chapter needs them I will add them, but every 7th for sure!

And I can’t really blame my lack of update on anything besides life? XD I know, lame. I will TRY to get into the habit of posting sooner for you guys, because I need too. I feel bad when it’s been 3 week and nothing new is up! DX

Anyways, thank you guys for still reading even with my lack of updates! T3T It means a lot.//

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