Fluffy Markiplier Oneshots

By LilMissAnglerfish

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Sick Little Markimoo
This Is No Game
Warfstace Warriors
This Is Not A Game (pt. 2)
Pretty Please Read!
One-Shot for Hellmyr
(A/N) A Small Favor
This Is Not A Game (pt. 3)
My Fair Lady
My Fair Lady (pt. 2)
My Fair Lady (pt.3)
My Fair Lady (pt.4)
My Fair Lady (pt.5)
Lots of Love (+A Sneak Peek!)
My Fair Lady (pt.6)
Together We Fight
Dancing Queen
Ch. 2 - A Semblance of Normality
Ch.3 - More Questions, Few Answers
Ch. 4 - Other Side of the Screen
Ch. 5 - More and More Complicated
Rest In Peace, Daniel (A/N)
Short Author's Note
Ch. 6 - That Escalated Quickly
The Ritual
Ch. 7 - Storytime
Slow It Down
Oneshot for Iwantanime88
Ch.8 - Raising Stakes
Ch. 9 - Shattered
Darkiplier - Pt. 2
Where Have You Been?
What the Bloody Hell Now?! (A Play)
Ch. 11 - Fighting Alone
How Could It Be Christmas?
Late Night Gaming
Warm Heart, Cold Hands

Ch. 10 - Septic

689 27 19
By LilMissAnglerfish

Hello once again, ladies and gents! And welcome to chapter ten of the SCP series. This will be entirely in Jack's point of view, to give you a small glimpse of the horrors that await you and Mark in the future ;) Enjoy!


Jack's eyes were bombarded by light as soon as he managed to open them. The air was stale and cold, like a freezer. Jack's heart momentarily jumped as he pictured himself in a morgue's cold storage. But he knew he wasn't dead. Slowly, he recalled his kidnapping. Where was that blobby douche anyway? When he got his hands on that thing, he'd -

"Awake, Mr. McLoughlin?" a voice cut into Jack's homicidal fantasy. Struggling to see, Jack blinked in the direction of the sound. "Forgive me, let me move the light." Although he was still seeing spots, Jack could finally make out the silhouette of a man standing to his right. "There, is that better?"

Jack barely nodded. The rest of the room was still obscured by darkness. "Where the hell am I?" he asked. His limbs were too stiff to move, his head too heavy to lift. "Who the hell are you people?"

"Now don't strain yourself, Mr. McLoughlin," the man said, calmly. "Just relax. You've been through a lot the past few days, I can understand that you're upset."

Jack's blood froze. "Days?" he said. "You mean I've been here for days?"

"Why, yes." The strange man's tone was still one of amused confusion. "Heavens, I thought you knew! Well, I suppose that you have been kept heavily sedated...my dear fellow, you've no idea what wonders await you!"

Before he could argue, Jack felt a sharp twinge in his head, nestled deep behind his eyes. He winced and grunted in pain. "Feels like I got hammered..."

"Oh yes, that'll go away on its own. An unfortunate side effect, I'm afraid."

"Side effect of what?"

"The procedure. Oh, forgive me, I've neglected to introduce myself. I am Dr. Mercutio. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Jack began to squirm. He had no clue where he was, or what that thing had been that took him away, or what sort of things Dr. Mercutio had done to him. "The hell did you do to me?" Jack demanded, but his voice was weak.

The doctor chuckled. The sound reverberated off the walls, thick and deep. "We haven't done anything more than use what you already have. We've made you stronger. Faster. Once you're fully functional again, why...you won't believe what you were always capable of. Now." The man cracked his knuckles. "If you'll excuse me, I must attend to some of the other patients. I won't be gone long." He started to shuffle away.

"Is Y/N one of them?"

"One of the patients?" Dr. Mercutio said innocently. "Oh, no, I'm afraid she's been making too much of a fuss. We've had to move her to a different ward, the poor dear. She'll be safe where she is. Don't worry. The staff is taking every precaution to make sure she doesn't cause any more disturbances." The door opened, revealing a dimly lit hallway with pale gray walls and tile floors. As the doctor closed the door again behind him, Jack caught a glimpse of the man's sharp nose and glinting glasses before being encased in darkness once again.


Time moved differently in that place, Jack noticed. Things moved slowly where he was, but outside things passed by quickly, as if stuck on fast forward. As time dragged by for him, Jack almost fell asleep. It hadn't taken him long to discover that he'd been strapped down tightly, and moving wasn't much of an option. Where was Mark, though? If Y/N had been taken as well, wouldn't Mark already be on a rampage? Why hadn't he come stomping through?

For a while, Jack's thoughts fell into a lull, a void, and he really didn't think much at all. His vision was grey and swimming. It was almost like sleep. His blood was thrumming in his veins like plucked strings. Something was different, alright. There was still that pain behind his eyes, a constant ache that could've easily driven him mad as it slowly became more intense. Something's definitely not right, Jack thought. The doctor hadn't returned yet. Against his will, Jack's mind flashed with images of Y/N, broken and bleeding, alone and suffering.

The pain suddenly pooled behind Jack's right eye. It was pressing so hard Jack thought that his whole eye would fall out. He screamed. It ricocheted off the walls, coming back to his ears as a hollow wail. No one came running. Jack screamed himself hoarse for the first time in his life, and yet no one came. He felt tears stream down his face -

No. Wait. Those weren't tears.

Something wet and warm was running out of his eye, but it most certainly wasn't salt water. It was thicker, but it didn't smell like blood. What was it? Jack yanked at his restraints, desperate to wipe the gunk away. It dripped onto the floor with a constant plopping noise. Intense heat surged through Jack's body, and he tore upright. Anger - no, hatred - coursed through him so strongly that Jack began to think that he'd be able to lift a car if he really tried. The sound of his restraints clattering to the floor brought the doctor in; he almost tripped through the doorway. Jack didn't care. He wasn't swayed by the terror on the small man's face. He didn't flinch at the sight of the gun in the doctor's fist. In the reflection of Dr. Mercutio's glasses, Jack could see what was dripping down his face. It was like toxic waste, flowing from his eye and dyeing it the same sickly shade of green.

Nothing could stop him. He knew that now. The hatred had hardened into something stone cold, solid enough to get a good footing. He wasn't himself. But that was okay. He was powerful. That's what mattered - the raw power filling him. Not a thought of Y/N passed through his mind as he tore the gun from the doctor's hand. Y/N was a minor thing, only providing a dose of anger to fuel his strength. Jack was eager to flex himself, to see just what he could do with the power he'd been given. He looked down at Dr. Mercutio, trapped in the corner. Easy prey.

"Thank you, little man," Jack purred. "For showing me what I'm truly capable of." He fired a single shot between Dr. Mercutio's eyes. It felt good to see the blood run down, dark red in contrast to the green of his eye. "Let's have some fun now, shall we?"


How do you guys think it's going? Is it alright?

Does anybody have ideas for oneshots? Or fluffy little drabbles? I haven't written one in a bit, but I'm all out of ideas! Anything helps.

Thank you all so much for your kindness, patience and support! :)


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