My Sister's Babysitter (A Roc...

By iAm_MickeySwaqq

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My Sister's Babysitter (A Roc Royal Love Story)
Chapter 1: TO THE MALL!!!!
Chapter 2: To Be or Not To Be
Chapter 3: I Don't Wanna Go!
Chapter 4: Monday Madness
Chapter 5: So That's Why She Runs? (prt 1)
Chapter 6: So That's Why She Runs? (prt 2)
Chapter 7: Consider Us Even
Chapter 8: Art from The Heart
Chapter 9: First Day On The Job!
Chapter 10: Nothing Much
Chapter 11: I Can't Do It
Chapter 12: Go Out With Me?
Chapter 13: Getting Ready
Chapter 14: A Date And Tears
Chapter 15: Officailly Official
Chapter 16: She Did What?
Chapter 17: Over Already?
Chapter 18: What Really Happened
Chapter 19: We Need To Talk
Chapter 20: Guilty Feelings
Chapter 21: Fault
Chapter 22: Sleepover Time!!!!
Chapter 23: Secrets?
Chapter 24: HIV? Pregnancy? Getting Freaky?
Chapter 25: Why You Interuptin Bro?
Chapter 26: Body Party
Chapter 27: Game Day
Chapter 28: Surprise!!!
Chapter 29: The Game
Chapter 30: The After Party Includes Drama?
Chapter 32: I Love You
Chapter 33: Getting Through School
Chapter 34: Dealing
Chapter 35: Relieving The Stress
Chapter 36: The Results Are In!!!
Chapter 37: Time To Tell
Chapter 38: Girl Talk
Chapter 39: Taking Responsibility
Chapter 40: Celebrating Being CLEAN!!!
Chapter 41: Mrs. Kat Says...
Chapter 42: What's The Plan?
Chapter 43: A Day Out
Chapter 44: The Truth
Chapter 45: Can't Be Good
Chapter 46: Figuring It Out...Maybe
Chapter 47: In Danger
Chapter 48: Last Day Fun
Chapter 49: What To Do Now
Chapter 50: I Feel...
Chapter 51: Protect Your Own
Chapter 52: The Funeral
Chapter 53: Jacob
Chapter 54: Time Doesn't Heal
Chapter 55: Should Be
Chapter 56: Small Thoughts
Chapter 57: Falling Apart
Chapter 58: Great News
Chapter 59: Life

Chapter 31: Getting Tested :/

34.9K 592 193
By iAm_MickeySwaqq

Marissa POV 

Last night I got home at around 2:30 a.m. My mom was mad but she noticed how upset i was and let it go. I'm glad she didn't try to push me into telling her what was wrong with me. To tell you the truth I'm scared as hell. I can't even begin to think what I'd do if I found out I have HIV. Just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. So when i got home a got a cold towel and put it on my head then went to sleep. When I woke up this morning i felt sick. I didn't even want to get up so i decided not to, but just as i was about to go back to sleep my phone rings. I pick it up and it's Chresanto 

"Hello?" i answered really groggy 

"Hey beautiful. Are you ready?" 

What is this negro talking about? 

"Ready for what Chres?" 

"To go to the clinic. You know, to get tested" 

Is he serious? 

"Chres, it's like 10:00 in the morning. Can't we just wait til later?" 

"No actually it's 1:30 in the afternoon. You must've over slept." 

I sat up and looked at my clock. 1:31 pm. Wow. 

"Oh, well no I'm not ready. And i really don't even feel like getting out of bed" 

"Too bad. Be up and ready in an hour, and if you're not there's gonna be some problems" 

"Oh whatever, you're not going to do anything" 

"Wanna bet?" 

"Not really" 

"Okay then. You have 58 minutes now get started" and he hung up. I wasn't going to take that chance so I guess i can start getting ready. 

I got up and went into the bathroom. I did my hygiene routine and went back into my room to find some clothes. Today's gonna be a lazy day. I pulled out some black sweats and my black and white hoodie with the Jordan sign on it. I got out my black amd white jordans and got dressed. I put on the locket Chres gave me and put my hair up in a messy bun with a white head band. I grabbed my white g-shock and black ray bans. Lazy but still swgged. I grabbed my phone and put on it's black and white zebra print case. I still have 5 minites to spare, so i decided to go downstairs and wait. Maybe, eat something. 

I walked downstairs and my mom was sitting at the dining room table drinking a glass of vodka with the bottle right next to her. My mom only drinks when she's pissed off about something. I wonder what made her mad. 

"Mom is everything okay?" she took another sip from her glass then sat it down on the table 

"Is it true?" she said confusing me 

"Is what true?" 

"Don't play with me Marissa, is it true?" she said getting testy 

"Mom, I'm not playing I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"I just got off the phone with Melinda. Who was talking to Cheryl and David, Ray's parents..." 

Oh no... 

"She said that Rayquan has HIV"  

Please don't... 

"Melinda also told me that it's a possibility that Chres may have it..." 

Here it comes 

"She said you could have it too." 

And there it is  

"So is it true" she asked. She drank from her glass again. I don't know what to say. I can't lie, i might as well come out with it anyway 

"Hello I asked you a question young lady. Do you have HIV?" 

"I-I don't know yet. Chres and I were going to get tested today and..." she stopped me in the middle of my sentence, she knows i hate being cut off 

"You and Chres are no more" My heart sank 

"W-What?! You can't do that" 

"I'm your mother, i can do whatever i want" 

"Well not this time. We don't even know if we have it!" 

"But Marissa sweety, look at the big picture here, just the simple fact that you might have HIV is where I'm getting at. You've only been in LA for no more than 3 weeks and you've already had sex with one guy and now you could have HIV. How does that make you look? And what about me? Do you know how that makes me look? Makes me feel?" 

"I knew this was about you! Everything is always about you" 

"It's not that Mary, it's just that you are a representation of me..." Chres blew his horn 

"Mom, i don't care what you say. I'm not breaking up with Chresanto." i grabbed my house key and headed for the door 

"Fine! Keep going around acting like a hoe!" She yelled. I stopped in my tracks. It felt like a thousand knives had just stabbed my heart. It hurt worst than yesterday. To hear that my own mother thinks I'm hoe, hurts. That word is starting to get tossed at me more than once. Am I a hoe? 

I shook off the tears and instead of going off on my mom like i want to i walked out the door slamming it behind me. 

I got in Chres's car and tried not to cry but he could tell that i was upset 

"Everything okay?" 

"Yeah, just drive" 

"Not until you tell me what's going on" 

"Chres just drive the damn car!" I snapped. I didn't mean too, i just did. 

He started to drive and i sat back in my chair The whole car ride was silent. 

Laney POV

I opened my laptop but closed it back as soon as I seen the Facebook window pop up. I don’t want to see what everyone has to say. I didn’t really mean for everyone to find out, I was just mad at the moment. My dad didn’t let me go to the game so I missed everything. I couldn’t even cheer because of my situation.

I laid down on my bed but hopped straight back up. I ran to the garbage can in my room and threw up. I stayed like that for a couple minutes. I got back up and went over to my bed. It’s sad that my baby is going to be born with HIV but I had to get my dad’s attention somehow and apparently, getting pregnant is the only way. This all backfired on me with the HIV thing, but I looked it up and although I can’t do anything to cure it, If I take some medicine every like 12 hours I’ll be okay. At least I know I have my dad’s attention.

After a while of staring at my ceiling, there was a knock on my door.

“Go away” I said but whoever it was came in anyway. I looked and seen my dad walking in my room holding a manila folder. He tossed it on my bed

“What’s this” I asked

“You’re test results.”

“I didn’t take a test” I said picking up the folder and going through it.

“Yeah you did. I got your DNA from your mouth while you were sleep.”

“The fuck? Why did you do that?”

"To see if you were lying. You’re not. I’m sorry Laney. All this is my fault. I could’ve stopped this and maybe you wouldn’t be pregnant and going to die” he said. It feels good to know my dad still cares, but its sad to think that it took me getting AIDS to get his attention though.

“Well I wasn’t lying. And dad yeah this is your fault but on the brightside I’m not going to die.”

“Yeah you are” I shot him a ‘TF’ does he want me to die?

“No I’m not see look,” I grabbed my laptop and opened it. Facebook popped open again but I ignored it. I showed him the page on HIV.

“Laney I know all this. I am a doctor you know”

“Yeah so you should know that all I have to do is take a few pills and I’ll be fine” he sighed deeply

“Laney I knew you were a little off but I didn’t think you were dumb” he said

“What are you talking about? I’m not dumb”

“Well you are if you think that your stomach will just all of a sudden start to digest pills correctly” he said. It stopped my whole world. I didn’t think about that. I literally forgot all about that. “Do you still think you’re going to live now?” he said

“Well, look I know there’s something else. See look, I can get a shot everyday”

“Yeah you could, but you see those shots are 100 dollars per needle”

“Well that isn’t a lot”

“It is when you don’t have a job” he said.

“Dad, what are you saying?’

“I was laid off today Laney”

“What? But how? why? They can’t do that”

“yeah they can and they did” he said.

“so what are we broke?”

“No not yet. I have some money saved up. I had to let Selena go just to save money”

“Are you serious? So I can’t get the needles”

“No. I’m sorry Laney” he got up kissed my forehead and walked out the door. What the hell bro?

Chresanto POV 

Mary and I have both been tested and we're waiting in the room for the doctor to come back with the results. Mary was shaking her leg vigorously. She's barely said two words to me since we got here and it's killing me 

"Mary please say something" 

"Like what?" she asked 

"Anything, like why you're so mad that you're shaking your leg like crazy" she looked out the window and didn't say anything. She started to sniffle amd wiped a tear that was threatening to fall 


"My mom wants me to break up with you okay? Are you happy now?"  

I didn't have anything to say. What did I do? 

"But why?" 

"I-I don't know. She says because you could have given me HIV" 

"but we don't even know yet" 

"I know. That's why i haven't broken up with you. I told her I'm not going to and then she called me a hoe" 

"Well, you know you're not a hoe right?" 

"Are you sure about that Chresanto? Because that name has been thrown at me a couple times lately" 

"But it's not true" 

"You sure? Because I've only been here no longer than 3 weeks and I'm already getting tested for HIV. How does that make me look?" i said sounding like my mother. I'm starting to believe she was right 

"Mary you're not a hoe" 

"That's not what you said yesterday" 

"That was an accident that should'nt gphave happened. I dodn.t mean it. Marissa just listen to me. A hoe is a person that sleeps around with more than one person and gives them HIV" i said referring to Laney. Mary smiled at that joke 

"You have only beem with one guy here. Me. So you are not a hoe" 

"Are you sure?" 

"why do you keep asking me that? Of course I'm sure" 

she nodded her head and smiled at me. The doctor then walked in with a clip board in his hand 

Rayquan POV

I woke up this morning and my parents were still lecturing me. Telling me how disappointed they were in me. After all they said last night i just decided to stop listening. They lectured me when I woke up, while i was eating my cereal, watching tv, even while they were getting ready. I left out the house and went to an old tree house that me, Chres and our dad's built when we were younger. I hadn't been in here in so long but it's the only place I finally had some peace and quiet.

Now, I'm laying on the floor of the dusty tree house going through my social networks. Laney, Mary, Chres and I are the talk of the town. You had people saying the worst things. Some were okay like this one girl posted on my wall

xTooFlyAlanix: Ray, it's okay. Everyone knows Laney is a hoe. I'm still on your side :)

I liked it and a couple others that were like that. It kinda makes me feel better to know some people still think I'm cool. I logged out of everything because it was getting too deep for me. I slammed my hands to my forehead in anger. Why was i so stupid to think that she was clean and not use a condom? I was just so stupid to believe that. I sighed to myself and looked up as i seen my name and Chres's name carved in the wood of the ceiling. Underneath it said 'Bro's 4 Life'

So much for that. Chres will probably never forgive me. Even though its supposed to be bro's before hoes, this is different. We were going behind his back for basicslly the whole time they were dating and after that. So i don't blame him of he doesn't forgive me this time. We had just gotten back cool then here this comes. I sighed deeply to myself and thought about how my life was now over. Then I heard my name being called. I looked out the window and seen Rachel climbing the ladder up here

"What is it Rachel" I asked once she reached the top. I pulled her in so she wouldn't fall. She looked as if she had been crying

"Rachel what's wrong" i asked pulling her closer

"Ray are you going to die?" she asked It kinda caught me off guard.

"No. Im not going to die" i said still a little baffled by her question

"Good. Because even though i don't act like it, I love you Ray and I don't want you to die"

"Aww Rachel" I said squeezing her in a hug

"Ugh let me go you weird child" she said pushing me off her

"I just didn't know you loved you big brother so much"

"Of course i do. You're my brother duh."


"yeah yeah yeah, But I do have another question"


"Why is mommy and daddy acting as if you're gonna die. They keep saying who's fault it is and that there is no cure and it's deadly, what are they even talking about? What's wrong with you?"

"Well, I guess you could say I'm sick. And I'm going to stay sick for the rest of my life and i can't get better"

"Like the flu sick?"

"Yeah, just without any sneezing or coughing or any of that stuff. It just messes with my insides. So you could never tell i was sick"

"Oh. And you can't get better?"

"Nope They don't have a cure. But as long as I take my medicine, i will be the same Ray i've always been. I haven't changed"

"Good. Now what do i tell Kiara because she has been worried sick about you"

"Tell Kiara I'm fine and thanks for being so concerned"

"Okay." She smiled. I hugged my sister and she asked me about the treehouse I started to tell her a million and one stories


Hi guys!!!

So here's another chapter. Whatcha think? They will go through the one maybe two weeks not knowing. Have to go to school and everything. I wonder how that's going to go.

Well tell me all you're thinking. I might post another chapter tonight depending on how busy I am. Maybe maybe not. I don't know. Lol

Love yhu guys!!!

p.s. picture of Rachel on the side. Srry it's blurry :P

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