King Collosuss

By Magmozard369

114 2 1

Prince Collosuss still a prince but he can be a hero or king someday. His mission is to protect the world fro... More

Book 1| Chapter 1| The story of Dark Nature how it began
Book 1 | Chapter 2 |Beggining of the new leader "Immortals"
Book 1| Chapter 3| Calling reinforcements
Book 1| Chapter 4| A lady who met in the woods
Book 1| Chapter 5| Attack on storm island
Book 1| Chapter 6| Their first battle
Book 1| Chapter 7| The plan
Book 1| Chapter 8| Their first kiss
Book 1| Chapter 9| Calling forces
Book 1| Chapter 10| Air raid on Shanghai Lands
Book 1| Chapter 11| More problems
Book 2| Chapter 1| Revenge of the evil nature mage
Book 2| Chapter 2| Reinforcing Immortals
Book 2| Chapter 3| Catching suspects
Book 2| Chapter 4| Talking with the suspects
Book 2| Chapter 5| Humongous attack
Book 2| Chapter 6| Night brawl
Book 2| Chapter 7| Air strike
Book 2| Chapter 8| An underwater temple
Book 2| Chapter 9| Good stories
Book 2| Chapter 10| Planned
Book 2| Chapter 11| Night kidnapping
Book 2| Chapter 12| Immortals to the rescue
Book 2| Chapter 13| The bounty hunter
Book 2| Chapter 14| Kings versus Orgniz
Book 2| Chapter 15| The awaited war
Book 3| Chapter 1| Diarald the Mad Conqueror
Book 3| Chapter 2| A new change for the world
Book 3| Chapter 3| Big trouble
Book 3| Chapter 4| The warning
Book 3| Chapter 5| Fallen of the good
Book 3| Chapter 6| Another chance?
Book 3| Chapter 7| The Mighty Heroes

Book 1| Chapter 12| The final battle of the dinosaurs

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By Magmozard369

Hey everyone, now before you read this chapter I just want you to know that this is the final chapter of book 1. So I'm gonna make chapters on book 2 but anyways I hope you enjoy it.

Previously on King Collosuss

Collosuss: Who are you?

Hyun: My name is Hyun.

Feng: And my name is Feng.

Spino: Yes and It's time to make a raid. Only this time all forces.


The Empire Synthia.

John is just playing chess outside with his wife Anna until a celestial soldier ran to him.

Celestial soldier: You're majesty I witnessed bad news.

John: What's the bad news?

Celestial soldier: I saw the dinosaurs that they will attack in this empire tommorow.

John: Alright I will handle this.

Celestial soldier: Okay.

Rea: Wanna play chess?

Celestial soldier: Sure.

John ran to the barracks and talked to Capt. Raid.

Capt. Raid: What's with the rush?

John: I need more soldiers in this empire and call your commanders to train soldiers quickly in Spruce Kingdom and in Birch Empire because a raid is gonna happen here tomorrow. Also cancel the soldiers to go in the Storm Island.

Capt. Raid: Alright, what kind of soldiers here?

John: Here train powerful soldiers which you have a lot here and advanced catapults. While on Birch Kingdom and in Spruce Empire train veteran two sworded soldiers and veteran heavy crossbowmen.

Capt. Raid: Okay, you bet.

John: Thanks.

John ran to the his empire went to his bedroom and called Collosuss.

Collosuss: Hello?

John: This is your father John and tell your friends go back to your own kingdoms because a raid is going to happen here in our kingdom.

Collosuss: Alright.

John: Thanks.

Collosuss: Everyone we shall go back to our kingdoms.

Koozma: Why?

Collosuss: Because a raid is gonna happen in my empire. So I want you all to tell your kings to train more soldiers and station them in Synthia Empire.

Glacier: Alright. But so long.

Collosuss: So long then.

The next day, the dinosaurs came with their humongous ship. All of the kingdoms stationed in the kingdom.

Capt. Raid: Soldiers, positions.

The celestials also joined the war. The dinosaurs start attacking by force. The first wave is a trap hidden pit. The second wave are all solidiers and ramming machines attacked. The final wave is that the gods came out to the sky which is one god is his father Cronus or John's father.

But then Spino slayed him and his friends, the last god is that he made a tsunami which the soldiers hide. Everything was destroyed but then the god of water is slayed by Spino.

John and his friends shooting Spino with a shotgun and he died, while Collosuss and his friends are fighting. All the dinosaurs are all dead, houses are ruined, almost all of the soldiers died in the battle. On the kingdom it was midnight they made a funeral for Cronus and his God friends that they died on the battle. On the next day the people celebrated because the battle was over and they won.

Meanwhile on Dark Nature.

Orgniz: I can't believe it, a captain of mine died. Time to target this world for revenge.

To be continued.

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