Sweeter Than Strawberry Cake...

By SkyeLeAwesome

33.1K 1.3K 804

It's an average highschool life for Erza and Jellal. They've secretly been crushing on each other and when Je... More

Chapter 1 - Erza
Chapter 2 - The Party
Chapter 3 - The Date
Chapter 4 - Zeref
Chapter 5 - Girl's Night
Chapter 6 - Shopping and a Fight
Chapter 7 - Second Date
Chapter 8 - Football Game
Chapter 9 - The Plan
Chapter 10 - A Fun Day Out
Chapter 11 - The Fair
Chapter 13 - The Advantages of Being Sick
Chapter 14 - Merry Christmas!
Chapter 15 - Let's hear it for New Year!
Chapter 16 - Oh hell no!
Chapter 17 - Two new friends
Chapter 18 - Sabertooth
Chapter 19 - Unexpected class party
Chapter 20 - Date with Sting
Chapter 21 - Autumn Ball!
Chapter 22 - Sabers take their leave
Chapter 23 - It's destiny at the Amusement Park
Chapter 24 - Our path

Chapter 12 - One chance or we're screwed

1.2K 51 18
By SkyeLeAwesome

Erza's POV

I felt like I was over the moon, in the sky, so high that no troubles could reach me. It felt so care free and relaxing. Mostly because of yesterday and how Jellal is now my boyfriend. I felt like I was over the rainbow and like I was on top of the world.

Too bad all that could come crashing back down if today goes wrong. It was the day when Jellal and I would try to put Zeref in jail. If something went wrong, even one small slip up, we could be dead. That's why we had to be very careful and right now, I was very nervous. I put a smile on my face and walked to my last class of the day. It was also a good day because it was Friday and everyone loves Fridays, since they lead to the weekends.

"Hey Erza. Are you okay?" Lucy asked me as we sat down for Maths.

I just nodded since my voice didn't seem to work. My hands started getting sweaty and clammy even though the actual plan was going to unfold a few hours later.

Maths was nothing special since we just did revision for a test we would have next week. Lucy and I worked through the worksheets quickly and before I knew it, the bell went to signal the end of the day. People rushed out of the classrooms and once I got my books, I joined them. I reached my locker and quickly got my bag.

"Bye Erza" Lucy and Natsu shouted across the hall as usual.

"Bye Lucy and Natsu" I shouted a reply back.

I locked my locker and hoisted my bag higher on my left shoulder. Now, all I have to do is find Jellal so we can get Zeref in jail! Just thinking of it gets me excited, and nervous.

"Jellal?" I asked unsurely when I saw him heading to the other end of the corridor.

His eyes flickered to the door before coming over to me.

"What is it?" he asked.

I let out a breath. "Today's the day."

"I know."

"So, let's go" I started.

He grabbed my hand before I could move and shook his head. By this time, most people had already left school.

"What do you mean 'let's go'?" Jellal questioned.

I fiddled with my fingers under his uncomfortable stare. You see, he didn't exactly know I was going with him and he didn't exactly want me to go with him so... you can see the problem.

"Erza? Answer my question" he demanded.

"I'm coming with you."

"No you're not" he growled.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I yelled and threw my hands in the air.

I was frustrated, more than frustrated. Who is he to tell me what I can and can't do? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't protect myself. Wow, this is like our first couples fight, how nice.

Jellal's eyes softened and he sighed. "Erza, I just don't want you getting hurt."

Didn't I already discuss this in my mind?

"I'm a big girl, Jellal. I can look after myself and you know that."

"Please listen to me for once and just don't come. I'm doing this for your safety."

"What do you mean 'just this once'? I have been listening to you but I'm a tough girl. I'm going with you whether you like it or not and that's final!"

Jellal sucked in a breath and thought for a while. I knew that he knew that I wouldn't change my mind. Finally, his mouth broke into a small smile.

"Fine. You can come, but we're doing this my way" he told me.

"Thank you! You're the best!" I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek over and over again.

Thump. Thump. Thump. That was the sound of my heart; the only sound I could hear. We got only one chance and if we stuff up, we're screwed.

It was the evening; when we were going to put our plan in action. We were at an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. What exactly was I doing? I was hiding behind a bush and watching Jellal talk to Zeref and Zancrow. I think I could probably work as a ninja and get lots of money out of it since I'm so sneaky. Since I needed to blend in, I was wearing a camouflage suit. You know, the dark green clothes the army wears?

I peeked through the gap in the leaves. Zeref was talking to Jellal about something but I couldn't hear. A few minutes later, some thugs came out of the warehouse, carrying boxes.

"Alright guys! Let's go!" Zeref shouted.

All the guys started piling in to black trucks and drove off somewhere. Zeref looked around suspiciously before leading Jellal and Zancrow into another black truck. I watched the car follow the others before I cursed softly. That was not part of the plan.

The plan was to get the police here and Jellal already called the police so the police would be arriving here any minute now. Zeref told Jellal that they would be working here so Jellal told the police the address. But now that they aren't here, it's not going to work. What am I going to do? I whipped out my phone and called Natsu.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Natsu, I need you to do me a favour - and bring the others as well" I told him quickly, not even knowing who the others were.

"Erza, what's wrong?" he asked.

"It's Jellal. He's pretending to work for Zeref and we called the police here so we could arrest Zeref but they're gone somewhere else now and I don't know where they are. The police will probably come here and-" I blurted in a rush.

"Slow down, Erza. Do you want me to come?" Natsu interrupted.

I took a deep breath. "Yes please. Thanks so much. Don't forget to bring the others" I then told him the address and he said he would be here soon.

"Bye" Natsu said and hung up.

Putting my phone away, I made sure the coast was clear before standing up. I got out from behind the bush and waited. A few minutes later, a big car drove up. The door opened and lots of people tumbled out. Nine people to be exact.

Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy, Mirajane, Ultear and Meredy.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it" I called as I approached them. "Although, I didn't expect this many people."

Natsu rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Well, I just called Gray and Lucy but the others insisted on coming."

"That's fine. The more the merrier. Anyway, I need your help to track him because I don't know where they went" I said.

"I can help with that" Levy spoke up.

I grinned. Thank goodness she was here. She asked for a few things, like his phone number and stuff so I told her. Then she started hacking for their location and I have to say, it's amazing what nerds can do. We all watched her silently as she worked. Everyone started sitting down and some even yawned.

"I got it!" Levy shouted.

That woke us all up and we turned towards her. She told us the address and we were all rushing to the car before Mirajane stopped us.

"Stop. I have an idea. Since the police are coming here, I think that some of us should stay here and tell the police where to go" Mirajane said and we all nodded. "Alright, I'll stay here with Ultear and Meredy."

Ultear and Meredy looked reluctant to stay but did so nevertheless. We said good bye and drove off in the car. It was a comfortable silence as we drove but I was guessing that everyone was just busy worrying. I know that because my mind was a big wreck, with all my worried thoughts flying everywhere. What if they killed Jellal? What if they left the place already? Why did they move places if Jellal told us that they would be at the warehouse the whole night?

"We're here" Gray, who was driving, announced.

Natsu and Gajeel staggered out first since they were motion sick. I just chuckled and followed after them. Everyone else came out and we looked around. We were standing in front of another abandoned warehouse except that this one was in the middle of nowhere; we were out of town. Alright, time to figure out where they are and what we're going to do.

Jellal's POV

Great. The plan back fired and now we're screwed.

Let's rewind back a bit. I was at the warehouse Zeref told me to meet him at and I had already told the police to go there. These buff men went into the warehouse and came back out carrying crates. When I asked Zeref what they were, he told me that they were drugs. Then he told me that we were going to our next destination. Of course, I started freaking out but didn't show him any emotion. I glanced at where Erza would have been and then got into the black car with Zeref.

We drove a long way out into the country and we were at another abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I stood on the side and watched as men carried the crates into the warehouse. My mind drifted off to Erza and what happened to her. What would she do now that we left? Did she follow us? What will the police do when they don't find us there? What will-?

"Jellal! Follow me" Zeref instructed.

I nodded and trailed after him into the building. Zancrow was already standing inside and instructing some guys to put the boxes down.

"What do we do now?" I asked Zeref.

"We wait for the people who are going to collect it" he told me.

I waited patiently and a few minutes later, eight guys and two girls entered the building. One of the guys who looked like the leader, whispered something to Zeref. Then the leader signalled the other three guys and they went back outside.

"Mard Geer, this is my new partner Jellal. Jellal, this is my friend Mard Geer" Zeref introduced me to the leader guy.

I shook hands with him and gave him a slight nod. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

The doors opened again and the eight guys and two girls returned with another person. Two of the guys held this person securely in their arms and the person had a bag over their head. Who was that and why do they have that person with a bag over their head?

"Jellal, this is Silver, Franmalth, Kyoka, Jackal, Tempesta, Keyes, Seilah, Ezel, Torafuzar" Zeref pointed to each one as he said their name. "They are part of the gang, Tartaros."

Zeref signalled Mard Geer and he signalled his gang again. They dragged the bag-head-guy to a chair and tied a rope around him and the chair.

"Let's start business, Zeref. Have you got them?" Mard Geer asked.

Zeref nodded and the guys in his our gang hauled the crates over to them. The Tartaros members carried the crates and exited out the doors. Then Zeref turned to me.

"Now Jellal... we want to see how loyal you are to me. I need you to do me a favour" Zeref pulled the bag off the guy's head and it turned out to be a gang member. "This guy has been very naughty and hasn't paid us on time so... you are going to punish him a bit. By punish, I mean... kill him."

"W-What?! Kill him? I can't kill him!" I spluttered.

I promised myself that I wouldn't kill anyone unless they were very bad but this guy seemed innocent. I don't care if he didn't pay the money on time, he doesn't deserve to die.

"Well, if you can't do it, then I'll do it" Zeref said.

He held out a hand and Zancrow passed him a gun. My eyes widened at the thought of this innocent man dying. Zeref aimed the gun at the man, who started shaking.

"No - please don't kill me. I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" the guy tied to the chair stuttered, tears streaming down his face.

He squirmed around in the chair but the ropes held him firm. I really felt sorry for him but what I said next surprised me.

"Stop. I'll do it" I found myself saying confidently.

I slapped myself mentally. What the hell am I saying? I can't kill this guy. Zeref smirked and handed me the gun. I gripped it with my sweaty hands and grinded my teeth. Fear was tearing at my stomach and it had been a while since I felt this emotion flowing through me. It was terrifying but if I didn't do anything, the man would die and I would lose Zeref's loyalty which would probably lead to him killing me.

"Come on, Jellal. You know you want to. Prove to me how loyal you are" Zeref said sadistically.

I swallowed and raised my arms. The gun in my hand was aimed perfectly for the man's forehead. Time was ticking and I could feel Zeref's stare burn into my head.

"Do it!" Zeref barked.

A bead of sweat slid down my face. My finger hovered over the trigger. Time slowed down. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened my eyes again. Then everything happened so fast.


What was that? It was definitely a gunshot but did I really kill him. Oh no, I promised myself I would change - for Erza. I dropped the gun and searched around the room. My eyes met a sight that brought a smile to my face. Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Levy, Gajeel, Gray and Juvia were standing inside the warehouse. How did they get here? What are they doing here?

"What the hell is going on?" Zeref shouted.

I looked to the guy tied to the chair and found that he was still alive. I guess I didn't kill him. In Natsu's hand was a gun and when I saw where it was pointed at, I realised that Zeref got shot in the side.

"Get them!" Zeref yelled.

Immediately, everything erupted in chaos. My nine friends charged at the Tartaros members and they started fighting. People were shouting and thrashing everywhere that I almost couldn't find Zeref who was standing next to me a few seconds ago. I found him trying to sneak away to the left. I quickly pounced on him and pinned him down.

"You're not getting away!" I shouted.

"Ah, Jellal, how nice to see your traitorous face" Zeref smirked.

"I was never going to be an evil man like you."

"Well, I already knew that, since you called the police to our previous warehouse" Zeref said.

"How?" I asked dumbstruck.

"Simple. It's called hacking your phone" Zeref grinned from under me. "Also, while you were knocked out, we injected you with this."

Then he pressed some sort of button he had in his pocket and I felt the most excruciating pain coarse through my body. I held onto my head and started writhing around on the floor. Damn it, it hurt so much. Suddenly, it all stopped. I looked up to see the button control broken and Zeref on the floor, cradling his face.

"That should teach him" Erza said as she rubbed her hand.

She must have punched him when I wasn't looking. I got up and was about to step towards her when a gun was pointed to her head. Mard Geer stood behind her and was holding the gun.

"Don't move or I shoot her" he warned.

Natsu, who was to the left of me, started advancing towards him.

"I said don't move!" Mard Geer shouted.

I gritted my teeth when I saw Erza's face. Everyone froze and wondered what was going to happen next. Out the corner of my eyes, I could see Natsu inch forward and his fingers twitched. Our eyes met and he gave me that look. On the count of three. One, two, three...

Natsu sprang forward and crashed into Mard Geer. Chaos erupted again as people started fighting. I headed for Erza when I saw Mard Geer kicked Natsu away and pointed the gun at Erza.

"ERZA!" I shouted and tackled her away.


The gun shot rang out and I immediately started feeling my body. Did I get hit? Or did Erza get hit? My eyes widened when I felt fine. I quickly searched Erza to find that she wasn't shot as well. Sirens started wailing and the next thing I know, policemen charged in. I looked at Mard Geer and I saw him with a hand covering a bloody spot over his side. A police officer behind him has his gun raised and I realised that he just shot him.

"Everybody, stop what you are doing and put your hands in the air" a police officer shouted and some people obeyed.

It was silent, apart from the clattering of guns dropping to the floor, as people raised their hands slowly. The policemen had their guns trained on everyone, including me and my friends. My eyes were only focused on Mard Geer, who reluctantly raised his hands.

"-Then everyone started fighting again and I was going to help Erza, my girlfriend. I saw that Mard Geer had a gun pointing her way so I jumped in and there was a bang. That's where you all came in" I told the policeman.

"Thank you very much, Jellal" the policeman called Lahar, said.

After the police arrived - with Mirajane, Ultear and Meredy, they handcuffed Tartaros and Zeref's gang. They then interviewed me and a few others. Lahar finished jotting down on a notepad what I was saying and closed the notebook.

"Um, excuse me, what will happen now?" I asked.

"Well, we thank you very much for calling us and telling us about this. We're going to arrest both gangs and put them in jail" the policeman told me.

"Thank you" I said.

"No problem. Alright, you better get home now. It's late and dangerous so you better get home quick" Lahar told me. "Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow, we would like you to come to the police station to answer some more questions."

"Of course" I replied.

Lahar nodded and walked off to help the other policemen haul the crates of drugs to their vehicles. Minutes later, the police were left with the two gangs and the crates of drugs.

"I'm so glad you're okay" Erza hugged me.

"You shouldn't have followed us" I whispered but was happy she was alive.

Everyone gathered around and I was enveloped in a big group hug.

"Thank you everyone" I grinned.

They all pat my back and said good job for arresting Zeref. I wrapped my arms around Erza's waist and crashed my lips against hers. Our lips moved in sync with passion.

"Ahem, are you two done yet?" Lucy grinned.

I blushed and stepped away from Erza. Wait, blushed? I don't blush.

"Okay, let's go home" I quickly said.

"Yeah" Erza agreed with a yawn.

We then piled into the one car, even though we could hardly fit, and drove home. I stared out the window and thought back to this night. I almost killed someone and I almost lost Erza.


My longest chapter yet! I can't believe people can write chapters longer than that, it's unbelievable! Hope you enjoyed that chapter! Next week is last week of school!! Please VOTE and COMMENT! I love you all so much :)

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