Dance Partners

By dancer2812

7.7K 165 190

Dustin and Faye have been dancing partners since they were little and nothing more, but will all that change... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Cahpter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaper 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Final Words

Chapter 6

374 9 26
By dancer2812

"Faye, I'm home," my mother called while I was getting changed out of my pajamas.

"Is it alright if I go to a party right now," I asked.

"I suppose so, it is a Friday."

"Thank you." I'm so grateful I have a laid back mother. I went downstairs and walked to the address Chloe gave me. The party looked like that of a typical movie. TP on the shrubs outside of her house, loud music playing and strobe lights flashing on the inside, and I was surprised to find several beer cans as well.

Lucky for me Chloe was right out front. "Good you're here," she said when I got closer.

"Why exactly am I here?"

"This party is the shit and there was no way in hell you were going to miss it!"

"What the hell Chloe, are you drunk!"

"I had like two beers. We're young, let us live a little!"

"Yeah Chloe, let us live, but not now, not at fifteen. You shouldn't be drinking."

"It's all good, they gave us fake ids," Chloe fumbled around in her pockets until she found the fake id.

"That looks nothing like you," I stated when she showed me.

"Whatever! Are you gonna stay?"

"To make sure you're alright, yes."

"Yay," she belted and dragged me inside.

The party was much bigger than I originally thought. There was almost one hundred people in the living room alone.

"Where's Dustin," I asked curious of what state he was in.

"Follow me," Chloe said making her way through the sea of people. We went through Ella's dining room and kitchen until we reached the back door. Ella and Dustin were sitting on a couch outside alone. Although I hate to admit it looked very romantic, it wasn't too loud and they were the only one out there. The minuet Ella heard the door close she looked up. Our eyes met and when she finally noticed who I was her face locked onto Dustin's.

I wasn't sure it she was doing it for spite or not, but either way I wasn't going to watch. I stormed back inside and Chloe rushed in after me.

"What's your problem," she asked.

"Nothing," I said completely ling to her face. "Where are the drinks?"

She gave me a big, dumb, drunk smile. "I knew you'd come around." She led me over to a random cooler on the floor. I opened it and took out the first can I saw.

I just drank all my problems away. I didn't want to think about Dustin, or Michele in the hospital. The last thing I wanted to think about was what Ella did. Chloe and I danced with almost anyone who would. Most of the people were Dustin's friends, but a few others guys came up to us. This one guy tried to kiss me, but I pushed him off.

Around twelve o'clock there was a knock at the door. Ella came rushing out of nowhere and opened it. When everyone noticed it was a cop someone cut off the music and everyone his their drinks.

"Is the party over yet," the female cop asked.

"Mom I thought we discussed this, I need you to keep you co-workers away from here until one A.M.," Ella replied.

Are you kidding me? This girl's mother was a cop!

"Oh right, carry on everyone," Ella's mother said and left.

The music started up again and everyone went back to their business, including Ella. Dustin rushed over to her and pinned her against the wall. They kissed passionately. I couldn't take it anymore, or at least the drunk me couldn't. I rushed over to the two and pushed Dustin off of her. Because he was caught off guard I was abled to know him right to the floor. When Ella realized Dustin wasn't there anymore her eyes shot open.

"Who the hell do you think you are," she shouted at me.

"Right back at you whore!"

"What did you just call me?"

"You herd what I said!" Soon enough every boy that wasn't Dustin was standing around us. They were all cheering and making cat noises. Although I was drunk and so were they, this didn't feel natural. Stuff like that only happens in movies, but it didn't matter. I used my strong dance are to punch that bitch straight in her face. She quickly reacted and pinned me to the floor, but before she could do anything Dustin pulled her away. Chloe also came over and helped me up. After that I decided to go home and Chloe walked too.

"Somebody's jealous," Chloe chimed.

"I'm not jealous!"

"Then why'd you attack Ella?"

"Just drunk dumbness," I said trying to sound convincing.

"Sure," she said when we arrived at my house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, or something," I said going inside.

My door was unlocked, but my mother was no where to be found. I locked the door once inside and then went to bed. The next morning I awoke to a text from Dustin. It said that we needed to talk. I was to tired to call him so I just texted him back.

Faye: What's up?

Dustin: What you did last night was uncalled for.

Faye: I know and I'm sorry.

Dustin: Sorry doesn't work this time, I'm really annoyed.

Faye: Dustin, your acting silly. This isn't like you.

Dustin: I thought you'd be happy for me. I finally found a girl I like and that's how you act?

Faye: Are you serious right now?

Dustin: Just change your attitude. Alright?

Faye: You are ridiculous! We've been friends for years and after I make one silly mistake this is the way you treat me! What about what you said to me at the hotel that night, is this how I acted? This shows a lot about what I mean to you.

I couldn't believe he couldn't forgive me. Was what I did honestly that bad? I walked down stairs and found my mother in the kitchen.

"Hungry," she asked.

"Depends on what your cooking." She chuckled.

"I'm making bacon and eggs."

"Sounds good tome. Do we have anything for a headache," I asked wondering if I was hung-over.

"The music got to you I hope, there's some Advil on the divider." I got up and took out a pill and poured myself a glass of orange juice. After I ate I took the pill.

"Michele's getting discharged today," my mother said happily.

"That's good," I said playing with my food.

"What's wrong," she asked noticing something was wrong.

"Dustin's been causing a lot of problems recently."

"Like what?"

"Well he pretty much quit dance, I get a new partner on Monday. He's also with this girl Ella and something happened last night. It may or may not have been my fault, but he's pissed at me."

"Are you jealous of this Ella girl?"

"No, I only look at Dustin as a friend."

"Are you sure," she asked. I wasn't honestly.

Around three o'clock my mother and I went to the hospital to take Michele home. Chloe joined us of course.

"My head is pounding," Chloe whispered when we were driving Michele home.

"Your character was off last night. I know you were drunk when I came, but what compelled you to drink in the first place," I whispered back.

"Dustin's friends told me to so I thought I'd just have one, but then things got out of hand."

"Real nice," I giggled. "Can you look at something for me?" I took out my phone and showed her the texts from Dustin.

"I've never heard him say anything like this to you before. You've been friends for ages, what happened."

"Do you think he's really that pissed at me?"

"Let him cool off and then speak to him on Monday," she coaxed.

"Alright," I said as we arrived at Chloe's house.

"Do you need help getting inside," my mother asked Michele.

"I've been in that hospital forever, I think I'm better now," Michele laughed. I felt so good to hear her laugh.

"I'll see you then."

Michele and Chloe got out of the car and we sped away.

"Hey mom," I called after a few seconds of driving.

"Mmhmm," my mom said looking in the rear view mirror.

"Dustin texted me and he sounded out of character. I don't know what's going on."

"Was there alcohol at that party last night? I won't get mad if there was."

"Possibly," I said ashamed of my own self.

"There's your culprit," she said snapping her fingers. I wasn't sure if she was right or not, but I kept quiet.

When we got home I decided to call Mrs. Bellerose to ask if she found me a partner yet.

"I still won't need you until tomorrow, but I did find you someone," she said.

"Oh my goodness, please let me meet him or something," I pleaded.

"Would you like to go to Starbucks or something tomorrow?"

"Yes, as long as you come too."

"Of course I'll come," and that was the end of our conversation.

The next day I met the pair at Starbucks at around noon. When I walked in I found her sitting down. She waved me over and I took a seat at the table. "Where's the mystery man," I asked.

"He's in the bathroom and your fellow's name is Francisco, but he's told me at least a hundred times to call him Frankie," she chuckled. The Frankie finally sat in the other chair at our table.

He was really handsome. He had dirty blonde hair and the most piercing blue eyes. He look muscular from what I could see, but most dancers are.

"Hi, I'm Francisco, but you can call me Frankie," he introduced himself.

"Faye," I shook his hand.

"Did you know Frankie went to school with you," Mrs. Bellerose asked me.

"You look sort of familiar," I said although he didn't.

"I started this year and I'm very quiet, but I'm a Sophomore too," he smiled.

"Oh alright," I said. Goodness this guy was boring.

"Do you want something to drink," he asked me.

"My orders complicated, I'll join you." We left Mrs. Bellerose sipping her own coffee and got in line.

"So you're that type of girl."

"What's that supposed to mean."

"I would like a non-fat, sugar free, soy, caramel macchiato coffee with extra caramel."

"Way off, you missed the chocolate syrup and a cake pop." Two can play at that game Frankie.

"Real funny, but really what's so special at your order that I couldn't get it."

"I barely know you, you might poison it."

"Yes, then I could ballroom dance all by myself," he smirked.

"What can I get for you," the woman asked at the counter.

"Hi, I would like a Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino please," I said.

"Can I just have a black coffee," Frankie asked.

"Sure," we paid and then waited for our drinks.

"What the hell did you order," he asked. I'm glad this guy was getting easier to talk to.

"Now do you understand why I wanted to order it myself."

"Oh my God, yes."

Once we got our coffee we sat back down with Mrs. Bellerose.

"While we're here I wanted to discuss what we'll be doing at our next competition," Mrs. Bellerose said.

"Already," I asked.

"We have four week, but we're going to do a simple waltz."

"I'm more advanced than that," Frankie announced.

"I know you are and so is Faye, but we need to work on your chemistry before you can do something more difficult. We'll start tomorrow after school."

"After we finished our coffee and our discussions we parted ways. I was super excited to finally be dancing again. I had an easy time falling asleep that night. I walked to school with Chloe. It felt so nice to finally be able to do things with her outside of school.

"Are you gonna talk to him today," she asked while we were on our way.

"Who, Dustin? Do I really have a choice?"

"Just try to sort things out,"she told me when we got to school. We went inside and scurried off to our lockers.

On my way to mine, I found Ella and Dustin embracing and chatting near his. Dustin's back was to me so he didn't notice me when I walked passed. I got my books for my morning classes and the bell rang. I had home room with Chloe and Dustin. When Dustin finally saw me ha waved and smiled. I was surprised, but I waved back anyway.

I decided not to say anything to him until lunch, but when I sat at our table he wasn't there. I thought maybe he was running late a I waited a little, but he never showed. "Where's Dustin," I asked Owen, one of his friends.

"Haven't seen him," he responded. I stood up and looked around the cafeteria and finally spotted him at Ella's table. I left my lunch and made my way to where he was sitting. I was a few feet away when I ran into Frankie.

"Hey, I've been looking for you," he said smiling.

"Need somewhere to sit," I asked.

"Nah, I just wanted to say hi."

"I'm sorry, but I'm kinda in the middle of something right now."

"Oh uh alright, I'll see you after school," he said loosing his smile.

"Yeah, you too," I responded and walked passed him. I didn't want to be rude, but I had other things to do. I walked up behind Dustin and Ella saw me before he did.

"Is there something you need," she said snippy.

"I wanted to speak with Dustin for a moment," I responded. Dustin turned around and began to say something, but Ella cut him off.

"I don't think he wants to."

"Ella it's fine," Dustin told her. He got up and walked away with me.

Once we were a decent length away I said, "what was up with those texts?"

"Which ones," he asked. I pulled out my phone and showed him the rude texts he sent me. "I never wrote those."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"I didn't send you these."

"Well they came from your contact."

"Well what do you want from me. Maybe someone took my phone."

"Are you joking?"

"Why would I do that? Can I go eat now?"

"That's all you going to say!"

"I don't know what you want me to do," he responded.

"Maybe you could apologize!"

"Why would I apologize for something I didn't do," he shouted at me and went back to his table. I joined Chloe back at our table.

"How'd it go," she asked.

"Dustin's an ass."

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