The Road to My Heart

By LovelyLoopyKari

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The rule was simple, 1 bag for three months on the road. Taking a road trip with your friends seems like a go... More

To The Moon & Back
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Seven

2.4K 117 6
By LovelyLoopyKari

Chapter Seven


 We had logs of wood but we needed sticks to burn, or so I was told, so I set out into the woods that surrounded our campsite and began picking up sticks. I had an arm full by the time I made it back to camp, yet Harry and Justin weren't satisfied.

"It took you that long to get those?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I had to walk a long way to actually find some useful ones." I groaned out. "Are you trying to tell me that this isn't enough?"

"Well, it's not." Justin laughed, "It'd barely keep the fire going for an hour."

"Fine." I huffed and set out again. The walk was shorter this time because I already knew where I was going. Even then it was beginning to get dark out and I wished I brought a flashlight.

Walking in a wooded area in the dark is like walking in circles. It didn't help that the canopy of leaves above me blocked out the moonlight, so it was even darker. I had another hand full of sticks, much bigger pile than my previous haul as I navigated back to the campsite. I must have been traveling through the woods for at least an hour and that's when I knew I was lost.

I reached for my pockets and dread filled me when I realized that they were in fact empty. "Oh my God." I whispered, "I'm going to die here."

Leaves crunching nearby perked my ears and I was relieved as I tried to get to where the sound was coming from. I saw a dark figure walking slowly, his shoulders hunched as he stumbled along. What was he doing, alone in the woods, in the dark. My gut told me to get away from him so I backed up slowly, being as quiet as possible. He was coming closer at his slow pace, and I stepped away again, out of his path.

"Hey, you." His raspy voice shouted as his pace quicked, well as much as his hobble would allow.

I didn't wait as I dropped the sticks in my hands and took off running the opposite way.

"Wait." he called after me. I was terrified and continued to run, I was stopped at the water and I debated weather or not to go in. But before I could even have time to think, I noticed a giant figure roaming the bank, with two little figures behind them.

Bears were common in this area, there were signs all the way up to our campsite warning us. I stayed as still as possible but the bear must have smelt me because she stood up on her hind legs, making her seem ten feet tall.

"Nice bear." I soothed quietly, "I'm just going to back away now and let's forget this happened, Okay? Okay."

Then everything happened so fast, the bear roared, I let out an ear piercing scream and right after a gunshot was heard through the night air. The bear roared again before darting into the woods, the cubs following behind.

I stood there, trying to catch my breath as leaves Crunched behind me, I turned to see my savior and was surprised to see an old man with a rifle. He hobbled toward me and I blushed, I ran away from him only for him save me minutes later.

"You okay squirt?" He sighed in a muffled voice. "I came to warn the campers of a bear sighting and your friends told me that you hadn't came back yet." He sighed answering my unasked question.

"Thank you." I whispered, I was much too shocked to comprehend what he had been saying.

I followed him as he lead me back to camp. I was still scared shitless and could only watch my feet so I didn't trip over branches. When I saw the fire up an head, I jerked my head up and took off running and the old man chuckled from behind me.

I broke through the trees and found the familiar faces I loved.

"Lucy!" Sydney screamed loudest.

Arms wrapped around me in s second I hugged him tighter as his familiar scent flared in my nose.

"The bear nearly attacked her, she's lucky I found her in time." The old man told my friends and Alex's arm gripped me tighter as the guy spoke, "She may be a little shaken up, but she should be fine. Have a good night, and be safe."

The old man left and I was still holding on to Alex and he was to me. "Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear. I felt myself let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and nodded my head.

"I think so." I managed.

He rubbed my back before he reluctantly let me go. I felt oddly cold without him, even with the fire that was burning. Harry and Justin repeatedly apologised for making me go get more sticks.

I just nodded and took a seat by the fire with Sydney right beside me. I stayed up with them for a while before I finally spoke up. "I think I'm going to go to bed."

They all gave me looks of pity, even Alex, as I made my way into the tent. All the sleeping bags were set up, "Which one is mine?" I called out to the group.

"I'll show her," Alex laughed and I heard him unzip the tent as he made his way in. "You can have the orange one." He smirked.

"That's the one I wanted." I sighed, giving him a small smile. He laid down next to me as I snuggled in the blankets. He was looking at the roof of the tent with his arms behind his head and I smiled closing my eyes. Well today was eventful, wasn't it?


I woke up and it was still dark out, I turned to see everyone was asleep in their bags, Alex asleep next to me. He was a beautiful sleeper, in the less creepiest way possible.

I climbed out of the tent, avoiding the bodies that scattered the floor which was hard to do then I planned. The air was chilly but it was beautiful outside. You could see thousands of stars as they glittered in the sky and I breathed a sigh of relief. Even with what happened yesterday and the whole bear business, I'd still go camping again.

"Hey." Alex's groggy voice said from behind me. I jumped and turned to look at him, his hair was all mattered in the Alex way and I found myself giving him a smile. "Jumpy this morning?" He mocked me from yesterday morning. Wow, that feels like it was such a long time ago.

I narrowed my eyes, "Shut up." I mocked back. We both laugh and he grabbed a chair, placing his beside mine as he sat.

"You okay Jacobs?"

"I'm alright Kidd." I sighed, "I'm actually much better, sleep is my friend."

"You're so weird." He shook his head but I could still see his smirk.

"Weird is good." I laughed in my defense. I knew that this Alex, the nice, caring and carefree Alex wouldn't last long so I had to savor every second of this. "Wanna play a game?" I asked, trying to keep the mood light.

"I don't play games Jacobs." He shook his head.

"Oh." I sighed and looked up to the night sky, it was transforming into a beautiful sun rise and I smiled.

"Why are you so happy all the time?" Alex whispered.

I looked over and met his eyes. "Why not?" I answered.

"Because the world sucks and takes everything good and ruins it." He replied, his smirk leaving his face as his eyes narrowed and his lips were forced into a straight, tight line. I stared at him in awe. The way he saw the world and they way I did were completely different, we were different.

"Sometimes it has to ruin good things to make them great." I whispered, my eyes never leaving his, "You could have something amazing right in front of you but with your attitude the world wouldn't ruin it, you would."

He sucked in a breath and nodded slowly, thinking. "You're crazy." He mutter, jerking his head away.

"See we could have been friends but you keep closing yourself off."

"I don't have friends." He glared over at me. "I like to keep to myself."

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Well you see, I'm the driver. Without me you guys wouldn't even be here, and Harry invited himself on this trip and drug you guys on my vacation." He laughed humorlessly. "Beside, torturing you for three months is a bonus."

Rolling my eyes I looked at the sun breaking the horizon, "I think you're lonely." I muttered, watching from the corner of my eyes as his head whipped to face me.

"Excuse me?" He gasped, anger radiated off him. "Lonely? I am not lonely."

"I think you need someone to listen to you. To your problems, weaknesses, and passions. Someone who won't judge you cause you get moody and angry over every little thing. Someone who understands you and makes you feel safe. You do need a friend Alex." I sighed, twisting in my chair to be face to face with him. "I'm willing to do that, why won't you let me in?"

He stared at me, his eyes and face emotionless. "I think you need help."

I blinked twice and then nodded, his face turned to one of confusion as I didn't answer. I leaned back in the chair, away from him and sighed.

The silence surrounded us and Alex shifted in his seat. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of me retorting so I kept to myself. 

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