Lipstick [Narry-EDITING]

By NarryPerfection

299K 20.9K 11.4K

"What kind of lipstick are you wearing?" "Who? Me?" "Yes, you sweetheart." "I'm not- these are their natural... More

PART 1: ~45~
PART 2:~45~


7.3K 467 267
By NarryPerfection

"New scarf?" Melissa asked as she held up a thin grey scarf with a pattern on it. 

Niall stared at the piece of clothing in Melissa's hand, knowing very well it wasn't his. His mind seemed to go blank as he tried to come up with something quick.

"Uh. . . Not really. Just found it in the back of my closet," Niall partially mumbled, sighing quietly hoping that Melissa would believe him.

"Oh, it doesn't seem like your type of style," Melissa inspected the scarf. "Maybe you should let me borrow it, it's cute."

Niall got up from his couch and walked over to Melissa, taking the scarf out of her hands. Melissa looked at Niall with a surprised face, not really expecting Niall to do that. 

"It's um, special. I'm going to put it away," Niall walked into his room, not a second glance at Melissa. He closed the door behind him as he delicately laid the scarf on his bed. He stared at it intensely, as if it would poof away in a second.

He let out sigh after a while, sitting on the bed and taking the scarf in his arms. He didn't know how to describe it but he felt. . . Harry. His presence, his vibe. How can you put this into words? It brought him some sort of comfort that Harry would give, even though Harry wasn't here.

"Not your type of style," Niall jokingly mimicked Melissa as he stood over his dresser, tucking the scarf inside. He decided he would give the scarf back to Harry. It didn't surprise him that he forgot about it. He brought it home wrapped around his neck and he didn't even notice then. 

Harry had wrapped it around him on their way out of the park last night. They were playing around, pushing each other and bumping against one another. They laughed and joked. Niall had shivered and Harry noticed. He took his scarf off and wrapped it nicely around Niall's neck. 

It took everything Niall had to not to grab Harry by his hips and kiss him hard on his devilish pretty lips.

When Niall came out of his room, Melissa was on the couch, flicking through channels as she put a fresh coat of clear nail polish on her already painted nails. Niall inhaled the odor of the nail polish, not liking it very much. 

"Mel, I told you already that the smell gives me headaches," Niall said, walking over to the couch and sitting back in his spot, grabbing his laptop from the coffee table and putting it on his lap.

"I know, I just thought you would be in your room a bit longer," Melissa replied, not bothering to look at Niall and continued with her nails. 

Niall rolled his eyes and shook his head, going back to his laptop where he was reading his emails.


"What time did you get here last night?" Harry asked as he set down a glass cup of water on the coffee table next to the couch where Liam was trying to get a few more minutes of sleep.

"I don't know," Liam groaned. "I just remembered coming here and feeling completely knackered."

Harry chuckled. "Well, you did want to go out partying."

"It was a great party. I wish you could have been there. You need to have time off to relax," Liam drank almost the whole glass of water when he sat up. Harry rubbed his arms, feeling a bit cold. 

The party did sound fun but Harry had a lot more fun spending that time with Niall. He still wasn't sure how he felt with Niall having a girlfriend. It just came up so suddenly, Harry almost didn't see it coming. Almost. 

"I'm going to make breakfast," Harry said, grabbing the empty glass from Liam and going to the kitchen. He heard Liam follow closely behind him. Harry put the glass in the sink and started taking out the needed ingredients. It was very silent for a moment. 

"Where were you last night? You said something came up," Liam questioned. 

Harry shrugged, taking out a pan. "I forgot I had plans with someone. I couldn't ditch them last minute."

"You couldn't or you didn't want to?" Liam smiled, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood next to Harry. Harry didn't say anything and instead began cracking eggs. 

"Did you finally find someone? It's about time."

"No, I didn't find someone. He's just a friend," Harry quickly stated. 

"That's what they all say," Liam laughed. Harry slightly smiled as he continued cooking. Liam was just walking around the kitchen, looking at the stuff placed around the room when there was a knock at the door. Harry looked at Liam and Liam went to go answer it. 

"Oh, hello," Liam said. 

"Hi. I was looking for Harry. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." A girl stood at the doorway, smiling at Liam politely. He nodded and let her in. He vaguely remembers her from the last time he came to visit Harry. 

Harry came out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a napkin. "Oh! Hey Lacey."

"Hi Harry. I'm sorry I came over without notice. I just needed to give you this," Lacey handed a sealed envelope over to Harry. Harry already knew what it was and nodded, taking the envelope. It was his paycheck.

"Yeah, it's cool. Thanks." 

"Well, alright. That's all I really came for," Lacey laughed, stuffing her hands in her coat. Liam stood next to Harry and gave her a friendly smile. 

"Why don't you stay for breakfast? That's if you still haven't eaten," Liam suggested. Harry nodded, agreeing with Liam. Lacey shrugged and accepted. 

"Sure, why not."

Harry went back into the kitchen before the food burned. Liam started taking out the plates and Lacey took off her coat, putting it on the coat stand and tucking her gloves in the pockets of her coat. She went into the kitchen to help the boys. 


Niall debated with his thoughts. His thumb hovered over the send button. He wasn't sure. 

"Niall, I can literally feel you overthinking right now. Just do it," Louis interrupted. He was laying on Niall's couch watching TV. Melissa had left a while ago and Louis had texted Niall if she was finally gone. He really does dislike her. 

"Fine," Niall said, pressing the send button. He had just sent a message to Harry about meeting up tomorrow. 

"Took you almost half hour," Louis eyed the bag of chips on the coffee table. Niall went back to his laptop, finishing the last reply to an email before closing the lid of his laptop. He sat back on the couch and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. 

Louis - who noticed something was wrong - sat up and grabbed the bag of chips, opening them and ate one before speaking. "What's wrong Niall?"

Niall rubbed his temples. "Melissa wants modeling gigs."

Louis quickly got up to get a drink of water because he was choking on the bits of the chip. He came back and sat next to Niall, finishing his gulp of water and looked at his best friend. 

"You aren't really going to set up modeling gigs for her, right?" Louis spoke loudly. 

"She wants to be a model. I'm not going to crush her dream," Niall looked at Louis in all seriousness. 

"If she wants to be a model she has to do it herself, not come to you," Louis said. "Not everything is going to be given to her. She needs to realize that."

"She's my girlfriend, Lou. I have to help and support her somehow," Niall tried to reason. Although, deep down in his thoughts he knew Louis might have made a point. 

Louis rolled her eyes and starting mumbling things under his breath as he scooted away from Niall, back to his previous spot and looked at the TV. 

"Always hated her," that was all Niall managed to hear from Louis' mumbling. 

He closed his eyes once again. 

He really didn't have a choice here.


Soooo many narry moments. I'm blessed. 

I really like Lacey's character. I hope you guys will like her too because she will probably appear in the story more soon. 

Niall with glasses. 


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