
By ForTheLoveOfIt

57K 1K 224

His dad grabbed his shirt and pushed him backwards. Ryan cried out as he tumbled down the stairs and hit the... More

Are you fucking serious?
Kissed by a girl I just met. How crazy is this school?
This is where reality strikes. Haha.
Now this is getting awkward. Like, seriously.
This is what I was worried about.
Can't believe this.
This. Sucks.
Welcome to hell
This is what pain means.
Not enough pain.
What the fuck have I gotten myself into?
A/N - Update and a New Book!
Car Chase - Just like the movies!
Life fucks me up. Again.
Who's who?
Fuck you all
They all know the truth now

UPDATE (FINALLY) - This shit is really weirding me out.

1.7K 36 5
By ForTheLoveOfIt

Hey guys.

First things first. I AM SO, SO SORRY. These past few months have been super busy for me and I had absolutely no time to update. I just joined a design college and moved to a new city  (MUMBAI, yayyy), and the amount of workload they give......we die everyday, trust me. It's fun work, so I don't really mind - but there's a limit, y'know. 


So here is the latest update. Not very long, and my writing's become rusty, but give me some time - I promise I will get it back on track. 



His mom wasn't there when he woke up the next morning. He found her text on the phone.

At movie premier. Will see you in evening. 

He sighed as he put his mobile on the bed and lay back. Every inch of his body was aching. He stretched his arms, revelling in the achy, sore muscles. His head gave a throb as he sat up.

Ryan glanced up at the clock. It was almost afternoon. Was there any point left in attending school? He pulled out the tiny phone Rick had given him yesterday. No new messages. That was a relief.

Whatever he had done yesterday, he was 100 percent sure it wasn't legal. What had been in the box? Drugs? That was the only thing he could think of.  Maybe he could leave an anonymous note at the police station or something. The second he thought of it, his brain rejected the idea. There was no way he could risk it - especially with the photos they now had. 

His normal phone rang. He picked it up - it was Julie. "hey, Julie."

It wasn't Julie on the other end, though. It was Drake. "Hello, Ryan."

Ryan remained silent for half a second. What was Drake doing, calling him from Julie's phone? "Drake."

"You were supposed to be at my place yesterday. At four."

Ryan swore inwardly. He had totally forgotten about it. "Shit. Shit. I - I was busy. I forgot." After a moment's pause, "Sorry."

Drake chuckled. "We will see how sorry you are. Are you free right now?"

Ryan nodded, then realized that Drake couldn't see him. "Yeah, why?" This was getting really weird. Why was Drake acting so friendly all of a sudden? Some trap?

"Come over to my place."

Ryan thought he hadn't heard him right. "What?"

"Don't make me repeat it. You are coming over here. My dad's called you."

"What?" Ryan repeated blankly. 

He heard Drake give an exasperated sigh at the other end of the line. "I'll text you the address." He hung up.

Ryan tossed the cell back onto the bed. Drake had called him over. Why? Why the sudden friendship?


Ryan knocked on Drake's door. He was nervous. He didn't think he would survive it if Drake hit him. He was hurting too much already.

A tall, dark man opened the door. He was dressed in faded blue jeans and a white top that clung to his well-defined abs.  "Hi. You're Ryan?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah. You're...?"

"Drake's dad. Michael." Michael stepped aside, gesturing him to come inside. Ryan followed.

He was led through a short corridor into the brightly lit hall.

Drake was sitting on the couch with a strained expression. "Ryan."


They nodded at each other awkwardly.

Ryan still didn't know why he was here.

"So, boys, I am going out fro guys have fun, huh?"

Ryan looked at him, and nodded. "Uh....sure?" Michael had no idea that they hated each others guts. 

After another awkward silence, Michael left. Ryan was left standing at the entrance of the hall, staring at Drake.

Ryan rubbed his arm, trying to ignore the silence. '"So...uh...why am I here?"

Drake snarled. "I never wanted you here. He made me." Ryan assumed he meant Michael. But why would Michael want this?


"And about Julie."

Ryan felt his stomach churn as Drake stood up and stood half a centimetre away from him, his eyes glowering. "I am giving you one last warning - stay away."

Ryan nodded. "Okay." He was in no mood for a fight. And frankly, he didn't find Julie worth the trouble of going through more beatings. She was a nice girl and all.....yet. 

"Can I leave now?"

Drake shook his head. "No, dad wants you here till he's back. It's going to be a painful two hours."

"Can I at least use the washroom?"

Drake pointed towards a staircase in the corner. "Second door to your left."

"Thanks." He trudged upwards, trying to be as slow as he could. Waste as much time as he could. 

The corridor on top was long, and pretty dark.

There was only one door on his right, half open. Ryan could help but glance through it.

And what he saw made his heart stop.


Hope you liked it.

Vote and comment!

I thank @Kaze_mizu1 for voting on the story because that's what made me realize that people were still reading this. Thanks :)

Anddddd.....1K reads. WOW. Thank you so much. You guys make me guilty for not updating.  :P

Also, I always forgot to put this in - but do DM me!

And find me on snapchat as 'mrudzie'. 





SORRY, one last time. 

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