The Possessive businessman

By RaennaLucero

549K 12.7K 1.2K

She's shy and delicate and forgiving even to the people who may not deserve it. He's rude and cutthroat and i... More

Before story
Chp 1
Chp 2
Chp 3
Chp 4
Not an update sorry
Chp 5
Chp 6
chp 7
Chp 9
Chp 10
Chp 11
Chp 12
Chp 13
Chp 14
Chp 15
Chp 16
Chp 17
Chp 18
Chp 19

Chp 8

28.9K 771 160
By RaennaLucero

Need more votes so go vote in chp 7 please and thank you!!

Liam's pov

I don't want to ever let her go. I know that's selfish but I can't help it, I feel so vulnerable with her.

I've never shown my feelings to anyone else before, there's just something about her like she understands me.

I think it's time for her to go to bed now... Well I guess so.

I say her same to get her attention but she just mumbles something and it's sounds like she's shushing me. She's so cute.

I wonder if she'd mind me putting her in my bed. No I don't think so.

Making my way to my room I hold her with one arm under her butt while I open the door, yeah she's that small.

I lay her down on my king sized bed and tuck her in. I don't want her to get cold.

I change into my boxers. What its more comfortable I would sleep naked but I don't want her to not like me more than she already does.

I walk out to the hallway and go left to the guest room where Sam is. The light is off so I open the door slowly just incase he wants to stop me. I see him on the bed all in a ball. In the attached bathroom I see his new toothbrush, and all the necessities out already.

Wow he's making himself at home.

The thought makes me smile like a goof. I want them in my like I really do, I just have this feeling.

I head back to my room and see my mini muffin all spread out on the bed. Good thing she's small she doesn't take up a lot of space even spread out. I go to the bathroom and do all of the night routine stuff then go and crawl into bed with her.

And as soon as I did she flipped over and covered my body with hers, cuddling with my chest.

I look at her and the sight makes my heart swell like the grinch's on Christmas.

I could get used to this I thought with another big goofy smile on my lips.

I close my eyes and I could just see our future together playing like a movie in my head.

You might think this big bad hardened businessman has gone soft, and you are absolutely... Right but only soft for the girl sleeping on my chest and in my arms and the little man the next two rooms over.


Still Liam

I stir awake and put my arm out searching for a certain little someone. But feel nothing but cold sheets.

I open one of my eyes and see no one around.

Oh god did she leave me?!? Did she finally realize that I'm a monster? Oh god my heart hurts so bad. I don't think I ever cried before but I'm about to take up on it.

I hear a noise down stairs, oh maybe she just needed a drink.

I ran down the stairs so fast I was surprised that I didn't trip on my big feet.

I stopped when I heard something messing with the door, i really don't need this right now, burglar.

I grab a knife from the kitchen just in case then open the front door getting ready for a fight.

Mini muffin!?!

"Oh thank gosh Liam it's freezing."

I drop the knife and pull her into my arms.

"Oh- Liam are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Thought I lost you." I whispered mostly to myself.

"Oh Liam it's ok I'm here." She wraps her arms around me as much as she can.

"Why did you leave?"

"I just had to get some things." She said looking kind of embarrassed.

Aww I just noticed she was wearing my hoodie and sweats, she can have them if she wants them.

"You look cute in my clothes by the way and what did you have to get that I don't have here? Why didn't you wake me?"

"I-ugh didn't want to bother you."

"You're no bother at all mini muffin next time just wake me up no matter what, ok? I was so worried. Anyway what's in the bag?" I say noticing the bag in her hand.

She looks away and mumbles an answer.

"Mini muffin louder please."

"I bought tampons and Advil."

Ohhh why was she so embarrassed?

"God don't scare me like that again next time I'll get it for you ok? Don't worry." I order as I hug her.

"Well it's bed time mini muffin, come on." I pick her up bridal style and head up to the room.

I set her down but wrap my arms around her so her back is to my front.

"Liam I h-have to go t-to the

Aw cute.

"Ok mini muffin hurry back so we can sleep."

"You don't have to wait for me." She says in a shy whisper.

"I can't sleep without you now mini muffin. Pleeeease." I sound like a whinny pouty brat but whatever.

She giggles at my pout and whine act.

Score! Made her laugh!

I get into bed giving her her privacy.
She's been gone too long I miss her. I look at the table side clock to see that only 5 mins went by.

Your so whipped Liam.

Yeah I know.

"Liam." I hear a sweet voice call from the bathroom.

"Yes mini muffin."

"Umm I hate to ask but do you have like a long shirt or something it's to hot to sleep in this hoodie."

I get up and go to the dresser.

"Just take it off babe."

"I uhh don't have anything under it."

Oh my fucking god she's trying to kill me. I groan just thinking about her little naked body under my hoodie.

"I'm sorry Liam I'll wash it tomorrow promise." She sounded so sincere, she thought I was mad that she did that.

"Don't worry mini muffin I'm not mad I just don't want to lose control thinking about that."

"Oh ok." I can almost hear the blush in her words.

I take the shirt to her and had it over. She said a quiet thank you and shut the door.

"So mini muffin I was thinking, since you gave me a chance and all, that you should let me take you on a date tomorrow? Whatever you want to do, we'll do." God I hope she says yes.

Please don't reject me.

She didn't answer.

She rejected me, owie my chest is tight like I was having an asthma attack.

That's ok though i don't want to rush her into anything.

"You can have this room, I'll be in the guest room." I whisper but I think she heard me, I wouldn't know because she still didn't say anything.

I grab some fresh sweats and head to my other guest room.

As I lay in the bed on my side facing away from the door I get lost in thought.

Maybe she'll never think of me in that way. Will she always see me as the big oaf that kidnapped her?

So many thoughts were going through my head I didn't even hear the door open.

I stay still until I feel a barely there dip in the bed I roll over to my back and see my mini muffin looking down at me. She puts an arm on either side of my head and leans over me.

Her hair is so long that it tickles my ear, a slice of my face and her whole tiny hand. I can run my fingers through it all day long I think.

"I appreciate everything you have done for us Liam. Yeah, we got off to a rough start but you still saved me. Without you who knows what could have happened. So thank you and yes I will go on a date with you."

Oh she only said yes because she feels like she owes me.

I frown and say,"No you don't have to say yes because you feel like you owe me." I try to smile but I think it comes out a bit forced.

"Well I do owe you Liam but that's not why I said yes, and I'm still cooking don't forget, but I do l-like you and I want to."

I felt like the joker I smiled to big. I pulled her into a big hug and twisted away from the door almost putting her under me.

"C-can I stay here Liam? Please I feel safe with you." She whispered.

"Of course mini muffin I will never let you go."

"Thank you." I kiss her cheek and bid her sweet dreams and her, me.


Still Liam

I wake up alone in bed... Again!

But I don't freak out as much because I hear music and shuffling down stairs.

I get up and head down to see just mini muffin dancing in the kitchen.

Sporting a messy bun, my big t-shirt that goes down to her knees almost, and a pair of long fuzzy pink socks that are definitely not mine.

Comfy, dancing, cooking and singing. All that's missing is a big round belly and me with her helping.

"Oh good morning Liam breakfast is almost ready, have a seat." She's so sweet, and a good cook from the smell, mm yummy.

I see her moving something on to a plate and then comes around the island to set it in front of my.

"There you go a big breakfast for a big man." She said while patting my chest. I look at her down at her since the stools are so high. I don't think she just realized what she said until after she said it. Her face was like a cherry, cute.

"I m-mean you're  not that big, I mean you're  not fat you're fit no I mean. Ugh I don't know I'm sorry." She looks down but I put my big hand under her chin to put her face up.

"That's ok mini muffin I am a big man so thank you for the big breakfast."

"You're welcome Liam. There's more if you still want more just ask or get it yourself after all this is your house but don't get up I will ge-" I put my hand over her mouth to stop her rambling.

"You're so cute but don't worry you can do whatever you want this is your guy's house now too but can I have some coffee please?" I put on my best innocent face smile and pout included.

"Ok Teddy bear." She giggles at me.

Yes I got a nickname.

She goes around the island a gets the coffee machine.

"Ba- uhh Liam h-how do you want it?" Did she almost call me babe?
My heart is beating fast like a school girl getting attention from a crush.

"Say it"

"Uhh what are you talking about?" Oh now she's playing dumb.

"Call me babe" I just needed to here her say it.


"Say it mini muffin" wow now I sound desperate.


I just got the shivers up my spine, the good kind.

"Again in a sentence...please."

"How would you like your coffee babe?" No stuttering she's being more comfortable around me, good.

I get up and walk around and stand right behind her. Bending down to whisper in her ear.

"I like it black baby."

"Ok li- uh babe."

She turns the machine on and faces me and looks up.

"So mini muffin what do you want to do for our date."

" I don't have any clothes to wear."

"Ok let's go shopping then we'll go later tonight, sound good?"

"But I don't want to make you spend money on me and you're already doing so much for me and Sam."

"But I want to mini please let me" yeah she can't resist the face.

"Stop the face Liam." She says trying to sound serious but I can see her trying not to smile.

"Ok Liam fine but I'll pay you back" I don't say anything knowing that there is no way in hell that is happening.

The coffee machine beeps signaling it is done making the coffee.

"Babe can you get me and you a coffee cup please I can't reach."

"Sure muffin."

I'm going to have to shift all the cabinets down they're too high for her. But I really don't mind getting anything on the top shelf for her.

I hand them to her. Oh we should get matching mugs. Yeah real manly Liam.

"Thank you" she looks up at me and moves her hand in a come here motion. I bend down closing my eyes hoping for a kiss and feel a big wet...

tongue on my cheek. Eww did she lick me.

I open my eyes to see my dog buddy with the happiest face on and Dylan trying not to laugh but failing.

"You think this is funny mini muffin?" I try to sound intimidating but it's hard to do with her.

"N-no babe. Not a-at all." She giggles out.

"You better run." She looks at me with wide eyes then makes a break for it. But with short legs vs. long legs I easily catch her. I swig her in my arms and started to tickle her.

"Liam babe st-stop ok ok you win."

"Say Liam is the best most sexiest guy I've ever seen." I smirk at her.

"Well I don't know about all that." What has she seen better? She's mine mine only!

"You're mine." I growl out my thoughts.

"Liam babe I was just teasing I'm sorry. And I'm yours? You didn't even ask me. So no I'm not not until you ask nicely."

What? Ask nicely? Why she's already mine. What if I ask and she says no? That would break me.

"No why would I if I already know the answer is yes?"

"What if I want to say no?" She asks while crossing her arms. She wants to say no?

"Oh ok I'm sorry. I'll get ready then we'll go you can take whatever you want from my room." I sat her on the ground and go out of the kitchen. I know you're probably thinking I'm a big baby but she's the only one that can make me hurt so bad.

"Liam!" I didn't turn in time so she jumped on my back I hunched over a little so she could stay on more easily.

She's like a monkey with her arms and legs around me, still in my shirt I might add.

Bad Liam don't think about that.

"You know you are a big soft teddy bear I was teasing but can we see how this date goes first before you ask me"

"Yeah mini muffin of course and I'll ask I promise."

She smiles the biggest smile and jumps off my back but not before kissing my cheek, skipping up the stairs.

Dear god, please don't let me have her then take her away as a punishment for all I have done please I couldn't live without her in my life.


Hey peeps! I know this is moving kind of fast but this book isn't going to be super long just saying. And also this book is a total cliche so if you don't like cliches then maybe this book isn't for you.

Thank you for all of your support and I hope you enjoy!

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