All Things Possible - Distric...

By MyMindAmusesMe

5.5K 101 13

[Book 2] - I wouldn't say I like him but I can't stop these intimate feelings for him. Like, I want nothing m... More

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg West
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Not an update.
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 8

185 4 0
By MyMindAmusesMe

Part 8: -

May sixth.

Micky’s POV

Gosh, this was getting out of hand. Three days now they’ve both been gone and not a whiff as to where they might be. No phone calls, no texts, no nothing and I can see how badly it’s getting to Katie. She’s become so emotional and so drained. It’s literally tore her world apart. She’s ended up in hospital due to the emotional strain on her life. If Greg and Elianna haven’t been fed or watered, they’ll have become so emaciated and so weak. Greg needs his strength and his courage for the rest of his life. I know he can rebuild it but he’ll be doing everything he can to get Elianna back well and protected. Well, it depends as to whether he’s been able to keep his big gob shut. He has this tendency to speak up when it’s not required. It’s a bit of a problem for him that he can’t control. Idiotic really.

“Micky, you need to stop worrying before you freak Ella out” Lottie said, breaking me from my daydream.

“She’s already freaked, Lottie. I know she’s near her due date but this whole ordeal has me freaked out. How Dan’s coping, I’ll never know”

“Dan’s freaking out Micky. He’s frantically up half the night with worry. He might not show is worry to you or to Ella but he doesn’t want Ella to freak out and go early. Even though she’s not long due. Look, we will get Greg and Elianna back, I know Greg thinks we’re hostile towards her but due to you guys being famous there’s that hostility in us, as the girlfriends and the wives because we’re scared in case they release your secrets to the world. I know Ella and I just perceived what Elianna was like and we do have to get to know her but it’s scary just allowing anyone in”

“Lottie, I know but Elianna’s a nice person. Yeah, Dan and I particularly don’t know her but she’s kept Greg grounded. She keeps him happy. I know that they didn’t get on at first but, hopefully, they’ve managed to get over than and be better people. I don’t know anymore. It’s too hard to comprehend anymore. I need my best friend back and Katie needs hers. Katie’s all Elianna’s got,” I said while sitting down.

“Micky, I know there’s not much we can do but sit and wait. The police are out there looking for them as well so let them do their job and you do yours at looking after your wife”

“Lottie, I am looking after Ella. She understands the situation. Well, I think she does but Lottie, you don’t understand the concept of losing one of your best friends. It’s never happened to you - well, except from in the case of Ella’s cancer but you don’t really know the concept”

“Micky, I’m trying to understand but you and Dan keep shutting both Ella and I out. We’re trying to be supportive and helpful but you both keep shoving us to the side and it’s not a nice feeling”  Lottie said raising her voice a little.

“Lottie, you can’t comprehend everything. Greg’s freaking out there doing god knows what. No one knows what the heck’s happening to either of them and it’s not a nice feeling to even have. My best friend could be freaking dying for all we know. And you expect me to be calm? Have you lost your freaking mind?” I shouted in her face.

“Oh so you’re actually caring about that stupid bitch then? After you just told me that you don’t even know her,” She shouted in my face.

“She’s the only one who’s managed to keep Greg sane while we’ve been here. After his breakup with Maria, he went wonky but she’s kept him on guard and on point so obviously I freaking care” I shouted back.

“ENOUGH!” Ella shouted, “This isn’t doing anyone any good. Micky, you and Dan just leave for a bit. Neither of you are in the right mind frame at the moment and you, Lottie, go calm down and come out when you’re no longer angry. Greg wouldn’t have wanted this, everyone fighting, especially when I’m due for popping out my child. I swear, all three of you had better come back calmer than what you are. One person’s already ended up in hospital due to the emotional stress it has on their life. I don’t wanna see either of you that way,” Ella ranted. I knew she was right but I shouldn’t be told to leave my own flat. I knew it was Ella’s motherly instincts coming out but sometimes she was too harsh. Excessively harsh.

Dan’s POV

Walking around London with Micky was strange. It was quiet and eerie but I knew Ella meant well. Both Micky and I were so wound up and anxious about Greg that we were shoving everyone away and only focusing on things that weren’t in our control. I understand the police are handling the case but part of me wishes that they would hurry up and find them. Katie’s already ended up in hospital due to exhaustion, who’s gonna be next? Micky or I? I know we’re both becoming really anxious as the days/minutes/hours pass and I know we’re both becoming irritable but they can’t blame us, our best friends been kidnapped by some idiot. Elianna’s somewhere as well, all I know from what I seen out my living room window was her leaving with a boy and a girl but apparently they haven’t seen her either. Not since the night, they all went out.

“Do you think we’ll ever get Greg back?” I asked randomly as I sat down on a swing.

“We have to; he’s a link in our group. Both Elianna and Greg might never be the same after this ordeal but we have to be there to help them both. I know they’ll think we’re molly coddling them but after this ordeal, I don’t think I wanna be facing the police again. They scare the living daylights out of me,” Micky said as he sat down on the swing next to me.

“I know how you feel. I really do. How are you managing to cope with all this stress though?”

“With great difficulty Dan. I’m trying to hold everything together for Ella’s sake but I can feel myself slipping away. I lost it with Lottie, hence why Ella put us out until we calmed down. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m lost, mate”

“I think we all are Mick. You and me both, we’re lost without Greg and Lottie and Ella are lost without us being our happy selves. I just can’t comprehend or take on any more knowledge at the moment. It’s as if my brains went into overdrive and it won’t calm down”

“I know how you feel. I honestly feel the exact same way. Like I keep thinking that the inevitable has happened and that Greg isn’t gonna be returned to us in one piece or alive. It’s as if someone’s taken him for murder. I just can’t help thinking it Dan; I don’t know what to do anymore”

“Mick, you’re the baby of our group, just a month younger than Greg so obviously, you’re a little more worried and anxious. I understand, I really do but thinking about him dying is gonna make the whole thing worse in your head. I understand that when he didn’t come home the first night that you thought the same thing, because honestly, I did too. It’s out of the ordinary for Greg to just disappear but it is London we’re talking about”

“I know. I think we should head back just in case there’s any news about it all,” Micky said deflated.

“I doubt there will be but come on” I nodded. I knew how Micky felt. I felt every emotion and every piece of anger as well. It was as if, we’d both given up on Greg due to these feelings but I would never give up on my best friend. Never.

Elianna’s POV

It was getting worse. My pain and the hurt were getting worse. They were now coming in every half an hour and hurting me. Physically and mentally. It was over and over again and there was no way to even comprehend what they were doing. Every time it happened, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as if they wanted to kill me. I couldn’t even tell Greg and he was meant to be my boyfriend. I felt sick at what they were doing. I felt as if I couldn’t even live anymore.

“Elianna, you alright?” Greg asked.

“Yeah” I lied. I couldn’t tell him the truth. He’d become this big angry bear, trying to fight for justice. It’d also make the situation worse.

“You sure?” He probed further.

“I’m positive Gregory. I’ll be fine. I might end up with no hands but I’ll be fine regardless” I joked half-heartedly.

“Elianna, don’t joke about that. I just wish things were simple”

“So do I but how are you?”

“Tired, hungry and dehydrated. I wish they’d just fed us”

“Me too. We’re gonna be like shrimps when we get out here”

“Yeah, wasted away piece of nothing” He muttered but I heard him. He was really bad, I knew he was just like I was. I knew things were getting out of hand, especially with my assaults but I couldn’t say anything, they’d hurt me worse. They’d hurt Greg as well and I couldn’t risk that happening. I wanted to protect him, just as much as he was trying to protect me. I also knew with me telling him what happened, it would infuriate him more.

“Get up bitch!” One sneered at me.

“I would but since I’m freaking tied, it’s impossible,” I snapped back.

“You know you’re gonna be you know what tonight, in front of your so-called boyfriend. Hope he likes the show” He said while forcefully kissing me. Yuck! Old man’s germs. He untied my hands and I so badly wanted to punch him but I knew I had to control my anger. However, them hurting me right in front of Greg, it’d be the worst day of my life. I couldn’t allow it, I won’t allow it. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I don’t think I can have that etched in his mind.

   Once the guy had untied me, he grabbed me by the scruff of the hair and pulled me up. However, because I was so emaciated and lacking vitamin D, I was so weak. I could barely walk or stand up but I pushed through the pain. I had to show them I was all right and strong but I wasn’t. I just didn’t wanna see how bad Greg was. I didn’t know how bad he was.

   The guy literally dragged me out the room. I didn’t have a clue as to where I was going but I knew it was gonna be bad. Everything always is bad these days.

Greg’s POV

I was being dragged out the cell room. I didn’t know what was happening but I did get a glimpse of Elianna. I could tell she was lying when she told me that she was fine, she wasn’t. I knew she wasn’t. She’d lost her spark and her cheerfulness. I know she’s been abused and used but how many times they’ve done it with her, I don’t know. I do know it’s more than once because I’ve heard her whimpering a lot recently, like every half hour - maybe. I couldn’t really tell the time due to everything being taken off us.

   As we were dragged outside, I heard voices. Male voice but they sounded so similar. It was as if, they had followed us here to make sure we were going down or something. But no one really wants me dead, do they? Well, apart from Maria, obviously. Although, I broke it off, we came to a mutual agreement. However, she was hurt, I could see she was but it’s her fault for not wanting to move to London with the rest of the girls, not mine. Everyone has ties elsewhere, like I have mine to Essex and Dan has his to Porthcawl - Wales. Micky, Ella and Lottie have theirs to Windsor so it’s all the same for the rest of us. Only she was the bitch about it all. As usual. Maybe I did the wrong thing in jumping into a relationship with her but maybe I didn’t. I don’t know anymore.

   Those voices were too familiar to me and I wanted to see who they were but I couldn’t. However, as Elianna and I were thrown in the van, the voices stopped. It was as if they’d caught the guys throwing us into it, but why didn’t they come after us? Why didn’t they stop the kidnapping? Once they’d shut the door on us, I quickly scrambled and held Elianna as she sobbed. I don’t know why she was crying but she was. It was tough on her and it was tough on me too but she was the girl, more things were gonna happen to her.

“Eli, baby, how many times have they...” I swallowed before continuing, “…done it?”

“Every half hour” She whispered through her tears. They were hurting her every half hour. UGH, those sadistic pricks. Depending on how long she sleeps, they’re hurting her on average 48 times a day. Well, that’s without adding her sleep in. How can people be so sick? They’re hurting my beautiful girlfriend - turning her into this small, frail person. It was sick, I wanted to be sick but I doubt there was anything in my guts to even bring up.

“How bad do you hurt?” I asked in a whisper. I didn’t want them to hear everything.

“Bad. They’re…making me do it…in front of you…tonight,” She said, gulping a lot. Oh my lord. This was getting worse instead of better. I just don’t know anymore.

“I’m sorry” Was all I could say. This was too hard. Way too hard.

Dan’s POV

I can’t believe what I just saw. I really can’t. I just saw Greg and Elianna being dragged - literally - out a warehouse and into a van. Elianna looks so frail and helpless, while Greg just looks so scared and hopeless. It’s as if he’s given up and they’re taunting Elianna.

“Did you see that?” Micky asked from beside me.

“I did. They looked so -“

“I know. Elianna’s the worst though. Her skin is so pale and her spark has faded. It was as if they’ve tortured her”

“I know right. Did you get a picture?”

“I got a video. I know it’s not much but it was the best I could do without the shutter going off”

“Good idea Mick. But now, we need to get this to police before it’s too late”

“I think it may already be too late Dan. They’ve gone”

“But Mick, they can trace the registration and they can get a mug shot of the men’s face and decrypt it and possibly find who it is”

“C’mon, we best hurry” Micky then said. I ran behind him as fast as I could because for someone who’s so slow, he sure can run fast in a hurry. I just hoped this was enough and we could get them back in no time. We all can dream. 

A/n: - 

I apologise for the wait but there's so much going on in my life right now. I have therapy and a whole load of other things going on right now. I also can't stop thinking about just ending my life, pretty horrible when it's daily now instead of it's usual two months or so :/ Anyway, this chapter is split into two because I wanted something up :) I hope you enjoy and I shall maybe see you soon :) There was also some changes that I made in the book, Ella's now eight and a half months gone instead of 6 and a half. Also, there's changes happened in TA for the epilogue...I know it's virtually impossible since she'd have to have been preggers for 10 months but we'll ignore that and think it's still nine :') Anyway, thanks and I'll see you soon xD 

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