Hello, I Love You

By Kaleigh_James

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Kylie Thompson has had enough with being responsible. Her marriage of 8 years has fallen to pieces, and her e... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome to LA
Chapter 2 - On Set with Medusa
Chapter 3 - Pizza Pasts and Passion
Chapter 4 - Trailer Trash Talk
Chapter 5 - Beaches and Cream
Chapter 6 - Adventurous Accountants
Chapter 7 - Late Night Visitor
Chapter 9 - Date, Interrupted
Chapter 10 - A Failed Seduction
Chapter 11 - Dinner and a Movie
Chapter 12 - The Fake Lives of Celebrities
Chapter 13 - In Da Club
Chapter 14 - The Interview

Chapter 8 - Backstage Tour

662 50 1
By Kaleigh_James

Kylie smiled in her sleep and snuggled into the warm, cozy bed. It smelled like Patrick, a combination of mint and citrus that Kylie had noticed when he'd had his arm around her the night before. She sighed happily and rested her head against her warm pillow. It was firm... And had a heartbeat.

Momentarily confused, Kylie opened her eyes, allowing the blurred sight before her to focus. She noticed the dark sky before she realized that it was moving. Well, she was moving. Kylie jerked suddenly, and almost fell to the ground. Patrick cursed and stumbled, but gained his balance in time to prevent contact with the asphalt in front of them.

"What the hell?!" Kylie exclaimed. Kylie took a moment to look at her surroundings. "Where are we?" she demanded.

Patrick paused in front of a small camping trailer and set Kylie on her feet. Only then did she realize that she was still dressed in her tiny pajamas. She blushed and looked at Patrick in consternation. "Well?"

Patrick chuckled. "You don't remember anything from this morning, do you?"

"If I remembered, I wouldn't be asking," Kylie sniped.

"Okay, so you aren't a morning person," Patrick teased, his gray-blue eyes twinkling in amusement. The sight made Kylie shiver. Patrick took out a key and turned it in the lock on the trailer door. "Let's head inside and I'll fill you in." He winked at Kylie and stepped into the trailer, her pink duffle bag over his shoulder. She stood staring after him in the early morning light and decided to follow, if only to avoid the stares of the few people she saw outside.

Stepping into the trailer, Kylie reached behind her to close the door. When she turned around, her eyes widened.

"What is this place?" she whispered in awe. While it looked like a normal trailer, there were assorted snacks and drinks on the kitchen counter, and a flat screen television on one wall. The couch actually looked pretty cozy, too.

"This is my trailer," Patrick grinned. "We're filming on the sound stage today, but since I had to get an early start, and you wouldn't wake up," he chuckled, "I figured you could get ready in here." He pointed toward the back of the trailer. "The bed in the back is really comfortable, and the bathroom has a shower. I made sure to grab your toiletry bag and enough clothes for you to make an outfit."

"You went through my stuff???" Kylie shrieked.

Patrick blushed, but the grin never left his face. "You needed something to wear," he defended. "I've got to head to the make-up trailer," he told her. Smirking as he exited the trailer, he called back, "I loved the underwear selection. Never thought you'd be a red lace girl!"

Kylie cheeks flamed as she pictured Patrick digging through her luggage. She walked to the back of the trailer and looked longingly at the bed. She'd been up late arguing with Alec, and then with Johnny coming home so late, she'd probably had a total of three to four hours sleep. Since Patrick went through the trouble of bringing all her stuff, she might as well take advantage of his generosity, right? It took little convincing for Kylie to climb under the soft white covers. She sank into the plush pillows, and within minutes, she was once again dead to the world.

An hour later, Kylie was woken by a husky chuckle in her ear.

"You really are a heavy sleeper, aren't you?" Patrick laughed.

Stretching her arms, Kylie opened her eyes and yawned. "It's a comfy bed," she murmured. "Is it time for me to get ready?"

"Yeah, if you want to watch filming this morning, it is," he replied, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'll be on the couch running lines." He headed out of the bedroom toward the other end of the trailer. Kylie realized that she was grinning stupidly after him. She climbed out of the bed and headed into the tiny bathroom to get ready. When she finally came out of the bathroom, Patrick was still seated on the couch, gazing intensely at the page before him.

"I thought you played a vampire," Kylie inquired.

Patrick looked at her, his script forgotten. "I do," he smiled.

"Then where are your fangs?" she asked.

"They aren't out in every scene," he answered. Kylie nodded her head and stood awkwardly between the dining table and the kitchen counter. Her gaze came to rest on his snacks.

"You have Sour Patch Kids?!?" she squealed.

Patrick chuckled. "They're my favorite, but you can have some."

Kylie eyes sparkled as she turned to him. "They're my favorite, too." She grabbed the bag and crossed to the couch, her swaying hips mesmerizing. Patrick inhaled deeply as she sat beside him.

"So, how long until you have to be on set?" She leaned against his arm, peeking at the script in his lap.

"They'll send someone to get me," he muttered.

"Want some help running lines?" Kylie offered before tossing a few Sour Patch Kids into her mouth.

"That's okay." Patrick ran his hand through his hair. "I think I've got it. I was just killing time."

"Okay," Kylie grinned. "Well I'm ready when you are."

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Patrick opened the door to reveal a thin woman with long dark hair pulled into a messy bun. Purple streaks ran through her hair. She appeared to have a Filipino background, and her tan skin looked golden in the morning sun. She wore motorcycle boots with fishnet stockings, a black mini skirt, and a fitted bustier type shirt. Funky glasses rested on the bridge of her nose and bright red lipstick graced her lips, but she made both sexy. She grinned at Patrick, but for some reason, Kylie didn't feel jealous. There was nothing predatory in the pretty woman's gaze.

"Damien said to tell you it's time for you to be on set, and Jaron told me that I get to take your friend on a tour of the set."

Patrick smiled warmly at the woman. "Thanks, Pauleen. That would be great. Just keep her away from Medusa."

Pauleen's melodic laughter echoed throughout the trailer, and Kylie had a feeling she was going to like the woman. Patrick turned to her.

"Kylie, I'd like to introduce you to my friend Pauleen. She's going to give you the grand tour, and then she'll bring you onto set, okay?"

"Sure thing," she responded. Turning to Pauleen, Kylie matched the woman's honest grin. "Nice to meet you, Pauleen"

"You, too." She grabbed Kylie's hand and pulled her from the trailer. "Get to set, Paddy! I don't want to lose my job!" Kylie heard Patrick's chuckle as he walked toward the sound stage.

"So, how long have you known Paddy?" Pauleen questioned.

"Oh, I just met him this week," Kylie confessed. "I'm friends with his sister, and she asked him to let me crash. I'm kind of doing a solo road trip."

"Righteous!" Pauleen exclaimed. "I've always wanted to do one of those." Pauleen pulled Kylie out of the path of a passing golf cart. "So where are you from?"

"I drove from Florida. My ex took the kids to visit his parents, so I thought I'd take advantage of the alone time."

Pauleen's eyes widened. "Girl, you do not like you've had kids. I hope I look as good as you do after kids. Although I'm not so sure I'd do the marriage thing," she confessed. "But props to you for trying it."

Pauleen opened the door to a large room, and led Kylie inside. The first thing Kylie noticed was the lighted mirrors and the high chairs in front of them. Assorted masks and accessories were on tables around the room. Two men sat in chairs patiently, while the women in front of them worked on their make-up.

"Pauleen!" yelled one of the men.

"Hey, David," Pauleen grinned. She turned to Kylie. "Guys, this is Kylie. Kylie, these guys are stars on our little show here. This is David, and that is Mike."

"Kylie?" David sat up straight, and laughed. "You're Paddy's guest, right?"

"That's me," Kylie smiled.

"Man, he was NOT happy about you coming to LA," David confessed. Kylie's heart tightened at the thought of Patrick not wanting her at his apartment. "But he was singing a different tune when he came to work yesterday."

"Is this Miss Spectacular?!" Mike piped in.

Kylie was confused, but the men seemed thrilled to meet her. Pauleen interjected.

"This is the one and only," she grinned. "And I can tell we are going to be great friends."

David and Mike smiled.

"Does that mean you're joining us at the club tomorrow night, Kylie?" Mike asked, shooting her an adorable puppy-dog look. Kylie looked questioningly at Pauleen.

"I haven't asked her yet, but we'll make sure she's there. Should I tell Jaron the plan's still on?" she asked.

"Absolutely. We need a night out!" Mike declared. "Will Layla be there?"

Pauleen laughed. "Yeah, but you'll have to fight John for her."

Mike scoffed. "Please, I could take that dork any day. Besides, he and Layla are always on-again, off-again, and if I'm not mistaken, they are currently off."

"Just be careful, Mikey," Pauleen warned.

"Will do, Pauleen."

"See you guys later!" Pauleen called before grabbing Kylie's hand and pulling her out of make-up and leading her toward costumes. Kylie discovered rather quickly that despite Pauleen's edgy style, the girl was as friendly as anyone Kylie had ever met. She had a large group of really close friends, her two closest being Layla and Sadie. Pauleen continued to walk Kylie around set and introduced her to many people working for Blood Feud. The response seemed unanimous. Everyone loved Pauleen. When the tour was over, she brought Kylie to craft services to grab a bite to eat.

"Do you guys have anything with meat?" Kylie asked, scanning the table.

"No," Pauleen pouted. "Valerie is on some vegetarian diet and she pitches a royal tantrum anytime they serve meat. They make a mean veggie omelet, though," she advised.

"Sounds good. I'll have that." Kylie grinned at Pauleen, who ordered their breakfast. Once they settled at a nearby table, the girls continued talking.

"So, what exactly is your job here?" Kylie asked.

"Oh, I'm an intern." Pauleen shrugged her shoulders. "My friend Jaron is a writer on the show. He's hoping to direct an episode this season. Anyway, he got me the internship, and he's kind of my boss, so he told Paddy I could hang with you today."

Kylie smiled. Patrick had some really nice friends.

"So, about tomorrow. You want to come clubbing with us?" Pauleen's eyes were pleading with Kylie, and Kylie couldn't tell her no.

"Sure," she grinned. "I think I'd like that."

"Awesome," Pauleen took a bite of her omelet. "We're going to have a blast. You'll get to meet Sadie and Layla. You've already met David and Mike. Jaron and the boys will be there." She smirked at Kylie. "They're a pretty large group, but they're all pretty hot. As far as I know, they are all coming. Johnny even told me he'd be back, so you'll get to meet him. He's Patrick's roommate."

Kylie froze and her jaw dropped. "Does he have tattoos all over his chest and arms, and looks like he could be Ryan Gosling's more muscular, rugged brother?"

"You met Johnny?" Pauleen squealed.

Kylie blushed. "Yeah, I kind of attacked him last night," she admitted.

"What?!?" Pauleen's laughter was infectious. Kylie proceeded to tell the story of the encounter she had with Johnny at Patrick's apartment. By the time she finished, tears were streaming down both girls' cheeks.

"Let me get you to the sound stage. Paddy's going to think I kidnapped you," Pauleen giggled.

When they first entered the set, Kylie's jaw dropped. The sets were so realistic. Most of the ones she saw were the inside of various houses and offices. She wished she had seen the show so she knew what locations she was supposed to be seeing. Pauleen motioned for Kylie to be quiet, and she turned to lead her to the set on which they were currently filming. As they rounded the corner, Kylie saw Patrick in a choreographed fight scene in someone's living room. She heard the director yell "Cut!", and Patrick's posture immediately relaxed. His gaze began searching the room and he said something to the guy standing next to him before hurrying across the room to her side.

"Did Pauleen take good care of you?" he asked sincerely.

"Yeah, she's great. I'm going clubbing with her tomorrow night."

Kylie noticed Patrick's smirk immediately.

"Funny," he replied. "I'm going clubbing with her friends, too."


The loud female shriek caused everyone in the room to silence their conversations. Gawking, everyone watched shamelessly as Valerie Michaels stomped across the room, her hateful glare aimed at Kylie. Patrick watched, mystified, as Valerie completely ignored him and stalked to Kylie.

"Get off my set!" she yelled. "Security!!!!"

Patrick stepped defensively in front of Kylie. "What are you doing, Val?" he asked, his voice remaining calm.

"That bitch," she spat, "is the reason I got fined for an accident two days ago! She told the cop it was my fault! And now she's here stalking me!"

Kylie knew Patrick could feel her shuddering behind him, but just like she did during her argument with Alec, she hid the fear. Her voice was strong when she addressed Valerie.

"It WAS your fault," she argued. "You were driving like an idiot."

Valerie hissed, and suddenly David and Mike were flanking Patrick.

"You need to leave Kylie alone," Mike barked.

"Yeah," Dave agreed. "No one messes with Patrick's guest."

"She's with YOU?!" Valerie's angry gaze locked onto Patrick. "SHE is the reason we couldn't go out the other night?!?"

Dave chuckled and muttered under his breath. "Yeah, among other reasons."

Valerie schooled her angry features before turning back to Kylie.

"I'm sorry," she cooed. "I'm just not used to having to share Patrick with anyone."

Kylie hid her confusion, and she ignored the ache in her heart. Patrick was dating that harpy? She knew she wasn't good enough to catch his attention, but she'd never imagined his taste was so horrible. Her heart ached a little, wrestling with acceptance that Patrick would never want someone as plain as her. Trent wanted her though, and at the moment, she was glad she had agreed to see Trent again. After this day, she'd definitely need a distraction, and he would provide a welcome one.

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