Hello, I Love You

By Kaleigh_James

9.3K 597 23

Kylie Thompson has had enough with being responsible. Her marriage of 8 years has fallen to pieces, and her e... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome to LA
Chapter 3 - Pizza Pasts and Passion
Chapter 4 - Trailer Trash Talk
Chapter 5 - Beaches and Cream
Chapter 6 - Adventurous Accountants
Chapter 7 - Late Night Visitor
Chapter 8 - Backstage Tour
Chapter 9 - Date, Interrupted
Chapter 10 - A Failed Seduction
Chapter 11 - Dinner and a Movie
Chapter 12 - The Fake Lives of Celebrities
Chapter 13 - In Da Club
Chapter 14 - The Interview

Chapter 2 - On Set with Medusa

694 48 1
By Kaleigh_James

Patrick walked to the craft services table, hoping they had something with meat. Valerie was on some vegetarian kick and had pitched a fit that her food was on the same table as "slaughtered animals". Luckily, she wasn't due on set until the afternoon. He hoped the caterer was aware of her absence, because Patrick wanted something heartier than a salad today. He grinned when he saw his co-star David standing at the table with what looked like a hamburger. Thank God!

"I'll have what he's having," Patrick called to the guy working the table. David smirked at Patrick.

"Smart man. Gotta eat before Medusa gets here," David chuckled. Patrick laughed at the nickname David and Mike had given Valerie. The woman was beautiful, but when she was pissed, her words were so scathing that they could turn a person to stone.

"I can't wait until she moves onto some new diet. Maybe we can talk her into a low carb thing. I need my meat," Patrick complained. He thanked the man who handed him a large, juicy hamburger, and followed David to a nearby table. As they sat down, Patrick's cell phone chirped. He looked at the caller ID and grinned when he saw it was Mia.

"Hey, sis!" he answered. "How's it going in the Sunshine State?" He took an enormous and sloppy bite of his burger as he listened for her reply.

"Hey, Paddy! Just wanted to remind you that Kylie is coming today."

Patrick grimaced at the reminder. "Yeah, yeah," he spoke with his mouth full of food. "I left the extra key with the building manager."

"Thanks again for doing this," she murmured. "Kylie's really had a hard year, and she needs this trip. Be on your best behavior, okay?"

Suddenly offended, Patrick answered, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, Paddy. Just make sure she's comfortable. She's fragile right now."

Patrick could only imagine, and imagine he did. He and Mia had always told each other everything. He wondered if her friend Kylie would want to stay with him if she knew that he had heard her entire life story. He was regretting agreeing to let her stay with him. The last thing he needed was some lonely, boring housewife weeping all over his apartment. But he had never been able to say no to Mia, and she had BEGGED him to help.

"She'll hardly even notice me, Mia. I've got a couple late night shoots this week, and I'm on set most of the day anyway." He rolled his eyes when David looked at him inquisitively.

"Paddy, I'm serious. Don't just leave her alone all week. She doesn't need too much time to think. Alec really did a number on her."

"You didn't say anything about playing host," Patrick argued. "You asked me to give her a place to crash, and that's exactly what I'm doing."

"Paddy, please look out for her," Mia whined.

"Fine," he grumbled. "I'll do my best, but you owe me."

"I'll owe you forever, Paddy!" Mia grinned. "Thank you!!!"

"Love you, Mia," he smirked. When he ended the call, David's curiosity could wait no longer.

"Who is Mia? You got a girl you're hiding?" he teased.

"Gross, man. She's my sister." Patrick frowned. "I'm letting one of her friends crash at my place for the week, against my better judgment," he muttered.

"What's wrong with her, man? Unibrow? Overweight?" David laughed.

"Worse," Patrick answered. "Desperate divorcee, dumped by her husband for being unadventurous and boring." Patrick shivered at the thought of the unkempt woman that he was sure was waiting at his apartment.

"Ouch," David cried. "He called her unadventurous and boring? Bet she is a little desperate after that. What's she look like?" David's eyebrows lifted several times suggestively.

"Don't know," Patrick replied. "Doesn't matter, though. Her story reeks of desperation. Besides, she's friends with my sister. That's a line I can't cross. I'd never hear the end of it."

David chuckled. "You should bring her by the set. I bet meeting a bunch of television stars would be the highlight of her trip. Isn't that what boring housewives do?" he teased. "Eat bonbons and watch television all day?"

"Whatever." Patrick finished the last bite of his burger and wiped his mouth. "I'm gonna go run lines." Patrick stood and smoothed crumbs from his lap. He lifted his head once to acknowledge David and headed to his trailer.


"I thought you were going to die, Vincent!"

Patrick's soulful eyes met the brunette beauty who was running to him. "Never, Tessa," he murmured into her ear once she was in his arms.

"Don't ever do that again," she scolded. She wiped a trickle of blood from his lip. "Why would you fight him?" she sobbed.

"He hurt you, Tessa, and no one is allowed to do that." Patrick's fangs flashed in the light of the moon before he leaned forward, sinking his teeth into Tessa's neck.

"CUT!" yelled the director. "Great job, Patrick, Valerie," he praised. "Head to hair and make-up. I'll send someone when we are ready for the fight scene."

"Damien," Valerie pouted. "I have an early morning interview. You promised you wouldn't make me work late shoots before early morning shows."

Damien's jaw tightened in frustration. Everyone knew they couldn't shoot the scene without Valerie, and she was always pulling stunts like this. She gave new meaning to the word diva. Unfortunately, her character was so popular that the writers couldn't get rid of her without harming the show's ratings. Even more unfortunate was the fact that Valerie knew it.

"Val, I need you for this scene, and we're on a tight schedule this week." Damien's voice was smooth and calm, though his every muscle was tense.

"You promised, Damien," she argued. "I need my rest so I can talk about THIS show. I refuse to film anymore scenes tonight."

"You are toying with breach of your contract, Valerie." Damien's temper was ready to flare, but it was no match for Valerie. She walked across the set until she was toe to toe with the director.

"You'll lose your job before I lose mine, Damien, and you know it," she threatened. "I wonder if I should complain to the producers about you." Her eyes twinkled with merriment, because she knew she would win this argument.

"Fine," Damien spat. "But you will have to work your ass off to get this episode in the can on time. There won't be a show for you to hold over my head if we start missing deadlines."

Valerie chuckled in amusement. "That's your problem, Damien, not mine." She walked away, swaying her hips dramatically. As she reached Patrick, she smirked.

"No more shooting tonight," she grinned. "What do you say we get out of this place and go get a drink?" Her voice had grown sultry, and Valerie ran a finger down the front of Patrick's bare chest. He fought the shudder of revulsion at the thought of them together.

"Sorry, Valerie. I have a houseguest." For the first time, Patrick was glad to have Kylie as an excuse. Valerie had been after him since the first day of shooting. At first, he'd been flattered, but David had worked with her in the past and warned Patrick of her true nature. It hadn't taken long for her ugly side to appear, and Patrick was not interested in wasting his time with such a bitchy shrew.

"So bring him along," Valerie persisted, not discouraged at Patrick's rejection.

"I don't know that SHE would want to head out. She's had a long drive," Patrick explained. He didn't miss the flash of irritation in Valerie's eyes.

"Maybe next time," she murmured into his ear.

As she walked away, Patrick shook his head. That woman had serious issues. There would never be a next time. That was for sure. Heading to his trailer to shower and change, Patrick began to think about the evening ahead. He hadn't anticipated meeting Kylie tonight, because they were scheduled to shoot until two am. As it was only ten pm, he'd be home before midnight. Maybe he'd be lucky, and Kylie would be an early sleeper. That would make things easier.

Patrick stepped into the steamy shower in his trailer and washed away all traces of being a television vampire. His stomach growled, and he realized he hadn't eaten since noon. He hurriedly washed and then dried his body, slipping into a pair of relaxed fit jeans and a dark tee. He made his way across the lot to his car and hopped inside, heading toward his home, and the uncomfortable night he was sure to have with his sister's desperate friend.


Stepping into his apartment, the first thing Patrick noticed was that it was quieter than he expected. When Johnny was home, the place was always insanely loud, but his houseguest seemed to be mellower. He noticed the flickering lights of the television, which was playing an episode of Criminal Minds. As he stepped around the couch in search of the remote, his gaze came to rest on a small woman sleeping cozily on his couch. Patrick cautiously approached the couch, his eyes glued to the auburn haired beauty currently snuggled under his favorite blanket. There was no way this could be Kylie. The woman was stunning, even in sleep. What idiot would kick this woman out of bed?

Patrick must have stared for several minutes, mouth agape at this tiny thing in his home. She was the epitome of his dream woman, and Mia would have known that. He growled at the thought of his sister's matchmaking, but immediately silenced when Kylie shifted on the sofa. He reminded himself that Kylie was damaged. She needed more than he could give her. And she had kids. And lived on the other side of the country. He needed to make one of these facts matter right about now, but he was attracted to the sleeping stranger in a way he'd never experienced.

Mentally scolding himself, Patrick began to feel like a crazy pervert. Who checked out unsuspecting, vulnerable women while they slept? Voyeurs, that's who. Patrick was a voyeur. Great. He forced his feet to move across the room into the kitchen. Silently retrieving the portable phone, he dialed Sal's Pizza by memory. When Tony answered, Patrick didn't even have to order. Caller ID and the fact that Patrick was a regular customer meant Tony had the order in the system before Patrick could even say goodbye. Food ordered, he moved back into the living room.

Tentatively, Patrick reached out his hand to wake Kylie. He didn't want to startle her, but he'd never intended for her to sleep on his couch. Mia would kill him. He was going to pull out the couch bed for himself and would allow Kylie to sleep in his room. The moment he touched her shoulder, Kylie scrunched her nose adorably and mumbled something under her breath. Smirking, Patrick decided to try once more.

"Kylie?" he whispered. "Kylie, wake up." She batted his hand away and snuggled deeper into the blankets. "Kylie." He gently grabbed her shoulder and shook her. Batting her eyelids, Kylie looked around the room, confused at her surroundings. The moment her gaze came to Patrick, she shrieked.

"Whoa, Kylie. It's me, Paddy." He held his hands out, palms open, as if calming a frightened animal. Kylie sat frozen for a moment, staring at him in confusion. Recognition finally dawned on her face as her waking brain caught up to the conversation, and Kylie broke into laughter. The tinkling sound stirred something unfamiliar in Patrick's gut. Who was this temptress? And what had his sister done to him? Kylie wiped tears from her eyes with the back of her hand and stood, her head coming to Patrick's shoulder. He couldn't help but notice she was a perfect fit.

"I'm so sorry," Kylie chuckled. "It takes me a minute to wake up, and you scared the crap out of me."

Patrick grinned. "Sorry about that. I just wanted to let you know you could move into the bedroom."

Kylie paled for a moment, and Patrick added, "Just you. I'm taking the couch." Kylie's expression morphed from fearful to apologetic.

"You don't have to do that!" she cried. "You are doing so much for me already."

Patrick shook his head. "No arguments. The couch pulls out. It was my plan all along to give you the bedroom."

"Are you sure?" Kylie asked tentatively, her hazel eyes sparkling with awe.

"Absolutely." Patrick glanced at the bags resting by the front door. "I'll take your bags in there." As he walked to the front door to retrieve the bags, he called over his shoulder. "You hungry? I ordered pizza."

"You don't have to feed me, too," Kylie replied. "You're doing too much as it is."

Patrick disappeared into the bedroom and returned within seconds. He winked at Kylie. "I insist. I ordered a whole pie and cheese bread." He chuckled. "Sal's cheese bread is my weakness. It's worth the extra miles I have to run."

"Are you sure?" Patrick had only met her, but her lack of confidence was already bugging him. What had her ex done to her?

"Do I need to read you the definition for insist?" he teased.

"Fine," she laughed. "Count me in."

Patrick grinned at the gorgeous creature in front of him. This was going to be an interesting week.

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