Being the Girl

By unendingly

265K 2.7K 689

Danni Parks best friends are all guys and she is perfectly fine with being the girl. She can't stand hanging... More

02 -- Frozen Bras
03 -- Name, Adress, Social Security, and a Bag of Bacon
04 -- Fake Numbers and Saw
05 -- Whipped or Not
06 -- Ketchup Periods
07 -- Washboard Abs and Sparkly Poop
08 -- Kiss and Yell
09 -- Bacon Withdrawl Syndrom
10 -- Loopy Gas
11 -- Pinky Promises and Lighters
12 -- The Triathlon
13 -- Puke Breath
14 -- Fairy Wings and Dress Up
15 -- Fire Ants, Hospitals, and Barbie Dolls
16 -- Robot Zombies
17 -- Hide and Seek
18 -- Barney Boxers and High Heels
19 -- Badass Five-Year-Olds and Paint Showers
20 -- Goose Bumps and Killers
21 -- Fashion Designers and the Amazing Sibling
22 -- The Prank Master and Ice Cream Faces
23 -- Grape Soda and Broken Arms
24 -- Down and Dirty and Sand Soccer
25 -- Puppy-dog Eyes and an Extra Side of Bacon
26 -- Breaking Points and Explosions
27 -- Underwater Kisses and Vats of Purple Slime
28 -- Flipped Over Air Matresses and Flipped Over Tables
29 -- Sugar Rush and Spilled Gatorade
30 -- Snoring and the Queen of France
31 -- Melted Ice Cream and Kissing in the Rain
32 -- Back Dumpsters and Six Football Players
33 -- Loads of Garbage and Superheros
34 -- The F Bomb and the First Tears
35 -- Middle Names and a Million Years
36 -- Painted Asses and Rookies
37 -- Swings and New Ways of Killing
38 -- Room 358 and Janitor's Closets
39 -- Unbroken Pinky Promises
Epilogue -- Being the Girl

01 -- Spaghetti Hair

31.5K 187 50
By unendingly

Hi everyone! This is my first story so I'm really nervous!

Thanks so much for reading my story! Here it is!


                I smacked palms with Trevor. “Yes!” I cheered. All of the guys took out five bucks and handed it to me and Trevor. We won the bet on who would cave first if we put make up on them. Me and Trevor bet on Ashton being the wimpiest, but most of the guys bet on Logan being the guy that always complained about how girls who wore too much make up were trashy.

                I grabbed the cash. “You suck,” Garrett growled. His long, swishy brown hair hung down just above his brown eyes.

                I rolled my eyes and stuffed cash in his face. “Suck on that!” I yelled and stuffed the cash into my pocket. He rolled his eyes and Trevor gave me a celebratory slap on the back. A couple of girls walked by and snickered at me. I rolled my eyes.

                Ashton patted my back. “Don’t worry, they’re just jealous.” I snorted. All of the girls at my school hate me. They think I’m a weirdo or a loser just because I hang out with guys and dress in sweatshirt and jeans every day. I like hanging with the guys, though. There’s no drama, gossip, or talk about guys that are so cute. It’s just sports and dares and fun things. I was never into that other girly stuff.

                Garret grabbed the cash out of my pocket and held it in the air. “To cheer you up we’ll have pizza at my house on Danni!” I rolled my eyes, but laughed. He put his arm around me. “You’ll be feeling better by no time.” I nodded.

                Lunch was almost over. I got up and threw my lunch away. “Danni, lookin’ good.” I turned around to see Braden’s caramel hair. I rolled my eyes. Braden was the biggest, most obnoxious jerk ever. He always hit on every girl, even me.

                Noah, who was always very protective of me like a big brother walked over and put his arm around my waist. “F off, Braden.” Braden rolled his eyes and walked away. I smiled at Noah who winked at me and dumped spaghetti on my brown hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. It got all over my face and even in my navy blue eyes.

                I screamed. “You’re so freaking dead Noah!” I yelled. He laughed and ran away. I ran after him. I was really fast, so I caught up to Noah outside and tackled him. He hit the ground face first. I cracked up. I put spaghetti into his black, messy hair and green eyes.

                I helped him up laughing not caring who stared. He laughed too. I looked over at Mrs. Boggs. “Detention both of you.” She left. I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue at her. Noah laughed. We walked to Chemistry.

                Braden checked me out when we walked in. I rolled my eyes. “Watch this,” I giggled to Noah. I walked over to Braden. “Hey, Braden,” I taunted sitting next to him. He drooled at me. I grabbed his arms and started feeling his muscles. “Oh, you are so toned.” I giggled and leaned in. He leaned in too. I smashed spaghetti that Noah threw on me in his face.

                He screamed. “Ah, what the…” Everyone cracked up. I smirked and walked back to my seat. I gave Noah a high-five. The teacher walked in. She looked around to make sure everyone was in their seats then started a lecture.

                The final bell rang later that day. I threw my papers up and cheered. I could not wait for this day to end and we get to eat pizza at Garrett’s. Alex walked behind me. “Don’t get to excited spaghetti hair,” I shot him a glare and he chuckled, “you and Noah got detention.” I swore under my breath. I hated Mrs. Boggs.

                I huffed walking to detention. Someone stuck a foot out catching me off guard. I fell face first. Everyone laughed. I looked up to see Ashley. She went around making out with different guys every day. I rolled my eyes. “What’s the matter Ashley? Did your boyfriend of the day dump you?” She scoffed and walked away with her army of blondes.

                I rolled my eyes. Someone helped me pick up my books. I looked up at a guy with brown, shaggy hair and bright blue eyes. “Here,” he gave me a book. “That was pretty cool,” he smiled.

                “Yeah, I know.” I get cocky sometimes. I walked away. He just stood there and stared at me. I walked to detention and sat next to Noah. “’Sup?”

                “I hate detention!” I rolled my eyes sending him a thank-you-captain-obvious look. He smacked my head. I smacked his back and then Mrs. Boggs walked in. She stared at us all like we were trash.

                “No talking. I’ll be in the teacher’s lounge.” As soon as she left everyone started talking. I looked around at the usual people, some jocks, some punks, and some like us. I looked over at Noah.

                I reached in my backpack and pulled out my emergency bacon. I get hungry a lot, and I loved bacon. Noah chuckled. “So I was walking here when Ashley tripped me and I spat a line about her boyfriend of the day and then some freak helped me pick up my books and stared at me when I walked away,” I explained chewing a piece of bacon.

                He looked at me confused. “Wait, some doof helped you?” he laughed. I smacked him in the arm. “Was he forced to?” I punched him in the stomach. He let out a pained laugh. “Seriously, is he mental?” I punched him one more time and he threw his arms up in surrender. I smirked.

                “But it’s weird. I’ve never seen him before.” Mrs. Boggs burst in and I shut up. She stared at us all and then went back to the teacher’s lounge. I rolled my eyes. I went back to talking to Noah. “I guess he’s new, but he didn’t seem like a jerk like all the other guys that hit on me.”

               Noah knew there were two types of guys to me, the guys that consider me a friend and the jerks that make fun of me or hit on me. This guy wasn’t either of them. He didn’t seem like a jerk, but he didn’t seem like my friend type either. He fake gasped. “He could be the one!”

                I rolled my eyes and pushed him off his chair. He fell to the floor and everyone laughed. He shot me a look as he got back up on the seat. “You know I don’t date guys.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

               “What do you date girls?”

               I pushed him off the chair again. Everyone laughed and he shot me another look. “You’re so immature. You know what I meant.”

                Mrs. Boggs walked in. “Dismissed.” Everyone jumped up and ran out. I threw the keys to Noah. Even though most people used my car, I never drove. I guess they piled in Garrett’s car today. Most of them didn’t have cars so we carpooled.

                Noah drove us to Garrett’s which was right next to my house. We had been neighbors and best friends since we were five. I guess that’s why I was such a boy. I had grown up around Garrett and I loved sports and guy things too.

                We walked in and were assaulted by popcorn. “Take cover!” I yelled ducking behind Noah. He grabbed me and put me in front of him using me a shield. I screamed as Logan tackled me. I punched him in the arm. “Get off!” I screeched. He laughed and got off of me. I got up and dusted myself off.

                  “You all are so dead!” Noah screamed. I laughed as he gave Ashton a noogie then punched his arm. Ashton winced in pain. His bright blonde hair was all messed up. Ashton was definitely the softest of all the guys. He was extra nice and sweet though.

                  I walked over and punched Noah. He gave me a what-the-hell look. “Don’t hurt my little Ashton,” I patted Ashton’s head. He rolled his eyes, but didn’t do anything. I hugged him. He smiled. “See, Ashton’s nice. Which is why he’ll get a girlfriend way before any of you.”

                  “I’d bet on that,” Alex smirked flipping his sandy blonde head of hair. I laughed. “Five bucks on who gets a girl first. No betting on yourself.” I smiled and took all the cash out of my pockets and waved it in their faces.

                 “Be ready to give me some more money boys, because Ashton is going to get a girl and he can keep her longer than any of you.” Ashton smiled at me. “So five bucks to the guy who can get the girl first and who bet on him and an extra ten to the guy who can keep a girl the longest.” We all started to put our hands in when Garrett eyes me suspiciously.

                 I looked at him confused. “What about you?” he asked me. Everyone stared at him in disbelief. “You have to be in it too. You don’t get to just bet. You have to get a boyfriend,” he smirked. Everyone dropped their jaw in disbelief. His words echoed over and over in my head, but they didn’t make any sense.

                “You know I don’t get boyfriends!” He smirked. All of the guys suddenly started smiling. “No way!”

                “Then you’re out of the bet.”

                “Fine,” I agreed.


So my first chapter's done! I'm really nervous!

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