The Fame Game C.H.

By Foreverattached

21.1K 464 177

"This can't be it." His voice wavered as he looked at me with heart-stricken eyes. I stared at him for a few... More

Two // Live. (Flashback)
Three // Party.
Four // Paparazzi
Five // Realization
Six // Fallout.
Seven // Public. (Flashback)
Eight // Press Tour.
Nine // Truth be told.
Update on updates.
Ten // New Beginnings.
Eleven // Broken Pieces.
Update ♡

One // New York To Los Angeles.

5.2K 88 18
By Foreverattached

A/N: First chapter of the newly revised and republished version of The Fame Game!! Now just a heads up is there a few things different with this version, I personally think it is a 100 times better so i hope you do to! I never actually realized how many people actually really liked this until I deleted so I'm glad I brought it back and I'm really excited to share Everly and Calum's story with you.

I was thinking of making the official update day for this on Fridays but I'm posting it a day early because I'm super excited! I hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment and all that Jazz, But seriously do! I wanna know what your thoughts are on the new and improved Fame Game.

This is dedicated to annaleegrayce because she's always been a huge fan of the this fic and her comments about it made me feel all giddy! So this is just a way to thank her for her support.

21st October 2015

When I was a little girl I always imagined how my life would turn out. I always thought I would be a ballerina, They always seemed so graceful, Beautiful, Poised, and what I loved most of all was how they could appear so delicate yet be so strong. As I said I always imagined myself as Ballerina basically from the time I could understand what a ballerina actually was, I asked my parents if I could start ballet classes and you would constantly find me in a leotard prancing around wherever I could and so that was how I saw both my present and future self, so imagine my surprise (And everyone else) when my thirteen year old self watched Avatar and fell in love with acting. I didn't know why or how it happened but it was like a switch flipped and I knew that acting was what I wanted to do.

I was luckily enough to be able to pursue my dreams but I was even luckier when Allen Carson who was a well known director took a chance on a very awkward but passionate fifteen year old me and gave me my very first role in his film 'All Roads'. To this day I'm both thankful and grateful for Allen, he gave me the break that I needed and so my life for the last four years has consisted of being able to tell such amazing stories through the art of acting, whilst be able to work with some of the most incredible people I have ever met. I suppose life is funny like that, You can always imagine how it's going to turn out but nine times out of ten life never works out how you originally plan, In fact it can work out better then you could of ever imagined.

"We are joined here today by the lovely Everly Harrington, Everly thanks for coming today." The interviewer greets in an overly happily tone which I can't help but smile at, Simply because of the fact that he seemed genuinely happy to be here today which was exactly the same way I was feeling.

"Thank you for having me!" I beam enthusiastically. Today I was attending a charity event for the ASPCA which was a charity that worked hard to prevent cruelty to animals, It was definitely something that I strongly supported so I was happy to of been able to attend.

"Now Everly from the time that you've been on the acting scene you've always been an advocate for the ASPCA would you like to explain why?" The interview asks although I'm sure he already knew my reasons why.

"Well I've grown up surrounded by animals my entire life and they have always been members of the family to me so the fact that there are people out there who harm these incredibly sweet creatures for no reason really hits home for me so the fact that I can help to stop that happening is such a wonderful opportunity." I explain trying my best to not get too caught up because like I said this was something that really hit home for me. Animals were so innocent in this world and were just so lovable, I really couldn't ever imagine hurting one so the fact that people did angered me on many levels.

"I completely understand." The interviewer nods in agreement. "It really helps to have somebody in your position to be support this cause because it will most likely inspire others to follow suit. How does it make you feel that you can have that influence on people?" He Inquires.

"I mean I think it's a great power to have you know? I mean if you're somebody who is in that position then why not use it for some good? I feel so beyond blessed to be able to be able to do that and I'm always encouraging others to use their voice for good." I answer truthfully. I had always struggled with that whole 'you're famous so you have that power to influence thing' but once I started using that power for good and for things that helped the world I found it a little easier.

"Well myself and plenty of animals thank you for that." He lightly chuckles and I have to grin in response. "Now I hate to do it but we all know I have to ask about a certain bass player in a certain band..." He starts and I internally feel myself slump. I really didn't understand why the need to talk about my relationship would come up at a charity event or all things. I already knew a question about him would be coming because it always did, I understood why we both got asked about our relationship but I just hated always getting asked about it. I couldn't even remember the last interview I had had where his name wasn't mentioned.

"Oh right." I lightly smile trying to look somewhat happy at the mention of my 'Boyfriend'. You see to the public Everly Harrington and Calum Hood were the perfect young happy couple who were blissfully in love, Which really couldn't of been further from the truth.

"Why isn't he in attendance tonight? No date night?" He quizzes and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"Unfortunately I'm riding solo tonight but I'll actually be seeing him and the boys in a couple of days for their album release party." I inform him which both mine and his camps will be happy about because well Publicity.

"Of course! Their sophomore album Sounds Good Feels Good comes out next week. Have you heard any of the songs yet?!" He asks with fake enthusiasm. I'm sure the last thing he wanted to be asking me about was my boyfriend and his bands new album when we were at an event for ASPCA but I knew just like me he had a boss orchestrating his questions and as much as it sucked the media wanted to know more about relationships and bull crap instead of what was actually going on in the world.

"Yes it does and I've only heard snippets but from what I've heard it's going to be better than you can imagine." I tell him and actually mean it. Even though half the time I hated him I could never say that Calum wasn't talented and I also couldn't say that I wasn't excited for the album. The boys had all worked so hard and based on what I had heard it was going to be something that exceed mine and probably everyone else's expectations.

"Great can't wait to hear it! Again thank you for coming and thank you for you continued support of this wonderful charity." He shoots me a grateful smile and I give him one in return before taking a step back.

"Okay so serious question." I grin at my manager of four years Krystal Meyer who had come over to me. "How many more interviews do I have to do before I get to the animals?!" One of the best things about the events that the ASPCA held was that there was always a huge room that was dedicated to helping animals find forever homes which in turn meant be able to cuddle up to all walks of pets, apart from spreading awareness of course, it was my favourite part of the event.

"Just two more." Krystal chuckles shaking her head at me. I may of been a nineteen year old but when it came to animals of any kind I was basically like a little kid.

"Right. Lets get them done then." I smile as she directs to my next interviewer.


"Mia I told you my schedule is crazy for the next couple of months." I tell my older sister for what feels like the hundredth time. "You can't just point the finger at me Mia, You haven't been home in months either." I point out not wanting to take on all the guilt. Mia was in the business just like me and we are both pretty successful actresses in our right but being successful meant being busy and being busy meant not being able to make it home that often to visit our parents. I hated it just as much as Mia did but at the end of the day it was sacrifice that had to be made in this business.

"I know Ev." Mia sighs on the other line. "I just feel bad you know? They're getting older all the time and I always worry that something is going to happen to them." Uh yes, Mia had always been such a worrier but at the end of the day our parents were both in great health and they weren't even that old yet.

"I know Mia, I know." I let out a small huff as start to place various articles of clothing in my suitcase which is proving a little difficult with one hand. " Look I think we both agree we need to make more time in busy schedule's to go see them."

"Yes we do." Mia says and I can practically hear her frantically nodding through the phone, Isn't it funny that you can know someone so well that you don't even need to be able to see them to know what their doing? "When are your next couple of days off?" Mia inquires and I feel my mind go blank. Hell I didn't even know...

"Ugh I have to ask Krystal and let you know okay? I'm sorry Mia but can I call you back, I still have a whole bunch of scripts to go over and I need to finish packing for L.A."

"L.A." I hear Mia chuckle. "Right you have lover boys release party."

"I thought I told you not to call him that?" I roll my eyes at my sister and her lame ass nickname for Calum which she had only started to call him once things got 'complicated' between us and it was honestly the most irritating thing ever. "And yes I do have the boys album release party."

"Right well call or text me when you land, and remember to ask Krystal about your next days off okay?" Mia asks and can't help but think that she sounds exactly like our mother.

"Okay Mia I will, Love you."

"Love you too." Mia says and just as I'm about to end our conversation she speaks up again.

"Oh Ev?"

"What?" I question. There wasn't anything else that I needed to do for her was there?

"Behave." Mia says in a rather commanding voice which makes me roll my eyes because I know exactly what...or maybe who she was referring to.

"Uh huh, Bye Mia." I tell her before hanging up and chucking my phone to the side. I felt like I had so much to do and so little time.

-12 Hours Later.

"Okay Hun are you ready?" Krystal asks probably looking as tired as me. We had an early wake up this morning to catch our flight from New York to Los Angeles and we were both pretty tired, even though we managed some sleep on the plane.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I give her a grim smile which she returns. We were ready to leave the airport and head to our hotel but in order to do that we had to make our way through the hoards of paparazzi that were currently waiting for me. I had been in this business for almost five years now so I was use to dealing with the paps but that didn't make them any less annoying, I mean they were the last people I wanted to deal with at the moment, I felt crappy probably looked crappy and just wanted to get to the safety of my hotel room and take a nap before I had to attend some business meetings.

My head of security Tony informs of our usual course of action, Since there wasn't any fans around we didn't need to stop which meant we would just be escorted straight to the car which I was kinda grateful for at the moment.

I take a deep breath before Krystal and I follow closely behind Tony, The cameras were flashing away almost immediately and I knew that If i wasn't wearing my sunglasses that I would probably be blinded by now.

"Everly! Can we get a smile?!" I hear one of the paps yell and I have to roll my eyes. Why in the world would I want to stop and smile for these people?

"Is is true you and Calum have broken up?" Another yells and why the answer to that is technically yes I could never say that because to the public we were very much that happy couple. Funnily enough I never ever imagined having to participate in a pretend relationship with my ex-boyfriend but the world had other ideas.

"Are you going to be starring in Cindy Kassidy's new film?" Is the last thing I hear from them as we reach the car. I really couldn't wait to get to my hotel, I didn't know why but for some reason I couldn't shake my drowsiness today. Maybe I was low on something or maybe the last couple of days of working were just catching up with me.

"Hey Krystal I know you told me not too long but when are my next days off?" I inquire knowing that if I didn't let Mia know soon she would probably try to kill me.

"Last I checked you have a few weeks off in November before your Christmas break." Krystal reminds me and I nod in response. "Why's that?" She wonders because it was quite rare for me to ask. I was usually just work,work, work.

"I think Mia and I are going to try and visit our parents." I tell her and her eyes widen in delight.

"Oh really?! You know I think that would be a great idea. How are they?"

"They're good....I mean they were last time I checked." I lightly laugh. Krystal had always gotten along perfectly with my parents and that had a big part in me hiring her, beside my parents wanted somebody they could trust with their teenage daughter and she was that woman. Krystal was like my father,mother,sister,friend and boss all wrapped in to one. I couldn't imagine my career without her and I'm lucky because I probably won't ever have to worry about that.

"Well make sure to say to them for me when you check in next okay? And if you need me to book anything for you then just let me know." Krystal smiles warmly, she knew I loved my work but she also knew that I was young and I missed my home and my parents.

Home for me was Key West Florida and I missed it like crazy, I missed everything about home and I did find myself more than ever wishing I was back there.

"I'll be sure to." I tell her returning her smile.

It didn't take long at all to arrive at the hotel and my first thought is to sleep, I had a couple of hours to just relax and I certainly planned on taking advantage of that. Just as I'm getting comfortable my phone goes off getting my attention.

A groan leaves my lips as I see who's name it is flashing across the screen. "What do you want?" I answer.

"Well hello to you to Ev." Calum says on the other line and I let out a sigh because I really couldn't be bothered dealing with him at the moment. "You sound like you're in a bad mood. Are you in a bad mood?" Calum questions but doesn't even give me a chance to answer before he starts talking again. "Hope you aren't in a bad mood tomorrow night because that will definitely ruin what I have planned." He chuckles and I have to roll my eyes.

"Ugh again what do you want?" I ask beginning to loose my patience already. I really didn't see how I was going to be able to play the doting girlfriend tomorrow night If I was still feeling like this.

"I just wanted to check what hotel you were staying at." Calum questions and I frown at his question.


"Because." Calum says and I can just picture that stupid smirk that I once used to love so much on his face.

"Why?" I ask again closing my eyes. I really hoped this wasn't the only thing Calum called me for because I was missing minutes of sleep here.

"Because." Calum repeats. God he had to be one of the most annoying people I've ever met.

"Do you actually have anything worth saying? If not I'm hanging up now."

"I do actually." Calum laughs. "Would you mind opening your door?" Wait. What.

"I hope you aren't being serious right now." I tell him pushing the blankets back and standing from bed.

"Maybe I am, Maybe I'm not." Calum says making me even more annoyed. It take a few seconds for me to get the door of my hotel room and sure enough when I look through the peep hole I can see Calum standing on the other side. I let out a sigh before hanging up on him and then unlock the door before opening it.

"What did you cyber stalk me to find out my hotel?" I kink any eyebrow up at him and he smirks in response as he locks his phone and pushes it in his pocket.

"We are in a fun mood today aren't we?" Calum walks in to my room and I roll my eyes at him before shutting the door and re-locking it. This wasn't the first time Calum had just showed up at the hotel I was staying at, and honestly it probably wouldn't be the last time.

I take a few seconds to take in his appearance. After all I hadn't seen him in person for a few months, He still looked like his ridiculously good looking self which I will admit made me hate him that little bit more, simply because of the fact that it wasn't fair that there was guys as good looking as him in this world. As if we woman didn't deal with enough already.

"So what do you want?" I say sounding a little too demanding, but he was kind of disturbing the plans that I had to get some beauty sleep.

"You know Ev I think we need to work on your social skills, I mean I'm your boyfriend and I didn't get a hug or a kiss or anything." Calum mocks that smirk still firmly on his lips.

"You aren't my boyfriend though remember?" I snap and I think I see his face drop just a little but then I think I must be imagining it because within seconds he's stupidly grinning at me."I was just about to have a sleep so you do whatever you want." I say before turning away from him so I could make my way to the bed that was still waiting for me.

I don't even get a chance to take a step though because Calum's hand was wrapped around my arm within seconds before he turned me back around to face him.

"Can you at least be a little nice?" Calum mutters taking a step closer to me so that our faces were only inches away.

"I thought you liked it when I was mean?" I ask him a smirk finding it way to my lips. Calum removes his hand from my arm only so he can place it on my waist while his other hand moves to my face. He softly caresses my left cheek with is thumb before he drags his thumb to gently rub over my bottom lip.

"I missed you." Calum says ever so quietly making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I absolutely hated when he said things like that to me, I may of wanted to hear it once a upon a time but I didn't want to hear it anymore.

"Don't." I tell him firmly reaching up to grab his hand. "You know the rules."

"Right." Calum exhales and I note that he looks kind of upset? No he looks quite angry. I want to ask him what his new found problem with the rules that we both set but I don't have the chance because his lips forcefully push to mine.

My eyes flutter close within seconds of his lips on mine and I automatically begin to kiss him back, forgetting all about my need for sleep. My hands find themselves in his hair and I gently pull at the ends the way I know he loves and I'm quietly proud of myself when a small growl escapes his lips. I open mouth a little wider and Calum gets the message straight away because I feel his tongue against my own a few seconds later.

Just because he wasn't my 'boyfriend' anymore didn't mean that I couldn't still reap the benefits of having a boyfriend.

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