may shatter on impact (tronno...

By _justanothersky_

46.4K 3K 528

[COMPLETED] NaNoWriMo 2015 - "My heart skips a beat and all the careful precautions and burned photograph... More

Author's Note
1. Pools & Worry
2. Meaningless Words & Zoe Sugg
3. Words & the Silence
4. Scream & Repeat
5. Conversations & Speaking
6. Math Equations & Staying Silent
7. Dreams & Darkness
8. Phone Calls & Forests
9. Rattling Buses & Comforting Conversations
10. Piano Notes & Mistaken Names
11. Shiver & Scream
12. Apologize & Speak
13. Stop & Sleep
14. Gun & Shadow
15. History & Promises
16. Friendship & Singing
17. Softly Singing & Moving On
18. Secrets & Explosions
19. Lies & Quiet
20. Mute & If Only
21. Lists & Lessons
22. Adam & the Things You Know
23. Truth & Tears
24. Fights & Detention
25. Hands & Fingers
26. Noise & Closed Doors
27. Phone Numbers & Texts
28. Gym & Anger
29. Rats & Threats
30. Coming Out & Divorces
31. Colors & Songs
32. Livewire & the Sunlight on the Sea
33. Rain & Sleep
34. Lyrics & the Ocean
35. Anger & Tyde
36. Explanations & Apologies
37. Emails & the Boston Globe
38. Answers & Suspicion
39. Interviews & Answers
40. Galaxies & Stars
42. Driving & All These Conversations
43. Driving & Warnings
44. Welcoming Family & Unwanted Hugs
45. Flowers Like Blood & Oliver Perez
46. Young Again & Wearing Stares Like Headlights
47. Thinking & Wishing
48. The World On Mute & Silent Car Rides
A/N: Quick Note & Cover Changes
49. Phone Numbers & Disconnection
50. Icy Tears & The Speed of Safety
51. 2 AM & Little Talks
52. Field Trips & Aquariums
53. Parapristipomoides Squamimaxillaris & Laughter
54. Things He Shouldn't Say & Things to Do
55. Drunk On the Galaxies & Holding Hands to Keep Warm
56. Return & Remember
57. Lyrics & Tonight
58. Texting & Confusion
59. Twisted Words & Demeaning Quotes
60. Stolen Phones & Calls Left Unanswered
61. Empty Spaces & People Who Will Answer the Phone
62. A Field With Weeds Like Flowers & Wishes Upon Stars
63. Fallen Angels & Where the Sea Meets the Sky
64. Little Things & Whispered Smiles
65. Sleepless & Wild
66. Ice & Like They Have A Clue
67. Jason & Forgiveness
68. Miles & Forgiveness
69. Julian & Forgiveness
quick note
70. Today & Ditching School
71. Suicide Rocks & An Angel Now
72. Hopeless Futures & The Prettiest Things
73. Constellations & Greek Mythology
74. Invitations & Silent Dinners
75. Kayla & Desicions
76. Painted Stars & the Ghosts of Us
77. Clarke Forest & the Old Oak Tree
78. Fallen Blood & Twisted Bone
79. Thirteen Years & the Same Ground
80. Letters & Love Tyler and Troye
81. Phone Calls & Futures
82. In the Distance & In the Past
83. Friends & Starbucks
84. Guest Rooms & Packed Suitcases
85. Normal & Far, Far Away
86. Less Broken & A Song for Him
87. Lyrics & Paradise
88. Missing & Sticky Notes
89. Notes & Goodbye
90. Water & the Irony of Survival
91. Warnings & Too Late
92. Lyrics & Come Over Now
93. Take It All Back & Turn Back Time
94. Fools & Can't
95. Everything & Promises
96. Ways to Say "I Love You"
97. Nora and Zoe & Forgetting
Epilogue. Ages & Ages Ago
Author's Note

41. Stolen Stares & Math Problems

466 35 1
By _justanothersky_

Connor steals every moment not taken up by taking notes during math to stare at me. He smiles at my eyes and he laughs when I do and we think the same and our hearts beat together. I can see him sit on the other side of the classroom, helping Nora with her work, smiling at me when he catches my eye.

Zoe smiles when she sees the two of us look at each other like there's no one else in the room, like the world was stopping and slowing down just for us. Her eyes hold a glint of triumph, like she was able to call out "I told you so" to us, like she had been the one to put all the pieces together first. She was, but that's not relevant, really.

Clara's pencil runs across her paper, filling out all of the answers quicker than I could even imagine mine doing. I stare down at my paper like it's in another language, but I don't even attempt to decipher it until Clara is snapping her fingers in front of my eyes.

"Troye. Troye. Focus. Come on. You haven't even done the first one yet?" she sighs, shoulders sinking. "Troye, we have to work as partners and we won't be the first to finish if you don't focus!"

"Do - do we have to be the first?" I ask, frowning.


I roll my eyes but stare down at the question. "Clara, this is practically in French to me."

"Numbers are universal."

"The way you say them isn't."

"Good thing we're reading them, not saying them."

"Are you going to help me or not?"

"The first one is thirty four."

"Thank you."

Nora is staring at me when I write down the answer to the fourth problem. She has an eyebrow raised and glances at Connor every so often. Why is he so happy? she mouths at me.

Why wouldn't he be? I mouth back.

"Focus!" Clara snaps. "Fifty six, Troye, not sixty five!"

I roll my eyes but correct the answer I had written down wrong.

He never smiles during math class! No one smiles during math class! Nora is mouthing at me when I look up again.

I just shrug. That is true. Maybe he's just happy today.

I know I am, even if there are moments stolen in practice rooms to account for it, though she doesn't know that.


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