Promise Me //1D Completed [✔️]

By missnovicewriter

39.1K 1.8K 273

The Foster Care system is a home to a millions of diverse and unique young adults. Strangely, the system attr... More

Promise Me
Are you afaird of death?
What's it like being in a family?
Will I Ever be Pretty?
What does love look like?
London Bound
Rain & Coffee
Pumpkin Everything
A White Halloween
An Eternal Memory
My Best Friend
'Tis the Season
Kicking off in London
Le Grand Palias
Mud Wrestling
Take Me Home
Dishonor on you!
A + Q
Date Shenanigans
Unexpected Roomates
McDonalds Breakfast
This Is Us
Two Voices
Lesson Learned
Boarding Australia
Start of Somethig New
Anything But You
Sad Song
Thank You
Forever Your's


1.6K 73 13
By missnovicewriter

Tegan's P.O.V
August 2012


Friendship (frend·shuhp):
1. a close association between two people marked by feelings of care, respect, admiration, concern, or even love.

Mrs. Marjorie Willis told me this morning guests are coming to visit me.

I brush through my hair one more time in the mirror before going downstairs. I take one step at a time. I have been making up constructive answers for the questions to come all morning. Maybe I would meet my new mum and dad!

I sit on the front porch, waiting for the guests to arrive. Eventually, a vehicle accompanying five gentlemen arrives. I avoid any awkward eye contact with them. They look too young to be friends with Mrs. Marjorie Willis. They knock on the door.

"Oh, Tegan is right there." Mrs. Marjorie Willis's fills the air.

I turn my head behind me, all five young men facing me. I turn my head up, looking at their faces. My mouth falls agape, speechless. I guess I shouldn't assume guests would mean a new family.

"Gentlemen this is Tegan, Tegan these men are here to visit you."

"What for? Is that even legally allowed?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Don't be silly, Tegan!" Mrs. Marjorie Willis laughs. "Their boss referenced them to me. Everything is safe."

She gives me a wink, then steps back inside our house.

"Well," I begin, clearing my throat.

Why is it so quiet? Out of five people, you think at least one of them would speak.

"Hi, Tegan! My name's Liam." One of them finally introduces themselves.

"Nice to meet you," I smile, sticking my hand out.

He accepts my handshake and they exchange glances.

"I can show you the backyard." I suggest.


I swing from the makeshift swing tied to the tree. Who I learned is Louis pushes me. Making conversation with them is easier than I expected. They're quite humorous and give off positive energy. It was easy to feel comfortable alone with them.

I learned their names and that they lived in apartments called Princess Park. They showed me a song they made on their phone and I recognized it from the radio.

"Oh, I know this song! Molly loves this song!" I recall.

"Who's Molly?" Harry asks.

"She lives here, too."

I almost suggest that they meet her, but I get afraid that they'll like her better than me. I don't know why I suddenly felt so attached to them. Maybe it's having the undivided attention of five people that gives me a sort of thrill. I decide to tell them nothing else about Molly.

"Sick song though, I don't watch much telly or listen to music." I explain. "I like to ride my bike with my friend Oliver."

"Yeah? How do you know Oliver?" Niall asks.

"Oliver and I moved here at the same time. He just got relocated to a new family."

Louis stops pushing me on the swing. He walks in front of me, joining his lads.

"Tegan, we'd like to help you." Liam states.

"Help me what?"

"Would you ever like to live with a different family." Harry asks.

"Who?" I ask looking around, excitingly.

Harry and Louis exchange glances. Zayn looks down at the grass, shuffling his feet. Niall scratches his head, but Liam's focus stays on me.

Liam explains to me they'd like to be my friend and they hope to get to see me again. He explains their busy schedules, but that I could always visit them whenever I'd like. He even invited me to one of their concerts.

After Liam makes his offer, I'm speechless.

"I- uh, let's go see Mrs. Marjorie Willis." I say, hopping off the swing.

I quickly step through them and they follow me to the front of the house. They go to speak to Mrs. Marjorie Willis and I escape through the backdoor, grabbing my bicycle. I hop on, riding towards Oliver's house as fast as I can.

I park my bike on the sidewalk and run up to the front door. I ring the doorbell quickly. Mrs. Fisher immediately opens the door.

"Tegan!" She greets, giving me a hug.

"Hi, Mrs. Fisher. Is Oliver here? It's urgent."

"Yes, he's in his room. Go on up. He'll be happy to see you."

I hurry upstairs, taking two steps at a time.

I knock on Oliver's door quickly. Oh, man I shouldn't be here. I'm going to be in so much trouble.

"Come in!" Oliver calls.

I swing open the door. I stand in the doorway, my fingers still curled around the doorknob. Oliver is sitting on his bed, his legs crossed in front of him. He glances away from playing a videogame on his telly.

"Oh, hey, Tegan." He notices me.

"Oliver, I think I am sleepwalking." I state, dead serious.

"What's going on? I can take it." He sets his controller on top of his comforter.

I explain how some random boys connected to Mrs. Marjorie Willis arrived today, offering me a strange untraditional friendship. I explain how they made me feel comfortable and I loved the feeling I had with them. I admit fearing I'll latch to them like family when the terrible truth is they'll never be family.

"Oh, Tegan this is so unlike you! You're spiraling in a pattern of negative thinking. It's just friendship! What're you fussing about?" He reasons.

"Oliver, you're the only friend I have. I've been in the system my whole life and this is the first time I felt like I'm the only thing that mattered. While I was talking to them, I felt like the most significant thing on their mind. Ugh, I sound so pathetic!" I covered my face with my hands.

"You don't sound pathetic! Don't be so hard on yourself. Tegan, you deserve to feel those positive feelings. Why would you push something good away? You need people who can give you that. Especially in friendship. You don't have to survive this world alone anymore."

"I guess you're right. Thank you for talking to me."

"Of course. Mrs. Fisher loves you, you're welcome over anytime. If you ever have any trouble, you know where to go. Give them a chance. Now, ride fast back!"


Yay! They finally made it into a chapter.

five short and crappy chapters later and you get what you've all
came for!


you don't have to thank me

lol jk

don't you just love Oliver and Tegan? 😍

cause I kinda do 😂

they're my characters

~Tyson Out ✌🏻️


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