Panem Boarding School

By jaded_clovers

39.5K 735 669

I swear the story is better than the description. Clove is a sixteen year old girl that makes the long move... More

Chapter 1- Patience is Virtue
Chapter 2- Assumptions
Chapter 3- Cheese Buns Anyone?
Chapter 4- Coffee?!
Chapter 5- Dodge!
Chapter 6- Paper Airplanes
Chapter 7- You Posted It ONLINE?!
Chapter 8- "My Bikini Top!"
Chapter 9- Mr. Cameraman
Chapter 10- How Much?
Chapter 11- And the Marker Drops...
Chapter 12- No. Just. No
Chapter 13- Delly's Minions
Chapter 14- I Have A Message For-
Chapter 16- The Question
Chapter 17- The Pier
Chapter 18- Upperhand
Chapter 19- Jealously, a Downfall

Chapter 15- Who?

1.4K 30 11
By jaded_clovers


Me and Peeta were making a plan in drama. It is the plan to steal Cato's phone. It's a whole lot more intricate than you would think, because it's just a simple steal, but there's a catch. He has a lock on his phone, so you can't just open it and read all his texts. Plus he's very protective over that phone, and I don't blame him. Whoever he's texting must be pretty interesting to text for at least two hours per night.

Here's the plan.

Step one: When Cato gets back from school, he always sits in the same chair and takes out his phone to do whatever, so I, because Peeta thought I was faster and had a better memory, have to run to the elevator, and hide behind the chair before Cato gets here, and when he sits in the chair, I'll peek my head out and see his passcode. He doesn't have the ability on his phone to use fingerprints, so it's one hundred percent that he will use the passcode unlock.

Step Two: Peeta will create a distraction so I can sneak out from behind the chair. I will sit on my bed, and pretend to start my homework, but what I'm actually doing is writing down his passcode.

Step three: Wait. Cato has football practice later today. Peeta and Marvel do as well, but I never joined football so I don't. Finnick also has Swim, so it will be just me.

Step Four: Cato puts his phone into his bag before he leaves, we know from last year, so Peeta will secretly grab it out of his bag and hand it to me.

Step Five: Because Peeta wanted to look at the texts with me, we have to wait till everyone else goes to bed. We also have to hope that he doesn't notice or he'll be really mad. Let's just say he doesn't have a long fuse.

The plan is almost full proof, but we want to make sure it's even more full proof. Peeta has history with the rest of the squad besides me, Glimmer, and Annie. He's going to explain it to Finnick and Marvel so they don't say anything.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

I stare at the clock in English while the teacher starts explaining something about nursery rhymes. She keeps going on and on about this one though.

"Hickory dickory dock; the mouse went up the clock; the clock strikes one; the mouse went down; hickory dickory dock." She sings for the umpteenth time.


"Don't forget to memorize the nursery rhyme you chose for-"

I don't even stay for her to finish her sentence before I'm running down the hall straight for the exit. I run out and turn to the right. Our building is right around the corner, and I dart through the parking lot as a short cut.

I enter the building and the lady at the counter greets me. I barely get in a wave before I'm running to the elevator, getting in, and pressing the twelve button. When I get to the top, I press all the floor buttons to slow him down if he's at the bottom, then I press the open doors, so I can get out. Then, I'm down the hall.

I finally get to our room, 1265, and I quickly search through my pockets for the key. When I unlock the door, I hear the elevator ding, so I quickly enter and lock the door, and then I dive behind the arm chair.

I wait for ten, fifteen, twenty minutes, at least that's how long it feels. I make sure my phone is on silent, right when I hear talking from outside the door. They unlock it. Someone opens it and the four boy's talking gets a whole lot louder.

That's when I look to see Cato sitting in the chair, and rummaging through his backpack. When he takes it out I peak my head out to see the passcode. His fingers moved fast, but I could see the numbers. 2023, That's simple enough.

Now I have to wait for Peeta to distract Cato enough for me to escape from behind the chair.

Peeta walks into the bathroom and pulls something out, hopefully for the distraction.

"Cato, I need your opinion. Can you come in here?" Peeta asks and Cato turns off his phone and puts it in his pocket before making his way to the bathroom. Time to make my escape.

I quickly slide out from behind the chair and I unlock, open, close, and relock the door to make it seem like I just walked in. I thumbs up to Finnick who mimics me. Marvel is too busy mourning over the loss of Glimmer that he didn't notice.

"Do your hair the way it is Peeta, I don't think that Katniss will care... And the, uh, blue shirt." Cato says and walks back in here. He glances at me, but then he just sits in his chair, no suspicion whatsoever. Good.

We had three bunks in our room, and I share one with Marvel. Finnick wanted his own bunk, for whatever reason, and we let him have it. It's probably best not to question him, you never know with Finnick.

I sit on my bed, which is the bottom bunk, and take out my notebook. I open it to the next clean page, and I write down his passcode: 2023, which I tear out of the notebook to keep in my phone case so I know I won't loose it.

Stage three goes into action and I sit on my bed, staring at my phone for about three hours. I already completed my homework, which was only math and it was super simple. I get a text message from Peeta.

Peeta: What's the passcode?

Me: 2023, get the phone and don't try to get into it yet. Wait till after he goes to sleep.

Peeta: Wasn't planning on it. It's actually in my pocket, he thinks it's in his football bag. I'll be the last one out to hand it to you.

Me: K. Man, I really want to know who he's been texting all this time. Who do ya think it is?

Peeta: Probably Clove. Dude likes her. It is kinda obvious though, don't know if that's a good or bad thing though. Know if she likes him?

Me: Nada. I know that Katniss is pretty good friends with her maybe I could spill something if the texts are inconclusive.

Peeta: Good idea.

We stop texting when Marvel realizes it was time to go. Cato walks out the door first, which gives us the perfect opportunity to hand off his phone. They all leave, then it's just me.

The curiosity is starting to get the better or me, and I know that I told Peeta I would wait, but it's right there...he won't know. I guess I can take a little peak...

That's when I get a text from, you guessed it, Peeta.

Peeta: I know your staring at that phone wondering if you should break the promise, but you suck at lying dude. Plus I will be able to tell if you did. So don't.

I laugh at the perfect timing.

Me: True true. Man are you psychic or something cause you just explained exactly what I was doing.

Peeta: Nope. Just know ya well enough

I decide to test out his passcode to make sure I got it right. I punch in the numbers and it unlocks. Good.

We don't have a TV or a computer, but I know Finnick has a universal tablet we can all use. Apparently, he's rich, if you couldn't tell by his summer beach house. The passcode was simply our room number.

I don't know if there is Netflix on this iPad, so I start to look through the pages of apps that Finnick downloaded. Most of them are games like Candy Crush, or games that will waste your money. No Netflix. Well balls...


I pretty much expected it to be Peeta, but this time it was Katniss. I think about not texting back, but I couldn't do that to her. She's one of my really close friends ever since we were three. Neighbors you know?

Kat: Hey

Me: hi

Kat: Whatcha doin? 😝 (I'm using phone so if emojis don't show up correctly that is why.)

Me: NM, sittin alone cause everyone else just left for practice. So bored 😴💤

Kat: Haha same... Clove is here too so I guess I'm not completely alone. We aren't talking though

Me: Ah.

Kat: well I gtg. Bye

I throw my phone on my bed and I groan.




I can't take it much longer. There wasn't much time left until they come back, so I decide to waste time by taking a shower. I shove his phone under my pillow stack and I head into the bathroom.

Apparently, the hot water doesn't get up here for about fifteen minutes, so when I was ending my shower it got extremely hot and I scolded myself.

When I turn off the water, I hear thumping from outside, so I quickly throw my clothes on and step out of the shower, going to lay on my bed to hide his phone better.

"Dude come on! What was that throw at the end of practice? It almost killed coach!" Cato exclaims while walking through the door.

"It's not my fault Peeta wasn't there to catch it." Marvel snaps back and Peeta rolls his eyes.

"I was at the twenty yard line bro! You threw it to the eighty! In the opposite direction!"

I break the arguing with a simple, "How was practice?" They all looked at me with a death glare and they continued to argue.

"Well coach told me to throw it that way. You were in the wrong spot."

"It hit coach's head dude, you can't get out of that one." Cato states and enters the bathroom.

"Call the shower!" He says and closes the door.

Finnick comes back a half hour later, already showered because of the pool's showers. Cato is still in the shower. Geez, he's as bad as a girl!

When he finally comes out, Peeta pushes him out of the doorway and locks the door immediately, turning on the water. Cato collapses on his bed, not reaching for his phone, but for his backpack to do probably some assignment due four days ago. Good.

Peeta takes a seven minute shower and then Marvels off for another 15. I'm just scrolling through Twitter, favoriting something here, retweeting something there. It's a process I go through every night, which I'm not exactly fond of. Everything on this app, or at least the people I follow, is all about drama and other crap I don't want to delve myself deep into. But I never delete it. Sometimes I don't understand my own logic.

11:00 rolls bye and Cato just finished the assignment and is going to sleep. I think it was that essay due for English. Sucks to be him.

11:47. The room is quiet, I take out the phone and quietly stand up to walk up to Peeta, who was luckily, also on the bottom bunk. I poke his arm three times, signaling it was me, and he sits up instantly. I wave the phone inches from his face because it was dark, and it was hard to see.

We decided to head into the hall, so we don't have to worry too much about noise. So we slowly unlock the door, and we step outside before locking it with a key Peeta brought.

"Wait, the walls are thin, let's go to the lobby to read them so we can talk loud." I mention, obviously whispering, then we are down the hall, entering the elevator, and descending to the first floor.

Once we get to the main lobby, I take out the phone and enter in the passcode. Peeta asks to see it and I hand him the phone.

"Where the hell is the messages app?" He says flipping through the pages filled with apps.

I look over his shoulder, since I'm taller that him. "Dude, it's on the hot bar." I say, //that bottom bar on an Iphone that you easily get to  even if you flip the pages//

"Oh. Whoops." He opens the app and five conversations come up.

And those five conversations contained a lot of emojis. Someone needs to slap some sense into the boy.

1. Our group chat which Finnick named I Love Me Some Sugar Cubes

2. Clove's contact, which was
🇬🇧🍀🔪Clover🔪🍀🇬🇧 //again emoji's//

3. Glimmers contact, which was

4. Katniss's Contact, which was
⚽️🎯Kat🎯⚽️. We know it's her cause that is Cato's nickname for her. He gives one to everybody. Finnick's is Fish Boy, Peeta's is Loverboy, mine is Bow Guy (due to being in Eagle Scouts before quitting, they make you learn archery), you get the point.

"What do we read first? Our group convo is out cause we both got those texts." Peeta states and I nod.

"Glimmers will be amusing, let's check that out."

//Warning, if you don't like reading text mockings than this next section will suck for you. Too bad so sad. It's an important part of the story so. Also it was too hard to put emoji's

Glitter: Hey babe

Cato: uh... Leave me alone. Don't call me that.

Glitter: Wanna meet later?

Cato: No

Glitter: come on! I know you want to 😏😉

Cato: No, I really don't. I don't like you Glimmer.

Glitter: You like that British girl, don't you... 🙄

Cato: I never said that. Look I'm not interested in being added to the long list of your hump and dumps that you've acquired.

The conversation ends there.

"Ooohh, burn." Peeta laughs and I nod.

"Let's do Katnip next." I say and he exits out of the Glimmer convo and enters the Katniss one. The first one was about two days ago.

Cato: What's the math HW?

Kat: pages 5-8 all

Cato: You joking?

Kat: course. It's only page 5, all.

Cato: thx. U excited for the date? Peeta's been going on and on about it and he won't shut up.

Peeta looks up from the convo. "Hey! I'm not going 'on and on' and I do shut up!" I just roll my eyes and Peeta continues to read out loud.

Kat: Hmm... I wonder if I'm nervous. This isn't my first date and I'm not freaking out. ARE YOU COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS?!?! Clove was right.

Cato: woah woah I'm sorry that I'm just stupid. And yeah, I know it's your first date.

Cato: wait, what do you mean Clove was right?

Kat:  nevermind. Just do your homework.

Peeta finished reading. And I look up. Peeta speaks first.

"This is going to be her first date? Seriously?" He exclaims and I shush him, trying not to show how jealous I am of him at the moment. I wanted to be her first date, but of course that isn't happening...

"Apparently. Girl doesn't lie." I say and we continue to Clove's convo.

Cato: Hey

Clover: what do you want, Blondie?

Cato: I'm bored and I want to text you. Is that a crime?

Clover: I will make it one if you keep making dumb comments.

Cato: but I love making dumb comments, you know that. I'm quite proud of them, actually.

Clover: why am I not surprised...

Cato: Come on, Clovely. Loosen up, I know you can. Remember the beach?

Clover: I do as I please.

Cato: that's for certain😂

Clover: emoji's sort of creep me out. Don't use them.

Cato: okay. Whatever you say lol

Clover: lol? Seriously? I hate when people say that.

Cato: well sorry, miss picky

Clover: whatever. My sister is being annoying.

Cato: oh, really? 

Clover: she's complaining about some guy taking longer than thirty seconds to respond. I hate when people do that.

Cato: you seem to hate a lot of things.

Clover: there's a list. I'll tell you some time.

Cato: give me a preview?

Clover: what's the fun in that? It ruins the suspense.

Cato: man, you are one interesting person.

Clover: I'm not going to take that as an insult.

Cato: it wasn't supposed to be.

Today 7:36 am

Cato: 'pic of Glimmers and his convo up until "no, I don't like you Glimmer"' what do I say to make her go away?

Clover: that rhymed. Um... What did she say after that?

Cato: 'pic of Glimmers response'

Clover: woah what?

Cato: yeah I know

Cato: what do I say though?

Clover: well I would say 'I never said that. I'm just not interested in being added to the long list of hump and dumps you've acquired'
Copy and paste this^

Clove: you can't think of anything good anyways.

'He didn't even come up with it on his own. Figures.' I think.

Clove: what did she say?

Cato: she read it, but said nothing. Then she subtweeted me

Clove: man, I really hate Glimmer

Cato: just another thing to add to your list of things you hate.

The conversation ends there and Peeta looks up from the phone. He exits the convo. All of a sudden, his phone buzzed. It was Clove.

Clove: you better be awake because I'm bored as hell

I look at Peeta. "Do we respond?" He shakes his head.

"No. Don't even open it, he'll know we read it. Plus, I don't think Clove wants to think he's purposely ignoring her because it will come up as read, but he won't respond." He states and I nod. There weren't any other text messages to look through.

"Maybe we should go upstairs, let me put his ringer off so it doesn't wake him up if Clove texts him again."

We go back in the elevator and walk down the hall. When we make it to our room, I realize it's unlocked.

"That's strange, I could have sworn we locked it..." Peeta whispers before opening the door.

Cato is still sleeping. Phew... That was-

My thought was abruptly cut off by a deep voice echoing through the room.

"I know you guys took my phone." Cato, who I thought was sleeping, states simply. He didn't sound too angry, but I wouldn't know if he's about to blow a fuse or not.


"What did you guys read?" He sits up and turns to us, his shadow larger than both me and Peeta. We don't really get a chance to say anything before he stands up and looks at his phone, with the little two next to the messages app. My eyes have focused to the darkness, so I could see his squinting gaze at the phone as he checks everything on his phone to make sure we didn't delete anything.

"We didn't-" Peeta starts and he was again cut off by Cato.

"Nah it's fine. I've done it to your guy's phones plenty of times in the past. I'm just way better at it. FYI, I could hear your loud ass breaths behind my chair Gale, you weren't too secretive. Well, next you gotta steal Katniss's phone. It's a challenge but I've managed to do it once before.."

"Woah woah woah." I pause him before continuing. "You mean your not mad?"

He laughs for a few seconds and shakes his head. "Nah, not like any of the stuff I have on my phone is a secret."

"Not even- Ow!" Peeta is cut off abruptly, getting ambushed by Finnick.

"WACHA!" Finnick screams and Peeta and him land on the floor with a thud. Cato rolls his eyes and all of a sudden the lights turn on. Marvel stands by the light switch.

"What. Is. Happening?" Marvel glances at each of us before turning back off the lights.

"If you don't mind, I would like some rest. Thank you very much." He climbs the ladder to his bunk, where he isn't heard for the rest of the night.

"Well, goodnight. Tomorrow's Friday Peeta." Cato smirks and pokes Peeta before he punches Cato in the arm, which sadly probably hurt Peeta more than Cato.

Peeta climbs back into his bed. "Goodnight."

I get onto my bed before closing my eyes and drifting off into a dreamless slumber.

// when this is one of the longest chapters you've ever written. It is closer to 4000 words. I know. You made it through. A round of applause to you.

Merry (early) Christmas!

I'm making a one shot Everlark Christmas special so stay tuned for that. I love all you guys and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! ((It's been rescheduled for 2016))

[just a reminder I use my phone to write so the contacts have emojis in them {like on my phone XD} anyways is they looked weird cause your are one of the few that read on their computer, or you don't have an iPhone that is why. That will be one of the only times I use emojis though, I personally feel that it makes the writing seem unprofessional, but I'm not all that professional.]

((I removed most of them anyways))
Any ways to make the story better? Comment below this paragraph thing on the random word I choose... And the word is


Stay alive my little tributes


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