Not So Bad (WWE)

By WWESpongefan

13.8K 332 12

Olivia Owens is a young woman running from an abusive relationship, but she only finds more trouble. She was... More

Not So Bad (Chapter One)
Not So Bad (Chapter Two)
Not So Bad (Chapter Three)
Not So Bad (Chapter Four)
Not So Bad (Chapter Five)
Not So Bad (Chapter Six)
Not So Bad (Chapter Seven)
Not So Bad (Chapter 9)
Not So Bad (Chapter 10)
Not So Bad (Chapter 11)
Not So Bad ( Chapter 12)
Not So Bad (Chapter 13)
Not So Bad (Chapter 14)
Not So Bad (Chapter 15)
Not So Bad (Chapter 16)
Not So Bad (Chapter 17)
Not So Bad (Chapter 18)
Not So Bad (Chapter 19)
Not So Bad (Chapter 20)
Not So Bad (Chapter 21)
Not So Bad (Chapter 22)
Not So Bad (Chapter 23)
Not So Bad (Chapter 24)Final Chapter

Not So Bad (Chapter 8)

546 16 0
By WWESpongefan

Seth and Olivia left the arena. The whole conversation with The Authority was on-screen in front of the whole world. Some of the fans didn't know whether to believe what Seth did or if it was just something he did to make himself look good. Some people were surprised that Olivia was now part of the story line. Olivia knew Seth had promised that he would keep her out of it, but Olivia realized that he needed help explaining the situation and she knew Seth's job was on the line so she told them everything that happened so that maybe his job wouldn't be in trouble. She hated her ex, it was all his fault for being there and causing trouble. When Seth put him through the table she knew Ryan was going to do something about that. She wasn't surprised that he would sue WWE, he would do anything to get back at her. She heard what Stephanie and Triple H told him.

They were either going to take on the lawsuit or fire Seth. Seth was only trying to protect her and he ended up getting in trouble because of her. She felt guilty about the thing. While they were travelling down the road neither of them said a word. Olivia could sense that Seth had a lot on his mind, she thought for sure that he was mad at her because she was the cause of all of this. It was quiet in his car for at least five to ten minutes until Olivia couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Seth... I'm sorry about all that has happened. Are you mad at me?"

Seth looked at her and knew she felt guilty about the situation.

"No. Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because this whole thing is my fault. Ryan was after me, if I had not have been there, you wouldn't have to run after me and break character, or put him through a table. I don't understand why you're still willing to help me, I've been nothing but trouble since the moment you met me. Now there is a possibility that your job is at risk because of me. How do you not hate me right now?"

"Olivia please, you need to stop blaming yourself for everything. You've just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's like I told Stephanie and Triple H, no one else was doing anything to help you. I had to do something, even if that meant breaking character. He could have taken you away against your will he could be beating on you right now. You said you were afraid you were going to end up with him again. I'm not going to let that happen. I made you a promise. I promised you that I was going to protect you, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I don't hate you Olivia."

"Even if I cost you your job?"

"No, not even if you cost me my job. It's just a job, but we're talking about human life. Your life could have been at risk that night, and if I have to lose my job just to protect you then that's what I'll do."

Olivia felt touched by his words, but still felt guilty. Seth could see the look in her eyes.

"I see that look Olivia. You still feel bad. Stop worrying about it. We still have a week before we find out what they Stephanie and Triple H are going to do. I am curious about one thing, didn't you want to stay off cameras and out of the story line?"

"I did originally, but your job is actually on the line and Stephanie and Triple H wanted to know what was going on so I had to tell them everything that happened even if I didn't want to. I just hope they realize that you were just looking out for me and not really trying to cause trouble."

The week goes by rather quickly and Seth and Olivia made their way to Raw to find out what Stephanie and Triple H decided. Olivia wanted to go with Seth because she still felt like she need to make things clear to them. She also wanted to be there in case they did fire Seth and try to talk them out of it. Once Seth and Olivia got to the arena the first place they went was in one of the office areas to talk to The Authority. Triple H was the first one to speak.

"Thanks for joining us Olivia and Seth. Stephanie and I have discussed the issue over the past few days. Olivia... you told us about the situation of your ex being at Raw and trying to drag you away against your will. Seth has saved you before, but did not put his hands on the guy that stole your car. The issue is here he actually did put his hands on someone and this person is not a WWE superstar."

Olivia could tell that from the tone of his voice that things were not going to go well.

"I know and Seth already told me that if he put his hands on a non WWE employee that he could be fired, but please don't fire him over this. He was only looking out for me."

"You didn't let me finish... there is a lawsuit on our hands. Seth is a very important character in the WWE right now and I think that we can win this lawsuit if you and Seth show up together in court and end this."

Olivia kind of understood what he was saying.

"So what you're saying is you're not going to fire Seth and that we actually have a chance of settling this in court?"

"That's what I'm saying."

Seth was thankful that they actually were going to go up against her ex in court and was glad his job was no longer at risk. Triple H had one last thing to tell Seth.

"Seth, I thought I should tell you now that later tonight, you will have a match against John Cena. Also just so there are no more issues, we will allow Olivia to stay backstage. This may be the safest option for her."

So Olivia felt slightly safer backstage, but Seth wasn't around all night and she would feel safest with him around. Raw went on for a while, but finally the main even came up and it was John Cena against Seth Rollins. John Cena came out to his normal mixed reaction, but were mostly cheers. When Seth came out in character his reaction was mostly boos. He came out hearing the crowd chanting You Sold Out at him. He laughed and had a smug look on his face and had his briefcase in hand. He would only go on to tell the crowd that he would defeat John Cena and be the future WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He also had his security guards Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury out at ringside. Their jobs was to distract the ref if John Cena tried to go for a pin. John Cena broke the pin only to go after them, this was a mistake. Seth caught him with a kick to the head and John Cena fell to his hands and knees where Seth then delivered the Curb Stomp and got the pin fall victory. Most of the crowd booed at him, but there were a few people cheering for him. Those could have been actual fans of Seth Rollins or people who just didn't like John Cena. Olivia enjoyed the match and cheered for him backstage. She wished people wouldn't boo him, they may not like his character, but that didn't mean they had to hate him as a person. She was caught up in her thoughts when he caught up to her backstage.

"Hey, did you watch the match?"

She jumped when she heard him speak.

"Oh... sorry you scared me. I was so caught up in my thought, but yeah I saw your match. I'm glad you won."

"What were you thinking about?"

"I was just wish they wouldn't boo you. Some people don't believe that you really saved me. They think it was all part of an act. They just don't appreciate you as a wrestler and I wish they would."

"There are some people who never will. You can't make someone like you, but I did get a bit of positive cheers. I guess those are from what few fans I have and the anti John Cena fans. There are people who will cheer for anyone but John Cena, even a "Sell Out" like me."

The topic seemed to change soon after this. Olivia was glad that Seth still had his job.

"So you still have your job, but now we're going to court. I'm a bit nervous about that. I really don't want to see Ryan there."

"Everything will be fine. You just have to tell a judge or jury about what happened. Oh and speaking of court, before I got here I met up again with Stephanie and Triple H. They told me that instead of going to Smackdown this week that you and I will actually be going back to Florida for that case in court."

"Oh... ok."

The rest of the week goes on and finally Friday arrives. The court case was early in the morning. There were a few news crews and even WWE cameras around the outside of the court. The cameras were not allowed inside so they would have to wait for When Seth and Olivia arrived and left if they wanted to have their questions answered. This was the type of thing that you dress up for. Seth always wanted to look his best and to look professional so he showed up in a nice suit. Olivia showed up in that yellow sundress that she and Seth liked so much. Seth could help but stare at her in that dress. Olivia didn't notice, she was just concerned about the court case. It was definitely going to be a long day.

(To be continued.)

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