The Under Cover Footballer

By perksofpurple

129K 3.2K 547

Football / Soccer COMPLETED AND BEING EDITED This is how it all started: "I dare you Skye Chance to join th... More

/Authors Note/
Dreaded Dare - 1
Dreaded Dare - 2
Dreaded Dare - 3
Dreaded Dare - 4
Dreaded Dare - 6
Dreaded Dare - 7
Dreaded Dare - 8
Dreaded Dare - 9
Dreaded Dare - 10
Dreaded Dare - 11
Dreaded Dare - 12
Dreaded Dare - 13
Dreaded Dare - 14
Dreaded Dare - 15
Dreaded Dare - 16
Dreaded Dare - 17
Dreaded Dare - 18
Dreaded Dare - 19
Dreaded Dare - 20
Dreaded Dare - 21
Dreaded Dare - 22
Dreaded Dare - 23
Dreaded Dare - 24
Dreaded Dare - 25
Dreaded Dare - 26
Dreaded Dare - 27
Dreaded Dare - 28
Sequel- Opinions!

Dreaded Dare - 5

5.1K 114 24
By perksofpurple

Skye's P.O.V

"Hey Skye, what's up?" Jade asked me sounding like a mouse as she spoke down the phone, and as usual I tried not to laugh

"So I've just been invited to a party, and since we've never been to one together do you want to come?" I asked Jade hoping she could make it, I don't want to go alone with Hunter, that just screams awkward

"You better not just be on about me you and Zoe pretending to have a party in your living room" Jade told me causing me to laugh as I remembered our hang outs at my house, which was the lamest thing you could imagine. All three of us in my living room drinking beer and playing on my Xbox

"Actually it's Ollie Street and Hunter Adams last day party" I told Jade causing her to gasp

"Well I am totally in, I can't wait to wear my new dress I got yesterday" Jade told me excitably probably thinking about what makeup she would wear, yes she was a very organized person

"Come round to my house for ten to six approximately, bye!" I told Jade as she squealed down the phone in reply before I hung up, I then texted the number on the football trip letter before rushing to the hallway.

"MUM!" I shouted trying to guess what room she was in.

"In the living room" my mum shouted back in a tired tone. I could tell her illness was getting worse, I was going to cancel the football trip but mum wouldn't let me, she wants me to get out there and meet new friends, party and have the 'high school' experience

"You know the dare I told you about a couple of days ago?" I asked my mum and she nodded questionably.

"Well I got accepted for the team and kind of said I could go to a five day team building trip with the team. Also Hunter, Kyle, Toby and Caleb are going so they'll look out for me" I told my mum and she laughed.

"Honey, you're tuning more into your sister every day. Your looks and your inner dare devil just scream Spencer" She laughed lightly to herself. "Yeah your allowed but like I said at the beginning any consequences or if you get found out it's your fault, not mine" My mum told me in a serious tone and I smiled, it was partly a happy smile you could say due to the fact she allowed me to go, but most of it was filled with sadness due to the mention of my sweet sister Spencer.

I walked up the stairs and had to walk past my sister's old room on the way, it made me sad how everything is just boxed up in there. I began to browse through my wardrobe; I nearly gave up hope of a good outfit when I caught a glimpse of a box with a jumpsuit Jade got me ages ago

Inside was a short blue jump suit with small lacy patterns near where the shorts cut off and where the sleeves stop, just above the waist was a thin chain belt to make the outfit look mature and even though I hadn't worn it's my favourite outfit

I slipped into the jumpsuit, which showed off my legs before putting on black wedges and some earrings. I quickly applied some musky makeup before brushing my extra wavy hair down, quickly curling it so it looked nicer and the waves looked neater, before putting on some beautiful 'light it up' 'Victoria Secrets' body spray

"BOO!" Jade shouted just as I picked up my brown hand bag, having a mini heart attack.

"Someone is looking very nice today!" Jade said to me, causing me to happily smile to myself. I turned to look at her seeing that she had yet again died her hair. This time to her natural blonde colour but it looked way better than her usual hair colour which was exotic red or daring blue.

"Loving the hair, I love it when you do it natural" I told Jade causing her to plaster a grin on her face at my compliment, she isn't used to compliments let's just say that


We both went carefully down the stairs and into the hallway waiting for Hunter to arrive. Whilst Jade sat down waiting patiently I kept pacing up and down the hallway in excitement for the party.

"Pacing will just make everything go slower you know; now sit down and be patient!" Jade told me giggling.

"You sound just like my mum" I announced causing Jade to grin weirdly.

"Maybe she adopted you and I'm your real mother" Jade told me with a serious tone and face before we burst out laughing at the thought of Jade being my mother.


I sat waiting until heard the doorbell go off and waiting for a minute before opening the door seeing Hunter dressed in a casual light blue shirt and sandy trousers along with some brown shoes, his hair was spiked up nicely and he was also wearing his usual cologne.

"You look gorgeous Skye! I'm guessing your Jade?" Hunter asked Jade and she nodded looking slightly awkward whereas I was blushing at the compliment I had just received "Nice to meet you Jade! Go hop in the car; Ollie's house is about ten minutes away"

I climbed into the front seat next to Hunter whilst Jade sat in the back behind me texting someone on her phone.

"Hey Skye, what did you tell your mum about the trip to football camp?" Hunter asked me curiously.

"She kind of knows about the whole thing" I told Hunter hoping he wouldn't find me weird for sharing this dare with my mum.

"Your mum sounds pretty cool if she's letting you do that" Hunter told me smiling probably liking mine and my mum's close bond.

"She really is. She's the best." I smiled thinking of the times me and my mum would sit and watch strictly together for a girl's night. "Is that Ollie's house there on the right?" I asked Hunter judging it was Ollie's by the amount of cars parked on the pebble driveway. Also due to the fact that there were about a dozen cups on the drive and there was loud music which consisted of Selena Gomez's song 'Good for you'.

"Yeah, his mum and dad are away in Chicago with their work so he gets to stay at home with his sister who's a year older. She's supposed to be looking after him, but she just leaves the house and sleeps at her friends not really caring what on Earth Ollie does. I sometimes feel kind of sorry for him but I don't want to tell him because it may come out as if I'm criticizing his family in some way" Hunter told me, this was a rare accession when Hunter showed his caring side and I liked it.

"Well at least he has a friend like you" I told Hunter as I closed the car door and started walking inside the house. I followed Hunter like a lost dog whilst Jade went off with Kyle into one of the rooms that the music was obviously blasting through.

I continued to follow Hunter, both of us walking round the bottom floor a couple of times till we ended up in a kitchen. Hunter grabbed a beer and passed me one as well before yanking me to the left and into a room with more music where Ollie stood, just about to do the keg.

"OLLIE, OLLIE, OLLIE" We all shouted in perfect harmony. One of the guys from the team, Steve by the looks of it lifted Ollie up as he started chugging down beer.

I watched at first not getting why this is entertaining till Ollie started to look like a life sized hamster with cheeks full of beer. He continued for another 30 seconds before he took his head away and beer starting spraying. I screamed as it started to spurt everywhere before Hunter chucked me down onto the floor to avoid the beer, for a moment I thought I would brutally land on the floor but Hunter luckily stopped that from happening.

"Is this usually what happens at your parties?" I asked amused by this new feeling as I looked down at Hunter hoping I wasn't hurting him.

"It isn't as fun actually, most the time girls are clinging to you but this is way better, we'll probably play some twister, rave and then Ollie will come up with some stupid game. Luckily this party is only for the football team along with a plus one." Hunter replied to me.

"How does everyone in this room feel about a big game of twister on top of the pool?" Ollie asked us all causing me frown curiously at what he had just said.

"Will that work?" I asked him not knowing how it would.

"I tried it this morning and it's pretty funny, do you have a costume with you? If not my sister has a load of new ones in her room she hasn't worn?" Ollie asked me smiling, obviously looking forward to the game of twister.

"Yeah can I borrow a bikini?" I asked Ollie and he nodded before Hunter pulled me away.

"I'll show you where they are" Hunter told me bringing me up the stairs and down to the bottom of the hallway, then into a big cosy room which was jungle themed. Hunter headed towards the wardrobe and picked out a see through pack with a pink and black patterned bikini. I thanked him quickly getting changed in the bathroom and heading downstairs into 'the pool room'.

"How do Ollie's parents afford all this?" I asked him curiously looking round the room in amazement.

"It's his adoptive parents, they are both lawyers and travel quite a lot, his real parents died in a car crash but that is his actual sister, they were a pair when they were adopted because they couldn't be separated" Hunter told me and I nodded feeling bad that Ollie wouldn't get to ever get to see his parents again.

Once we had gotten into the pool room it was all lit up and it was half the average swimming pool with a massive twister mat on the water being held up by foam rods, the whole room was also lit up with nice fairy lights. I turned round to tell Hunter how cool it was but I went silent as I was met with a toned stomach. I looked for a minute raising my eyebrows as I noticed that he had a really nice body, like really nice body, wow I am so vein.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Hunter told me and I rolled my eyes, flicking him gently on the arm.

"Jerk" I retorted before Ollie called us all into the circle, there were seven of us which consisted of; me, Ollie, Hunter, Caleb, Steve, Vanessa and Cheryl. We all sat around in a circle before Ollie spun the bottle and then the twister board.

Firstly the twister board landed on right food red and the bottled landed on Hunter causing me to let out a loud laugh getting amused expressions from people in the circle.

Hunter walked over to the board and jumped onto it causing it to give the slightest wobble, he then got in position and Ollie did the same before it landed on Caleb, Vanessa and then Sheryl who got into place then Ollie spun it again where it landed on me; left hand red.

"Before I get in position why do I need a swimming costume if the board is stable?" I asked curiously.

"Because it can only take a certain amount of people before it wobbles and throws you off, gosh Skye!" Ollie told me pouting as if he was the Einstein of the modern era.

I laughed stepping on the board which wobbled causing me to let out a squeal before getting in place next to Hunter who held me at one point when I nearly fell.

Ollie then started spinning positions and directing us into place, until Vanessa fell off because she was in an awkward position but she went falling backwards onto Steve who fell in straight after her, this then caused the board to drop down for a minute and wobble causing me to nearly loose balance. At the moment it was only me, Caleb, Hunter and Cheryl. I was on one foot and one hand under Hunter struggling to keep balance.

Ollie then spun the twister board causing Hunter to have to put his arm and hand just clear of my head so he was basically right on top of me. Ollie then spun it again causing Sheryl to collide with Caleb causing her to fall into the water with a splash.

"Now I'm going to spice things up" Ollie said winking at us all going to a little grey box on the wall and pressing a few buttons before the pool started glowing green, the pool floor lowered slightly causing the twister board to flood a little making it hard to bubble and it moved more due to many jets being turned on.

"Now I'm jealous" I told Ollie in amazement as the pool floor lowered. Ollie was about to spin the twister board until he stopped, an evil smirk on his face.

"Right I'm fed up of waiting; you're allowed to push each other off the board now, so spread out. READY...SET...3...2...1...GO!" Ollie screamed and I stood there frozen whilst Hunter and Caleb went for each other, each trying to push each other off till Hunter took Caleb by surprise tripping him up causing Caleb to fall into the water. I giggled for a minute before glaring at Hunter as I realized he would pretend to surrender or trip me up like he did to Caleb.

"Bring it on Adams" I told him feistily. Hunter went for me at first but I rolled out the way, gosh I felt like James Bond right now. Then Hunter went for me a second time, but me being me jumped out the way at the last minute causing Hunter to fall face first into the water.

"Owned by your own plan Adams" I said aloud laughing as he came up with an evil grin, grabbing my foot and dragging me into the cold yet bubbling water. I went under feeling the water and jets cover massage me with cold water, the jets vibrating and massaging every inch of my body.

I then came up gasping for breath before I was splashed by Ollie who was had just jumped off a diving board that went to the top of the ceiling. I then splashed Ollie before getting out the pool and going up the steps for the diving board.


Once I had got to the top I put down all my weight down on the board and jumped up inches away from the ceiling, I then did a bomb splashing into the water hopefully getting back at Ollie for splashing me. I then swam up to get breath, my heart pumping full off adrenaline at what I had just done.

"Do you want a drink?" Hunter asked me rubbing at his eyes probably because of the splash from the bomb I just did.

"Yes please" I replied watching him as he went to the pool bar and grabbed four beers and a cocktail bringing them over to me.

"Just in case you want more, because I don't feel like getting back out" Hunter told me and I nodded sitting down on one of the sofa inflatables next to Hunter who was swigging down beer.

"I expected you to be in there dancing and getting drunk rather than doing this" I told Hunter hoping not to upset him as I realized I had just stereo-typically assumed he was just another popular, typical jock you would read about in books.

"This is way more amusing, I would rather have loads more fun and remember my night with friends than forget my 'so called amazing' night and get a hangover, trust me I've done it before and don't see the point in it" Hunter told me smiling as Ollie came over and joined us on a little ring inflatable.

"This party is great Ollie" I told him as he sipped on a beer before pulling out a remote from a little pocket in the rubber ring inflatable.

"That isn't the best part, I can also do this" Ollie told me pressing a button which caused the radio to come on playing 'Adventure of a Lifetime' by Coldplay.

"I'm in love with this house already" I told Ollie gasping as I looked around the place again, seeing couples and girls that smiled at me and were all lounging in the pool having fun, oh this was the life.

"How about we play a game of never have I ever?" Hunter asked mischievously.

"Okay, I'll go first. Never have I ever watched porn" I said aloud not drinking as I haven't, Hunter didn't drink either but Ollie did causing me to burst out laughing as Ollie went bright red.

"It wasn't because I wanted to, I didn't mean to watch it, basically I was on a link my friend told me about and it looked like a website so I clicked enter and then up came something....anyway some people find it normal for us to but I think it's just an excuse to watch woman" Ollie told me and I nodded in some ways glad that Hunter hadn't and Ollie didn't mean to because I find it disgusting.

"Before we continue, cheers to being great friends" Ollie told me and we all raised our beers drinking up, before the game obviously continued.

"Never have I ever had sex" Hunter said and I frowned, I thought he would of. Ollie didn't drink and I lifted up my beer pretending to but I didn't.

"I am joking you know, I want to wait till I meet the right person" I told them trying to act mature but I was cringing inside.

"So are we" Hunter told me and I laughed.

"What?" Ollie asked confused as I burst out laughing.

"I just thought that knowing you two would have, only judging by all the bimbo fans you have" I told them causing them to laugh.

"Exactly, I don't think me and Hunter want to do that with the so called 'bimbos', not that I don't like this game but get your stuff on you two, we are going to party and show little Skye here a party she will probably forget in the morning" Ollie told me and Hunter causing me to laugh as I took Hunter's hand, he then helped me out of the pool, my hand slightly tingling but I shook it off, my cheeks turning red at the thought that it meant something.

I put on my jumpsuit and Hunter and Ollie put their things back on before dragging me into a big room full of couples and friends dancing to music. Ollie dragged both me and Hunter to the middle of the crowd which was like a mosh pit so I started doing my best moves with both my drinks in my hand drinking, and then doing a move, then drinking again in an endless cycle.

We kept dancing before Ollie wondered to fetch more drinks whilst I and Hunter continued dancing; it was as if we were infinite in that moment in time.

I quickly dropped my empty cups before jumping and clapping along with the crowd shouting along to 'the hills', screaming at the top of my lungs, this was so much fun.

We danced for an hour or two more until the good tunes and the crowd died down, I then headed out the room with Ollie to get another drink, my head spinning rapidly.

"Hey Skye, I'm going to call a taxi, it's two am now so it should arrive in twenty minutes" Hunter told me before pouring me a drink of what looked like water.

"But I don't want to go home, I want to stay here with you and Ollie" I told Hunter pretending that I was about to cry.

"You've had too much to drink, get on my back Skye and I'll take you to the taxi" Hunter told me and I huffed like a child throwing a tantrum, I then jumped on his back as he walked out of the door walking in a wonky way until he got the hang of walking with beer in his system.

Hunter then helped me in to the taxi and he told the man my address. Once I got home Hunter opened the front door but I was on his back dozing off as I heard him have a sweet conversation with who I thought was my mum, well duh who else would it be?

I felt myself being carried upstairs and tucked in bed but I was too drunk and tried to tell what was going on.

I woke up at around eleven the next morning, my head having the slightest headache but I got up quickly getting the dizziness you get, you know the dizziness when you stand up too fast after waking up. I waited for a minute before the dizziness disappeared; I then nipped downstairs to make breakfast and had some water and tablets to ease my hangover.


Thanks for anyone who is reading and supporting this and I am so happy I have reached 100 reads! Anyways this is dedicated to for helping me with a ship name and for supporting my works!! I am so proud of this book so far even if other people hate it. Dedicated to -Cinderella.

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