Tales of a Ninja Magician: Of...

By CaptainClaymore

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An alternate universe story borrowing only the Universe from the original creator of Naruto, Masashi Kishimot... More

Tale Begins: Enter Nakotsumi Mana
Revolt? Hanada Estate Under Attack!
Big Boss Bakku, Rumble Concludes at Last!
A Gentle Womanizer and an Otaku!?
The Ruthless Sannin Tanshu
You Lose! Mana VS Tanshu, a Clash of Ideals
Who Will be No.1 at Dishes!?
Misfortune Strikes Low, Bells of War!
Pain that Bonds a Family, A Real Mission
I'm Gonna Be Hokage! Shimo's Decision!
No Longer Children! We are Ninja!
You're not Perfect! Hurry to the Rescue!
The Story of Satsuhimasa the Spruce Princess
Mysterious Power - Samsara
Konoha's Sorceress
Mana's Bad Day
Going Underneath the Underneath
A Mysterious Tip? Interrupt the Deal!
Trouble in the Junkyard District
Gate of Opening! The Enemy is Jounin!?
The Demon of Kirigakure
Blizzard Cut VS The Infernal Chains
Night of the Demon Ends! Resolution
Tanshu's Story: Hell is Where Katei is
Tanshu's Story: He with the Eyes of God
Tanshu's Story: Red Dog VS Rinnegan
Tanshu's Story: Power Born from Pain
Tanshu's Story: Sannin Enter the Battle
Tanshu's Story: Battle in Total Darkness
Tanshu's Story: Howoku's Starlight
Tanshu's Story: Another Battle Stolen
Tanshu's Story: Two Clashes
Tanshu's Story: Gentle Hyuuga of the Sand
Tanshu's Story: Tower of Bones Falls
Tanshu's Memories End! Kage Summit Ahead
Kage Summit Begins, the Mysterious Mizukage
Who is Namikaze Shirona?
Mizukage Shirona's Scary Strength!
Chasing Evil
Starlight Sword - Pleiades
Echoes of a Day That Will Never Be
A Village on the Path to Greatness
Kazekage VS Oni Mask
Iron Shogun Hits the Field
The Modest Supersonic Warrior
Imasu's Pinch? Silent Killing Unleashed!
Roar of the Three Tails!
Kirigakure Military Crushed!?
I Can Lift Any Weight!
Loop Tightens!
Barrier Buster and the Monkey Girl
Tanshu's Mysterious Strategy
Opponents but no longer Enemies
Final Confrontation Imminent!
For Vashia! Roar Sage Mode
Reality in Shatters? Howoku VS Shirona
Price of Love, Sage Mode Ends!
When the Skies Cry Blood
A New Chapter Begins
Team Oak's Reunion!
The Fifth
Stages of Grief
Shimo VS Sugemi
Whoever Wins, Everyone Loses
The Fallout
Story of a Man Born From an Arm
Solution to Violence
A Broken Road Goodbye
Last Wishes
Where Magician Babies Come From...
Idiocy that'll Change the World
Of Blue Eyes and Red Eyes
The Third One
Sick World for Sick People
The End of a Dream!?
After the Dust Settles
No Rest for the Kind
Life-Treasuring Monster
Kiyomi VS a Cat-Hobo
I Want to Kill Rogues
Long Range Ninja VS Long Range Ninja
Phantasmal Maturity
Babies Born and Made
The Smell of Purple
Yellow's Cruel Plan
Moonlight and Roses
The Lion and the Lamb
The Bell Which No One Heard
A Wolf That Cried Boy
Memento No More
Viva le Revelacion
Crash Course
Swords and Magic, Literal and Otherwise
Love and Genocide
The World of Bastards
The Obligatory Wonderful Life Episode
Equal Exchange
The Evil That Helps Us Grow
The Violent Warrior Clan of Iwa
A Prelude to a New Adventure
Yoruma Treatment
Shits and Giggles
Bloom for Bliss
An Unexpected Return
Chakra Over Matter
A Silly Question to Begin A Journey
Unexpected Encounter of the Family Kind
Cooldown Period
While You Were Sleeping
Trouble Stew
Ninja VS Mafiosi
Entertainer's Creed
That Which Glitters May Just be Gold
Reckless Sacrifices
The Secret of the Katabami Mine
No Way Out
What Lies Beneath
Belly of the Beast
World's Largest Scavenger Hunt!
Deal With the Devil
Conflict at the Entrance
United We Fall
Will to Live
Inquisition of the Wicked
Getting Up
Gentleman's Oath
Crystal Rain
The Bloody Kaleidoscope
Boy Meets Girl
Quest for True Love
Stars that Died Out
All Ways Lead to Bliss
Belated Regret
Requiem for a Chase
The Ancient Hunters
New Course
Choices Matter
Village Hidden by Sand
Canned Cat Food of Space-Time
When Gods Arm Wrestle
Inside the Dark Room
Towards a Waterfall of Experience
Explodnado 2: Fiery Boogaloo
Welcome to Agbarah
The Story of Sun Disc
Let the Games Begin
Mamoru'ing One's Pride
Fatal Warfare
Bet on Freedom
The Gauntlet
The God of Martial Arts
I Must Win
Seven Minutes
Road to Ascension
Of Dentons and Doomsdays
1 v. ~300
...Do as Agbarahns Do
The Hitman Contestant
True Meaning of Martial Arts
An Explosive Encounter
Tales of a Ninja Magician Annual #1
Affections and Extinction
Into the Darkness
The Tunnels Have Eyes
Path of the Wolf
No Holding Back
Life Shaver
Stars Gone Cold
Not Everyone
All Alone Again
Rivers of Apathy
Ninja Noir
Sound Village Stories
Until Dawn Breaks...
Things we Have to Lose...
Things we Seek to Gain
Love in the Dark City
Staircase to Inferno
No Such Thing As Magic
Freak Like Me
The Most Electrifying Brawl in History
The Beacon of Blood
Demons of Our Own Making
An Invincible Man VS An Invincible Man!
A Cosmic Elegy
Leaving Sounds of Silence Behind

Crossroad Between Order and Chaos

38 3 0
By CaptainClaymore

It's strange how deep and long the sleep of cold autumnal nights was. It's like the body was getting ready for some sort of human hibernation, the exhausted body and the somniferous cold nights made a very freezing and almost dreamy combination. Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was the fact that everyone had their troubles to wake up to, oftentimes those troubles got edgy during the autumn period as one had to both work and prepare for the winter. This may have been a very primal reflex of postponing stress of preparation and casual trouble but it seemed to be passed down the generational line quite efficiently...

It took Mana good two or three "love taps" from Kiyomi to wake her up. The magician softly rose from the fur, rubbed the aching skin as the fur etched into her face. She made the right call to sleep with her clothes as her entire body would've felt itchy and had those weird sleep marks of hair rubbing at her body. Ignoring the stench that once again smashed itself mercilessly at her nostrils, Mana also desperately tried to get her wild hair in order but, unfortunately, the bed hair was strong on her. Kiyomi giggled looking at the magician.

"God you're so cute like that, I'd nom you like a pickle..." the blonde remarked but then her lovely smile quickly changed back into disgust as the Yamanaka peeked from the tent to see Hisako by the fire.

After Mana left she just barely restrained her surprise. Hisako looked amazing, someone did her hair and she wore a majestic, almost regal-looking, fur coat. It appeared to be made from the skin of some rare and once very beautiful marten, sable perhaps. Also when Hisako turned back Mana noticed her wearing a silver hairpiece. Were her stories that great that the assassin earned some additional bonus points with the mercenaries?

"Well, Hachi liked Hisako to begin with, I suppose she just got to know him better, I wish she let us in and opened up a bit as she did with..."

Kiyomi's grunt interrupted Mana's thoughts. For a moment the girl wondered if the Yamanaka was able to hear everything but then the blonde transmitted something back at Mana.

"I've had it with this bitch, let's get our merc and leave already, they'll deliver Hisako to the village or keep her for themselves, I don't care..." Mana still hadn't gotten used to the mental link. Thoughts just materializing in her head with her partner's voice sounded just too weird. It was like the blonde was some sort of an alien or something and communicated through telepathy. Just like in all those weird plays that spoke of the Moon People...

"Why would the mercenaries keep Hisako-san to themselves?" Mana thought back to her teammate curiously.

"Oh, for God's sake, Mana, Hisako paid for the mercenaries, the food, the tents and all that with... Ugh, you laughed at a dirty joke before, come on!" Kiyomi blasted a powerful sensation into Mana's mind. The magician tapped and rubbed her head as the thought was really powerful and caused some headache, even by shouting through telepathy Kiyomi was able to cause headaches, just how powerful her clan hidden techniques were it was scary to imagine!

Mana couldn't believe for a moment but then it all made sense. Why Hisako whited out before committing to it, why Kiyomi was so disgusted, why Hachi was so happy and content and why Hisako got all that special treatment like she's the queen of the mercenaries now... The magician walked up to the woman and gently tapped her shoulder.

"I'd stab that hand but I'd stab so deep that I'd plunge it into my own shoulder too, what do you want, idol-bitch!?" Hisako yelled back at Mana to which the mercenaries just laughed like they were a bunch of monkeys.

"How did it happen?" Mana let out a very serious and concentrated question, her tone implied that she was about to do either something very stupid or just let it go, depending on the answer.

"Scuse me, didn't you fucking hear what I said? Bugger off before I'll ask one of the guys to spank you with a belt like an annoying little bitch you are!" Hisako rudely shouted back at Mana pushing her and removing the girl's hand from her shoulder.

"Mana, you're doing it again, just leave it at that, she's not worth it..." Kiyomi's thought was voiced on the link, it was interesting how the Yamanaka never included the assassin in the link. Almost like the hate for Hisako was so deep that the blonde wanted nothing less than let her anywhere close to her mind whereas she had little problem letting Mana in.

Seeing how the magician didn't move and continued to stare at Hisako with an angry stare that didn't budge off of the raven-haired woman's eyes for a moment the assassin waved her hand at her, two assassins stood up and tried to lead the girl away, gently. With a single flick of her fingers, weaving a single hand seal sent the two writhing on the ground.

"Get them off!" one yelled, "They're all over me, oh my God, why did it have to be mole crickets!" the other joined in with his own horrifically pathetic scream.

"How... Did it... Happen?" Mana repeated the question. More mercenaries stood up, they looked much angrier than the lot that came at Mana before and while the girl's exterior acted all tough, internally she was beyond afraid. If all of them came at her she wouldn't have been able to detain all of them. She had to work just to keep that illusion on both of the other guys.

Hisako stood up and grabbed Mana by her elbow, forcefully dragging her further away from the band and Kiyomi. "Drop your fucking cheerleader act, now!" she hissed at the magician but Hisako noticed that Mana's eyes didn't change.

"You whited out when Hachi-san told us that we had nothing to pay him with, then you instantly switched to that. I want to believe that they forced themselves on you but... That simply doesn't happen like that. I'm confused if I should kick as many of their asses before they overwhelm us to teach them a lesson or if we need to have a talk." Mana insisted hissing back at Hisako. The magician didn't really understand what sexual violence was, it wasn't even much to her care, she didn't want it in her perfect idea of a world but killing was her primary opponent, she was bit too young to realize just what sort of a thing it was so she usually never thought about that. That meant she was about to pick a side on the spot, depending on Hisako's answer.

"So you're gonna condescend me too then, huh? That blonde cheerleader bitch got to you then? Well at least she's got some guts, enough guts to hate me! Idol-bitch and just bitch, ain't you just a fucking Bitch Brigade!?" Hisako started throwing a fit but then she noticed that she's not getting a reaction from Mana.

"If I have to ask you the same question again... I don't care how much chakra I spend, I'll make you pee yourself all over that fancy fur coat, eventually, I'll find the insect or animal you hate..." Mana replied. It wasn't a threatening tone or an imposing one, while the content of her reply may have been interpreted as such her voice and tone were completely distant and cold.

"Fine!" Hisako yelled out before switching to a lower tone, "Yes, I paid with... That... I told you, idol-bitch, this is a sick and twisted world and sometimes sex helps you to make some shortcuts. I made a decision of my own free will. Tell you what, I didn't go pale because I was afraid of fucking with that giant hunk of muscle and gear, I did so because for a moment I thought I'd actually have to work with you two bitches and that thought made me wanna puke so much that I'd have died and if I did I'd have been happy because I wouldn't have had to look at your stupid fucking face for once"

Mana sighed and lowered her eyes, she didn't know what to say or do. How could she? Was what Hisako did wrong? Yeah, it probably was by Mana's moral point but... It was what Hisako wanted, wasn't it? Mana couldn't have known if it was wrong or not, she was too damned young and inexperienced with those sort of matters.

"I can hear you two caring but I simply don't care enough that you care, now if you'll excuse me, if I screw with that Hachi guy enough maybe I'll yank that fucking cannon off of him..." Hisako replied turning around and walking towards the center of the camp where the mercenaries were cooking some animal for breakfast. As the woman approached the fire the other women moved to the side and let Hisako sit down.

"Well, at least it worked..." Kiyomi's thought materialized in Mana's head, "In just one night the Yoruma went from being a prisoner to being pretty much the queen of the whole band. If she asked them, they'd even let her stick around and wouldn't take her to Konoha..."

Mana's head sunk down, the magician couldn't even fathom how wrong it felt. Hisako did something so seemingly wrong but also she was so good at making it sound right. Also, she wielded results, had the woman not done what she did Mana and Kiyomi would be heading back to Konoha to return Hisako and they'd have jeopardized the mission as they'd have wasted too much time. What Hisako did was wrong and immoral and... But she saved the mission, even if she was a selfish cunt about it. Maybe if she regretted it one bit...

Having grown with the mental sickness that she had, having to experience all the joys and misfortunes, having to relearn all the facts and rules, both written and otherwise, all over again, Mana sometimes got confused. When a deed seemed bad to her but the perpetrator felt not even a single drop of remorse about it she always lost her damned mind. That was just the simple defensive reaction, the social implication was that in such a world this sort of behavior was acceptable but... Mana tried to desperately tell herself differently, that was what caused her to freeze and just think about it hard.

"I'm sorry, Mana... I'm still looking at your thoughts because you're still transmitting them, you'll learn to keep things out of the link eventually, sorry... What you feel is right, what Hisako did was wrong, there are no written rules that forbid such behavior and female ninja are even trained to do that sort of thing to get what they want but... The human nature is that a woman must have some dignity, she needs to own and respect herself but she also has to respect the other gender. Using one's own advantages like this is disrespectful but... Technically she did what some kunoichi do and there's nothing illegal about that. Ultimately..."

"Thanks, mom... I got it..." Mana thought to herself rudely letting Kiyomi know that she wasn't that young and inexperienced to get morals from her superior of that nature.

"Yo! You two cunts hungry? There's some bitching sable cooking and I think I'm wearing it so... I dunno, feels kinda cool. Like I totally destroyed that bitch, you know?! I mean we'll eat its flesh and then we'll wear its skin..." Hisako yelled at the two when Mana closed her eyes and shook her head moving towards the fire to get a bite or two before leaving. Kiyomi followed shortly.

"Yeah! Let's eat the shit out of that dead rodent!" one merc yelled out when Hisako laughed out maniacally.

"I was kidding you fuckwad, the animal's fucking dead, like it fucking cares!" and she started digging into the animal. It didn't appear like Hisako was at all ashamed of her using someone, it was the exact opposite since she was almost happy and proud of it!

A mercenary came in, his face was completely black from blunt force trauma. Mana looked horrified at the man when Hisako dropped her chunk of meat.

"You look like you kissed the bottom of the canyon from all the way up, what the fuck hit you?" she mumbled out taking another chunk of meat out of the animal to munch on. Mana suddenly felt like she wasn't hungry.

"Hachi..." the man sadly jumbled out through his toothless mouth and wrecked face.

"Holy fuck, I mean... I get it why he did it, technically we were supposed to screw and no one shares boss' bounty, that's like the first rule of mercs..." Hisako replied peeling a chunk of meat from the thigh of the animal and munching on it almost comically as a strip slipped out of her mouth only for her to slurp it back.

"Yeah, but we didn't even fuck..." the man whined grabbing his jaw and almost starting to cry from pain. Kiyomi looked at Hisako curiously to which the Yoruma just shrug.

"So I held the knife to his balls and told him to say it was the best fucking shag of his life, no offense, man, but even I got standards..." she replied. Mana wasn't sure if this revelation made her dislike the woman more or less, seemingly everything about Yoruma Hisako was worth complete and utter hatred and disgust. Mana stood up and stuck the stick with the chunk of meat onto the ground close to the fire moving further and closer to the tents.

"Aincha gonna eat, idol-bitch? I mean you got a nasty right leg stomp, I'll hand you that, but you're not gonna squash a bug if you don't eat..." Hisako asked. Kiyomi nodded

"Yeah, Mana, you should eat something, today will be a tough day, hopefully, we'll find the kidnappers and set camp around their location and plan the ambush overnight..." the blonde added agreeing to the basic idea that the Yoruma brought up for the first time.

"I don't feel like it, just know one thing, Hisako-san... I don't hate you." Mana replied. Silence took over the circle sitting around the fire when Mana turned half of her face back and glanced at the raven-haired woman over her shoulder with a very faint smile aimed at the assassin.

Yoruma turned back, for the first time in a long time she looked actually pissed. Not pissed in a comical manner, not acting like she's angry when in her heart she's content. Hisako looked like she burned with such anger deep in her heart that it was about to explode and take over this whole forest. Kiyomi smiled so hard that it was clear that the Yamanaka was restraining herself from breaking into laughter from the apparent humiliation that Hisako felt in her heart. Obviously, the Yamanaka wanted to kick Hisako in the butt, to somehow get at the woman but this was better than anything, this was seeing the woman get hurt internally and it was worth a billion ryo to the blonde.

"I know you put this exterior and talk nasty and bully people because you want to reject them, you want to be alone because then you have an excuse to be pitiful. You can whine about this cruel world and act like you're in control by stimulating sexual relationship with men you think you're using for your ends when in reality you're just compensating your vanity. That's why you were so mad yesterday, right? You wanted us to hate you, to push you away, you were also angry and impulsive towards the mercenaries but today you're all shining..."

After Mana turned around she heard a loud scream and then a strong tearing sound. When the magician turned around she saw Hisako halfway to Mana with her hand on the sword handle and Kiyomi locked her hands onto the assassin holding her in place. It was impressive that the Yamanaka could hold the assassin in place, it was likely that some degree of chakra augmentation was used and, for a genin, it was no small feat to pull off. It just proved that Kiyomi should've been a chuunin at this point having her ability to slightly augment her abilities with chakra in mind...

"You may not hate me or whatever... But have in mind that I will still kill you." Hisako said angrily, Hachi left his tent and Kiyomi instantly let go of the woman, the last thing she wanted was to be seen brawling with the woman that the leader of the mercenary band slept with. Too much depended on Hachi's cooperation to make it happen, if Hachi pulled the plug on his support Mana and Kiyomi would be leaving on a suicide mission and if he just decided to murder the two kunoichi then and there he probably had the manpower to do it...

"Now! What's all this ruckus about? I really feel like getting some beer about now!" the man roared out, Hisako sheathed her half-drawn blade and picked up a jug off of the ground, rubbing herself at Hachi's body even if she just reached up to his lower chest area.

"Sheesh, what a godly woman, why on Earth would I take you to Konoha?!" Hachi laughed out as beer spilled all over his chin and down his black cloth and over his chest.

"Because I'll gut your oversized balls if you don't..." Hisako replied rudely. A devastating blow whistled in the air, a slap able to blow down entire tents or smaller vendors and crushing them to bits. Hisako's raised arm blocked Hachi's blow with a deafening thud and an awesome shockwave causing violent gales of wind that picked up the crushed chips of trees from last night. Hachi's wild laughter echoed through the air...

"What a wild, godly woman..." he kept on chuckling like an oversized ape


The whole band of mercenaries was preparing to go. Hachi actually decided to aid Mana and Kiyomi and send his entire mercenary band to aid his "queen". The degree to which Hisako had the leader wrapped around her finger after just one night of her "magic" was simply unbelievable, she may as well have run all the things in the band. The magician had even heard the colossal mercenary boss attempting to talk the young woman over and convince her to stay with the group. Hisako was smarter than she acted, had she done so she'd have been instantly declared rogue and then there'd have been no place on this planet where she could've hidden from the Hunter Nin hunting rogues or rogue bounty hunters who were rogues themselves but made a living hunting the most expensive heads to add to someone's collection.

Mana sat down gently to the side of Kiyomi and observed the Yamanaka twisting a flower between her fingers, enjoying the sight of the yellow petals and the charming scent of the plant. The magician smiled softly, "Do you like flowers?" she asked trying to find out more about Kiyomi. The Yamanaka closed her eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, my mother had a garden and we liked to take care of it together, she even called me her "little flower"..." Kiyomi replied, the girl looked a bit sad and very concerned before but when reminded of her past she bloomed like a flower during spring. Mana's smile became more apparent, she liked hearing stories like that, stories of happiness because it reminded her what she was striving to change the world for. She wanted every child to have a childhood like that of Kiyomi, at least the image of it that Mana had in her head...

"They even treated me like one, due to the potential inheritance of the high status of the clan they kept holding me back, they did everything in their power to keep me from getting as much as a scratch on me. I was inexperienced and weak even by the standards of the other students in the Academy, if it wasn't for my brother training me in secret I'd have never even graduated..." Kiyomi then continued to talk. Apparently, Mana had caught her friend in a very nostalgic moment. Those happened often when one's life was at stake, people commonly referred back to their childhoods and history trying to validate their own existence in case it just ceased soon.

"What happened to him?" Mana wondered, regretting the question almost instantly when the blonde started sniffing. It was clear that the question still hurt her and those memories were sealed, still, the young girl didn't break down and she maintained her posture as well as her kind and noble features.

"While I was weak because I was held back, not being permitted to even get a scratch on me without the tutor getting fired, my brother took the responsibilities for both of us. He was expected to be my protector, he was supposed to be the strongest of us and so he worked twice as hard. He became a perfect protector, a legend and a hero of the clan and he also still was my big brother, the best kind I could've asked him to be..." Kiyomi replied, she wasn't taking the story well but she appeared adamant to finish telling it.

"He was too good for his own good, I suppose, he made enemies and he died protecting me..." Kiyomi finished it summing it up really quickly, it was clear that at that part she would've almost broken down. Mana turned her eyes away looking at how the mercenaries put out the fire and how they lifted Hisako to be carried on their shoulders like she was some sort of royalty. It was almost comical really. It now made sense why Kiyomi hated killers, rogues, and criminals, people who defied the village authority so much. Mana smiled turning back at the blonde and gently placed her hand on her shoulder.

"It's OK, I think your brother would've been really proud of you. You're the strongest genin I've seen, you've worked with Chestnut Hanasaku, one of the Konoha Sannin and the current Hokage. You've become one of the most prospective ninja in the village while still being next in line to inherit the leadership of the clan. Any person who wouldn't be proud of such a sister is not a brother whose approval is worth earning." Mana replied almost whispering, as softly as a feather of a dove passing by, fallen off of its wing.

Kiyomi chuckled, all traces of tears disappeared from her eyes. "Heh, Hanasaku-sensei was weird, she just took over watching me when she saw me being pandered, she thought that I was getting spoiled and so she wanted to grind my face against stone, to make my life a living hell and make the next inheritor of the Yamanaka leadership worth their mettle instead of them just being a spoiled brat. Every day Hanasaku's idiocy almost killed the three of us, the Yamanaka elders complained again and again when I got back wounded or full of broken bones but the Hokage only suggested them coming to Hanasaku-sensei herself... No one in their right mind would've objected that woman, not if they wanted to keep their face from having to peel it off the pavement."

Mana got surprised, "Wow, Fifth's training was that tough?" she wondered recalling how badly Tanshu treated them, breaking Sugemi's arm just because he acted just like sensei predicted him to act, leaving the kids to get mauled and eaten by the animals of the Forest of Death which was supposed to test genin who were advancing to the next rank. It was the edge one needed to overcome to become a Chuunin but it never stopped sensei.

Kiyomi winked she lifted her shirt revealing clean and pale skin with a large visible white scar tissue shaped almost like a small cross. "Once Hanasaku failed to decipher the map properly and missed a trap warning, I stepped on a panel that sent a stone with wooden spears crashing at me and impaled me. I thought I'd die but Hanasaku-sensei healed me haphazardly, then the medical ninja said that they had to rearrange my innards because sensei messed something up, obviously because she was lazy and because she rarely healed others, her physique was mangled so much that to her silly things like that don't matter. Usually, scars like that get removed through several medical ninja healing sessions but I was completely gutted on the table and surgeries like that don't really go completely clean..."

Mana scratched her head, she still wondered which was worse: getting injured because one's sensei was just silly and couldn't do their job properly or because they were insane and purposely let one get injured. Had Mana not been quick enough she'd have been cut in two by the centipede back in Forest of Death as well, had it been an acidic centipede the girl would've either gotten crushed by the archive caving in or dissolved in the insect's acidic goo trying to swim through its guts. While the Kage and the Sannin were considered the greatest teachers and the students of those kinds of sensei were supposed to inherit their teachers' status, they also seemed to be quite ruthless and crazy with their methods!


"Alright, ladies, let's move!" Hachi ordered, he swung his fist up in the sky gesturing for the others to move too. Going against his own plan he also took five extra mercenaries with him to head towards the area of supposed kidnapping. He happened to know a new encampment having risen in his area of where he sold his services, apparently it was just a day-long walk further and if the group hurried up and moved as fast as ninja usually do they may have reached the area before the night fell, which would've been the plan as the night could've been used to set up plans for ambushing and recovering the hostage.

"I don't like it." Kiyomi telepathically let Mana know, "Hachi is taking extra men, he is changing his plans every minute, now Hisako will only be watched by fifteen men..."

"Don't underestimate mercenaries, during my early days I could barely match up to one of them and only beat them through trickery and cheap luck. They're trained to fight ninja, plus Hisako-san said she'd rather make love with the entire camp than work with us." Mana replied back, she was slowly getting the hang of this telepathic link thing. It worked very strangely, when one wanted to send something all they had to do was think about it like they were going to say it, the harder the concentration the stronger the tone and the louder the thought. If one wanted to think but to keep it away from the link all they had to do was to think without voicing those thoughts internally, it took some training but Mana was a prodigy at meditation and self-control, she found the trick really easy to pull off and only needed brief training with it.

"Smell you soon, bitches, or better yet, never again!" Hisako smiled gesturing a farewell motion and leaving with the leading crew, heading back to the village whereas Mana and Kiyomi were moving to the completely opposite side. "Trust me, the feeling is mutual..." Kiyomi replied also waving her farewell. Mana smiled and waved at Hisako.

"I hope we do meet again, I'd like to talk to you about what happened to you again..." she replied.

"I'd rather choke on cocks" was Hisako's reply to which the entire mercenary crew once again fired off their barrage of wild monkey laughs. These guys may have been even less mature about dirty jokes than Mana was and Mana was still working through her puberty, the time when dirty jokes were at their most hilarious.

"I most sincerely hope she does..." Kiyomi replied on the link as the groups finally moved beyond where one could have seen the other. Mana glared at Kiyomi, it was advantageous that the girl knew that telepathic communication ability, after all, they were surrounded by mercenaries which honestly couldn't have been trusted even by the most optimistic people. They could've been working for the kidnappers and tried to kill the two girls deeper within the forest for all Mana knew.

"So, Kiyomi-san... What are your specialties, I'd rather know who I'm working with and what they can do before we get into a team scuffle like the last time, while we worked together quite well, it'd be better if we actually knew what we're doing..." Mana asked on the link.

"Actually, from what I've seen, mostly same as you. I'd say that I throw a punch better than you but your kick sent that bitch crashing and pissed her off even through augmentation, I'd say my upper body is stronger and I've more experience with my hand to hand. Other than that I use ninjutsu of Fire Release and Ground Release, I can also do some basic Wind Release techniques and obviously the Yamanaka hidden techniques..."

Mana took note of all that her partner had said.

"I do genjutsu and ninjutsu, my kicks are just to keep my opponent at a range in case they try to rush me down close and dirty. I mostly use ninjutsu for annoyance and displacement purposes whereas my genjutsu is more of the crippling kind. If I land one, we may as well have won."

It appeared that Kiyomi also took what Mana told her seriously. Now that the two shared their affinities and preferences in battle and had experienced fighting alongside each other first-hand, they'll stand a much better chance when trouble came their way.

"You two are awfully quiet, my lovely Hisako used to talk a lot of obscenities but she at least spoke... I like women that can talk, even if they talk nonsense, talking is just more of a woman's thing to do, you know..." Hachi tried starting an interaction, he must've suspected some sort of foul play being involved with the two just silently walking by each other and looking at one another from time to time.

"You do realize "your lovely Hisako" screwed you just for gain, right? That's what kunoichi do, they show some skin, sometimes even at some very sensitive areas so that they can plunge a knife into your heart or slip something into your drink?" Kiyomi asked. Hachi looked at her angrily, Mana realized that her friend shouldn't have walked such thin ice, having in mind the man's reaction to his friend "sleeping" with Hisako before him, even if it was by his order.

"I'd say... That beer tasted strange last night..." Hachi remarked to which Kiyomi and Mana just curiously stared at one another.

"I can't fucking believe it..." the Yamanaka slapped her face in frustration.

"Well, at least Hisako-san got the "underneath the underneath" part of the ninja life right..." Mana added. Hachi laughed out, still obviously not getting the clue.

"She danced so well that I passed out pretty darned fast. If only she wasn't a ninja with all those going rogue rules..." Hachi replied, "I thought a woman should be at least a little mysterious but Hisako-chan just slipped out of her clothes instantly, I thought I'd have a heart attack."

"Too many details, Hachi-san" Kiyomi angrily replied "Let's just focus on the road"

Mana laughed to herself inside, Hisako stripped because she wanted to accelerate Hachi's blood circulation so that whatever she slipped into his beer worked faster. She was a true assassin, born and bred. Able to take her enemy by surprise and use whatever means she had to take them down. Kiyomi and Hisako were both older kunoichi who were potential examples of what Mana could've grown up to be like, they were both guidelines for what she'd become and it was only for the magician herself to choose who she'd be in life. At the very least that event taught her to always look for something deeper in simple statements and things.

"Holy shit, look at that rich caravan!" Hachi's voice rumbled through the forest depth as his finger shot forward pointing at a wooden but sophisticated looking caravan passing by. It just screamed rich as it was covered with colorful silk cloth and the horses were armored, as well as the caravan driver.

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