The Pretend Boyfriend

By lilbrooklin

986K 28.5K 6.5K

It started with one lie. One day, as Evelyn is made fun of by her bully for not having a boyfriend, she surpr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
please read.

Chapter 17

28.7K 1K 175
By lilbrooklin

Dedicated to Tortoise_girl for all of her lovely comments. <3

            I stared at the blank, white wall in front of me. The smell of antiseptic and bleach was everywhere, trying to cover up the stench of blood and disease. Everywhere I looked was the same. White walls, spotless floors, stainless steel. I hate hospitals, I really do.

            I had forced Ryan to drive me to the hospital, even though he had told me they weren’t allowing visitors. I didn’t care, I was going to go no matter what he said.

            I had been waiting here for two hours now, idly staring at the same wall. The nurse told me they weren’t going to let anyone in to see Ashton until he woke up, so I decided to stay and sit here patiently in the ICU ward. Except, I’m not so patient.

            My parents didn’t know that I was skipping school, but if they found out then I’m sure they’d understand. Ryan waited with me for the first hour before he had to go back and take an important chemistry test, but Lee stayed behind with me. I promised I would call him if there was any news.

            The doors at the end of the hallway suddenly opened and four nurses burst through, wheeling in somebody on a cot. They looked panicked as they ran down the hallway, so I assumed that whatever was happening, it wasn’t good. As the cot rolled past me, I caught a glimpse of a bloodied hand, and I looked away before I would see more.

            I turned to face Lee, who was looking horrified. Honestly, being around all of the sick and dying was not very pleasant.

            “W-what if Ashton-” I started to ask, but Lee cut me off with a stern look.

            “Don’t think about it, Evelyn. He’s going to be fine,” Lee told me.

            “But what if he’s not? Lee you don’t know that he’ll be okay!” I wailed. “If he was going to be okay, he wouldn’t be in the ICU right now!”

            Lee put an hand on my arm. “He’s going to be fine,” she repeated. “And worrying about isn’t going to help. You’re only freaking yourself out.”

            I ignored her, my eyes filling with tears. “And if he d-dies, then my last words to him were so mean and horrible!”

            “Those aren’t going to be your last words to him,” Lee glared at me. “Stop freaking out.”

            I crossed my arms over my chest, still upset, but I stopped talking about it. Lee was being such a good friend, wasting her day to come sit in the hospital with me. If I was here by myself, I don’t know how I’d be able to keep myself calm.

            We waited for another hour before the nurse who I’d spoken to when I first arrive came back. Her expression was grim, and I immediately assumed the worst.

            “No,” I whispered, my eyes filling with tears. The nurse stared at me for a minute before speaking.

            “I have good news,” she announced, smiling at us. Oh thank god.

            “Is he okay?” I interrupted excitedly.

            “His vitals are stable and he just woke up,” the nurse informed us. It was the best news I had ever heard.

            “However,” the nurse continued. “He will be very tired out and cannot deal with any stress right now. So only one of you can visit him today, and only for a few minutes.”

            Lee nodded to me and I stood up. “I’ll go.”

            The nurse led me down the hall to his room and I quickly sent Ryan a text, telling him that Ashton was awake. “How bad are his injuries?” I asked slowly, afraid of the answer.

            The nurse smiled sympathetically. “He didn’t break any bones except for his wrist, but he cut open his head and has a severe concussion. There wasn’t any brain damage in the scans we ran, so we are hopeful that his mental condition is intact. If you notice anything off though, please inform myself or another doctor immediately.” I nodded and slowly opened the door to Ashton’s room.

            The first thing I noticed was the brightness of the room. The sun was pouring in through the open blinds and the walls and floor seemed to be glowing. My eyes quickly found Ashton lying in the bed, covered in blankets. He had IVs and wires poked into his arms, a tube connected to his nose, and bloodied gauze around his head.

            As I drew closers, I saw that his eyes were closed. He must have fallen back asleep. I turned to leave, but a low coughing noise made me quickly spin back around.

            Ashton’s eyes fluttered open as he wheezed and coughed. I stared at him in alarm and was about to go get a nurse when he stopped. His eyes searched the room, not seeming to focus, until he finally noticed me.

            “Evelyn?” He asked shakily, his voice raspy and hoarse. “Water?”

            I nodded, walking over to the little sink in the room. A stack of plastic pink cups sat beside it, so I quickly filled it up and brought it to Ashton.

            “Here,” I brought the cup to his lips and he parted them, greedily drinking the water. I felt so bad for him, he was so helpless and vulnerable right now.

            After he drank the rest of the water, I set it down on the bedside table.

            “Why are you here?” He asked slowly; as if he was trying to figure out the words to say.

            I felt something stab at my heart. He didn’t want me to be here. I shouldn’t have came. “I w-wanted to see if you were alright,” I stuttered, looking down at him. “I can leave though.” I was about to walk away when he feebly grabbed my hand.

            “No, stay.” He whispered. I grabbed a nearby chair and dragged it to the side of the bed.

            “Okay,” I told him, my hand still held in his. “How are you feeling?” He didn’t seem like he was confused and he remembered my name, so that seemed like a good sign.

            “Evie,” he started, looking at me sadly. “I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry. I was an asshole-”

            “No, shh. I understand,” I interrupted. I didn’t want him to strain himself and he looked like he was having trouble speaking.

            “Please, I need to tell you.” Ashton coughed for a few seconds before continuing. “I’m sorry I was an asshole to you. I really fucked up, Evie.”

            My eyes filled with tears again as I watched him struggle with his words. Damn, I didn’t want to cry in front of him.

            “I wish I could go back and undo it, Evie, but I can’t.” Ashton looked up at me hopefully. “Please, if you could forgive me then I will-”

            “Of course I forgive you,” I interrupted him again, this time with a smile.

            “Really?” Ashton’s eyes lit up at my words. “And not just because I almost died? You really do forgive me?”

            I laughed. “Yes, Ashton. Not just because you almost died. I actually forgive you,” I confirmed. He looked so happy and I just wanted to hug him. But I couldn’t with all the wires and tubes connected to him.

            “I thought you’d hate me forever,” Ashton whispered, and I rolled my eyes at that.

            “I could never hate you, Ash.” I told him, squeezing his hand. “I mean, sure, you piss me off 90% of the time, but even when we fought, I never really hated you.”

            “Good.” Ashton and I sat like that for a minute before he spoke again. “I figure, since you’ll have to say yes out of pity, I’ll ask you again. Will you go on a date with me?”

            I grinned. Ashton was starting to sound like himself again. “Fine, but I expect you to take me somewhere fancy, rich boy.”

            Ashton smiled back at me. “Of course. As soon as I am out of this hospital, I’ll take you out to the nicest restaurant in town.”

After a moment he frowned. “Want to know what the nurse told me?”

            “What?” I asked.

            “She said that when they called my dad, he told them he couldn’t fly back from Paris because he had an important meeting, but to notify him if I got any worse.” Ashton told me bitterly with a humorless laugh. “My dad wouldn’t even come see his dying son. Maybe if I had died, he would be a better father to Charlie.”

            My heart squeezed painfully at his words and I felt a surge of anger. I wanted to go punch Michael Grant. Instead, I tried to comfort Ashton.

            “Don’t say that. It would’ve been horrible if you died,” I stopped, looking down at him painfully. “And you’re much more important to Charlie; Charlie needs you. So don’t talk about what would have happened if you died like it’s a good thing.”

            Ashton looked like he wanted to say something, but I kept talking. “I would’ve been so pissed at you, Ashton Grant. I would have had to go to your grave and yell at your ghost. I would’ve been furious if you had just died.”

            Ashton chuckled, looking at me with an amused expression. “Okay, I’ll try not to die anytime soon then. Although, you’re cute when you’re angry.”

            I blushed at his statement. How was he able to disarm me so easily? I completely forgot what I was saying until he spoke again.

            “Will you check on Charlie for me? I’m sure Ana knows what happened, but will you go see how they are? But don’t bring Charlie here; I don’t want him to see me like this.” Ashton looked at his arm with all the wires and tubes.

            “Charlie wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t think anything less of you if he saw you like this.” I told Ashton. “He probably just wants to see you. But if you really don’t want him to visit, I’ll go check on him once I leave.”

            “Thanks Evie.” Ashton looked at me so intensely that I realized he wasn’t just thanking me for going to see Charlie, but for giving him a second chance.

            “I have to go now, Ash.” I gave his hand another squeeze before I stood up. I remembered something, I looked back down at him sternly.

            “I can’t believe you drove while drunk, you idiot!” I scolded, but I wasn’t that angry. I was still just worried about him and relieved he would be okay. “You’re such a moron. Everyone knows you aren’t supposed to drive drunk. And I told you that your motorcycle was dangerous and a death-machine. You should listen to me, because apparently you’re an idiot!”

            Ashton grinned at me from where he lay on the bed. “I might be an idiot, but at least I’m not short.”

            I glared at him. “I’m not short. And that has nothing to do with anything!”

            “Shortie,” Ashton stuck out his tongue at me. “And I said it because it pisses you off.”

            “I’m not short!” I repeated indignantly. “I am five and a half feet! You’re just a giant.”

            “Whatever you say, shortie,” Ashton called after me as I left the room.

            I’m not short.

            I went to visit Charlie after I left the hospital. When I rang the doorbell to the house, Charlie opened the door immediately.

            “California!” Charlie cried excitedly when he saw me.

            “Hey Char,” I greeted him as I entered.

            “Why don’t you ever come over anymore?” Charlie pouted, and I instantly felt guilty. He didn’t know that Ashton and I didn’t speak for a week and a half.

            “I’m sorry, I was busy. But I’m here now!” I told him, walking into the kitchen. Ana was seated at the table, reading a magazine.

            I turned back to Charlie. “Hey, could you draw me a picture? I need to talk to Ana for a few minutes.”

            “Okay!” Charlie exclaimed, running off into another room. “I’m going to draw a dinosaur for you!”

            Ana smiled as she watched him scamper off. “How’s Ashton?” she asked me.

            I smiled slightly. “He’s doing okay. He seems really worn out and tired, but he’s supposed to make a full recovery.”

            Ana beamed at me. “I’m so happy to hear that. I was so worried when I got the phone call. But I was with Charlie at the time and I couldn’t just leave him here.”

            “Does Charlie know?” I nodded towards the other room where we could hear Charlie happily talking to himself.

            “No. I didn’t know how to tell him. I just said that his brother wasn’t going to be home for a little while.” Ana informed me.

            I nodded. “It’s probably best if he doesn’t know. Ashton is supposed to be home at a week max, but if he heals quickly, then maybe as little as three days.”

            “That’s good. I’m taking Charlie over to his aunt’s house tonight because I can’t watch him overnight.” Ana said, folding up her magazine.

            Before we could talk any further, Charlie came running back in. “Look California, I drew a pink dinosaur for you!”

            Charlie showed me his drawing of a pink circle with legs and eyes. In that moment, I knew that things would be okay.


What do you think of the chapter? Are you happy that Ashton's okay?

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, so I hope you liked reading it. I wonder how many of you actually read this author's note? Probably not many.

Anyways,I'm so excited because I get about 200 reads each day, which is just crazy! I've already gotten twenty times my original goal of 100 reads. That's amazing. I think my new goal will be 10,000? Do you think we can make it? :D I hope so!

DOn't forget to comment and vote and all that crap. I luv ya,


edit 12/31/14: go check out my new story, "Remember the Music"

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