sebastian stan imagines [ com...

By TheDaughterOfLoki

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You guessed it! Imagines about Stan the Man More

Jefferson - Partners in Crime (OUAT)
Bucky x reader - Double Date! (Marvel)
T.J x reader - Stupid (Political Animals)
Bucky x Reader - Bucky On The Bridge (Poem) (Marvel)
Bucky x reader - Bucky on the bridge (imagine) (Marvel)
Bucky x OC - The Shadow of Winter (part 2) (Marvel)
Bucky x OC - The Shadow of Winter (Part 3) (Marvel)
1930's! Bucky x reader - Chinatown
40's!Bucky x Reader - Seasons (Marvel)
Beck x reader - Homesick (The Martian)
Bucky x Alex - Meetings (Marvel)
Jefferson x reader - Old friend (OUAT)
Sebastian x reader - Valentines
Bucky x reader - Sleep Deprived
Sebastian x Sophia - Diner
Bucky x reader - Our Little Secret
Sebastian x Lisa - Matchmaker
•Bucky - Elemental•
•Sebastian - Food fight•
•Stucky - Battlefield•
•Bucky x Reader - Harder•
•Chase - Pretender•
•Bucky - You are my sunshine•
•Bucky - Visions•
•TJ - 'Boyfriend' and 'Girlfriend'•
•Bucky - Stay Alive•
•Bucky - Stay Alive - Part 2•
•Chris Beck - Stars•
•Sebastian - Comic Con•
•Bucky - Haircut•
•Sebastian - Half The World Away•
•Bucky - The Snow King•
•Sebastian - Doodles•
•Bucky - One Bad Night•
•Bucky/Chris/Jefferson/Sebastian - This Is Hallowe'en•
•Jefferson - Birthday Girl•
•Sebastian - Bucky Boy•
•Bucky - The Love of an Age•

Bucky x OC - The Shadow of Winter (part 1) (Marvel)

10.3K 171 19
By TheDaughterOfLoki

This is part 1 in a three part story.
The OC in this will be called Ava Jude Lake aka The Shadow.
I hope that you like it!

(November 2015)

"Shadow!" Pierce barks. "Yes sir!" I stand to attention. Ward looks at me from across the room, a smug smirk gracing his lips, while the bluey-purple bruise that I caused is defined against his pale skin. Pierce stares at me with his icy blue eyes. I shiver under his gaze. "Ward just told me that you assaulted him. Why would you assault another HYDRA agent?" He shouts. I try not to panic and answer him. "Well SHIELD now knows that he is a HYDRA agent and he was seen at the triskellion. With me being a 'SHIELD' agent I had to act like one. Which meant beating up Ward here. Although sir you should be asking why Ward let himself be beaten up by me". I reply smoothly, pretending that I'm unfazed. The old man chuckles and pats my arm. "Shadow is right. Ward, how did you allow her to beat you up?" I smirked at Ward as Pierce focuses his attention onto him. "Erm...Erm... I'm not sure sir. I guess that I didn't expect her to". He says pathetically. "Well you know what to expect from now on. It seems Ward that we have been requested to see the Asset." Pierce says after looking at this phone. He turns to me. "Shadow, would you like to see the asset?" He smiles. I nod eagerly. He chuckles and as he walks towards the elevator, Ward and I follow him.

I have heard a lot about the Asset. The Winter Soldier. A spy and assassin given to HYDRA by the KGB as a gift. Fearless, murderous, he is the best killer that has ever lived. But the guy is a ghost. Before being the Winter Soldier nothing is known about him. He is basically the spirit of Death.

I joined HYDRA after I and Ward became best friends. I worked at SHIELD before, as an actual agent, before he told me. He said that he cared for me and that when HYDRA took control one day, he wanted me to be one the winners side, HYDRA's side. I didn't want to die. I have a family: sisters, parents. I have a godamn dog. I have to live.

"State your name." The frosty guard points his huge gun at my head as we get down the the Asset's floor. "The Shadow". I stare at the guy unflinching. He looks nods before letting me through to the room where Pierce and Ward are waiting. "Ready to meet the world's greatest treasure, Shadow?" Pierce smiles like a proud father. "Yes Sir". He looks at me before he leads the way into the Asset's room.

"Director Pierce, the asset is unstable. He is violent sir". A guard tries to warn us but he is pushed aside by our leader. I brace myself for the meeting of HYDRA's biggest success. The man that has helped shape the century, the killings of the Starks, all of the wars, JFK. He made our world the way it is: chaotic.

And there he is:
A broken looking man with scraggily hair slouching on a bed thing. He looks at me with dead cobalt eyes. I've seen them before. When Steve showed me a picture of his best friend. When Steve showed me a picture of Bucky Barnes. The winter soldier is Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. HYDRA's greatest accomplishment is the man that took down the original HYDRA.

He scans across the room with his lifeless icy eyes, no hint of emotion, no feeling making there way to his face. Although when his eyes meet with mine, I can see the pain and fear that he must be trying so hard to suppress. Something breaks inside of me. I can can feel the SHIELD goodness start to eat away at my emotionless HYDRA state. I can feel Ava Jude start to make an appearance, disposing The Shadow as it makes its way to the surface.

A spectacled man and Pierce mutter about Cryofreezing and wiping. I have no idea what they mean until I realise what is behind The Asset/Bucky's head. Two metal panels with wires attached. I've seen this before, it's a mind wiper. It feels like déjà vu, yet I cannot remember of what.

He doesn't resist the attendant as a plastic mouth guard is out between his teeth. His metal arms glimmers in the yellow light as he is pushed back. His mood changes when the memory erasing plates close in on his head. Panic floods me as I brace myself for the agonising screams that are to come.

Then it starts.

It starts with the whirling of electricity, racing down the wire, filling his brain with Volts after volts of white hot pain as it basically fries his brain into becoming a clean slate. After seeing his handiwork, Pierce leaves triumphantly, while Ward and I stay there, frozen to the spot by the cries of agony and anguish that emit from the man's mouth as an animalistic growl. His muscles convulse and twitch as the torture continues. His chest rises and falls with every breath that he can take before the new battalion of electricity storms across his blank brain.

Rumlow smirks as he leaves the room to the soundtrack of pain and desperation. As the voltage lowers for a brief pause, he looks at my with those Jewel like eyes, now brimming with pain and confusion. He doesn't understand what is happening. His first memory is going to be the white hot pain of the electricity.

Finally the wiping ends. "Shadow, you will take the Asset to its chamber, get him prepared for his next mission" Pierce's assistant barks. "Yes sir". I try to hide the emotion in my voice. The doctors unshackle Bucky before leaving me with a gun but with orders not to shoot. They walk out leaving me alone with him. I place a gentle hand on his shoulder but he violently flinches away. He looks away, too scared to look me in the eye. Too scared of the punishment that he may suffer. "I'm going to help you. They won't do this to you again". I breath almost silently into his ear. He answers by feebly standing, like Bambi on Ice. "Come on, this way". I order. I put on my Shadow persona as we exit the chamber. "Shadow, what are you doing with the Asset?" Ward calls from the end of the corridor. "It's cell was that way." He states. Think! Think! "I have just been ordered to take him to the weapons facility to prep him for his next mission. Now if you don't mind Grant, I'd like to carry on." I lie smoothly. "Okay Ava, I've been called out for an assignment so I won't see you until Monday. Don't do anything stupid until I get back". My former best friend smiles. I hate what he has become. I hate HYDRA's Grant Ward. But he can't know that so I reply the way I would of when he was the greatest man I knew: "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." I feel bile of disgust rise of my throat as he fondly smiled before turning away.

We carry on until we meet the fork in the corridors: left to the weapons room, right to garage. Left to definite enslavement, Right to the chance of freedom. We go right. When we near the place where my car is parked, two HYDRA agents approach. "Miss, what are you doing with the Asset?" The pock marked man grunts. "Do you know who I am?" I bark taking the agents and Bucky by surprise. "Yes Miss, you're The Shadow." The ugly female agent stutters. "Well then you know what I do. I have been commanded to pair with The Asset for a mission. Now if you get in my way, Director Pierce will be angry and you know what happens when he gets angry". I snap agitated. "Yes Miss, of course, carry on. We apologise for keeping you. Please don't tell the Director", they beg. "Well I won't if you move now". I say bored. They nod viciously like a bobble head and allow me to reach my car. "Get in Winter". I command Bucky. He does what he is told and gets in without discussion.

We pull out of the headquarters with only a few security measures that are overcome by the lie that I told the others. As we drive through Washington, Bucky speaks for the first time. "Where are we going? This isn't my mission". "This is our new mission. This is our mission to freedom". He looks confused but he nods slightly. "why are you helping me, Shadow?" He croaks, voice still raw from his mind wiping. "I'm like you, I was used by HYDRA and I want to live freely. Also my name isn't Shadow, that is the name that HYDRA gave me." I explain. "What is your name then?" "I didn't expect you to be so chatty". I smile. He looks down sadly. "Ava Jude Lake, but I prefer to be called Jude." He looks up from his lap and gives me a ghost of a smile. "By any chance, do you know my name?" He asks embarrassed. "Yes, it's James Buchanan Barnes, but everyone calls you Bucky". He nods as if it makes sense.

"Thank you Jude, for saving me, for helping me. Thank you for being the only one to make me feel any positive emotions." He gushes. "No problem Bucky, thank you for bringing 'me' back to me." I reply, I take one hand of the steering wheel and push back a bit of my red hair behind my ear.

"Yes Bucky."
"We are we going?"
"I have no idea, I didn't think this far ahead to be honest."
Sorry that this was so long. This is part 1 in what I expect to be a three part thing.
I hope that you liked it!

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