Naive (The weeknd fanfic)

By 50shadesofD

35.1K 1.3K 459

"Forgive and forget" they said "Move on" they said "He loves you" they said I can forgive but I can't forget... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 prt.1
Read Please!
chapter 6 prt 2
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chap. 9 prt 1
Chap.9 prt 2
Please read!!
Chapter 10
chapter 12

Chapter. 11

682 32 5
By 50shadesofD

Abel Pov
Hawk: You seriously gave her a promise ring?! Bruhh I was joking when I told you to do that!

Hawk said before busting out laughing. I cut my eyes at him.

Cash: anyways what you need to do is tell her about Tyler not give her a promise ring when you don't mean it.

Me: Nigga ok I get it! Hop off!

Cash: Whatever I'm just trying to help you keep the best things that have ever and will happen to you.

Cash said before storming out. He was right though. I sighed before taking the blunt back to my lips.

Tyla Pov
My mind was every where as I bathed Naya. I felt like I failed at being a mom on top of that I was worried about Abel, which really wasn't anything new. I sighed internally and tried to focus on my baby.

Me: Ok Naya you're done.
I said before wrapping a towel around her and picking her up and out of the tub. I took her into my room to put lotion and her pjs on. She giggled loudly showing off her full set of teeth and her deep dimples, as I attacked her with kisses.

Me: I love you baby.

Anaya: I love you too mommy.

She said before running off.

Me: Anaya stop! It's time for bed!

In response to what I said she simply just laughed. I ran after her. I caught her and picked her up. She laughed before placing a kiss on my cheek and snuggling up to me. I walked downstairs and payed on the couch with her on top of me. I handed her, her botltle. Soon enough she dozed off. I took a picture of us together and captioned it " I look a mess's back home. Thank you for all your love and prayers"

After posting it I checked my twitter. I noticed everyone was tagging me in Tyler's tweets and on tmz. I checked tmz first and it was just speculation about me and Abel being together, nothing important. I went to Tyler's twitter next. I started scrolling through her tweets and chuckled a little. Once again she was dragging someone. I shrugged it off untill I noticed a picture of her and Able all cuddle up at some club. Her was "but thats ur nigga?" with the thinking emoji and hashtagged #thinkagain.
I started laughing. Not because it was funny, but because she had me all types of fucked up. I called her phone and was immediately sent to voicemail. I went on twitter and tweeted her @heyitstyyy so u can sub me but not answer my call? Llf we on some weak hoe shit Tyler
She immediately responded saying "girl bye."
Im really confused as to why she acting crazy, but Im gonna get to the bottom of it before I act a fool on twitter.

I called up cash to get some info. He answered on the second ring.

Cash: hey Tyla.

Me: Hey cash are you busy? I need you to come through.

Cash: Im not really busy...on my way. You good?

Me: mmmhhmmm...just come on.

I sat on the couch and decided to take a power nap before he comes. After like 15 minutes my phone buzzed with a text from him letting me know he was here. I quickly went to open the door. Before opening I checked my appearance in the mirror by the door. My hair was in a messy bun and I had on black "trying to get some dick tonight" shorts on (lmfaoo yall know wat im talking bout) and a black v neck cami that stuck to my chest since it was wet from giving Anaya a bath. Abel would be mad if cash saw me like this but whatever. I opened the door and let him.

Me: Thanks for coming.

Cash: No probldm Tyla...if I didnt know better I would say you want me to come through to fuck since u dressed like that.
He said before looking me up and down.

Me: Boy hush. But for real look at this.
I said before showing him all of Tylers twitter bs.

Cash: Damn.

Me: Yeah I are they fucking or together or what cash?

Cash: I mean im not trynna get into that hes my bro nd ur my sis...but im not saying they not but im not saying they are either.

Me: wow ok. Thanks.
I said before rolling my eyes.

I got up letting him know his stay was over. He followed behind me. I could feel his eyes on my butt. I let him out. Before I closed the door he stuck his foot in the door.

Cash: wait.

Me: what?

I felt him grab my waist and pulling me into him before laying a kiss on my lips. I quickly backed away. As i backed away I noticed headlights pulling into the drive way...Ables car. "Fuck" I thought to myself.

Me: Cash I cant.

Cash: Oh. Right. I understand.
He said dryly before turninh to leave. Right as Abel walked up. I prayed he didnt see wat happened. Abel stopped looked me up and down and side eyed Cash before giving him a head and strolling in with out saying a word.
I let out a sigh of relief.

Cash: Bye LaLa.

I closed the door. Time to deal with this nigga.

Me: what are you doing here?

Abel: Cant come see my fam?

Me: Mmhhmmm...but I need to talk to you.
I said before sitting crosslegged on the couch.

Abel: wassup?

I threw my phone on his lap. He picked it up and started scrolling. His eyes got wide when he saw the picture.
Abel: oh dang.

Me: yall fucking.

Before he answered his right eye slightly twitched which was a sign he was about to lie...I know Abel like the back of my hand.

Abel: No...

Me: Get out.

Abel: What?

Me:Get Out!
I yelled. I was so angry.

Abel: Tyla wait chill let me explain

Me: Get the fuck out Abel. How could you?! Thats my bestfriend!

Angry tears started falling. Abel tried to pull me close. I tried to push him off but he ignored it and just held me. And the water works kept going. I felt like Tommie from love and hip hop atlanta.

Me: Get off man.

Abel: Just stop. Im sorry. I really am. For everything. I really love you but idk man.

Me: Stfu you dont love me. You dont love anyone but yourself.

Abel: Let me show you that I do.

Hey uall so I finally got it together lol hope u enjoyed it and sorry for the wait...btw can yall like dm me? I need new friends lol idc who

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