Da ShakesPearBoi

33.9K 675 81

LUCY RILEY GRANGER - intelligent, generous and somewhat ridiculously brave - is how you would describe the gi... Altro

01 - Hogwarts Express
02 - Sorting Hat
03 - Monster
04 - Qudditch Kings
06 - Caring Hurts
07 - On-Field Injuries
08 - Yule Ball
09 - Awkward
10 - Friends?
11 - I Don't Get It
12 - Christmas at the Burrow
13 - School's Back
14 - Umbridge's Arrival
15 - Pigface's Detention
16 - Get Help
17 - The Order
18 - Animangus Training
19 - School Again
20 - She's Back
21 - Real Nightmares
22 - Not Again
23 - Saving Lily (1/2)
24 - Saving Lily (2/2)
25 - Dumbledore's Army (1/2)
26 - Dumbledore's Army (2/2)
27 - No Hope
28 - Dumbledore's Death
29 - Sacrifices
30 - Hogwarts Return
31 - No Messing With McGonagall
32 - Who's Back
33 - Beginning Of The End
34 - So We Thought
35 - Reactions
36 - Nineteen Years Later

05 - Your Fault

1.5K 36 5
Da ShakesPearBoi

Four years went on and the five went on more and more adventures together, each one more dangerous and challenging than the next. The girl's feelings bloomed for the boys as each season came and went. The boy's feelings became uncontrollable too, but for what reasons?

Danger and emotions couldn't stop their friendship from getting stronger as five became six with another Weasley joining in on the fun. A familiar green-eyed hero couldn't help crushing on the beautiful ginger. As the saying goes, 'The Potter boys have a thing for redheads', but do these redheads have a thing for Potters?

Let's say that the feelings that Hermione's mysterious crush was not on who everyone expected. No, Hermione only thought of Harry as a brother, but a certain clumsy Weasley boy however, that's a different story. Everyone who became aware of Hermione's crush on Ronald was shocked.

They seemed to despise each other, they argued all the time, but for Hermione, it was quite the opposite. Maybe Ronald also liked 'the Brightest Witch for her age.' He hasn't noticed it before, but as Hermione grew up, she became more mature and beautiful every time Ronald saw her. He thought that he had gone crazy as he denied it. Could he admit his feelings for his best friend?

Lucy's situation was a bit different. She knew that the oldest Potter twin and she were destined for each other, but she didn't want Myles to be forced into a relationship with her. Although she's found her confidence, there was still a part of her that didn't believe that Myles would actually want to be with her, prophecy or not. It only made her feel worse.

Not only did she like him, but she felt that she had fallen in love with the cheeky brown-eyed boy or some kind of deeper emotion. She's thought about it a lot. To everyone else, he was one of the 'twins who lived'. Everyone assumed that both boys had fame, an easy life. But to her, she saw a boy with a lion heart, brave, strong and leader-like, someone was extremely kind. To her, he was a hero.

Myles had doubts that someone like the oldest Granger twin would ever fall in love with him and even with destiny on the cards, who's to stay she wanted to stay with him. A lot of prophecy don't get fulfilled and he didn't know if he could handle that kind of rejection. If she didn't love him, who would?

Every year, he was by her side, watching her grow gracefully. Watching as she lost the gap between her front teeth in their second year and watching her build up her confidence through third and fourth. He knew absolutely everything about her. He knew all her aspirations and fears. He knew how to make her happy and to calm her down. He knew her insecurities and her mistakes yet he still loved her.

To everyone else, she was the oldest, sassy Granger twin who was very patient, happy and who almost always had her nose in a book. But to Myles, she was the girl with the big dreams, smart, daring and passionate, someone who thought that everything is possible and who put others before herself. To him, she was a saviour.



I said goodbye to Ginny as we parted ways. Hermione, Ron, Harry, Myles and I make our way to Charms with Professor Flitwick. We made it just in time, sitting down beside our assigned partners, mine just so happened to be Ron.

"A wizard's most needed skill is levitation. The ability to make objects fly." The professor explains to the class as students begin to fiddle with their feathers impatiently. "Do you have your feathers?" Professor Flitwick asks. Hermione and I are the only ones to lift our feathers up in response.

The professor nods in our direction. "Good, now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practising." He grabs his wand off of his desk. "Swish and flick. Now everyone." Everyone picks up their wands, repeating the movement. "Good and remember to pronunciate, Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then." Everyone proceeded to announce the spell, but no one could pronounce it properly, rendering the spell useless.

"Winguardian LeviosAR." Ron exaggerates the end of the spell and begins to flick his wand like crazy, his nose scrunched in frustration.

"Stop, stop, stop, you're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's LeviOsa, not LeviosAR." I correct him and I noticed the infamous Weasley getting annoyed.

"You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on." He jabs at me in defence and I straighten myself up, grabbing my wand

"Wingardium LeviOsa," I announce and flick my wrist. The feather slowly begins to be lifted into the air as Ron stares in shock.

"Oh well done. See here everyone, Miss Granger has done it!" Professor Flitwick congratulates me as Ron sulks in defeat. I see Hermione smirk at me and I smirk right back. "Splendid!" He continues, but is soon interrupted by a small explosion. Everyone turns to Seamus, who had just blown up his feather accidentally. His face was black with ash, his hair is blown back and his eyes wide open.

"I think we're going to need another feather here, Professor." Harry calmly tells him as Seamus stares at the wreck of what used to be a beautiful big white feather. The class giggles before the bell rings and we are dismissed for our next classes. Everyone makes their way into the courtyard and I spot Ron, Harry, Myles, Dean and Seamus.

I decide to apologise to Ron for showing off, it seemed uncalled for and I could tell he was still seething by the colour of his EE. I quickly tell Hermione what I'm going to do and start to walk towards them. I hear Ron mocking me, which makes me shrink back into myself.

"It's LeviOsa, not LeviosAR. She's nightmare, honestly. No wonder she has no friends." He complains as tears well up in my eyes and Hermione grows angry. I try to calm myself down. It's stupid anyway, it's just teasing, but I feel power surround me, my wings threatening to appear.

"She was just trying to help." Myles defends me and those words helped me calm down a bit, but what I heard next made me furious and extremely hurt.

"Why do you care so much about her, Myles? It's not like she actually cares about any of us. It would be a lot easier for us if she stopped pretending to." I feel the tears finally begin to leave my eyes and I just mutter myself about how stupid I was acting. I feel myself becoming out of control and I rush, trying to get to the bathroom before I expose myself. I accidentally bump into the boys as I run away, wiping my eyes furiously in an attempt to clear my vision and calm myself down. I rush into the girl's bathroom as my wings spring out.

"Great, I'm just a feathery-winged freak! Stupid, Lucy. What the hell is wrong with you?!" I hug my knees to my chest as I angrily scowl at myself.

"Luc, are you in here? You know Ron was just angry. He didn't mean it." She sighs and I stand up, unlocking the door. I finally compose myself and open the door. My sister hugs me and my wings wrapped around us like a comforting blanket.

"It doesn't mean it hurst any less, 'Mione. I care about them a lot, too much even." I mumble into her shoulder before standing up straight again. "Maybe I should just stop hanging around them for a while, so I stop caring so much." Hermione shakes her head in disagreement.

"You don't have to do that, Lu. They're your friends, you're allowed to care." I sigh, sitting back on the toilet seat again.

"I know, but every time I get close to someone, they always end up hurting me." I couldn't meet my sister's eyes as my tears welled up again. "Hermione," My sister looked at me, more concerned, now that I'd called her by her actual name, which I rarely did unless it was really bad. "I don't want to fulfill the prophecy if Myles is going to be unhappy. I'm already getting too attached, maybe it's time to start disconnecting myself so he can find someone he wants to be with, maybe even his soulmate." I feel a few tears escape again. My sister forces me to look at her.

"But he is your soulmate, Lucy and you're his," I sigh, wiping my tears away.

"But not all prophecies are fulfilled. Maybe Ron's right — if I didn't actually care about them, maybe things would work out for the better." I get up, walking out of the bathroom.

"Lucy," Hermione tries to stop me, but I shake myself out of her grip and walk out of the bathroom, head down. Lilyanne, the curly brunette second year from my first year attempted to stop me to see what's wrong.

"Lucy, what's wrong?" I ignored her, my heart aching. I shouldn't let Ron effect me so much, but his words rang true. Maybe if I didn't care, my friends would stop having to worry or pretending to worry, I guess. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ginny spot me.

"Lucy!" She yells out to me, attempting to catch up with me as I tried to make my way to my room.

"Please leave me alone, Ginny. I can't talk to anyone right now." Ginny catches my arm and I look up at her, trying to keep my cool.

"I'm sorry about what Ron said, he was just angry." I stare back at Ginny, swallowing the huge lump in my throat and shoving away the urge to hug her.

"Well he's right, Ginny. Maybe it'd be easier if I stopped caring or pretending to, in his words." I gently removed myself from the youngest Weasley's grip and made my way to the Gryffindor common room. I ignored anyone who tried to stop me, even when Fred and George tried to tell me a joke. If I stopped caring, things would be a lot easier for everyone, so that's what I'll do.


We are dismissed for our next classes and everyone walks through the courtyard. I'm walking with Ron, Harry, Dean and Seamus to our next classes as we discussed our previous lesson. Ron began to mock Lucy. He's obviously ticked, but there's no need to insult a friend.

"It's LeviOsa, not LeviosAR. She's nightmare, honestly. No wonder she has no friends." Anger rushes through my veins.

"She was trying to help you." I defend her. She was only telling how to pronounce it and he's making a fuss.

"Why do you care so much about her, Myles? It's not like she actually cares about any of us. It would be a lot easier for us if she stopped pretending to." Ron snorts. I knew Lucy wasn't pretending. She cared about us and that's why I loved her. I see Lucy crying as she rushes past us, knocking Ron's shoulder. I could feel her power rushing along with her as her EE changed rapidly to black and grey. I want to go after her, but Hermione rushes past us.

"Lucy, wait!" We all turn to look at Ron. I felt myself become angry. I can't believe he said that about her.

"I didn't mean to, I was just ticked," Ron mutters, sadness filling the lonely sentence. I felt myself calm down a bit, feeling almost sorry for the ginger boy.

"Go to class, I'll make sure she's okay." I sigh and make my way to the nearest bathrooms. I hear sobbing and my heart breaks at the thought of Lucy crying. I watch as Hermione walks inside. I duck quickly into another corridor and only come back out once Hermione's inside. I check for any teachers as I listen in on the conversation.

"Luc, are you in here? You know Ron was just angry. He didn't mean it." Hermione tries to excuse Ron and there's a few moments of silence before Lucy speaks.

"It doesn't mean it hurst any less, 'Mione. I care about them a lot, too much even." I hear Lucy state in a voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe I should just stop hanging around them for a while, so I stop caring so much." I felt my heart sink. No way would I want Lucy to stop hanging out with us and I'm sure everyone else would say the same.

"You don't have to do that, Lu. They're your friends, you're allowed to care." Hermione disagrees with her sister's previous statement.

"I know, but every time I get close to someone, they always end up hurting me." I just wanted to comfort her. Not everyone was going to hurt her, I wish she knew that. "Hermione," I feel surprised when Lucy uses her sister's first name. She only does that when it's serious. "I don't want to fulfil the prophecy if Myles is going to be unhappy. I'm already getting too attached, maybe it's time to start disconnecting myself so he can find someone he wants to be with, maybe even his soulmate." It made me sick to the stomach, all I wanted to do was be with Lucy. She keeps me grounded.

"But he is your soulmate, Lucy and you're his," I hear Lucy sniffle.

"But not all prophecies are fulfilled. Maybe Ron's right — if I didn't actually care about them, maybe things would work out for the better." I wanted to tell her she was wrong, but my thoughts were interrupted by footsteps, so I ran into the corridor again.

"Lucy," Hermione trues to stop her sister, but I watch as Lucy gets out of her grip and walks out of the bathroom, head down. Lilyanne, the junior Head Girl, attempts to stop her. Even when Ginny confronts her, she keeps going. I try to run after her, but Fred and George stop me.

"What are you doing? I need to talk to her!" The bell rings and the two wait for the bells to stop before replying.

"What she needs is time. She's really hurt, Myles." George smiles at me sympathetically as I try to run after her again.

"Myles," Fred grabs my attention. "You running to her is going to be too much for her in one day. Let her calm down and try to talk to her tomorrow. Like Feorge said, she needs time." Fred explains seriously, even when slipping in his brother's stupid nickname. I sigh, agreeing before finding my friends in the busy hallway.

"Well?" Dean asks impatiently.

"She needs time. She really took everything to heart. She thinks that she needs to stop caring. I think she's been hurt before and doesn't want to get hurt again." I explain and the foul calls almost silent. "Look, I'll talk to her tomorrow. She needs to calm down for now. Let's just head to lunch and I'll try and talk to Hermione and see if she says anything." The boys al agree solemnly, Ron looking absolutely awful as we make our way towards the Great Hall.

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