Sarah Montana Living In The B...

By Cellienda

1.4M 10.7K 991

Krystal Hayden, treated as an outcast in this rich school she doesn't even want to stay in, aren't like any o... More

Ch 1-2. Trapped Here
Ch 3. He Applied Me As Him?!
Ch 4. The First Day
Ch 5. That's Not My Image
Ch 6. Embarrassing Or What?
Ch 7. First Text
Ch 8. Exposed
Ch 9. Don't Trust Anyone
Ch 10. Back At Home As Wrong Person
Ch 11. I'll Tell The Secret
Ch 12. Gotta Save Him
Ch 13. The High Lestér
Ch 14. D For Dangerous And A For Aware
Ch 15. Lost On The Stage
Ch 16. Influence And Money
Ch 17. I Can Fill Up 10 Buckets With Tears
Ch 18. Just Run Away~
Ch 19. New And Known
Ch 20. Three Looks And She Found Out
Ch 21. Slave, Smack, And Boom.
Ch 22. So Not Party Like A Rockstar
Ch 23. Odd Feelings
Ch 24. Girl's Day
Ch 25. Suffer With Him
Ch 26. Captured Heart?
Ch 27. Someone Unexpected At Home
Ch 28. They're Not Even Done
Ch 29. No Way Out Of This
Ch 30. Just Tell Them Then
Ch 31. Some People Still Have Their Hearts Left
Ch 32. Rush Hour 15
Ch 33. Just Hope It Lands On A Good Person
Ch 34. A Plan
Ch 35. Past Stuff
Ch 36. Ice Cream Act
Ch 37. Work Hard, Get More
Ch 38. Indeed, Uhuh, Oh Yeah
Ch 39. Let's Act Out
Ch 40. I Forgive You
Ch 41. Preparing
Ch 42. Performance
Ch 43. Taking On A Role
Ch 44. Fall For The Criminal
Ch 45. Final Blow
Ch 47. Trying To Tell Her
Ch 48. The Truth Behind Those Two
Ch 49. Not Ready Right?
Ch 50. Like Father, Like Daughter
Ch 51. Just The Start
Ch 52. It Has Begun
Ch 53. Planning It Out
Ch 54. A New Person
Ch 55. Distraction and Concentration
Ch 56. Chest Up, Make It Different!
Ch 57. Maybe Not As We Thought
Ch 58. Lights Everywhere
Ch 59. Sob Rules
Ch 60. Moments Of Family
Ch 61. Bad Boy
Ch 62. Filming On
Ch 63. Mind Drift
Ch 64. Could This Be A Date?
Ch 65. Kiss Interruption And Unknown Feelings
Ch 66. After Panic
Ch 67. Someone New
Ch 68. Interest Crash
Ch 69. Nowhere To Be Found
Ch 70. No Knowledge, But Does It Matter?
Ch 71. Say My Name
Ch 72. Reaction
Ch 73. Hunt For A Dress
Ch 74. The Color Search
Ch 75.The Meadow
Ch 76. The Last Scene
Ch 77. Invading Me
Ch 78. Sudden Fire
Ch 79. Heaven Or Hell Doesn't Matter
Ch 80. The Art Of Losing And Accepting
Ch 81. Runaway?
Ch 82. Misunderstanding
Ch 83. False
Ch 84. Lost Control
Ch 85. Important Existence
Ch 86. Confused Along With Happiness
Ch 87. Closing My Eyes (Part 1)
Ch 88. Closing My Eyes (Part 2)
Ch 89. Nails In My Head
Ch 90. That Guy
Ch 91. Could This Be The End?
Ch 92. Get Me Out Of This World
Ch 93. Forgive Me
Ch 94. Nothing To Understand
Ch 95. Tracked
Ch 96. In Place
Ch 97. My Everything
Ch 98. Can't Get Any Better [The End]
Special Chapter
I Want More Than That

Ch 46. Misunderstanding

13.3K 97 8
By Cellienda


"You are so misunderstanding us!" Emíne squeled. This is the worst thing that could have happened! Well, number 2 after getting revealed but now Ambreal thinks that I'm cheating on Sarah for Emíne! What the hell is this?! Does God hate me that much? Well, I do admit I might be the one person that is the biggest liar in the world but do I still deserve it?!

"I can't believe this." she said with twicthed eye brows and left, disgusted. All the girls behind her gathered into the room like a paprazzi.

"Get out!" Emíne yelled so loud that it probably reached the boys' dorm. They kept whining for gossip but she kicked them out - literally. I was just standing there, speechless. What can I say? I can't possibly have anything to say in this situation.

"What the hell are we going to do now?!" Emíne panicked. She jumped around like a monkey, but that's her way of showing her fear. She stopped once she saw how calm(Well, I might have looked calm but no... There's a war inside me.) I looked and grabbed my shoulders.

"Do you understand what just happened human?!" she yelled. I nodded. But I did think that the human comment was a bit exaggerating.

"Ambreal think I'm cheating on... me."

"Wait, I didn't get that...-"

"I'm cheating on me!" I panicked. I don't get it either. Why did I get into such a mess?! It is my fault but still! Everything didn't have to go this way! My life is a drama. But I guess it's supposed to be drama everywhere when you crossdress and hide the fact that you're a celebrity.

"How do we get out of this one...?" I sighed. I laid down on the bed and thought so hard about it my head hurt. But the only way I see it is my plan from the beginning. To tell her that I'm Chris and Sarah. There's no "I'm Sarah and Krystal" or "I'm Chris and Krystal" because it all started from me. I have always been Krystal. Krystal was the one who set it up, planned it, had courage to do it. That's the real me.

But I do feel that a part of me is Sarah and Chris. Mostly Sarah because I could finally express myself from my music. But what is the Chris within me? What part of me is he? I have no idea.

"I'm going to tell Ambreal."

"Tell her what?"

"You know Emíne." I said and she saw how serious I was.

"But what happened to what we were talking about just now?!" she said and tugged onto my shirt. "You know how much I don't want it."

"I think you'd never be able to be my best friend if you were in Ambreal's situation. For a second I considered not telling her but it just got worse when she saw this." I explained. She was more convinced but still whiny because she still wanted to keep it to ourselves. I took a short step to the door and she tugged harder to my shirt, refusing to let go.

"Stop it. I'm going. Even if I you're holding onto it forever I'll just take it off and go." I threatened her and grabbed the lower part of the shirt, showing her that I was going to take it off. She was grinning, which I didn't understand.

"How can you go without a shirt when you're like this?" I looked into the mirror, only to see me as Chris. Darn it! This is the first time I've forgotten who I am.

"Let go!" I begged but she refused. Then an idea popped up into my head. If I just get this wig out I can go in as Krystal and tell her! And if I had gone in as Chris she probably wouldn't had let me in so it's the best! I grinned back at her and she immediately wiped her grin away, knowing that I have a plan. I got the wig out and she yelled.


"Yeees." I said with the same tone. Then I stopped. She was still holding my shirt. I can't go there shirtless. I considered the shirt thing just now that I couldn't show my breasts as aguy but if I go out like this I'm just a maniac. Why didn't I think this through?!

She knew that I had problems when she noticed me stopping. Grin plastered back on! Yay. I ripped the shirt off and digged through her closet after a normal T-shirt but she only had complicated chic stuff. It's too much and I need to get dressed in some seconds before this girl captures me. She got closer and I grabbed a T-shirt at the deep bottom, draping it through my head. When my head popped out I saw her and she was reaching out her hands as if she was going to capture her food for the night.

I ran to the door and then noticed the letters on the T-shirt, right on my breasts.

"They're real." I said out loud when reading. I kept running until I noticed what it was saying.

"They're real!" I yelled and looked at it. What's with this T-shirt?! I started laughing and caught Emíne behind me, and realised that I don't have time to laugh at a stupid T-shirt.

I finally saw Ambreal's dorm number and slammed it open.

"Ambreal!" I screamed. Emíne grabbed my leg to get me out of there until I noticed that there were no answer. If you want it to look more comical imagine a fur ball drifting past us.


"I win." Emíne said proudly. I sighed and hit her back head lightly.

"You're a jerk..." I said but I didn't mean it. She took it seriously and I kind of regretted telling her that.

"But it's for your best and you know that!" she complained but didn't make it any better.

"I know but don't you understand Ambreal?! She's feeling out! It's like we are best friends and she's just someone hanging around us!"

"But I am your best friend!"

"Because you know my secret! If you didn't know we wouldn't have been this close!" I cried. "And I met Ambreal first so if I didn't have this kind of secret I bet she'd be my best friend since we met first." She finally got my point.

"Whatever... But I'm still against it. Why can't we just spend more time with Ambreal instead?"

"Because I said so." I smiled. "It's just not fair."


"The play was a succéss!" Lisa sang when everyone was back in the classroom. Everyone cheered and started talking. If it was some small matter they wouldn't had cared a bit but since they practised for weeks they had to be happy.

I looked around and caught Ambreal at the back with her roommate. he was talking happily to her and that was unusual because she had told me that she didn't like her before. She said that her roommate was a bitch and she only talked to Ambreal because she wanted to get some of her spotlight.

"Don't turn into a bitch!" my brain yelled outloud. My brain did it, inside my head so no one heard, okay?

She looked at me and I attempted a smile, inviting myself over to talk to her but her face stiffened into a glare and looked back at her roommate. What was that?! But I guess she has to hate me since I'm cheating on Sarah...

I tried to go after her but she just went out the door. And never came back. That's weird. Is she so mad that she'd skip class?! She never skips class! She even told me before that she didn't want to graduate like a stupid girl living off her family's money.

I'm in big trouble...

Lisa tried to take control over the class but no one even noticed her when she waved around her hands yelling at us. But then someone shut us up.

"I'll do it myself. You can't even shut them up so I don't need you." a loud voice said from the door. A tall guy came in with brown hair and was around 30 years old.

"Okay..." Lisa squealed hurt.

"LISTEN NOW!" he yelled so loud I bet the whole school heard. And believe me, this school is big so he made my ears ring for a while.

"I'm Carter. Carter Corina, a director. I want to make your play into a movie."

He looked around the class, scanning our faces. I was a bit nervous when he looked at my face, worried that he'd recognise me since he must know about Sarah when I had the lead role. Everyone was suprised and happy.

"We're going to become celebrities!" a random guy yelled which pampered everyone. The only ones that was still, and calm was Darrén, Emíne, two other guys, one girl and me because we were already celebrities. Well, Chris isn't a celebrity but I don't want Chris to be one.

But I'm not surprised that it's going to turn into a movie. We did everything seriously and the script was great too. Not to mention the great equipment. He stood there and I was still nervous because he was looking at me for a very long time. But then he switched on to the next person and I was relieved.

"But is Sarah going to do the lead role? She was just a substitute..." Lisa asked. Carter looked at Lisa with a furious face.

"She's mostly the reason of why we're doing this. I didn't know she had talent in acting."

"But it's kind of mean to Camille because she-"

"I don't care! We're using Sarah for this role!" Carter yelled with his loud voice and made me shiver.

"Okay." Lisa beeped, terrified of him.

"But do you actually have permission from Sarah?" Emíne asked. Carter looked at her and he clearly recognised her. "I'm a really good friend of her and she haven't mentioned anything about it." I smiled to her but she didn't see it. It's good that she can ask stuff when I can't. Because they haven't really told me anything about it.

"That's what I have right here!" Carter smiled. "You can come in now." He looked at the door and it slided open. At first a bald head drifted in and then I saw Justin. I was really close to yell his name because I was so surprised.

"That's what I'm here for." he smiled, happy to be able to get in. "I'm Justin, the boss of CE Entertainment, Sarah's agency. I'm the one who requested this to Carter." This might be bad. Justin has seen me many times and he knows my face right so he might recognise me. His eyes landed on me. I tried changing my face by wrinkling my nose so it would look bigger and made my eyes smaller. I beg you god. Let this baldie be just as dense as you made Darrén.

Then he took steps, heading right to me. He stopped right before me. I kept my weird face so he wouldn't notice.

"You..." I'm doomed.

"Justin I'm so-" I said but he interrupted me.

"What part are you playing?" Huh?

"An old guy..." I said, fearing what he meant.

"Great!" he clapped his hands. "I thought you were an important role. If you were with that face I'd switch in an other actor for it." I was a bit offended by that but still relieved. But it sure serves me right since I made such an ugly face.

"Hi Justin!" Emíne butted in to cover up. She thought that he'd notice if he looked at my face longer so I'm thankful that she's helping out so much.

"Emíni!" he shrieked, which really made me think that he was gay. "I've missed you girl!"

"Me too Justin!" she smiled and they hugged. How come they know each other? She read my mind and answered.

"When I was new in the business Justin always sent me a gig whenever he found one. So he's my little dreamcatcher!" she giggled. I thought it was her parents influence but I guess that it's not. She would have made it without her parents company.

"Okay, enough with the goofing around now. I have to make a call because I haven't even asked Sarah if she wants to take the job." He slided his phone out of his pocked and I froze. He's going to call me. I hope the vibration won't make a sound.

He pressed the buttons and put the phone to his ear.

"Beep!" he sang. "Beep!" I'm panicking. "Beep!" Okay, he's so gay. When no one was looking I took the phone under the bench and hold it, shutting up the vibrationsound. Emíne noticed how I tried covering up.

"Help!" I mouthed to her.



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