By ShakesPearBoi

33.9K 675 81

LUCY RILEY GRANGER - intelligent, generous and somewhat ridiculously brave - is how you would describe the gi... More

01 - Hogwarts Express
03 - Monster
04 - Qudditch Kings
05 - Your Fault
06 - Caring Hurts
07 - On-Field Injuries
08 - Yule Ball
09 - Awkward
10 - Friends?
11 - I Don't Get It
12 - Christmas at the Burrow
13 - School's Back
14 - Umbridge's Arrival
15 - Pigface's Detention
16 - Get Help
17 - The Order
18 - Animangus Training
19 - School Again
20 - She's Back
21 - Real Nightmares
22 - Not Again
23 - Saving Lily (1/2)
24 - Saving Lily (2/2)
25 - Dumbledore's Army (1/2)
26 - Dumbledore's Army (2/2)
27 - No Hope
28 - Dumbledore's Death
29 - Sacrifices
30 - Hogwarts Return
31 - No Messing With McGonagall
32 - Who's Back
33 - Beginning Of The End
34 - So We Thought
35 - Reactions
36 - Nineteen Years Later

02 - Sorting Hat

2.6K 60 18
By ShakesPearBoi

EE/aura — Emotional Energy/aura


The grand train finally came to a stop and all of the first years piled out, instructed so by the train conductor.

"Students, make sure to leave your bags here. They'll be delivered your dorms during the Sorting Ceremony." I hear a thick accent speak. I turn to see a very tall man with a long beard and black beetle eyes, his large frame was covered by a large trench coat with lots of pockets and his beard hid a cheeky smile.

"Hello Hagrid." Harry greets Hagrid and Myles gives him a hug, almost disappearing beneath the half-giant's jacket. He was tall, but not tall enough to be an actual giant. His aura was very friendly and nurturing.

"Hello Harry, Myles." He turns to Hermione, Ron and I with a kind smile. "Obviously you're a Weasley, let's just hope you're not a trouble maker like Fred and George." Ron smiles, trying to hide his laugh. "And who would you two young ladies be?" Hagrid looks at us before raising an eyebrow to Myles and Ron.

"My name is Hermione Granger," Hermione smiles, shaking the half-giant's hand as he chuckles at her enthusiasm. His eyes fall back on me.

"Lucy Granger, please call me Lu." I watch Hagrid as he laughs, another set of twins probably amused him, since there was so many already in Hogwarts. I glance at Myles and flash him a gentle smile in an attempt to calm him down a bit. The poor boy seemed a bit flustered.

"Ron Weasley." Ron introduces himself properly to Hagrid. I pretend not to notice when he sneaks a quick glance at Hermione.

"Nice to meet you." He smiles, smirking almost knowingly at Ron, who pretended he didn't notice. "Okay, first years. Five to a boat." Hagrid calls to all the first years as the older years make their way to the castle via carriage and what I assume is an invisible horse, since I couldn't see the animal.

"Can we ride with you?" I ask Myles, trying to not to seem nervous in front of the curly-haired boy. Harry interrupts before he can answer.

"Sure. Myles would love for his girlfriend to ride with us." Hermione and Ron laugh as Myles glares at them. I feel my face turn beet red for the hundredth time today as Myles butts in.

"But I'm sure Ronald would love his girlfriend to come with us too," Myles smirks at Ron and Hermione. They blush and glare at him as we hop in the boat. I laugh at their reaction and Hermione's icy stare turns to me, trying to scare me, which it failed to do. 'Mione was absolutely harmless, majority of the time anyway. Myles offers me his hand, helping me into the small wooden boat. I smile and take it, stepping gently in before sitting down across from him.

"Thanks." He grins, his boyish smile gracing his face again and I try not to stare for too long. All the boats magically bunch together and Hagrid guides us across the lake, the stars lighting the sky and drawing attention to the marvellous castle. I gasped as I stared at the large building — Hogwarts was very beautiful. We soon reach shore and hop out only to have a tour led by a stern-looking Scottish woman. She is thin and tall, her complexion very pale and her brunette hair pulled back tightly into a neat bun that sat at the base of her neck. A pair of neat spectacles sat on the end of her nose as she peers at all of the first years, who nervously shuffled around. She looked wise and sported robes and a witch's hat. She's very serious, but her aura glowed a brilliant shade of green and yellow.

"Hello First Years, my name is Professor Minerva McGonagall and I'm the head teacher for Gryffindor. We'll be having our sorting ceremony soon-" The professor is interrupted by a small yet loud voice.

"Trevor!" Neville proceeds to grab his pet at the professor's feet. A pale boy and his two friends snicker. The snickering boy's sharp eyes caught mine and he smirks, raising one eyebrow. I scoff and roll my eyes, turning my attention back to Professor McGonagall. She regains her composure and continues her informational speech.

"The sorting ceremony will be in fifteen minutes. Freshen yourselves up and meet me at the bottom of the staircase." McGonagall walks back to the Great Hall, leaving us to our business. Hermione, Ron, Harry, Myles and I start walking towards the bathrooms when the pale boy from before walks up to us.

"Is it true, you're Harry and Myles Potter? I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." He asks before introducing himself. His eyes trail to me as he speaks and I begin to feel uncomfortable, his glare piercing into me. His aura glowed black and brown, it was unfortunate how only I could see it. Myles senses my uneasiness and grabs my hand. I refrain from gasping as I smile softly at him, squeezing his hand in return before paying attention to the ugly rat.

"Maybe they are, why's it any of your business?" Ron snaps at the boy, glaring at him in annoyance. Ron's EE grew slightly black with his anger.

"Wait, don't tell me. Red hair, hand-me-down robes and a stupid complexion. You must be a Weasley." He sneers childishly with an ugly scowl on his stupid face. Ron looks down embarrassed. All of his confidence drains from him as he looks ashamed.

"Hey Malfoy, lay off. I don't necessarily think it's any of your business." Hermione glares at Draco. Ron sneakily smiles at Hermione as his EE regains its colour; blue, yellow and red. I almost miss the bright pink speck that appears suddenly. I smile knowingly to myself.

"Sorry, I don't speak Mudblood. Anyway if I were you, Potter one and two — I would think about who I was hanging around, especially if they're the wrong sort." We get called back by McGonagall. "We'll continue this is later." Malfoy spits. All the first years head towards the Great Hall and the doors open rather grandly. Everyone stares in awe at the ceiling, floating candles illuminating the room as hundreds, possibly thousands of students watch as we sit down. I don't let go of Myles' hand as we sit. I feel safer and his EE definitely showed he felt the same.

"I am Professor Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts. Welcome, First Years. You will be sorted into the four houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin by the sorting hat, each house depends on your personality traits and talents. The chivalrous, the smart, the kind and the cunning." He explains and everyone applauds. We stand near a chair, on the chair sits a hat.

"This is going to be interesting." The hat grins almost evilly, but I knew it was just to freak us out. A few students gasp as the hat spoke, but Hermione and I had both read Hogwarts: A History before we came here. As overwhelming as it was, I remained unfazed. They began to call out a few names.

"Bones, Susan." A nervous looking girl sits down on the chair.

"Not too brave, but extremely kind and loyal. Nervous and shy, but an excellent finder. Hufflepuff suits you!" Susan hops off the chair happily before heading towards the Hufflepuff table, which was erupting in applause — the Badger house happy to have the first student of the year.

"Chang, Cho." A young Asian girl confidently walks towards the hat.

"Hm...interesting. Smart and confident. A little bit cunning, but Slytherin isn't right. Ravenclaw!" The hat yells and whoops come from the Ravenclaw table, the girl welcomed with pats on the back

"Diggory, Cedric." A dashing boy with a sneaky grin walks up as girls swoon. Cho and Cedric are looking at each other and I can tell there's something there. Both of their EEs brightly glowed pink — this would be interesting to watch.

"Brave, but Gryffindor isn't for you. Smart, but Ravenclaw doesn't suit. Loyal and kind. Hufflepuff!" Hufflepuff girls swoon and the boys pat Cedric on the back as he sits. He glances back at Cho and she smiles at him reassuringly.

"Finnigan, Seamus." The crowd becomes quiet again as a short brunette somehow manages to squirm his way onto the chair.

"Not the sharpest tool in the box, not a weak lad. Reckless. Sounds good — Gryffindor!" Gryffindor cheer as the first new Gryffindor for this year walks slightly taller, more confident towards his new house.

"Goyle, Gregory." A stocky boy with beady eyes and a double chin stumbles up.

"Not exactly Merlin. Deceiving and also cruel. You are quite cunning. Slytherin!" Goyle slouches over to his house table

"Granger, Hermione." Professor McGonagall calls out and my twin inhaled a sharp breath.

"Good luck, Mimi," I whisper and she walks up nervously. She sits down and the professor places the hat on her head, orange and yellow surrounding my sister as she sits up straight.

"Definitely interesting. Studies lots, smart, but Ravenclaw doesn't fit. Kind and loyal." The hat contemplates before it perks up again. "Courageous, you suit Gryffindor!" The hat yells and Gryffindor cheers as Hermione sits down with her peers. I anxiously smile at her, praying that I get into the same house as her.

"Granger, Lucy." I finally let go of Myles' hand as I shakily stand, walking towards the chair. Myles gives me a thumbs up and a reassuring smile before I sit down on the old stool. The hat is placed on my head.

"Another Granger! You're a bit different to your sister. Creative, determined. Very kind and a half-blood!" Everyone gasps while I feel quite confused and slightly embarrassed. "Very rare indeed. Hmmm, Gryffindor fits best!" I sigh in relief and sit next to Hermione with a grin as everyone congratulates me. I want to ask her about the half-blood thing, but decide it's an issue for later.

"Humberston, Stanford." The sorting ceremony seemed to fly by as the crowd of students began to minimise, each student being sorted into their houses.

"Ravenclaw!" The young boy sat with the pride filled house.

"Irlam, Doris." The hat quickly replies.

"Hufflepuff!" The list continued to get smaller as each student was sorted.

"Longbottom, Neville." I gave Neville an encouraging smile as he shakingly walked up.

"Longbottom, hey? You're more than what people see on the outside. Chivalrous and smart. Accident prone and clumsy, but loyal of course. Gryffindor!" Neville walked towards the table in shock as they cheered him on.

"Lovegood, Luna." A thin blonde girl with turnip earrings and strange pink glasses walks up as a Snow White blonde and a short redhead laugh quietly. Their EEs didn't shine as beautifully as hers. I smile as she gracefully walked up to the chair. Her EE shone yellow and blue — definitely a Ravenclaw with those colours. Neville stared at her in awe as she sat down silently. His aura tinged bright pink along with his pale cheeks. I chuckle at the boy, who was taken back by her beauty.

"Very optimistic and unique. Very wise and calm. Gives great advice. Ravenclaw it is!" A few students clap, including me, as she strode towards the Ravenclaw table. She proudly sat down next to Cho, who embraced the girl and began to chat quietly.

"Malfoy, Draco." Malfoy snootily walks up and sits down. Before the hat even touches his head, the old thing yells at the top of its non existent lungs.

"Slytherin!" Draco smirks, marching towards his friends.

"Ormsmirk, Madeline." Professor McGonagall continues, peering through her spectacles.

"Hufflepuff." Students begin to complain about being hungry. I just nervously gripped onto my robes as I waited for Myles to be sorted. I knew we'd be friends no matter what, but I wanted him in Gryffindor, so he could be by my side.

"Penkridge, Ursula." After a few moments, the hat announces the girl's house.

"Slytherin." The crowd of first years became smaller and smaller. The two Potter boys stood. Myles finds my gaze and I smile encouragingly, my heart humming like crazy.

"Potter, Harry." A murmur went through the crowd as the youngest Potter twin begins to be sorted.

"Hm, A Potter. Courageous and strong, but quite loyal. Smart and cunning too. Very hard to choose." Harry starts mumbling to himself. "Not Slytherin, ay? Well, I guess I'll have to put you in Gryffindor!" The hat yells and the Gryffindor table roars with pride, the Weasley twins jumping out of their seats to congratulate the boy. Harry sits next to us and I give him a cheerful smile — one Potter down, one to go.

"Potter, Myles." The room goes so silent, you could hear a pin drop. I begged to whatever wizard god these people worship that he would be sorted into Gryffindor.

"The other Potter." The sorting hat exclaims. "Kind, passionate and creative. Extremely smart and Emotions Reader!" The hat yells, startled. Murmurs rise again, even Hermione began to whisper to Fred. "The prophecy!" The hat gasps, its voice croaking. "I shall put you in Gryffindor!" The hat yells quickly, trying to avoid more tension and everyone cheers, awkward tension lingering in the air. Myles sits next to me, smiling as he wraps an arm around my shoulder supportively. I lean into the boy, sighing with relief.

"Sawley, Lynette." The last few students wait to be sorted.


"Sykes, Alex."


"Vane, Romilda."

"Gryffindor!" The sorting ceremony sped through the students until the last two.

"Weasley, Ronald." I nudge Hermione, who elbows me while watching Ron contently. I glance at the boy. Of course he'd be in Gryffindor, his whole family were in the house of the Lion.

"Another Weasley! Hm, this one's different." I hear Hermione inhale sharply. "Funny, truthful and loyal. A bit short tempered at times, but very brave. I say Gryffindor is for you!" The hat yells and Ron sits next to Hermione as they smile at each other, bright pink from their EEs basically lighting up the room. I could see everyone's soulmates already and they had no idea.

"Zabini, Blaise." A lean dark-skinned boy stalks towards the hat. The hat just thinks silently to itself, deciding which house to put him in.

"Slytherin!" Everyone sighs with relief as food appears on the tables.

"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore calls and everyone digs in, especially Ron, who begins stuffing his face full of chicken. I see one of the second year girls from the Hogwarts express wave to me frantically. I chuckle, waving back before smiling at the black haired girl I had seen in the carriage.

"Mimi, what does he mean by the prophecy?" I ask my sister, confused.

"Two readers of emotions, who share one love, one is a half-blood mix and the other full, will rise up against evil," Hermione explains. I blush, looking down at my dinner plate. My eyebrows furrow with confusion.

"Why did he say half blood?" I ask quietly, confusion evident in my voice. "I'm an emotions reader, I'm not a hybrid," I tell her.

"Probably just meaning muggle." She replies unconvincingly. I just shrug it off for now. I could always research if I wanted to. We have our feast and head towards the dorms. Before we get there, we run into Malfoy again.

"So, Potter?" He asks.

"Wait, don't tell me. You're stupid, I knew it!" Myles states, mimicking him. Draco turns red and I choke back a laugh, not wanting to anger the boy any further.

"Watch your mouth, you scarred freak." He spits. I zone out for a second as I glanced at Myles' scar, which ran up his arm from his wrist to his elbow. Story tells that Harry was in front of him when Voldemort had cast the killing curse, explaining the different positioning of their scars. I scowl at the cocky Slytherin boy.

"I'm pretty sure they can tell who the wrong sort are, Malfoy. Especially if the wrong sort are death eaters." Draco freezes. I've clearly hit a touchy subject.

"Oh look, your girlfriend sticking up for you, Potter. Not really going to help since she's nothing, but a filthy disgusting Mudblood." He yells and I stop. I bite my lip as tears fill my eyes. I shouldn't be crying, but it still hurt. "Ah, is the baby going to cry?" He laughs mockingly. Anger courses through my veins. I don't remember how, but I find myself pushing him up against the wall and socking him in the face. My anger fades away and I see what I've done. I look at my hands as people stare at me in shock and horror, some of them even looked scared. Tears drip down my face as I turn and run, not knowing what to do.


We have a feast and head to our rooms. Before we get there, we run into Draco again.

"So, Potter?" He asks Harry.

"Wait, don't tell me. You're stupid, I knew it!" I state, mimicking him. Draco turns beetroot and I watch as Lucy stifles a laugh, making my heart soar.

"Watch your mouth, you scarred freak." He spits.

"I'm pretty sure they can tell who the wrong sort are, Malfoy. Especially if the wrong sort are death eaters." Lucy spits back, glaring at the boy furiously.

"Oh look, your girlfriend sticking up for you, Potter. Not really going to help, since she's nothing, but a filthy, disgusting Mudblood." He yells and Lucy tenses. I found myself wanting to hurt Draco, but I just clenched my fists and attempted to calm down. "Ah, is baby going to cry?" He laughs mockingly. I can feel the power radiating off of small girl, her EE, which I could now see clearly, glowed an overpowering black with anger and fear.

I try to reach her as she almost begins to glow. Her pupils turn a shade of bright gold as she throws Malfoy against the wall and punches him. Her eyes turn to her normal shade of crystal blue as she calms herself. I feel the power fade and she stares at her hands. She notices people staring at her, scared and confused. I watch as she turns and runs.

I saw it in her aura, the tiny specks of gold were unmistakable, just as glorious as they had been described. I feel pure elation as I came to the realisation that I wasn't alone, that I had found someone like me. My mind flicked to the prophecy and I questioned myself — She's an Emotions Reader, I know that now, but what else could have made her possess so much power and anger?

I try to run after her, but Professor Dumbledore approaches me with a small velvet box. The principal just nodded to me with acknowledgement, grabbing my hand from my side. He places the box in the palm of my hand and wraps my fingers around it tightly.

"When the time is right, you'll know who it's for." Dumbledore's wise blue eyes shine with glee behind his half-moon spectacles as he walks off. I don't know what scared me more — the fact that I just got handed something that sounded so important or that fact I couldn't read his EE. Shaking it off, I place the box in my robe pocket, vowing to myself to open it later before I hear Professor McGonagall's voice booming through the hallway.

"Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Myles and Harry Potter, please make your way to Professor McGonagall's office immediately." I sigh and quickly rush off with the others, who were all, besides Harry, oblivious to the Dumbledore situation.

"I bet you it's for Miss Goldilocks Granger,"

"Can it, Potter." I smile uncontrollably before running off, Harry trailing behind me.

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