I Met My Best Friend On the I...

By MirrorRune33

43.5K 715 157

Hannah had never really trusted someone with her secrets. Until she met him. She knew it was unconventional h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

1.4K 61 47
By MirrorRune33

OHHHH MY GOSH I'm SO sorry it's been so long! I literally had no time to sit down and write! No this story is not over, no I'm not dead, no I've not forgotten about it and here is the next chapter finally! It's not the longest one in the world, but hey, it's an update right?! ;)

 Once again, I do not own Taylor Lautner or anyone affiliated to him. The only thing I own is the plot and my original characters! The family members in this story are fictional :)



Chapter 18 

*Hannah’s POV*
Taylor went back to Michelle’s house for me to pack a bag. I was so nervous about meeting his family that I didn’t say hardly anything until we drove back to the train station.
“Hannah, relax,” Tay told me gently as we waited for our train. “We’ll have five hours for me to tell you who everyone is, you’ll be fine.”
I smiled weakly. If I were going as just a friend it would be different. But I was more than that now.
“They’ll love you, if only because I’ll not be so volatile now that you’ll be with me,” he joked.
“What if they don’t, though, Tay?”
He shook his head at me and laced his fingers in mine. “Shh. You are the most wonderful person I know. How could they not adore you?”
I blushed and looked down at our hands. “Alright.”

*Tay’s POV*
The entire train ride I showed her pictures of my family and told her the names of everyone in them, trying to make her more at ease. She was so quiet it worried me.
As the train pulled into the station I got up to grab our bags.
“Are they picking us up?” I heard her soft voice say.
“Yeah, my aunt is coming to get us,” I replied in an equally quiet tone.

We made our way out onto the platform where I heard Aunt Diane’s voice.
“Hey!” I said, leading Hannah over towards my aunt.
She beamed at us. “Is this your beautiful best friend you’ve talked about so much?"
I blushed as Hannah chuckled softly, putting her forehead on my bicep. “Yeah this is my girl, Aunt Di,” I mumbled.
“Your girl?” she exclaimed happily. “Oh finally, now maybe you won’t be such a grumpy ass all the time."
“I didn’t act like a grumpy ass!” I protested.
“Oh yes you did, honey. Anyway, I’m Taylor’s Aunt Diane,” she smiled, holding her hand out to Hannah."
I looked down at my girl who I could tell was doing her best to seem very friendly and brave.
“I’m Hannah,” she said in her sweet voice, taking my aunt’s hand with a smile. I felt my heart swell. I didn’t know what it was about her smile, but it made me so happy to see it on her face.

*Hannah’s POV*
I clung to Taylor’s hand during our short drive to his uncle’s house. I liked his aunt a lot, but she was only one fourth of the family. Calm down, girl, I thought to myself as we drove down the driveway. The house was a beautiful farmhouse nestled in a large yard dotted with maple trees. The cheerful yellow painted siding stood out brightly against the white blanket of snow that covered everything. I liked it. It reminded me of home. As soon as the car came to a stop, three people came out the front door.
“Now who is that?” Tay whispered in my ear.
“Your Uncle Ben, your cousin Josh who is almost seventeen, and your cousin Jordan who is fourteen.”
He smiled at me. “Good job, love.”
I blushed, and he got out on his side and ran around to open my door.
“Oh, such a gentleman,” I teased affectionately.
“Only the best for my lady,” he grinned back, bowing melodramatically and holding out his hand to me. I took it and stepped out of the car, my knees feeling a bit shaky. Meeting new people always intimidated me, especially when it was the family of the guy I loved the most in the world. Not that I’ve ever experienced that before... Which might be why I was so nervous.
“Hannah, right?” Jordan said, coming up to me.
Oh god, why did Taylor have to get the luggage now, don’t leave me alone with her, what the h-ll, oh my god—“Yes,” I said out loud, trying not to be shy. “And you’re Jordan?”
She lit up. I think I did something right...
“Yes, I am!” she beamed. “So did he finally grow a pear and ask you to be his girlfriend?”
I blushed. “Not exactly,” I began hesitantly. I mean he hadn’t asked me yet... He just kind of professed his love for me, kissed me, and brought me here. But I suppose if he did all that he wants me to be his girlfriend, right? I asked myself.
“Not exact—TAYLOR!” Jordan turned to where he was grabbing the last suitcase. His eyes went wide.
“W-what?” he asked.
“I have to speak to you,” she glared.
“Oh lord,” Taylor groaned as she pulled him towards the house.
And that was when Josh made his debut.
“Hello there, beautiful,” he said, flashing a charming smile.
Is he hitting on me? I thought, mentally making a face. I mean the guy was gorgeous (how could he not be, he was of Taylor’s kin, they were all like demigods), but... Just no.
“Joshua,” I nodded, giving him a demure smile.
He held out his hand. I looked at it.
“Oh come on, I don’t bite!” he laughed sheepishly.
I cocked my head at him. The boy seemed a little hesitant in his gestures. I analyzed him for a few moments before concluding he was only trying to appear confident and cool to impress his older cousin’s girl. Taking the hand he offered, I smiled for real. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Hannah.”
Josh smiled back. “Taylor talked of nothing but you. I’m glad he has someone like you. He’s been so lonely ever since... Well, I’m sure you’ve heard about the whole T-squared thing, I mean everyone has heard ‘Back To December’... She really hurt him. And then the whole Lily things was a disaster because they only got together for publicity and—I’m sorry I’m rambling,” he blushed and looked down at my hand that he still held in his grasp then squeezed my fingers. “Just, be good to him? No pressure to stay with him forever or anything, but he needs someone.”
I smiled and returned the pressure on his hand. “No worries, Josh. He’s my best friend. He was my best friend before we realized we had feelings for each other. I don’t want to—no, I can’t lose him.”

*Taylor’s POV*
“What the h-ll, Jordan, I can’t just leave her out there by herself I—”
“WHY DID YOU NOT ASK HER TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND,” she whisper-screamed at me.
“I just—what?”
She sighed patronizingly. “I asked her if you had asked her, and she said ‘not exactly’, so what the f-ck were you doing all morning? Frolicking amongst the snowflakes?!”
“Jordan, calm down. I don’t want to rush her, okay? She had never been kissed before I kissed her this morning. I didn’t want to put too much on her all at once.”
“....Oh. Well that makes sense. Awwww she really had never been kissed? That’s so presh, Tay,” she squealed.
I grinned. “I know right? It makes me happy that my lips are the only ones to—”
“Okay just stop there, I think it’s sweet and all, but it grosses me out to think of you kissing anyone, you’re like my brother,” Jordan grimaced.
“Alright, alright,” I laughed.
She stared at me for a few moments. “Wel?!”
“Well what?”
“GO BACK OUT THERE!” she scowled.
“Well okay then, sheesh,” I said rolling my eyes. “Jord, sometimes your mood swings really creep me out."


Once again, I'm SO SORRY it's taken so long!!!!

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