New Boy

By himynamesgracee

5.1K 69 7

The one thing that life has taught me, is to forgive and forget. Why stay mad at someone when you could both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34

Chapter 33

101 1 0
By himynamesgracee

8 months later

Conor was out shopping as I was in no state to shop mainly because I’m expecting a baby in a few days. I was just watching bridesmaids when I felt the baby kick inside me. “You want to stop it in there?” I chuckled to myself until it kicked again. “Shit!” I got up from the sofa slowly hoping it would stop soon when there was a splashing noise hitting the floor. “Holy shit. No not yet, Conor’s not here yet!” My waters had broken and I was alone. I quickly picked up my phone and called Conor.

“Hello?” I let out a scream due to how much pain I was in. “(Y/N)! Are you okay, what’s happened?!” My breath came out in ragged puffs.

“Conor! You need to get back here! THE BABY’S COMING!” I heard the car accelerate and he was driving as fast as he could. “Please hurry Conor!”

“I’ll be there in a few minutes hold on baby! I’ve got to go!” The phone hung up and I heard Conor’s car pull up outside in a matter of seconds. He hurried through the front door and helped me get into his car as fast as possible. There was a bunch of paparazzi outside who had obviously followed Conor home from his shop. Cameras were flashing and tape recorders were being placed in front of us.

“Conor, how do you feel now the baby’s finally coming?!” “(Y/N), is it really Conor’s baby?!” “On a scale of one to ten (Y/N), how much pain are you in?!” I let out a large scream not being able to hold it back anymore and managed to say, “Does that answer your bloody question!” Conor placed me in the back seat of his car giving me space to spread out and he quickly made his way into the front seat. We got to the hospital in less than 10 minutes and I was taken to a private room and was placed on a bed. Conor stayed with me and held my hand which I squeezed tightly but he didn’t seem to mind.

I was in labour for an hour but eventually, my baby was out. “It’s a little girl!” I couldn’t help the tears which fell from my cheeks but I didn’t get to hold her straight away. There was no crying like most babies do when they are born. They rushed her out of sight and I was worried.

“Where is she?! Where’s my little girl? Conor!?” He kept a tight grip on my hand but I could see he was also worried. My free hand rushed to my face as minutes were passing and still nothing. But eventually, I heard my little girl cry for the first time.

“She’s fine (Y/N).” I looked up to Conor who was smiling proudly at his little girl. One of the nurses placed her in my arms and I couldn’t help the tears that were falling. “She’s beautiful (Y/N),” I looked up to Conor and saw that a tear had fallen and was running down his cheek. He soon brushed it away and smiled down at us. “Can I hold her?” I nodded my head and he took her from my arms. He looked at her like he looks at me, with love.

“Have you decided what you’re going to call her yet?” I nodded my head with a huge smile on my face.

“Bella, sweet little Bella.”

I was finally a loud to go home and we placed Bella in the back seat strapped into her brand new expensive car seat. I drove home with a huge smile on my face, as did Conor. When we arrived more paparazzi had turned up. I heard Conor curse under his breath. We got out of the car and I was immediately bombarded with questions. And I got Bella out of the back seat and ignored all the questions I was getting.

“How does it feel to be a mum?” “What have you decided to call your baby?” “Why did you have a baby before marriage?” The subject changed from the baby almost immediately. “When are you two going to get married?” “Are you two EVER going to get married?” I rushed into the house and Conor locked the door behind him.

“They need to learn to respect people’s privacy. You know we’re going to be on the front page by tomorrow? Headline ‘Conor Maynard’s baby, finally born’ Stupid paparazzi.”

“Don’t let them get to you, look, we’ve just brought our baby home, can we just be happy?” Conor smiled at me and nodded.

“I’m so happy it should be illegal.” I laughed at Conor’s cringey joke and went over and hugged him tight.

“I love you Conor.”

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