Chapter 23

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I had finally made a near to full recovery and was let out the hospital. “Come on, let me take you home.” Conor grabbed my hand in his and our fingers entwined. I decided I’d forgive him after his stupid drunken mistake and things were ‘on track’ to recovering between the two of us. I still felt uncomfortable as he touched me but I was hoping that would soon fade. We were at my doorstep when he turned to me. “I want to make it up to you, I made your birthday shit and I want to do something special for you. Tomorrow night, be round mine at 7:00.” I nodded my head then twisted the keys in the lock. “Oh, and one more thing…” I twisted my head to look at him, “…wear something sexy,” he gave me a cheeky wink and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ll try and find something,” I returned him a wink and he smiled to himself as he got into his car. I stepped into my house to be welcomed with a pair of warm arms, my mother. “I’m so glad you’re home!” I felt her plump lips kiss the top of my head and we stood held in each other’s arms for a while. “Okay, what do you want for tea!” I shrugged my shoulders, “Surprise me!” My mum ran off to the kitchen and I heard pots and pans hitting together as she prepared our meal. “Just going upstairs!” I ran up the stairs and went straight to my wardrobe. “Sexy…nope…sexy?” I started muttering to myself as I tried to locate a piece of clothing that had ‘sexy written all over it’. I couldn’t find anything until I had pulled apart my whole wardrobe. I found a tight dress that came very high above the knee, it was a ‘sexy’ red colour as my mum had described to me when she bought it for me, so I thought it would fit the occasion perfectly. I rummaged through the bottom of my wardrobe to find my high black heels and decided I would wear that tomorrow evening. I placed my coat hanged dress on my chair and I jumped out of my skin when my phone vibrated, indicating I had received a text. My heart sunk as I saw who the message was from.


You’re stupid running back to him. After what he did to you, what you saw him do to me. I hope he makes you happy (Y/N), but when he fucks up again. Don’t come running back to me for a bit of fun again.

I didn’t reply to the message, I didn’t know what to say, what could I say? So I chucked my phone back onto my bed and took a shower while my mum prepared dinner. I had just got into my pj’s and dried my hair thoroughly with a towel when my mum called up telling me tea was ready. We generally chit chatted over tea until my mum brought up the dreadful conversation I was praying she wouldn’t. “Why did you do it (Y/N)?” She looked at me deep in the eye, her face changing to sadness. “It’s…complicated.” I shrugged my shoulders at the word ‘complicated’ but my mother wasn’t going to let the subject drop. “I’m sure I can keep up.” Her face was stern and I was sure she could keep up but it was a hard topic to talk about, what did she expect me to say. ‘My boyfriend shagged someone on my birthday, I felt like I was losing everyone I cared about, my best friend despises me, I felt like I was no good for anyone and oh, I felt physically and emotionally drained.’ No. it’s not that easy. “I just felt like my whole world was falling to pieces,” was all I managed to say. My mum grabbed my hand from across the table and stroked it with her fingers. “Just promise me you won’t ever do something so stupid and reckless like that again.” I heard her voice crack at the end a little but I forced a smile onto my head and nodded.

It was 5:30 when I decided to start getting ready. I pulled on my red dress and slipped on my heels, I then applied my makeup and curled my hair, I looked different, it looked like a different girl staring back at me in my mirror. I glanced down at my phone and it was 7:10. “Shit…” I picked up my small, over the shoulder, bad and made a run towards the door. Conor only lives down the road so it took me only 5 minutes to reach his so I got there at 7:15. I knocked on his door and he answered it almost immediately. “Tut tut tut, your la-” Conor stopped midword as his eyes wondered all over my body. My cheeks burned as they turned a light shade of pink. “Oh my god…you look beautiful…” I just blushed harder at his words. “Uh…can I come in, I’m getting a bit cold out here?” “Of course,” he smiled at me then stood to the side, allowing me entrance. As I glided past him I felt his hand hit my back side and yelp escaped my lips which he found amusing. “Twat.” I spat at him but he just laughed harder. I was suddenly pulled back as Conor wrapped his fingers around my wrist and pulled me into his chest. “Where do you think you’re going?” “Umm…to your living room?” He shook his head. “Kitchen.” I obeyed his command and entered his large kitchen. The lights were dimmed and he had placed candles on his kitchen table with a rose in the middle. Dinner mats were laid on the table with cutlery either side and a tall glass which I assumed wasn’t going to be filled with apple juice. He moved towards a chair and pulled it out gesturing to it with one hand. I walked over and he pushed the chair forward. He moved over to the counter and placed a plate in front of me then sat down himself. Conor had cooked me steak which I tucked into straight away. A groan escaped my lips as I took the first bite. It was so good. He seemed amused by the noise which had escaped my lips. We soon finished our dinner when he got up from the table and put a hand out towards me which I confidently took. He leaded me to his hallway and up the stairs. We reached his bedroom and I slowly entered. He had placed more candles out, which seemed to be the only light source in the room. He locked his bedroom door even though we were the only two in the house. “Bed. Now.” Conor was being very controlling tonight, but I liked it. I obeyed him and sat down on the bed. He started to undo his buttons on his shirt and before I knew it, hit had fallen to the floor. He slowly walked towards me and I pushed myself further back until I hit his bedframe. He prowled on the bed, climbing further towards me until his hand grabbed my ankles and pulled me out of my curling position. I lay flat on the bed and his hands pinned my hands above my head. His hands left mine as one hand started moving its way down my thigh until he hooked it up around his waist, soon repeating the step with the next leg. His hands started to graze through my hair slowly and his soft pink lips came crashing down on mine. I felt his hands remove from my hair and they started lifting my body off of the bed, I soon realised what his aim was. His hands glided up my back until he found the zip of my dress and tugged at it gently. In a matter of seconds I was left in just my underwear…but not for long. His hands reached the band of my underwear and he tugged violently at them, wishing them gone. He flung them across the room and I didn’t see where they landed. His hands soon unclipped my bra and before I knew it, I was laying completely naked on his bed. Now It was his turn. I rolled him over and my knees were either side of his hips. My hands trailed down his perfectly toned body until they reached his faded jeans, I undid the button then slowly pulled down the zip. His jeans were off in a matter of seconds. His bulge was noticeable from under his black boxers and I could tell it was straining so I did him the pleasure of slowly pulling his boxers down. I was quickly rolled over and Conor was on top of me resting all his weight on his forearms. He slowly bent his neck and whispered in my ear, “I’m about to make it up to you…” I turned my head to the side giving him more access to my neck as he slowly sucked and grazed his teeth over my bare skin. He removed his lips then slowly kissed the new bruised mark I had received off of him moment ago. He removed his body from on top of mine as he reached over to his bed side table and ripped open a little silver packet. I watched him as he placed the condom on and he quickly came back to me. “You ready?” I bit my lip and nodded my head. He slowly came back on top of me and a wave of pleasure burst through me almost immediately. 

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