Chapter 28

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Conor’s P.O.V

“(Y/N) where you going?” I heard her running down the stairs and I was confused why she was coming back downstairs. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME CONOR!” Tears were streaming down her face she was hurt and I didn’t know why. I was about to say something when she threw a pink bra in my face. Shit. It must have been from Bella, nothing happened that night but from someone else’s point of view, it wouldn’t look that way. “YOU HAD GONE FOR A FEW WEEKS AND YOU WERE ALREADY IN BED WITH OTHER WOMEN!” More tears ran down her face as the words came out of her mouth. “It’s not what it looks like (Y/N)!”I was about to explain to her before she shouted at me again. “FUCK YOU CONOR!” She moved instantly, pulling her suitcase behind her. She was running for her life but I wasn’t going to let her leave me like this. I ran after her calling her name we had reached the town centre now and everything slowed. I saw her cross the road. I saw the car. And I saw her being knocked off her feet with a powerful force. Her body smashed to the ground and I screamed her name as she lay there unmoving. My feet ran over to her limp body. Everyone had gathered around shock on their faces as they were also screaming. Many people were on their phones calling for an ambulance quickly. “(Y/N)! TALK TO ME BABY!” There was no reply and I didn’t even try to stop the tears that were rapidly falling down my face. I held her in my arms as I waited for the ambulance to show up. It was here in a matter of seconds and they released my grip from her and moved her into the back of the ambulance. I stepped in with her and I was still crying. “IS SHE GOING TO BE OKAY?!” Both men looked at each other and then looked at me. “We don’t know how bad the situation is yet, but we need to get to hospital right away. They closed the doors and turned on the sirens as we made our way to the hospital. Her body was bruised and cut horrifically. She looked terrible and I feel like it’s my entire fault…

Your P.O.V

I couldn’t see anything but I was starting to feel a stabbing pain in my left leg and my right arm. I tried to open my eyes but it was too much of a challenge. My lips parted but all I managed was a pained groan. I heard someone move towards me and place a hand on my cheek. “(Y/N)!” It was Conor. Memories came flooding back to me. The bra. Me running. Then me being knocked over. I was still confused on what had happened, it all happened so quickly. “Are you okay…Do you need anything?!” I could tell by his voice that he was worried. I nodded my head, “What is it, what do you need?!” I parted my lips and just managed to speak. “I need…” “Yes?” “I need you to leave…” A salty tear ran down my face at the thought of Conor at his house with another girl. “You don’t mean that…” I nodded my head and more tears fell. “I didn’t sleep with her! I promise, you’ve got to believe me (Y/N)!” I couldn’t believe him, no matter how much I wanted to, I just couldn’t. I found the evidence, under his bed and he still denies it? “I can’t Conor…” A pained noise fell from his lips and I looked over to him to see he was also crying. He knelt to the side of my bed. “Just this once…please…nothing happened…just let me explain to you…” I nodded my head. “Yes I brought a girl back but we didn’t kiss, hardly touched even. She went upstairs but when I heard the voicemail you left me, I couldn’t do it, I loved you too much.” He rested his head on my bed and he waited for me to reply. “You were still going to do it though Conor.” “Yes. But I didn’t. I just needed something to make me see sense and that voicemail did.” I didn’t know what to say so I just closed my eyes. “I’m tired Conor.” I heard him get up and walk over to the door. “I’ll be back (Y/N).” The door closed and I was left in the room alone, Conor’s words ran through my mind ‘I couldn’t do it, I loved you too much.’ I believed he didn’t do it, but other questions trigged off in my mind. Can I trust him? No. Will I be able to trust him again? I don’t know. Does he love me? Do I love him…

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