Chapter 1

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It was a Monday. Everyone hates Mondays. I can never be bothered to get up and get ready for college, I’m just always so tired but my alarm clock insisted that I had better get up or I’ll be late. I did my daily routine, get up, get dressed, brush my teeth and then do my makeup. By this time I’m ready by 8:00. I walk down to the bus stop and wait for my bus; I’m not the only one at the bus stop for a change, standing next to me was a tall boy about my age who was actually really hot. I was taking him in when he quickly turned and faced me and noticed me staring at him, my cheeks turned bright red and hot and I saw him smirk from the corner of my eye. The bus turned up minutes later and we both made our way onto the bus. There were only two seats left so I was forced to sit next to him…great. The bus was full of general chit chat and suddenly he faced me, “umm hi…my names Conor.” “Uh…hi there Conor, I’m (Y/N).” I gave him a friendly smile and he returned one back. “So how old are you?” “I’m 17, what about you?” “I’m 17 too; I was just wondering but are you on your way to the college?” “Yeah?” I didn’t know why he was asking me this so confusion swept across my face. “Well, would you mind showing me around? I’m new here and I don’t know anyone and...” “Of course I will!” I interrupted him. A beautiful smile washed over his face, “okay thank you.”

I showed him all around the college took him to his lessons and made him feel comfortable. He hanged out with my friends, George, Alex, Amanda, Megan and Tonez. Everyone was nice to him and he seemed to hit it off with the boys straight away. The boys were telling Conor about all the hot girls around the college “okay so there’s Amy, Lucy, Charlie, Becky and oh, don’t forget Amanda, Megan and (Y/N) here,” Alex said winking at me. “So Conor, any girls caught your eye yet?” Tonez being the nosey one HAD to ask this. “Yeah there’s one girl that’s caught my eye.” I might be going crazy but I swear Conor glanced at me…no what am I kidding, of course he didn’t! I had last period free and so did Conor so I decided to show him around Brighton as he has only just moved here. I showed him the beaches, the town and all other famous attractions. “Do you want to come back to my place for a bit?” I know I’ve only met Conor but we’re only friends, what harm could it do? “Sure!” We soon got to my place and I told Conor to make himself at home while I fetched us a drink. “THINK FAST!” I chucked a can of coke at Conor and he quickly caught it. “Nice catch! So how was your first day at college then?” “Was good, thanks for showing me around, I don’t know what I would have done without you.” “That’s alright, my friends really like you by the way.” The same beautiful smile spread across his face. “Good, I was hoping I would fit in.”

The hours passed and I only realised what time it was when my mum walked in the door. “Hey hunny, how was coll…oh I didn’t realise you had company over (Y/N).” “Hey mum, umm…this is Conor, he’s just moved down to Brighton and I’ve been showing him his way around college.” Conor just sat there smiling. “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Conor.” “You too.” Conor politely smiled, “Well I’d best be getting home (Y/N) but thanks for today, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” I showed him to the door. Once he was gone I knew I was going to be bombarded with questions from my mother. I turned around and she had a big grin on her face. “Sooooo Conor ehhh…” she burst out laughing and my cheeks turned bright red.

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