Chapter 27

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Conor's P.O.V

I had managed to find a night club in the town centre of London. I was let in straight away when the bouncer recognised who I was. There were flashing lights everywhere, people dancing and a bar placed to the right hand side of the club. I quickly made my way over to the bar, needing a drink to help me forget about everything tonight. I had several shots before I decided to make my way over to the groups of people, a glass of some alcoholic liquid still in my hand. I started dancing with the first girl who made eye contact with me. She was pretty, brown hair, brown eyes, she was wearing a short tight dress which clung to her figure perfectly showing off all her curves. "What's your name beautiful?" She giggled at my words and lent into my ear. "Bella, what about you?" Bella, such a beautiful name. "I'm Conor." We danced a while longer until I grew bored. I grabbed her hand and led her out of the club, she didn't resist so I took that as a confirmation. I took her back to my house and she seemed more than happy to come along. I unlocked my door and made my way into my apartment. "Go into the bedroom and I'll be there in a bit, first door on the left." She giggled and made her way up the stairs. I grabbed a glass of water and checked my phone. I had a voicemail...from (Y/N). I placed my phone to my ear and heard her voice. "Hi's me...(Y/N)...I just wanted to tell you I miss you and that I love you..." She had burst into tears now and my heart ached. "...Please come back Conor, I'm so sorry, I love you and I thought you loved me too, I HOPE you love me me...and come home..." The voice mail ended and I hung up the phone. I stood in the hallway for a while until I heard Bella calling for me upstairs. "Bella! I'm sorry something’s come up, your going to have to go!" I heard a lot of banging upstairs but she soon came down zipping the back of her dress up, she didn't look happy. I opened the door for her and heard her muttering about how I was a 'fucking arse hole' I slammed the door and went to my living room and slumped down on my sofa. I picked up my phone and dialled her number. It rang a few times before she answered. "Conor!" "Yeah its me," I smiled to myself at how happy she sounded. But her voice suddenly changed. "Come home Conor, I miss you so much...' I held back the tears that were threatening to spill over my eyelids. "I can't come back yet (Y/N)..." "BUT WHY!" I couldn't stop the tears from falling. Her voice was so pained it hurt ME. "Because of my career, I need to stay here." She sighed to herself. "Well then...if you're not coming home...I'm coming to you." "(Y/N), no wait-" The line went dead and I chucked my phone at the wall. Looks like I was going to have a visitor sometime soon.

Your P.O.V

"Well then...if you're not coming home...I'm coming to you" "(Y/N), no wait-" I quickly hung up the phone before he could argue with me. I was going to London to see him and he wasn't going to stop me. I picked up my phone and dialled George’s number. “George, it’s (Y/N), I need your help. I’m going to see Conor in London and I sorta need a ride?” I heard him laugh down the other end of the line. “Alright, when do you need me?” I smiled to myself; George was such a good friend to me. “Tomorrow morning, is 9:00 okay?” “Yeah I’ll see you then!” I hung up the phone and rushed up stairs, pulling any clothes that my hands touched out of my draw and onto my bed. I pulled my suitcase out from under my bed and chucked my clothes in and everything I would need. I didn’t know how long I was going to be in London so I was bringing a few clothes. My phone rand all of sudden and I looked at the caller ID. Conor. ‘Conor I’m coming and you can’t stop me.” I heard him laugh to himself. “London’s a big place (Y/N)…” “Yeah what’s your point?” He laughed again. “Have fun finding me tomorrow.” Damn it. I hadn’t thought my plan through well enough. I was rather stupid really, did I think I was just going to magically find Conor in London… “12 Straight Road, C03 QPR. See you tomorrow (Y/N).” He hung up the phone and I quickly noted the address he had given me. I was going to finally see Conor tomorrow.

“(Y/N)…umm you have a visitor…” I mumbled and groaned and shoved a pillow on top of my head to try get back to sleep. A loud laugh echoed through my room and I was snapped back into reality. “You said 9:00 (Y/N)…” I looked up to see George leaning against my door frame. Shit. I had over slept. I got up and brushed my teeth and shoved on some clothes I had grabbed out of my wardrobe. When I was done I grabbed my suitcase and jumped into George’s car. I handed him the address Conor had given me and he added the information into his satnav.

“8…10…AHH 12! We’re here!” George had only just stopped the car out of Conor’s house before I leapt out and knocked on his front door. He opened it and stood there in his boxers. I could tell by his face that he had just woken up and I felt kinda bad. “Uhhh Come in.” I walked in but soon remembered I had brought George with me. “GEORGE! You coming in?” “No I’m going to explore London!” He got in his car and drove off. I was left alone with Conor and I was worried. “Why did you leave me without saying goodbye?” His eyes contained pain as he looked into mine. “I was angry.” “Because I wanted to help our friend?” “YOUR friend.” He corrected me and it was obvious he hasn’t forgiven Alex. “And no not just because of that…You chose him over me.” “I DIDN’T ‘CHOOSE’ ANYONE CONOR!” I lowered my voice, “But if you would have made me, I would have chosen you…” He was silent for a while “Yeah well I wasn’t too convinced.” I kissed him carefully on the lips. “Convinced now?” He smiled to himself but shook his head in a playful manor. I repeated the kiss but with a bit more passion. “How about now?” He groaned and I took that as confirmation.

“As I’ve only got a single bed at the moment, you can have it.” “Aw such a gentle men,” I gave him a little wink before I climbed into bed. He kissed me on the forhead and went downstairs. George had booked himself into a hotel down the road as there wasn’t enough space for him to stay with us. I picked up my phone to text him goodnight. I was half way through writing the text when I accidently dropped my phone on the floor which slid under Conor’s bed. “Ugh…” I got up and knelt on the floor. I moved my hand around searching for my phone but I caught something else. I pulled my hand out from under the bed and tears already rolled down my face as I looked at the bright pink bra in front of me. I grabbed my phone and my suitcase from Conor’s room and ran down the stairs. “(Y/N) where you going?” “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME CONOR!” He looked confused. I let go of my suitcase and chucked the bra in his face. “YOU HAD GONE FOR A FEW WEEKS AND YOU WERE ALREADY IN BED WITH OTHER WOMEN!” More tears ran down my face as the words came out of my mouth. “it’s not what it looks like (Y/N)!” I scoffed at his words. “FUCK YOU CONOR!” I ran for the door with my suitcase in one hand and my phone in the other. I ran down his road and could hear him running and chasing after me. I made it into the town centre and crossed a busy road without looking. I felt nothing at first until my body smashed to the concrete floor. Pain was rushed through my whole body and I heard people screaming but one scream stood out of them all. Conor’s. I was suddenly taken over by darkness and felt nothing more.

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