New Boy

By himynamesgracee

5.1K 69 7

The one thing that life has taught me, is to forgive and forget. Why stay mad at someone when you could both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 26

114 1 0
By himynamesgracee

'Wasn't looking for trouble, but it came looking for me-' I quickly picked up the TV remote and changed the music channel. It was him. Of course it was him. He had made it in the music industry while I was serving greasy burgers and salty fries at mcdonalds. Oh I tried talking to him. I texted him. I called him. I even went round his house but there was no answer. Conor hated me and he wasn't afraid to show it. But I don't give up that easily. I turned my TV off and slipped on my vans. I ran down the road ignoring the weird looks from the on going walkers. I reached his front door and knocked, waiting a few moments before it cracked open. His mother, Helen, stood there in her dressing gown. "Hello Helen, I really need to speak to Conor is he in? I just need to explain to him everything I need to." Her face turned sad and I could tell something was wrong. Her mouth opened but no words fell out. Eventually she managed to say "Conor's not here..." "Oh okay, I'll come back later, sorry to bother you," as I turned away her hand caught mine and she twirled me around. "I don't know how to say this but...Conor's not coming back (Y/N)..." "What do you mean he's not coming back...?" "Well...Conor's famous now and he had the money so he moved out and bought his own London..." She didn't look at me when she said this but eventually looked up when I hadn't replied. "But..he didn't even say goodbye? Not a phone call, not a voicemail, not even a text..." Tears streamed down my face and Helen pulled me in for a tight hug. She wiped away my tears and hugged me one last time. "I told him to go see you before he left but he just got angry and shouted." "I'm sorry I've got to go." I released myself from her grip and ran. Not to my house but anywhere, I needed to just get away from everyone. I loved Conor, he was my first and only true love and he hated me. He saw it as that I chose Alex over him, but I didn't, I was just trying to help our friend. If I knew he was going to walk out on me I would never had said what I did, but I said it and I can't ever take that back. I kept on running down Conor's road and I didn't look back at Helen who was calling my name. 

I had been running for which seemed like hours. My legs were tired and my feet ached; I had to stop as my vision had gone blury from all the tears. My heart felt like it had crushed inside of me and I let out a loud cry. Everyone around me was watching me with worry and I slowly fell to the floor crying out Conor's name. This boy had left me in a blink of an eye and he wasn't coming back any time soon. A pair of arms wrapped around me and I heard George whispering in my ear, "shhh, its okay, I'm here." He pulled me into the front of his car and drove me to his place. I couldn't stop crying, I was heart broken and I could tell by the look on georges face he was truly worried about me. I curled up on his bed while he fetched me a drink which I refused but he got me anyway. After a few minutes he came through the door and sat next to me on his bed. I had calmed down a bit now but I still wasn't in any shape or form to talk to George about why I was acting the way I was. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong or are you going to keep me in suspense a little longer?" I just shook my head but he wasn't giving up. "I have a pretty good guess its something to do with Conor," I nodded my head and he sighed. "What is it (Y/N)?" "H-he's gone George...and he's not coming back, he hates me but I love him!" I cried even harder at the words that came out of my mouth. George pulled me up and hugged me tight. "I'm sure he'll forgive you for what ever you've done-" "NO! He's not going to! Don't you see George he left me! I didn't even get a goodbye!" He looked confused. "Gone? Gone where (Y/N)?" "To fucking London George!" 

Conor's P.O.V-

I couldn't stop thinking about her. (Y/N) of course. I walked out on her and regret it more and more by the day. I had to leave, get away from it all. I was angry at the time and just needed to get away from her, I've bought this place in London, and I was so lonely. I decided to call George and invite him round. "Hey George, fancy a trip down to London?" The other end of the line was quiet but I knew he was there because I could hear him breathing. "...George?" "Look I don't know what (Y/N) has done but you need to get back here and talk to her, she's a mess, how could you leave her like that Conor? She loves you man now get your fucking arse back here now." George hung up the phone and I was speechless. I had many questions for him that were left unanswered. I decide to text George:

To George: 

I can't come back George, no matter how much I want to I just can't do it. Not yet, we need time to think, both of us. Maybe seperation is best for now. Just for a while. I'll be back, I don't know when but I'll be back I promise.

From George:

I don't know if your doing the right thing here. There might not be anything to come back to if you leave her to long, don't lose her, she's the best thing that's ever happened to you. If you can't see that then you must be stupid. She loves you Conor but that could all change if you leave it too long man. 

To George:

Well I guess we'll see then won't we. If she loves me she'll wait.

From George:

Oh she loves you alright but do you love her?

To George: 

I guess we'll soon find out...

From George:

I know you do, and I know you know you do to. Just get back here and stop being a prick about it all. You know I'm right Conor.

I didn't know what to reply so I just left my phone on my bedside table and went out to town to take my mind off of everything. I had a lot of thinking to do and if I want to keep (Y/N), I better think fast...

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